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Page 3

by Pepper North

  Brad struggled to get out of Thorston’s lap, but the larger man held him firmly in place even gathering both of Brad’s hands in one large hand as the other arm was wrapped tight around Thorston’s lap. “Let me go, Thorston,” Brad demanded as he squirmed in Thorston’s lap. He immediately stopped when he felt Thorston’s penis begin to grow underneath him.

  “We are going to have this conversation, Bradley,” he shifted his hips under Brad’s lap until his penis pressed in the crease of Brad’s bottom under his thin shorts. Brad groaned in reaction. “I know, Bradley. My body is as eager for yours, and you are for mine. I will look forward to making you mine, soon.” He promised.

  Finally, Bradley relaxed to slump back against Thorston’s massive chest. “I don’t know what you want from me,” he whispered looking at his hands captured in Thorston’s.

  “I want everything, Bradley. You are everything I have ever wanted. For every minute that I spend with you, I want to spend two hours more. I am captivated and intrigued by you and your strength. Somehow, I know that your desires mirror mine. Have you ever pretended to be a Little in a relationship?” Thorston asked sliding him to the side to be able to look into Brad’s eyes.

  Brad nodded his head slowly. “I’ve been mesmerized by the idea of belonging to a special man who would take care of me as a Daddy. My other relationships quickly fizzled when I discovered that they were willing to play a Daddy once in a while. I don’t want to have a pretend Daddy. I want to have a real Daddy,” he admitted speaking very softly.

  His admission brought a broad smile to Thorston’s face. He hugged the smaller man to his chest until he squeaked in protest. “I have been searching for my special Little. I, like you, am not attracted to underage, little boys at all.” He watched Brad nod his agreement emphatically. “I am very attracted to your adult body. I just wish to take the dominant role and take care of all of you. The best way for me to do this is to become your Daddy. It’s a scary proposition for both of us. You have to be strong enough to allow me to make our family’s rules and regulations. I have to be strong enough to enforce those rules while supporting you in being happy and healthy. Do you think you’re ready to take a big step and become my Little? You will not be able to switch from adult to Little when I make a decision that you don’t care for. You will need to be fully devoted to this lifestyle. I don’t want to be a pretend Daddy. I want to be your real Daddy. It sounds like we are looking for the exact same thing. Will you be my Little, Bradley?”

  Brad nodded his head. “Yes,” he said simply. “Where do we start?” he asked.

  “We start here. Let’s enjoy our day together. I think we should go for a swim now that we’ve had time to digest our breakfast.” Thorston began to unbutton Brad’s polo shirt before pulling it over his head. Thorston lowered his head to kiss Brad’s neck and chest enjoying the shivers of delight that showed Brad was enjoying this attention. He easily lifted Brad on to his feet. When Brad lowered his hands to shield his erection pressing out against his zipper, Thorston pulled his hands to his sides. “You are never to hide your body from me. As your Daddy, I need to see all of you to be able to take care of you. Do you understand?” he asked looking steely eyed at Brad. When he got a nod, Thorston continued to undress Brad. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and allowed those to drop to his ankles. Looking directly at Brad, Thorston swept his hands into Brad’s athletic boxers and cupped his buttocks. Brad panicked and grabbed Thorston’s hands to stop him. Immediately, Brad found himself lifted and stretched over Thorston’s hard, muscled thighs. Thorston regathered Brad’s hands and lifted him up to his middle back where he could not stop what was coming. “Brad, I am a very strict person in life and our relationship. I will guard your safety with as much dedication as Zorro and Villa guard my mansion. I will not allow you to be disrespectful. You have earned your first spanking.” With those words, Thorston pulled his briefs down to his calves. Without any delay, his hard hand began to rain strong spanks to Brad’s bottom. The white flesh immediately turned to a rosy pink and then red as Thorston spanked Brad until Brad stopped struggling and lay limp over his lap. He turned the crying Little over in his arms and cuddled him to his chest. “You will learn that I mean what I say.”

  “I was just scared about being naked outside where anyone could see. I was scared to have you see me naked,” Brad admitted with his head buried in Thorston’s chest.

