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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

Page 26

by P. G. Allison

  Mike always found giving Missy orgasms like this to be more exciting than anything else he could possibly imagine. His own aching, throbbing manhood swelled and became so hard it was painful. But, such a great feeling! As Missy bucked and convulsed underneath him, he crawled over her and waited. Once she slowed down, he pushed inside her, making her erupt with yet another explosive orgasm. Together, they moved as one, his thrusts deeper and deeper before pulling back, while she clenched tightly all around him, refusing to let him withdraw.

  Mike’s climax eventually forced their pounding bodies to subside, satiated at last. But, only for a little while. This night was one of those when Missy’s body quickly recovered and wanted yet more. Her movements began again, working on his member still buried deep inside her before it grew too soft, gradually making it grow firmer and harder once again. Mike groaned.

  As Missy sensed Mike’s manhood regaining its power, she continued to move, inciting his arousal all the more. Soon, they were again rocking together, he thrusting in and out while she wrapped her legs around his rear and met each thrust with eager acceptance, grinding her clit on his hard shaft. Their lovemaking continued for much longer this time until finally, Mike grunted and spurted inside her once again. When Missy felt him experiencing his orgasm, that triggered her own which had been building to an impossible place. She yelled at her own release and this time … this time, she fell into an unconscious state, her body so spent she could no longer remain awake.

  Mike waited for several long minutes, thrilled to be holding this supernatural woman in his arms and in his bed. She was totally his. They had made a huge mess, the sheets very wet beneath them, but that didn’t matter. They were united as one and once his flaccid member finally slipped out of Missy, he scooted over and pulled her with him, falling asleep on a dryer area with their limbs still entwined together.


  Saturday, Apr 25, 2020

  Tracy and John were lingering over their second cup of coffee when Missy and Mike finally came down to join them for breakfast. They’d had a wonderful night, making love and appreciating the opportunity for being together. They’d even made love again that morning in the shower, playfully soaping up their bodies and having a great time rinsing off. Twice.

  Missy grinned and said, “I see you two …”

  “Don’t even start, Missy!” exclaimed Tracy. “None of that stuff from you about how embedded our scents are, yada, yada, yada.”

  Mike and Missy both laughed. Then Missy said, “I was only going to thank you for waiting to eat until we got down here. But, if you want to brag about yada, yada, yada … well, you know. Go right ahead!”

  John hopped up and said, “Mike, let’s go grab some food from the buffet while it’s still available. We can leave these two to battle out their bragging rights.” He grinned and kissed Tracy on the cheek. Then he headed off to get some food with Mike right behind him.

  Missy chuckled and said, “You should know by now how antsy my brother gets whenever there’s any girl talk.” She knew Tracy understood her reference to girl talk was of course how they joked about conversations concerning sex and how much they all enjoyed it.

  “Humph! What I can’t believe is you standing there when there’s actually food waiting to be devoured not a hundred feet away.” Tracy stood up and followed the guys, letting Missy be the last one to serve herself. She inwardly was smiling, wondering if that might be a first, having Missy be last to get her food.

  They all enjoyed a delicious breakfast and then went out to John’s car so they could make their way to Missy’s softball games up in the Bronx. She had left her uniform and equipment in the trunk. The sun was shining, the weather was warm, and they were thoroughly enjoying being out and about.

  Chapter Forty

  Saturday, Apr 25, 2020

  Army easily won the first game and there was a forty-five minute wait before the start of the second game. Although not a huge number of Army fans were in the stands, there actually were several. And, two in particular, that were a surprise. Janey and Chrissy had come down from Boston. They wanted to see Brooke, of course, and then they’d be hitting some nightclubs later that evening.

  Of course, wherever those two girls went, Barry Brambilla now went as well. He and a couple of D’Amato’s other Roseanne Fund bodyguards were there; they were very glad to be back in New York since that was home for them. Since this wasn’t far from her college in Connecticut, Bridget Gettmann was there as well, happily sitting next to Barry.

