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by Pepper North

  Chapter 3

  Brad woke up in the late afternoon and fixed himself a cup of coffee. He sighed at the one-cup coffee maker. “How sad is it that I only need one cup made?” Feeling alone, Brad poked his head into the refrigerator to find something to fix for his breakfast. Working the evening shift, totally skewed his day to the opposite of most people. They’d be thinking about dinner now. All he wanted was some scrambled eggs. Closing the fridge door with a carton of eggs in one hand and a bottle of orange juice in the other, Brad heard a knock on the door.

  Brad opened the door to find the older lady from Mr. Burmingham’s house. “Um, Hi! Is Mr. Burmingham okay?” he asked nervously.

  “He’s doing well, thanks to you, Brad.” The lady smiled. “I’m Helen Sanford. I’m Mr. Burmingham’s housekeeper. I’ve been with the family for a long time, and now, I just have Mr. Burmingham to take care of. I’ve brought you a thank you gift from him and a little breakfast from me. I figure you’re about ready to eat before you go back to work. I won’t intrude anymore but you’ve made quite an impression on both of us,” she said as she handed Brad a large covered tray with a brown wrapped present on top. “I’ll look forward to seeing you again soon,” she said with a wave as she started down the apartment hallway.

  “Thank you,” Brad said to the departing housekeeper. Shaking his head, he carried the tray inside to sit on the kitchen table. Lifting the present and setting it to the side, he pulled off the cloth covering the tray and sat down, amazed. The tray was laden with fruit muffins, jams, a plate of scrambled eggs and hash browns that were still piping hot due to a warmer underneath. Each item of this array of deliciousness was obviously homemade. He picked up a fork and dived in. Moaning in delight as he scooped the delicious food into his mouth, Brad thought he had never had such a delightful meal as this one. Finally, he sat back rubbing his stuffed stomach. “Thank you, Mrs. Sanford,” Brad said aloud to the empty kitchen. Somehow, it didn’t feel so lonely with left-over homemade muffins to enjoy. He picked up the package. Mrs. Sanford had said that this was a present from both herself and Mr. Burmingham. Somehow, he couldn’t see the intimidating man stirring muffin batter, so the tray of food had obviously been her present. The contents of this present must be from Mr. Burmingham.

  He turned the package over in his hands. He hesitated to open it. “That kiss had to mean something. A kiss meant there was some attraction, right?” Brad reassured himself. If he opened this present and it was something trivial, he’d know that he was right and that Mr. Burmingham couldn’t be interested in him. Slowly he peeled back the tape and opened the gift. Brad stared at the contents. It was a set of scrubs. Not just a plain, solid color set of scrubs but a set emblazoned with slashing Zs. They were the sign of Zorro. Brad laughed. They were so him. He’d never seen this pattern, but they fit right in with his puppy scrubs and his cartoon superhero scrubs. They had obviously been chosen due to his fascination with the dogs. They were even his size. Someone had been paying a lot of attention to Brad. He smiled and hugged the scrubs to his chest. A crisp envelope fluttered to the ground. Brad picked it up and opened it. Inside were just a few words and numbers. Call me Thorston for now, Brad. 892-9112

  Brad ran for his phone and hesitated. “Should I call? What will I say?” The phone rang in his hands. Brad jumped and almost dropped it. He quickly answered, “Hello?”

  A deep voice answered. “You should have been a doctor. It’s not broken just sprained. If you don’t mind being seen with an older man, possibly with a cane, I’d like to take you to dinner on Friday. I think that’s your day off?” Thorston said, his normal tone of confidence and arrogance combined to send shivers down Brad’s spine.

  Brad hesitated and then in a rush of words, replied, “Thank you for the Zorro scrubs. I’ve never seen anything so cool. I’d like to go to dinner with you. Friday is great.”

  “It’s a date. I’ll pick you up at 7 pm. Do you have a suit?” Thorston asked.

  “Just one I wear to church and weddings,” Brad answered cautiously.

  “That will be fine. I’ll see you on Friday, Bradley,” Thorston said and disconnected.

  Brad sat there in shock. Friday and a suit. This was going to be some date.