  “I’m looking at you naked, right now. Do you know what I see?” Thorston asked quietly in Brad’s ear. When Brad shook his head no, Thorston continued. “I see a Little that is very strong and used to making up his own mind and doing what he likes. I see a very attractive, grown man’s body that I have wanted to see for what seems like a very long time.” Thorston swept one hand down Brad’s body across his muscled stomach to grasp Brad’s erection. He moved his hand slowly up and down Brad’s penis squeezing it firmly at the base and feathering over the sensitive tip. “I think you need a little reminder that your Daddy is now in charge of your beautiful body. If I think you need a spanking, you will get a hard one. If I think you need to enjoy the feel of your penis in my hand, I’ll do this.” He began to pull firmly on Brad’s erection. Brad’s hips began to rise in reaction. “I think you enjoyed your spanking, Brad. Your penis will always tell the truth. Let’s see if it approves of your Daddy.” He continued as Brad began to groan and he could feel the tension rising in the young man’s penis. “That’s it, Brad. Let yourself go. Daddy wants to see you come.” Thorston squeezed firmly for the last time, and Brad erupted into a fountain of white. Brad immediately turned his head to Thorston and raised his lips for a kiss. His new Daddy claimed his lips in triumph.

  Chapter 6

  When Brad had recovered, and Thorston was willing to let him leave his arms. Thorston helped Brad step out of his pants and briefs after taking off his socks and shoes. Thorston quickly stripped his clothes off. He stood silently allowing Brad to look at his body. He knew the Little was as interested in seeing him naked as he had seeing Brad without clothing.

  Brad raised a careful hand to press against Thorston’s chest. He brushed down Thorston’s chiseled abdominal muscles and hesitated above Thorston’s immense erection. Thorston was a large man everywhere. He was tall and broad. Despite his office job as the head of the bank, it was obvious that Thorston not only had a genetic disposition to being muscular, but he also was dedicated to staying in shape. His graying hair was a great contrast to a body that most young men would envy. His penis also was proportional to his muscular body. Brad gently tried to wrap his fingers around Thorston’s penis, but his fingers would never be able to touch. Brad shivered thinking of taking this giant organ into his mouth… or anywhere else. “Would it even fit?” he wondered not realizing he had spoken aloud.

  “Don’t worry, Bradley. Daddy will make sure that it fits and that it feels very good,” Thorston reassured him as he pulled Brad’s body in toward his. “Leave this to me. Daddies always take care of their Little boys.” He dropped a kiss on the top of Brad’s head. “Now, let’s get you all cleaned up. Ready to go swim?” he asked jumping into the water and splashing Brad who was left standing on the boat. A second splash was heard later, and the fight was on. When they had worn themselves out, both men turned on their backs to float lazily on the water. Thorston took Brad’s hand to tether them together, and they enjoyed the peaceful quiet and the joy of just being together. Eventually, they both swam back to the boat and climbed onto the deck.

  Brad let Thorston towel him dry briskly. His new Daddy’s hands wandered over his Little’s body as he dried him thoroughly before dressing him in the discarded briefs, shorts, and polo. He watched as Thorston dressed himself before pulling up the anchor and taking his place at the wheel. He pulled Brad between himself and the steering wheel and piloted them back to the marina with Brad cuddled in his strong arms. Very soon, they were back in the luxury sedan and headed to lunch at Thurston’s home.

  As they pulled inside the gate, Thur
ston took his hand and kissed it. “Stay in the car, Bradley. Daddy will let you out in a minute.”

  Brad sat patiently for several minutes as Thurston retrieved the basket from the trunk. Finally, he tried to open the door only to find that Thurston had activated the child locks and Brad was locked in the car until his new Daddy came to get him. Thorston raised an eyebrow at Brad when he did get to the door to open it. Brad knew that Thorston had heard his attempt to open the door despite his instructions to wait. His bottom prickled. Surely, he hadn’t earned another spanking.

  Thorston just shook his head and said, “Bradley, you need to learn to trust your Daddy.” He took the naughty Little by the hand and escorted him inside. Thorston introduced him to the butler, Ben Thomas and then handed the basket over to Mrs. Sanford when she rushed out of the kitchen to greet them.

