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Double Christ

Page 9

by Julian Gillespie

  Hassatan...Mastema... and the remaining Watchers - they were to come - they being deserving more than most - they have suffered outrageously for doing His work - and you Michael, you have been there often to make sure of that suffering, of that I know your part to be sure - you paranoid malevolent fuck of your Creator - clearly you sicken me...

  ...Michael baulked with a raised fist – but the Hassatan raised a halting palm...

  Hassatan...and most certainly his companion Mary Magdalene... in due course... - to... to avoid another Metatron debacle... to save Mankind - because with Jesus... it was foreseen that if he is raised to sit with the Father, then the future of Mankind will again be imperilled - another Great Judgment would be brought to bare on these essentially good people... deprived of the proper nourishment due to them - no, to avoid his capricious and merciless hand being taken from behind Him once again to wipe out whole nations, whole peoples by what... another flood or a scorching of all earth ?... and for what...being a species even He finds too complex, and which haven't bore Him the image He seeks... so once more in His frustration... - but for taking Jesus for His latest labours, His prize... He takes the free-will He gifted them and uses it as a reason, a sword, to smite them - they who already live in fear of Him....that, my dear brother, is not how a loving Human Father acts towards his children, let alone an omnificent Lord able to command the Heavens and the stars...

  ...I looked to Jesus - tears ran long - his light shroud wet at his neck, his hands clasping his knees... he listened on... you would have led the Son of God away from his people then, and away from his God...

  Hassatan...yes dear soul friend... to hopefully save Mankind from a fate like those of the Flood - for without the Jesus about, to be set to the task like Enoch, like Metatron did describing the inequities, the wrongs only of Mankind, then our Lord would have no witness by which to base another Judgment, another Decree to decimate Man - that Michael, is the bad use to which an adversary can be put, which you are now so naively learning...

  ...Hassatan rolled his head to face the top of the tomb...

  Hassatan...once through the Adoil he would have come to learn of how to come and go here... after learning and talking with the others to be met, who he should meet with... their experiences of time before even your own existed... in the 955 Divine Worlds... the 18,000 other places tended to by those Divine Worlds... - a journey now which you have likely imperilled, if not vanquished with your fear, haste and paranoia...

  ...Hassatan breathed out... his eyes closing...

  Chapter 31: The Origin of the Mirror

  ...Hassatan spoke through closed eyes..., Michael... are you satisfied - have you enjoyed the fruits of your earlier solar chat with the Son of God?...

  ...Michael reacted with a jolt to look upon Hassatan - he had been standing, thinking, one arm propped on the other, some fingers to his mouth... uncurling his arms he walked to stand over Hassatan...

  Michael....not nearly enough - for so long as that eternal grin still finds its way to your face I know there is more you have failed to confess.... so, oh Great Hassatan - why take Mastema and the rest of the Watchers with you - by what honour were they to secure such a favourable passage away from their present circumstances - come now, I can see it boiling behind your eyes... - here, let me help you for a moment...

  ...then, Michael just dead dropped... one knee caving into Hassatan's chest - he wobbled a moment as he managed to force the knee further in where he had struck the wind from Hassatan... Hassatan's breath exploded out... he could not breath now... not until Michael gave-up his weight, sliding his knee down Hassatan's chest to the floor to join his other - on his knees Michael lent over Hassatan's ear...


  ...Hassatan... rolled... looked to Sammael, looking... his lips pressed tightly together, being crushed together by his teeth in agony... something looking to burst from his mouth - his head began to shake, to swing, turn from side to side, appearing... wanting to say no to Sammael... an imploring look... he then stilled - his eyes turned streams... brilliant tears watered... glistening - pure - Sammael screamed...

  Sammael...enough Michael - brother Hassatan hold fast, hold fast... you have said enough...

  ...Michael moved on Sammael sword out, outstretched and on course for Sammael's throat, stopping a few steps from Sammael, screaming...