  Chapter 4

  The days passed slowly until Friday was finally here. Brad got a haircut and shaved so that he would look his best. As he fussed with his tie, his doorbell rang. Brad forced himself to walk slowly to the door. He opened the door to find Thorston Burmingham standing in front of his modest apartment. Brad didn’t know what to do, shake hands, hug, what? Thorston strode into his apartment and swept Brad into a tight hug.

  “I’ve been waiting to see you, Brad,” Thorston said simply.

  “I’ve been waiting to see you, too,” Brad swallowed deeply.

  “Come, Bradley. Let’s go have some dinner,” Thorston ushered him out of his apartment stopping to make sure Brad locked his door safely before putting a large hand on Brad’s back to impel him down the hall and out the door into a big black luxury sedan. Thorston opened his door and helped Brad inside before going around the hood to sit in the driver’s seat. Brad sunk into the plush, leather seats. He’d never ridden in a car like this.

  As they drove along, Thorston asked Brad a variety of questions to make small talk. After a few minutes, Thorston pulled up at a famous Italian restaurant. He handed the valet his keys, and the two men walked into the bar. A plump Italian woman rushed to greet them. “Signore Burmingham, I am so glad to see you.” She began before bursting into Italian. Brad watched in amazement as Thorston joined her in speaking Italian. The woman gestured at Brad and asked several questions with her arms waving to accent her words. Thorston nodded and turned to Brad. “This is Signora Algotti. She and her husband opened this restaurant many years ago. This is my favorite restaurant. As a child, I always chose to come here to eat for my birthday celebration. Now, I come here frequently.

  The smiling hostess showed them to a private dining room. Thorston ushered Brad to a chair and held the back for him as he sat down. Brad looked around and tried not to gawk. He’d never been in this Italian restaurant. It had the highest ratings and Brad was sure, the highest prices. He sat stiffly in his chair afraid to make a fatal error in manners. There were more pieces of silverware in front of him than he knew existed.

  Signora Algotti picked up a bottle of wine that sat on the table and presented it to Thorston. He looked at the label and nodded his approval. She quickly opened the bottle with a flourish and then smiling once again, she left with a cheerful “Buon Apetito!”

  Thorston sat in the chair next to him. He lifted Brad’s napkin from his plate and placed it across Brad’s lap. Thorston watched Brad shiver in instant reaction to the warmth of his hand as it passed his crotch. When Brad’s eyes flashed from the napkin to Thorston’s face, Thorston reassured him, “Brad, relax. This isn’t a test. It’s a chance for me to thank you for your help and to treat you to some delicious Italian food. I want to get to know you better.” He placed his hand over Brad’s engulfing the nurse’s smaller hand in his large one. When Brad’s shoulders eased down, Thorston added. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already ordered for us. They’ll bring in the appetizers in a few minutes. I wanted us to have time to have a glass of wine and talk before we became distracted by the food.”

  Thorston turned and picked up the bottle of wine. He poured them both a glass and handed one to Brad. “Let’s have a toast. To chance encounters and all the possibilities before us!” They both lifted their glasses and sampled the wine.

  Brad was not a wine connoisseur. He knew what he liked, and this was incredibly smooth. “That’s nice,” he commented taking another sip.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Thorston also took another drink.

  Brad wondered to himself, “Could he be nervous? Surely not!”

  Thorston began to speak in his low, growling voice that sent chills down Brad’s spine. “I’m glad you could join me tonight. I’m goi
ng to be very honest. I hope I have not misread you. While it is not publicly commented on, I am and have always been attracted to men. A certain type of man. I am very dominant in my relationships. I have searched for many years for my perfect partner. He would be a man strong enough to know himself and be confident in himself. It would take this kind of strong self-awareness and assurance to be a perfect submissive to my dominance. I have always considered the person ceding control to be the stronger partner in a dominant/submissive relationship. I am going to ask you directly Brad, are you attracted to me also?”