  “Did you enjoy your breakfast? I’m working on lunch. Will you be ready to eat in an hour?” Helen Sanford smiled at the two as they held hands. She had hoped the young Mr. Burmingham would find his perfect match. It looked like this could be it.

  “One hour will be perfect, Helen. We’ll go wash the lake water off, and we’ll be ready to eat. I think we’re both hungry despite your delicious breakfast,” Thorston answered.

  “The lemon curd was pretty spectacular,” Brad added. Mrs. Sanford’s smile beamed across the room. Brad had a new best friend.

  “I’m so glad you like it. Hopefully, you’ll be around a lot for me to tempt you with it,” she said with glee.

  “I hope so, too,” Brad answered.

  Thorston pulled the younger man along with him down the hall to his private quarters. He opened the door to an immense master bedroom decorated in dark brown leather with lighter brown and gold highlights. It was completely masculine and suited Thorston perfectly. Thorston put his hand behind Brad’s back and urged him over to a closed door on the right side of the master bedroom. “Bradley, no one has ever been in here except to furnish it, clean it, or in my case, to dream in it. I’ve been waiting for you. Come to see your room if you’ll have me.” He opened the adjoining door and stood back to let Brad enter.

  Brad walked slowly to the middle of the large room. He rotated slowly in a circle looking around him in amazement. It was all decorated in shades of blue with lavender accents. The carpet on the floor was a thick, cushioned plush. Brad’s feet sunk into the luxury. There was a very oversized upholstered rocking chair in the middle of the room. A bright blue teddy bear sat in it as if it was waiting for someone to play. There were pieces of furniture that Brad had never seen. He could figure out that there were an adult-sized changing table and crib with high sides to prevent anyone from climbing out. At the far side, there was a large elevated bathtub with an attached sprayer. A very deep sink was attached to the wall next to the tub. Several cabinets and shelves held clothing and an assortment of supplies both hidden and in view. He looked at Thorston and didn’t know what to say. It was like every dream he’d had about what it could be like having a Daddy to take care of his every need had just come true.

  Thorston took Brad’s hand and pulled him over to the rocker. He sat down and pulled Brad onto his lap. When Brad squirmed to wiggle off his lap, Thorston looked at him sternly. “Bradley, I want to hold you. You will need to learn quickly to do what your Daddy tells you to do, or your bottom will be very red and sore. Do you want another spanking?” Brad shook his head “no” immediately and allowed Thorston to pull him on his lap. His Daddy continued to hold him and give him time to look around. Thorston began to rock slowly, rubbing Brad’s back to reassure him as he absorbed the implications of the room. After a few minutes, he spoke softly, “This has all been waiting for you, Bradley. Do you like the colors? We can change anything you wish. I want you to be happy here.”

  Brad leaned back to look at Thorston. “This room is like a dream come true. Are you sure I’m what you are looking for? We haven’t known each other for very long. You may decide that I’m too impulsive or too much trouble. I’m not used to doing what someone else tells me to do.” Brad ducked his head down at the end.

  “Little boys are always mischievous. That’s why they have Daddies. I think we’re a perfect match. How about you?” Thorston asked tipping Brad’s head up with a gentle hand under his chin.

  Brad leaned in for a long kiss. “I think I’m going to have a red bottom a lot. I’m going to try to be good,” he promised.

  Thorston grinned. “I have plenty of life in me to spank your bottom thoroughly if you are naughty.” He hugged Brad. “Now, we’re going to be late to lunch if we don’t hurry and get cleaned up.” He urged Brad off his lap, and he moved to the tub to turn on the water. He turned to Brad and began to undress him. When Brad tried to help, his Daddy pulled his hands away and said, “Bradley, you must allow Daddy to take care of you.”

  Brad stood flushing as his socks and shoes were removed first. His polo shirt was pulled over his head, and then, his shorts and briefs were taken off leaving Brad standing by the filling tub naked while Thorston was fully dressed. It was easier to be naked when someone else was undressed, too. He was happy to climb the ladder into the elevated tub when the water was turned off. He sat down into waist-high, warm water feeling very conspicuous.