  Michael...I will be the one to say when this stench within Heaven has had enough, and no conspirators of his shall have any a word in the matter, so shut your fiery mouth Sammael before I ensure it remains so...

  ...just as quickly Michael wheeled about and moved back to Hassatan taking a small hop to drive down harshly his foot into the neck of Hassatan, pushing it unnaturally, like broken, into the stone ground - Hassatan bellowed agony and his lower body went into a chaotic thrashing spasm... like a great fish just brought to deck... the kicking slowed, Michael withdrew his foot... slowly moving backwards... the Hassatan... eyes closed... began to whisper...

  Hassatan...I split Man - I suggested Azazael with Mastema create and make known to Man a tool for observing himself... seeing himself, for once, beyond imperfect reflections in pools of water - this thing... was later to be called a mirror - and ever since has Man been twained and confused from God, split, and further from knowing Him, or His unattainable image... - now the image which Man can see and often secretly adores, covets, is now an image they see as closest to any god they know to behold - this mirror... the miracle of themselves... - it enthrals and can consume them - and strangely, this mirror... when they look upon themselves, well, God can be ever so faintly sensed there, but can't at all be seen by Man - the Elements prevents it from Man, the dimensions just didn't cross as we thought they would, to allow just a hint of His Majesty to shine forth, to be sense-seen by irony, even a mistake of mine I never foresaw - it was just to be a gift, a pause in the pursuit, something subtle and wondrous for Humans... a pleasing trick for Him...but it has never changed, never helped Man but distanced Man, yet it has excelled him – Man’s free-will... it just went wild after that thing got away, the mirror - and I have regretted it ever since...

  ...Michael collapsed into folded legs... mouth open a little, his eyes now gazed upon Hassatan...

  Michael...and what else have you come to understand of this Hassatan?...

  ...Hassatan opened his eyes to clear... very clearly at the top of the tomb... showed Man, given the tool, could safely create their own gods, individual to each - themselves - to be silently respected by all... terrestrial, mortal, with powers confined simply to the strength of each Man, but sufficient enough to produce contentment in Man - it is only God's and the Angels' constant intercessions in their affairs that prevents them from solely pursuing this simpler life, where they would worship their own simple splendour, rejoicing in the simple fact of their existence... their individuality... - it is all they require, all they need, but our God seeks... continually asks much more of them, which is more than any terrestrial being is able to give, given the simple resources and existence our God allows them... - but no... such is His wish, and His wishes are for me to observe...

  ...Michael looked at Sammael... then to me... then to Jesus... - the Hassatan had spoken words unheard before... of also a rule broken... a one rule for all against the giving of Secrets to Man, that which also brought the Watcher Angels undone before God... - this mistake by Hassatan, this thing of ages ago... it would be Hassatan's undoing - but this, of all things... is not enough … my thoughts spoke ... he is essentially good - wise... a friend of Mankind... a spirit of love... - I looked at Jesus who was in searching eyes - growing confused at the silences - the continued bewildered stare from Sammael... - then Jesus began to feel a pain, an anguish in his chest - he moved back holding his chest... then in fear, looking at me...

  Jesus...what is this I feel Paracle

  ...confusion and panic quickly rose in him... - I raised a hand and sliced through the air, releasing Jesus from his pain before I spoke...

  Paraclete ...I'm sorry dear Jesus... that was me - it is gone now - but it was my pain … I fear we have found more than was ever sought - more than I ever expected - matters not foreseen, yet now seen abundantly - a thing felt and lived with for eons - a simple, shadow thing - and you know - he's right - He is there - He is before them in the mirrors and they can't sense it properly - it has been a source of confusion for Man ever since - so they unwittingly err and behold themselves instead -- oh how Hassatan concealed this for so long - kept it to himself for so long - and his burden is true - he truly is of regret and has suffered for Man ever since.... and what he did - oh my what may have been otherwise - oh my... and for this - this - he must now go from us - for this... mistake...' - turning to Hassatan - '...oh my Hassatan I forgive you, but you cannot be forgiven - He can't forgive you - you will be forsaken...

