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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

Page 25

by P. G. Allison

  “Good!” said Sal and he was indeed pleased at this news. “I don’t like being vulnerable to witches but at least I have you and Robert’s team on my side. I look forward to you ridding New York of these Zhu-Gung people.”

  “We’re working on that, Sal,” explained Missy. “Bye for now!”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Wednesday, Apr 22, 2020

  Glenn Paxton said, “Ed, I don’t know where you’re getting all this Intel but, once again, we’re looking good.” The FBI teams had captured a huge shipment of drugs and arrested several Zhu-Gung members. This time, there’d be no problem about probable cause or jurisdiction. The quantity of illegal drugs seized was enormous.

  “Yes, well, that’s why my division has psychics,” explained Ed. “But, we also have some very high tech equipment intercepting messages which this organization is sending. That’s how we knew about the recent arrival of more girls.” Another thirty young girls, weary from being smuggled into the country, had been found. This time, six gang members were arrested for holding them.

  “My department is thrilled about getting all these drugs off the streets,” said Glenn. “But we’re having a problem with all these women. They’re all asking for asylum and, knowing what they’ve been through getting here, we’re reluctant to send them back to China.”

  “I’ve talked to Alice Mathews about that. You know who she is, right?”

  “The crazy mob lady? Runs that Roseanne Fund for D’Amato? Sure. You think she’ll help?” asked Glenn.

  “She told me she would. It seems she has a lot of backing and the funds to take care of these girls. Apparently, D’Amato isn’t the only one donating to that fund.”

  Glenn raised his eyebrows, surprised at this news. “What I hear is that his leg breakers are the ones who deal with anyone messing with a Roseanne Fund girl. I know we’ll never get anybody to testify in court about that. But the reputation earned over the last year by D’Amato’s enforcers is pretty well deserved.”

  Ed chuckled and said, “Any slime ball messes with a girl is probably getting what he deserved. Those types are hardly the ones to be accusing anyone, which is why they’re not testifying.”

  “Well, testifying against D’Amato’s people isn’t very good for one’s health. But, there’s no denying that Roseanne Fund has been doing a lot of good. Funny thing is, it’s rumored the D’Amato organization is actually making a lot of money now because of that, all from semi-legit sex industry business.” Glenn had been surprised when he’d heard that, months earlier. “So, you’re saying Alice Mathews will help?”

  Ed nodded and said, “Oh, she’ll do more than just help. She’ll take care of everything. Her lawyers will process all the paperwork for getting them asylum, she’s getting places for them to stay, will arrange for their meals, get them whatever medical help or psychiatric assistance they need, and will see they get an education and eventually find jobs. All, without the taxpayers having to pay anything.”

  “Wow! And, D’Amato is paying for that?” asked Glenn.

  “No. I told you. She has other donors. She and her husband are actually worth a few million now, but I don’t think the money for these Chinese girls will come from that. Or, from D’Amato.”

  “And, I’m guessing if we locate more girls which Zhu-Gung may have brought over? They’ll be taken care of as well?”

  Ed nodded again. “Yep. My boss Robert knows Alice real well. He had her call me. That’s how come I know all this.”

  “And his team is now tracking all these Zhu-Gung people?”

  “That, and letting your team get all the credit,” said Ed with a grin. “His division isn’t looking for any media attention. Just the opposite, since there’s so much controversy about psychics and anything the public perceives as paranormal.”


  The Zhu-Gun organization, meanwhile, was in complete disarray. After leaving the meeting with Sal D’Amato with Barnabas unconscious in the back seat, Wagner had driven back to Brooklyn. He and Antony had managed getting Barnabas inside his apartment where he eventually came to. He had no explanation for what had caused him to black out but seemed to be okay.

  Wagner and Antony had been still reviewing things a few hours later when the word came in about the arrests being made by the FBI. They’d sent Simon Yang over that morning to try to sort things out but all he could do, at the moment, was confirm how much trouble everyone arrested was in. Even getting bail arranged would be difficult since most of them were illegal immigrants and clearly a flight risk.

  “First the cartels, now the FBI,” complained Antony.

  “Actually, if you include when Peter and the others were arrested, the FBI was actually first. They’re taking turns, coming at us.” Wagner was very frustrated. They’d been arguing about what they could say to Shiu-Yuen Chong.

  Antony said, “I still think D’Amato has been coming at us as well. Barnabas said his answer about not working with the New York coven here was truthful. Only … he didn’t seem all that shocked about the question. His man Ben tried to bluster, accusing us of insults, but other than their security guy? Rico? Barnabas claims everyone else seemed to know we were witches. Even the two bodyguards.”

  “If it weren’t for the fact we couldn’t sense her being present, I’d be saying that invisible witch Missy McCrea was somehow involved in what happened to Barnabas.”

  “Do you suppose it’s possible she actually was there?” asked Antony. “I mean … we don’t really understand how she makes herself invisible. Perhaps she also has a covering spell, so she can hide from us as well.”

  “The only thing that doesn’t make sense about that,” said Wagner, “is why would she be helping D’Amato. She’s got this amazing history, even before West Point. Then, last summer she’s earning medals over in Afghanistan. Now, back at the academy, she’s one of their top cadets. How does any of that connect to her being involved with the local crime families?”