  It didn’t take long for Mike, John and Tracy to make friends with all the other Army fans at the game. When Janey heard they were there for Missy, she asked, “Isn’t she the redhead out there playing shortstop?” After being told yes, she turned to Chrissy, pointed at Missy and said, “She’s that friend my sister talked to who called Alice Mathews for us.”

  When Tracy heard Janey’s comment, she spoke up. “Alice is married to my boyfriend John’s best friend Mark. We all know her. She grew up with them in Salem.” This led to several conversations so by the time the first game had ended, they were all swapping stories and enjoying each other’s company a great deal.

  When Missy and Brooke came over, everyone got even more animated. Somehow, Barry and Bridget had managed to join in. Missy told everyone how Bridget was Ginger’s little sister … Ginger from her basketball team … and that of course made Bridget and Barry all the more welcome to the group.

  Then, the second game started. The weather was absolutely perfect but, unfortunately for Army, their performance in this second game was less than perfect. They ended up losing. Missy played great in both games but the errors made by some of her teammates allowed Manhattan to score more runs than Army in game two. There was disappointment in the gallery for the Army fans but all agreed it had been an exciting afternoon nonetheless.

  Tracy was waiting with John and Mike in the parking lot when she suddenly sensed there were two witches nearby. She also sensed the protection wards she had around both John and Mike were being tripped. Well, since the witches had to be from Zhu-Gung, that explained her wards being breeched. A van drove up and parked not far from John’s car.

  Missy had finished getting dressed after her quick shower and was heading out of the locker room with the rest of her team when she noticed Wagner and Antony being in the parking lot. She too sensed her wards were being breeched. She said goodbye to her teammates, who were boarding Army’s bus, and made her way over to where Mike, John and Tracy were waiting. She noticed Wagner and Antony were sitting in a van next to John’s car but, as she approached, they both got out and took a few steps towards her.

  Wagner said, “Missy McCrea, we would like a word with you.” He and Antony looked at her and then at Mike, John and Tracy. It was obvious he knew they were all together.

  There was no point denying that she knew them. Missy said, “Wagner Shen and Antony Ying. What do you want?” She looked around and saw that many of the vehicles had now left. The bus with the rest of her team was starting up and it began leaving as well.

  “Ah, you know who we are. But, of course. Of course.” Wagner smiled and nodded at all of them. “Michael Ryan, your boyfriend. John McCrea, your brother. Tracy McGonagle, your brother’s girlfriend and another cadet at West Point. Until today, we did not realize she too was a witch. Very interesting.”

  Missy was rather uncomfortable facing these two. But, it didn’t seem likely they would try to harm her or the others. They were in a public location. She guessed they merely wanted to talk. Perhaps, they were trying to intimidate her, making it obvious they knew who everyone was. Again, she asked, “What do you want?”

  Mike and John knew better than to interfere. Likewise, Tracy stood there waiting to see how this would play out. The three of them drifted over to stand near Missy, facing the two Chinese witches who were about ten feet away.

  “You have caused us a great deal of trouble, Missy McCrea. That is something Zhu-Gung cannot allow. We have been watchi
ng you, as you know. Waiting. And, today? This seemed like the right opportunity.”

  Neither Missy nor the others noticed any signal. But, suddenly they were hit in the neck with two tranquilizer darts each, fired by weapons with silencers. They were all caught unprepared for this and were helpless as they quietly slumped over and dropped to the ground.

  “Yes!” announced Antony with enthusiasm. “That seems to have worked well enough.” He beckoned to the eight mercenaries who were scattered around the parking lot, all of whom had accurately hit their target. “Our plan is most appropriate, giving this witch and those with her exactly what they deserve. I’ll find the keys to the car and follow you, Wagner.” He searched through John’s pockets until coming up with his keys and then went over to the driver’s door which he opened. He climbed into John’s car and waited.