  Brad took another sip of the delicious wine to give him a moment to compose himself. “I also am not flamboyantly gay in my interactions with the world. It is not a secret. I simply do not wish to be the stereotypical gay depicted in movies and on tv. I have not found anyone that seems to fit with my life choices and desires. I also have never found someone that with one glance makes my heart beat faster. At least I hadn’t until you caught me talking to your dogs.” Brad looked up to meet the fire blazing in Thorston’s eyes. “I don’t understand this attraction between us. I just know I need to follow it wherever it leads me.”

  Thorston’s large hand wrapped around Brad’s bicep and he pulled Brad toward him. Thorston smashed his lips against Brad’s forcing him to part his lips and allow Thorston’s tongue to enter. He plunged into Brad’s mouth like a marauding pirate stealing his breath away. Suddenly, his lips softened, and he began to kiss Brad with great tenderness gently. The change in caresses made Brad moan in arousal. Thorston was literally making him lose his mind. Thorston brought his kisses to an end and linking his fingers with Brad’s. He lifted the younger man’s hand to his mouth to place a final gentle kiss on Brad’s palm.

  “I would have liked to continue this part of our conversation, but I believe our waiter is approaching with the first course.” Thorston laid Brad’s hand back on to the table top as the waiter entered.

  Brad couldn’t have told you what they actually ate. It was all delicious, but he was entranced by the distinguished man beside him. Thorston gently instructed him on how to eat all the new dishes that Brad had never tried. He also kept Brad’s wine glass filled. By the end of the meal, Brad was slightly tipsy but was thrown more off balance by the feelings that were building between himself and Thorston. They were so different, yet, meshed together so well.

  Finally, Thorston signed the bill and again ushered Brad out of the restaurant with a warm hand on his lower back. Once in the car, Thorston expertly maneuvered the car through the Saturday evening traffic to pull in the parking lot of Brad’s apartment. Telling Brad to stay in the car, he strode around the front of the vehicle to open Brad’s door and help him out.

  Brad’s mind flew in a dozen directions. “Should I invite him in? Do I ask him to stay? What am I supposed to do?” he asked himself on the quick trip to his door.

  When they got to the door, Thorston took Brad’s chin in his large grip. “Bradley, I know you are very confused about how quickly this has happened. I am also amazed by the good fortune that has allowed us to find each other. I would like to spend more time with you. I think you are off next on Monday, correct.” He waited for Brad to nod his head. “I will pick you up for breakfast on Monday at 7 am. I would like to spend the whole day with you. Dress casually to be outside for part of the day.” He waited for Brad to nod his agreement before sweeping Brad into his arms and lowering his mouth. Again, he took control of the kiss. The two stood pressed tightly against each other until both could feel the other’s erection branding fiercely upward.

  Thorston ended the kiss with a groan. “Bradley, I must leave now, or you won’t get any sleep to be ready for work. I will see you on Monday at 7 am.”

  Brad nodded his agreement, “Monday at 7. I’ll be ready.” He watched the large man walk away and enjoyed the view of his wide shoulders and narrowing waist and hips. He blushed when Thorston glanced back when he reached the door and caught Brad watching his firm ass. He quirked an eyebrow and was gone. Brad sagged against his door. “What in the world was happening?” he thought as he walked inside.

  Chapter 5

  Saturday and Sunday dragged past until finally, it was Monday. Brad was up with the birds and dressed in shorts and a polo shirt. He took a pair of jeans just in case he needed a change from shorts later in the day. He was waiting at the apartment building’s door when Thorston pulled up. He bounced out to greet him.

  “Hi, Bradley. Are you ready for our day?” Thorston asked as he held the door open for Brad. He stepped into his car and turned to fasten Brad’s seatbelt. Reaching across him, Thorston brushed the front of Brad’s shorts as he pulled the buckle to the side and fastened it. Brad groaned involuntarily and immediately started hardening. Thorston returned his hand to the front of Brad’s shorts and caressed his burgeoning erection as he lowered his head to kiss the gasping man. Again, there was no question as to who was kissing whom. Thorston swept his tongue into Brad’s mouth and plundered it sensually. He finally raised his head to look Brad in the eyes. “I don’t have to ask if you’re happy to see me. I am looking forward to seeing you much more personally today.” He gave Brad’s erection a final squeeze and turned to put the car in drive. He took Brad’s hand in his and held it tightly. “The weekend took forever to be over.”