  “Whatever the connection, we know she was the one there the night Richard died. In D’Amato’s nightclub. I think they’re working together and behind some of what’s been happening with the attacks, the arrests and all our girls being taken.”

  “Well, maybe you’re right. But we have no evidence of that. And, before we explain this to Shiu-Yuen we better have Barnabas question all our people. He’ll be able to tell whether we have any spy causing some of our problems. It’s going to take us a few days now before we can accomplish much in the way of regaining our foothold over here.”


  Missy smiled at Brooke and asked, “How’s everything with your sister?” They’d just finished playing two softball games against the University of Albany and they’d won both. It was always great to do that at home.

  “Janey is so happy now, Missy. She finally told our parents and, while that wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, at least now she’s out of the closet. Of course, what’s really making her happy is how Chrissy has been since moving back in with her. What a difference it’s made for that girl to be free from her family. Her mob family, at that.”

  “Well, unfortunately, freedom isn’t free. You know that. It’s why we’re at West Point, working our asses off to become good soldiers. Your Janey and her Chrissy will still have some battles to fight. Those will be different from the ones we might face someday. But, we all need to play the hand we’re being dealt, the best we can. Having a soulmate helps with that, of course.” Missy grinned.

  “Geez! Wow!” exclaimed Brooke. “When did you become so freakin’ philosophical?” Both girls broke out laughing.

  They headed over to the mess hall for dinner. Before they got there, Missy’s phone rang. She told Brooke to go on ahead and answered. It was Alice.

  “Hey, do you realize I’ve had to buy a dozen apartment buildings up here in our Chinatown district? You know … for all the Chinese girls who’ve now been rescued?” Boston’s Chinatown was one of the largest Chinatowns outside of New York City. In rece
nt years, many large, luxury residential towers had been built in and surrounding an area that was predominantly small three-to-five story apartment buildings intermixed with retail and light-industrial spaces. However, in spite of an increase in housing units there was also an increase in vacant buildings, many needing complete refurbishment. “It will take a couple weeks, but thanks to those contractors your Fredrick Vautin recommended, we should be able to bring all those girls up here then.”

  Missy said, “It will probably take that long for them to get processed through the system. Are the contractors you’re hiring from my pack?”

  “Oh, yes. Another win-win. I doubt I’d be getting all this work done this quickly, otherwise. But Fred said if I ever needed anything …”

  “Yes, and after all the visits you’ve made, you knew there were several pack members who were in the business.” Missy was pleased. “Fred really appreciates all the help you’ve provided. He’ll make sure whatever you need for this gets done.”

  “I’ve actually been hiring some of your packmates to help me with other stuff as well. This Roseanne Fund thing has grown to be a huge empire now, you know? I’ve had to increase the staff several times. In spite of that, it seems I never have enough people.”

  “That’s because of how you’ve put your heart and soul into running it. I’m amazed you’re able to do that and still attend classes and keep up with your studies.”

  Alice laughed and said, “Look who’s talking? By the way, Mark has also started hiring people. Managing all the vast enterprises you’ve inherited as Alpha is a really big deal. But he loves it! I’ve never seen him so excited. Until now, it’s always been about me and what I’m doing. Now he has this whole other project to sink his teeth into. He won’t let you down, Missy.”

  “I don’t have any doubts about that. Maybe transfer all the real estate management stuff over for him to handle. That will let you and your staff focus on taking care of all the girls.”

  “Yeah, he and I already have talked about doing that,” agreed Alice. “Do you think you’ll be rescuing any more girls? Robert tells me the FBI are putting a full court press on, going after Zhu-Gung. He says this is similar to when that task force went down and cleaned out the criminals in Cancun working for that Jacques Arbogast organization. The more arrests they made, the more people they got to testify about their bosses to get a reduced sentence.”

  “Well, that all happened after we made Arbogast disappear. Until we deal with the leaders, I doubt the Zhu-Gung people will testify about anything. They know what the witches can do to them, even if they’re in prison. There haven’t been any deals made with any of them, so far, and I doubt the ones recently arrested will agree to rat out anybody either.”

  They chatted briefly and then Missy said she needed to get going. She didn’t want to miss out on her meal at the mess hall and she needed to hustle.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Friday, Apr 24, 2020

  When Mike and John arrived at West Point, the girls had already signed out and were ready to go. They each had a small suitcase which they put into the trunk. John was driving so Tracy hopped in the passenger seat up front while Mike and Missy hopped into the back. Then, off they went.

  “Okay, the suspense is killing us,” said Tracy. “Where are you two bozos taking us?” She and Missy had been trying all month to learn what their guys had planned, all to no avail. “And, just for the record? This is the last time you get to forbid Missy from going all invisible and spying on you. I mean … why did we agree to that, again?”

  John laughed and said, “You agreed because that will never be allowed, so just get over it. Geez!”

  “Well, never say never, and that’s all I have to say about that,” remarked Tracy, with mischief in her eyes. Unfortunately, neither Mike nor John noticed. “But, postponing any further discussion on that, what’s the answer to my first question? Where are we going?”