  The eight who had fired their weapons when Wagner had said “opportunity” had been positioned in the parking lot for the last hour, waiting for this. They now quickly came over and picked up the four bodies, sliding them into the back of Wagner’s van. Since each man had hit his target, these four individuals should be out for at least six hours. That was plenty of time to be transported to where they’d be going, in Brooklyn. By the time anyone roused themselves, they’d be locked up in the special holding cells, cages actually, which were waiting there for them.


  Wagner was in excellent spirits. Two of his mercenaries had climbed into the back of the van with his prisoners, ready to hit them with more tranquilizers should anyone wake up prematurely. He was certain Shiu-Yuen would applaud the way he and Antony had used tranquilizers to subdue their witch enemy, just as those tranquilizers had been used against them. Very fitting. Very appropriate indeed!

  He had not wanted to call Shiu-Yuen until he could report something positive to counter all the bad news. After reviewing all that had happened, he and Antony had been more convinced than ever that Missy McCrea had been actively involved. Somehow. Now, that most irritating witch would be going to Hong Kong and since her loved ones were also going with her, that would enable her to be controlled. Whatever secrets she might have would then be revealed.

  When he reached the abandoned warehouse, he pulled to a stop. Antony and the others drove up and stopped as well. This warehouse had originally been obtained for other purposes but they had quickly made it ready for this. The cells in the lower basement area were really just cages. Knowing they could threaten the humans should the witches not behave, a control measure Zhu-Gung was very familiar with, Wagner was confident they were finally succeeding with something. No more setbacks!

  Their prisoners were still comatose and were quickly brought inside, transported from the van to the cages. Watching as the last one was locked up, Antony said, “Making these four disappear will be easy after this. I made certain we were not being followed. And, there were no surveillance cameras at that parking lot. Now that we have them here, under our control, it will be easy to smuggle them out on the plane Shiu-Yuen will send. Missy McCrea will find she greatly regrets using tranquilizers against us. That bitch!” He laughed.

  “Yes. We will have a day or so before that plane arrives,” agreed Wagner. “We will make good use of that time. Once she understands what we are prepared to do if she does not cooperate, she will tell us all we want to know. Is Barnabas Ho here yet?” Having a water witch who could verify the truth of any answer as well as cause horrible discomfort, even death, to anyone they wanted to deal with, was especially helpful. Barnabas was not as powerful as Peter Hui but would be able to handle this assignment well enough. Of course, the fact Barnabas had blacked out in D’Amato’s office was still troubling. But, if that bitch McCrea was the one who had caused that, they had her now. Right where they wanted her.

  “He’s on his way and should be here soon,” answered Antony. He and Wagner talked about the questions they planned to ask Missy McCrea once she finally came to. Barnabas arrived in due course and they reviewed his role with him in great detail. The day was going to be especially great, once their captives woke up.

  However, that was not to be. After two more hours, bringing the total time to almost five hours since their victims had been knocked out, there was suddenly a huge flash-bang explosion at the entrance to their warehouse followed by numerous FBI agents rushing in, screaming orders. How was this possible?


  When she had been hit by the tranquilizers, Missy had barely … just barely, but fortunately that had been good enough … managed to separate her spirit from her body. Once out, free, she’d hovered over them all to see what would happen next.

  Missy had watched as everything took place, waiting to see if any onlookers might have noticed. But, in spite of the parking lot still having some cars in it and there being a few others coming and going, it had not appeared as though anyone saw what Wagner, Antony and their men had done. The van had started up and slowly exited, with John’s car following along behind. Then, the cars which the mercenaries had arrived in also departed.

  Missy realized she and Tracy had missed noticing those men which Wagner and Antony had brought along, since those men had not been witches. They both had assumed Wagner and Antony posed the threats which their wards had reacted to. Well played by Zhu-Gung! However … the game was far from over.


  Lisa and Marie were working that day at Hanscom AFB. Ever since Missy had infected the Zhu-Gung devices, they’d been crazy busy. There were many others on Robert’s team also there, in spite of it being a Saturday. The team had been expanded greatly and now there were the added members translating Chinese for them.