  Thorston dropped a floating sailboat and octopus into the water for Brad to play with while in the tub. He could read the expressions on Brad’s face and knew that the Little was struggling to adjust to letting someone take care of him. He hoped the toys would distract him a little. Thorston planned a very thorough bath for his Little boy. He interrupted Brad’s play to wash his face and, after releasing his long hair from its normal bun, had him lean back to rinse the lake water from his hair. Thorston soaped his back and chest before rinsing them with the sprayer. Thorston picked up one of Brad’s feet and washed between his toes smiling as his Little giggled at the tickling sensation. He continued to wash up to the top of Brad’s thigh. Thorston heard Brad’s breath catch as he neared his privates. He smiled to himself as he watched Brad’s penis, which had begun to thicken and rise when he was standing embarrassed outside the tub, lengthen to a full erection with its tip poking out of the water like a submarine periscope.

  Brad busied himself with his toys hoping Thorston wouldn’t notice. He let his Daddy lift his other foot and wash it with the same care as he had the other limb. Brad tried not to squirm with anticipation as Thorston reached the top of his thigh. How thoroughly would his new Daddy wash him?

  “Up on to your knees, Bradley. Daddy needs to get you all clean,” Thorston instructed helping Brad shift in the tub to face the wall. He pressed on Brad’s shoulders to have him lean toward the tiled wall pushing his bottom out. He left Brad in this revealing position while he slowly soaped the washcloth. He saw Brad shiver in anticipation of what he would do next. Thorston ran one large hand down Brad’s back saying, “Let your Daddy get you all cleaned up, Bradley. Widen your legs for me.” He waited while Brad slowly moved one thigh slightly away from the other. “Wider, Bradley. Daddy needs to be able to reach all of you.” Seconds passed as Brad hesitated. Thorston ran his hand up the inner slope of one thigh and firmly pressed until Brad shifted again to widen his stance. “Good boy,” Thorston praised. He ran the soapy washcloth down between Brad’s buttocks brushing back and forth repeatedly. Thorston was sure to brush the back of Brad’s scrotum lightly on each pass. He dropped the washcloth down on the tub’s edge and picked up the bar of soap. Lathering his hands, Thorston made sure his hands were in Brad’s line of sight. Then, Thorston spread Brad’s buttocks with one hand and rested a finger on his clenched anus. “This is an area that needs special attention to be cleaned. Relax, Brad. Daddy’s going to make sure you are totally clean.” With that warning, Thorston pressed his large index finger deep into Brad’s rectum. The soap made his finger slide in easily but stung Brad’s inner tissues.

  Brad immediately raised his torso from his leaning position again the tile. “Thorston...” he began.

iately, he felt a sharp spank to his bottom. “You need to call me, Daddy. Your Daddy told you to lean over. I expect you to stay in this position,” Thorston corrected Brad immediately as he pressed between his shoulders to force him to lean back over pressing his cheek against the cool tile. Thorston’s index finger withdrew, and immediately two fingers were entered fully into Brad’s rectum. Thorston hushed Brad’s whispered gasps. “I need to make sure you are clean, Bradley. You will get used to my fingers filling your bottom. You will get used to many things filling this tight bottom.” Thorston ran his other hand up and down Brad’s back as the inserted fingers slowly moved in and out of his tight channel.

  Brad heard him pick up the soapy washcloth and say, “One more area to clean, Bradley.” Brad moaned in reaction to the added sensations when Thorston continued his cleaning of Brad’s bottom with his inserted fingers, and he reached around Brad’s pelvis to begin to brush the washcloth around his scrotum before moving to his erect penis. Brad felt his body buck backward in reaction to the explosive sensations. Immediately, the movements of the inserted fingers and washcloth stilled.

  “Back into position, Bradley,” came the deep tones of his father over his shoulder.

  Time froze as Brad tried to process all that was happening. Slowly, he moved his cheek to rest on the cool tiles once again. Immediately, his Daddy began to wash his sensitive areas again. “Good boy,” he heard his Daddy’s praise. Brad did not know sensations could wrap this closely around his body. His entire existence focused on his Daddy’s hands. In and out, around and around, Brad was poised on the edge of something big. He felt Thorston’s fingers rotate gradually to press on a very sensitive spot on the wall in this rectum. “AAaaahhh!” Brad groaned as he felt himself turning inside out. He lay panting against the tile trying to recover from the most massive orgasm that he had ever experienced.


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