  Mike knew John would enjoy teasing the girls for the entire ride into the city but didn’t want to listen to Tracy’s complaints, so he blurted out the name. “It’s a new comedy dinner theater on Lexington Avenue, not far from Times Square. Under twenty-one are allowed.”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that,” said Missy. “We can enjoy some good food, listen to some stand-up comedians, and completely forget about all our worldly problems!”

  Tracy giggled and said, “Sure, and maybe even our unworldly problems. At least, since I doubt those Hong Kong witches have any sense of humor, they hopefully will be nowhere around and won’t be bothering us.”

  As it turned out, they had a wonderful time and were not bothered by anyone. No one called, none of their wards were breeched, no other witches were there, and no unwanted advances were made that needed to be rebuffed. Of course, with Mike and John there, clearly escorting them and commanding the girls’ full attention, there seemed little chance of success for anyone else.

  Finally, the two couples made their way out and walked to their hotel which they’d checked into earlier. After agreeing to meet for breakfast … and a late breakfast at that … they went up to their separate rooms. On different floors. Missy insisted she wanted no distractions and needed to be at least three floors away from Tracy.

  Once in their room, Mike said, “That was fun tonight. It was great being normal, just four college kids out for a good time. The only drama was seeing how much John could get away with teasing Tracy. Now that he’s been accepted for that accelerated two-year law degree program at the New York Law School, starting in September, he keeps talking about how busy he’ll be. No more time for fun and frolic.”

  “Ha! He lives for fun and frolic,” said Missy. “Speaking of which …” Missy’s eyes began filling with yellow specks and she went over and began unbuttoning Mike’s shirt. It was obvious what her intentions were and, as she got each button free, her playfulness increased. By the time she got to unbuckling Mike’s belt, her movements became more and more hurried.

  Mike went along with this for a bit, enjoying how she was now focusing on him and not on talking about John or Tracy. He pulled her close for a tight hug and then lowered his mouth to her lips and began kissing her. “MmmMmm.” When he slowly caressed her back and slid his hands down to grab her rear, pulling her against his firm erection, that got a nice reaction.

  Missy murmured her delight and slipped her arms around Mike, grinding her pelvis into his body. Ah, yes … how she enjoyed how big and solid his large frame felt against her own body, with her soft breasts crushed against his hard chest. They needed to shed their clothes so she could feel skin against skin. She pulled his shirt free from his pants and began sliding it off his shoulders.

  Mike in turn unbuttoned all the little buttons running down the back of her blouse, quickly tugging and freeing that from her skirt. He both led and dragged her towards the large king size bed and, once near it, he scooped her up and tossed her onto it.

  Missy laughed with glee and continued getting undressed until she was only wearing her bra and her panties. Her very sexy bra and panties, which she’d chosen especially for this exact moment. “Ohh, Mike! I think I need some help.” She giggled and then, placing her hands underneath her breasts, she alternated pushing one up and letting it drop back down, followed by doing the same with the other. “Ohh, help me, help me,” she moaned.

  Mike had been busy tearing off the rest of his clothes and now, completely naked, he leaped onto the bed and grabbed her panties, which he quickly slid down her legs and then tossed behind him. His deep blue eyes were staring into her deep green eyes, marveling at how they pulsed with gold flecks, glittering in their depths. Missy was obviously very aroused now and he loved that.

  Missy screeched at the loss of her panties, loving how exposed she was now. She again wiggled her breasts up and down at him, taunting Mike. When his big hands covered them, squeezing and pinching through the bra to make her nipples harden, she screeched again. “Eeek! Yes … keep doing that.” Her sensitive body w
as now on fire, experiencing so much pleasure at everything Mike did, wanting him to keep doing things. As she relaxed all her controls, giving herself to him totally, allowing him to fondle and caress all her special places as only he could, her passion just grew wilder, her desire for his touch all the more insatiable, and her need for him to take her overwhelming.

  And, Mike knew all that. He’d learned from all those wonderful times before how much Missy’s body wanted what he was now doing. He reached behind her and unclasped her bra, appreciative of how sexy it had made her appear but now anxious to bare and expose her entire body. His to admire, his to enjoy, his to love.

  Those pink nipples, now so pebbled and prominent, invited more attention and he gave them exactly that, sucking one into his mouth while rolling the other between his finger and thumb. Missy writhed beneath him as he continued this while he also stroked along her luscious curves with his other hand. There was no rush. He had all night to give her pleasure and he fully intended making it as memorable as possible.

  Missy was in heaven, so happy with how wonderful it felt, her body responding and climbing to higher and higher heights as all the sensations gradually built her enjoyment to greater peaks. She’d reach a plateau and almost … but not quite … relax right there, basking in the moment. When she allowed it, her body could experience pleasure far greater than humanly possible. Mike’s love was able to push her to supernatural levels, building her awareness and sensitivity in ever increasing amounts. And, when his roving fingers found their way down to the slippery folds of her sex and her throbbing clitoris hiding within, she exploded. Her body had reached maximum overload and only the release caused by her tremendous orgasm allowed her to continue to exist.


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