  When Marie’s computer screen suddenly displayed a text message while she felt someone touching her shoulder at the same time, she practically jumped out of her seat. Then, she read the text and realized it was Missy.

  Right away, she was alerting everyone else that Zhu-Gung had kidnapped Missy, Mike, John and Tracy. It was definitely time to mobilize the troops! Soon, they had Ed Collinsworth on the phone, bringing him up to date on the developing situation.

  Ed called Glenn Paxton and said, “Gather a large team. There’s been a kidnapping up in the Bronx. Both Wagner Shen and Antony Ying are personally involved in this. My source says we probably need to get over to Brooklyn so we can apprehend them and rescue the four young people. I’ll have a more specific address very soon.”

  Missy kept teleporting back and forth, following the van as it made its way towards Brooklyn, checking on Mike, John and Tracy, and then going up to Hanscom to type messages to Marie. Realizing the FBI team which was being pulled together … it soon would be rushing to wherever the van went … lacked anyone capable of dealing with witches, she asked Marie to contact Angelina Danglemeyer. If there was going to be any crazy stuff happening, it would be best if Angelina and maybe some others from her coven were along. Just in case.

  Her frequent checks on her own body and those of the others showed no immediate concern. There was time for all the appropriate rescue forces to assemble. She spent the next hour giving updates. When she learned Angelina was helping, and was bringing four witches with her, she was thrilled.


  When all was ready, Missy texted Marie it was a go. Then the assault on the warehouse began while Missy blinked back to deal with the witches.

  Numerous shots were fired as Wagner, Antony and Barnabas all stared at one another. While their guys were fighting the FBI, they were down with their captives, waiting for them to awaken. Realizing they were about to be discovered, Wagner yelled, “Kill these bastards! Then, we’ll get out of here.” He was prepared to unleash his own telekinesis ability and wanted Antony to light fires while Barnabas used his killing ability on each prisoner, one by one, starting with Missy McCrea.

  Unfortunately for them, Missy once again knocked Barnabas out, just as she’d done before. Then, she did the same thing to Antony. There would be no surprise fires being started. When Wagner tried to move, he foun
d a force pushing him back, forcing him to remain in place. No matter how hard he struggled to free himself, it was to no avail. He simply could not move in any direction.

  It did not take long for things to quiet down, with no more gunshots being fired. Suddenly, several men burst into the room and aimed their weapons at Wagner. Glenn Paxton came over and said, “You’re under arrest! Don’t try anything or you will be shot.” Then, he read him his rights.

  Ed Collinsworth escorted Angelina and her friends in. It did not appear as though they were needed but Ed knew Missy wanted them there. Angelina approached Wagner, after glancing at Antony and Barnabas, and said, “I’ve been asked by the authorities to advise them concerning your incarceration. You’ll be interested to learn they have prepared some excellent facilities, anticipating the day when they could arrest you. I will double check on those arrangements but, based on what they’ve told me, I think you will be very secure there.” And, by secure, there was no doubt in Wagner’s mind that what she meant was that his ability, and those of the other witches now being arrested with him, would not be enough for any of them to break free.

  As he was led away … the mysterious restraining force no longer present, now that he was in handcuffs … he watched the cages being unlocked. His prisoners would no doubt be waking up in a hospital somewhere, none the worse for their abduction. And, of course, they would be testifying against him at some future date. Rather than this being a big success for him, it now looked certain he’d be doomed to a life in prison.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Saturday, Apr 25, 2020

  Missy remained in close proximity to her comatose body but, since it was truly comatose rather than merely asleep, she did not attempt reuniting. During all her prior re-entries back into her body, she’d been able to “feel” once she’d returned. Since her physical senses weren’t working properly, due to the effects of the tranquilizer drugs, she waited. While she now was experiencing what she considered as “separation” difficulties, those weren’t unbearable so she opted to hover nearby rather than try anything unknown.


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