  “I didn’t think 7 am would ever get here,” Brad revealed. “So, what are we doing today?”

  “We are going out on my boat. I have a picnic breakfast packed by Mrs. Sanford. She’s taken a liking to you. She even sent some of her homemade lemon curd. She doesn’t share that with just anyone, Bradley,” Thorston shared.

  “Her muffins were phenomenal!” Brad commented.

  “I think there are a few of those as well. Tell me how your day went yesterday,” Thorston requested.

  “Oh, it was just the regular hustle in the ICU. One of my patients was a little girl who had been in a car crash with her parents. They hadn’t put her in her car seat, so she was tossed around the car badly in the accident. The parents felt so bad. They were a little bruised but more shaken up by their daughter’s injuries. It’s looking like the little girl will make a full recovery. She’s young enough that she won’t remember the accident. Her parents will have nightmares about it for years to come,” Brad shared.

  “Shame on those parents. All little ones should be protected,” Thorston said strongly.

  “Sounds like you have children?” Brad fished.

  “No, biological children. I’m hopeful that I’ll have a Little one soon,” Thorston said with a wink at Brad. Before Brad had a second to ponder that statement, Thorston pulled into the marina and parked the car. He patted Brad on the thigh and said, “Stay where you are. It’s my job to open the door.” Thorston got out and pulled a large basket out of the trunk before opening Brad’s door and giving him a hand out.

  “You know, I can open my own door,” Brad commented wryly.

  “Not when I’m around,” Thorston remarked firmly. Thorston took Brad’s hands and led him to a beautiful cruiser. It was large but designed to be operated by one person. Thorston jumped aboard and set the basket down before giving Brad a hand to jump on the deck. They busily pulled in the docking lines and eased the boat away from the dock. Thorston and Brad stood behind the wheel and watched as they cruised away. Thorston drove the boat to a secluded inlet and dropped the anchor.

  One house overlooked the cove. Brad kept looking at it trying to figure out why it looked familiar. Finally, he asked. “Is that your mansion?”

  “Yes, this is a private cove. No one will bother us here. Let’s have some breakfast,” Thorston invited. They set the basket in the seating area at the front of the boat. Both men dug into the sweet rolls and muffins as well as the eggs and bacon that were still hot.

  “That lemon curd is amazing,” Brad commented as the tart flavor burst across his taste buds. “I could eat anything with that spread across it.”

  Again, Brad blushed pure red as Thorston raised an e
yebrow and commented, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The two made every day small talk for the rest of the meal. They discovered that they had similar political views. The two settled into a comfortable companionship. It was just easy to be together. The day was beautiful. With the sun shining down on them, it was easy to relax and just enjoy the day.

  When they had finished eating, they piled the leftovers in the basket and decided to rest a little before going for a swim. Thorston sat on one of the benches at the back of the boat. Brad started to sit opposite him to balance the weight but Thorston pulled him across to sit on his lap. Brad struggled to move off the other man. “I’m too heavy to sit on your lap,” he protested. Smack! Brad felt Thorston’s large hand strike his bottom.

  “You are not too heavy. This is where I want you to sit,” Thorston declared, and he pulled Brad closer to kiss him deeply. Brad immediately stopped struggling and enjoyed the kiss. “Bradley, I want to have a tough conversation with you. Now, that I have you stranded in the middle of the water, it’s a good time to see if our wants and desires are as good of a match as I believe they are.”

  Brad looked a little hesitant. He didn’t know what Thorston was going to say now. “What did he mean ‘wants and desires’?” Brad wondered in his thoughts.

  “I am going to be brutally honest with you about my sexual desires. I’m trusting that you will keep this confidential. Many of my clients at the bank would choose to change their deposits to another bank if they only knew that I was gay.” He noticed that Brad looked sad. “I guess there would be some at the hospital that would not accept you either?” When Brad nodded slowly, Thorston continued. “I am looking for a very special person to take care of… completely. I have been searching for the right person to become my Little for many years. Have you heard of age play, Bradley?” he asked peering deep into Brad’s eyes.


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