  Chapter 32: A Great Scream sooner had I finished speaking of the Hassatan being forsaken...

  ...then - a brilliant light flash filled the tomb only white... a severe true white brightness... lost to look anywhere - then wind wound from everywhere, unseen... and a scream came everywhere from the entire glowing brightest of immaculate beings at once - and it was of Hassatan - rising like the unbearable without belief, but sure we knew and found no hope - so never known swept through all sound and became light itself - consuming all matters... all matter was become consumed and lit to fire glowed - I looked about and saw something not known where both the Michael and the Jesus and I bled through burned clear flame essence, showing essential structures within each - then a reverse - an instant freezing blast covered all and everyone - a moment... encased still in ice clear - all the tomb's inside one piece of ice in a moment paused... then white did burn hot the Hassatan - ice dissolved to water, streaming turned vapour steam, then to an inferno wind of fire - rock stone glowing near lava's look... a sun Hassatan had become... we of his corollary bled burned bare through to his white white light, dissolving colour dark to white... and the scream screamed.... and screamed over a time never known - suspended through perception grappling in unknown substance... screamed through all of every Universe was unbound I.. I.. I ...

  ...I then collapsed... to seeming sleep... adrift... with thought of a death I have never known... - a waking... slow... slow.... and about me strewn, heaped in their collapses, Jesus and Michael and others unknown... - who seemed fallen from shadows they had been hiding in... all appearing as though dead in form and face - a sight never before seen... of Angels... everywhere heaped... - I slipped back to the ground and laid my face against the stone, the cool stone - how strange I thought as I slipped away to where I do not know again... remembering before slipping away... across the world went a breath... a great breath... of... of Hassatan... eyelid opened to the place... the place turned sideways... eye moved...

  ...Hassatan lay not awake - colour had returned to his being... the final strongest effect of the Blood had passed him, it seemed... - but no stirring, no moving, his eyes closed to the world and Universe...


  ...then the eye caught Michael move... head rising... then giving way to the stone floor again... his shoulders pressed the stone to raise his head - it wavered... swung... lank - then force entered his neck... his head bobbed-up, weary... bleary, his eyes looked...

  Chapter 33: Michael Leaves

  ...I turned my cheek on the floor... my eye to Sammael... still on the ground like the rest of us, but propped on his rocking elbows... looking off into the distance, some clarity in his eyes... I followed his line of sight and could see... - Sammael had found the eye of the Archangel Dubbiel... also recovering where he lay off in the distance, from shadows beyond the wall of the tomb, he had fallen... from an ethereal space he had created - probably was observing all this, quietly unseen until now - when Sammael had Dubbiel's eye, Dubbiel nodded hazily back at Sammael... an acknowledgment of something discussed before it seemed... before this whole spectacle had begun... - in a silent unnoticed moment, Dubbiel left... to clear... to where I did not know...

  ...Michael had managed to his feet, though crouched, one hand to the ground... he scratched about... searching... found his spear... then raising it a little... prodding Hassatan again - seeking more - he kept prodding... then he lurched a hard thrust of the spear at Hassatan, Michael nearly falling, rolling over... but then - Hassatan whipped - grabbed the spear by its head before it touched his side - Michael drunkenly struggled but could do nothing - Hassatan was too weak to do anything more, but speak... and sure... his eyes calm, though closed..., Michael, the rest... well, you forget so quickly... I am the Mind Michael - even now there are some things you would ask if you knew them, if you could see the thoughts I do - your thoughts - and they won't be seen by you, I can assure you of that...

  ...Michael weakly struggled for control of his spear, then gave up...

  Hassatan...even this concoction of Divine Blood isn't enough for seizing my stopping or opening of thoughts... I am... the Prince of Minds Michael - but we know what your Presence here, through us both, has done here...

  ...Hassatan yanked then threw the spear away to the side of the tomb, where it stayed...

  Hassatan...and what He knows of me and you now - you asked more than He wishes to know, or absorb - now you, dear other me, has done it again - and what He does now you and I can only wait to see - so... so much for your Divine mission here Michael - your honourable efforts could prove to be the greatest spark on matters beyond your fumbling grasp...' - Hassatan breathed deep... then exhaled... - '...again...

  ...Michael rose to stand - surveyed the tomb - beings everywhere...

  Michael…well... - I have certainly heard enough for what is required - you know the Universe has heard you spew out here Hassatan - I look forward to seeing you present yourself before what can only be a Great Court of Justice, within three days, to stand before your accuser - me, and all the 70 Princes of earth...and with that I take my leave and thank you, Paraclete and Jesus, for the gracious assistance you have provided our Lord …

  ...Sammael stumbled to his feet - moved forward on Michael, staggering, and stopped...

  Sammael...go Michael - you have stayed enough - return to your tablet washing - I am sure you have messages for others now - but now you should remember to take even more care of who you choose to talk your truths to...

  ...Michael looked only at Sammael... - then, as he appeared to ready to clear... - Hassatan stirred - a murmur - moved a little - mumbling at first - mumbling where his face still met the cold stone... - Michael stilled to look - Hassatan rolled his head, his shoulders... his body, to face Michael... his eyes alive...

  Hassatan...oh, and do think of a good long bath in the Nehar di-Nar dear brother - you need a bit of cleansing fire in you - you are getting slightly on the nose you know...

  ...Michael turned swiftly with his sword out flicking it to stop just before Hassatan's heart... is your putrid heart that will be stinking the Seventh Hall shortly, and like the foul meat of Man, it will be thrown to the rats of Ghenna to devour...

  Hassatan...yes brother, and blessed be His Glorious bloody Kingdom forever and ever, as sure it will be with you, as His blessed mask - and be sure to have Gabriel pipe it up now when I arrive... - but remember this, for it will always be so...

  ...the Hassatan's eyes... they began to shine... - his voice, different... will take thousands of years to know even a little of what I am, who I am, let alone what I know - and in damning me you damn your very Father, son - and this alone will break you - He who has given you all is now being done in by his son, his special son, and you can't see it, any of it... you are so damned - blind to this Essence you blood
y Humanity... - Michael... I am the Mind - here you would have asked some things if you knew your own mind to do so... - if you could see the thoughts I can of yours - and yes, we know you hate this aspect of me, but it is also of you, as you know - but even this Divine Blood was not enough to stop what can be seen in others... and in you Michael - in you is not found who you believe you are, for you are not able to see all, yet you still project beyond the realities you know - quite your attribute... - but that is not your fault - it was always meant to be... you were always meant to show Him better to Himself... by hiving you off to be you, before us all... so dear brother, dear me, do try and show some cheer, because your Father loves this of Himself, of you, for you knowing you so incompletely, so easily - you exist to help Him define His dimensions after all, and... well, don't you do such a great job defining those you think you live in... - all the best brother, all the best...

  ...and with that Hassatan put his head to rest on the stone... - Michael stared now with a child's eyes, then broke with a turning to look at all about... all who were looking upon him...

  Michael...yes Hassatan... we have heard much from you, and too much on this occasion - I leave and expect you soon...

  ...and without looking to Hassatan Michael went to clear... - Sammael went to Hassatan... he was again in exhaustion after his parting words for Michael..

  Chapter 34: The Seven Essences of God Revealed

  ...the Hassatan was away from this place again, exhausted - Sammael's kneeling to him did not change anything in his being - Sammael stopped and turned to me...

  Sammael...why did you allow this Paraclete?... - clearly you appear here for following or being with the Jesus... - what could have led you to understand allowing this was right?...

  Paraclete...the Seraphim Sammael, and Michael and, and others...they made it known their support for an ordeal, but this... this was not what I understood the Seraphim expected - it was meant to be to know if Hassatan was clean of sin, before he would be allowed to take certain actions - what those actions were to be I never learned - but this, these words of his were never made known as possible to me...


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