Double Christ
Page 10 Paraclete have been unknowing of something - until this time there was a purpose in few knowing, but Hassatan's words to Michael have revealed enough already - enough to reveal the rest... - ...Paraclete, Hassatan is the Seventh Spirit, the Seventh Essence of God - he is part of your companion, lady - your companion without the protection of the Shekina - now poisoned by His own son - he...' - turning to Hassatan - '... was never meant to be overcome like this - never was your Lord, this part of Him, Hassatan, never was he going to overcome the paralysing bureaucracy of the Seventh Heaven... - he was to simply take this Creation Jesus, the essential fruits of everything, every Human and more, take him beyond here - away from the Michael's and those of his kind - to take some dead and some old faithful - and now through your innocent complicity, your working for those Seventh Heaven Angels afraid for their existences, their places... - afraid of being left behind...
...Sammael looking to the Heavens, then his head fell, shaking from side to side...
Sammael...what has been undone here.... - and those imbeciles, those bureaucrats have no idea who Hassatan is - he is the stuff of their very Lord and Master - and what they have done now! - ignorant fools who knew no better…
...startled by this revelation of Sammael I turned to Jesus... - '...touch me Jesus...' - Jesus lent to me and stretched-out his arm - as his hand came to me I began to feel more of his Essence flow through me, filling me with his very Sacred being from being his Father's Son - I held a palm up to him, then I moved across the tomb, slowing above the Hassatan... - I leant forward and touched Hassatan's face - a static ran through me... - a small shock - and then - there - I knew the true Essence, the origin of Hassatan... - my Lord... - and slowly I withdrew to the side of Jesus, unable to take my eyes from those closed of Hassatan... - Sammael was graceful to simply allow and watch what was needed by me … certainty... you see what has happened here Paraclete - he is part of who I form a part of as well.... - your Lord... - He identified eons ago Seven of his strongest qualities - I am one and from Hassatan's words you may now understand Michael as another - and Hassatan is the most exemplary and courageous of we Seven - of Him... - He was tired of the past thousands of failures, so this time, for this earth, He allowed his Judgments separate life, just in case his Throne, as the seat of Judgment, was to prove to be the problem, a cause of those past failures... - and He was right - too much talk, too much discussion, too little independence of thought on so many matters... - and Hassatan has been the profound one of us for so long now - and there is the reason he was never allotted a realm of Heaven to oversee - why he has been quite the free being... he is our God's free-will - His most deadly aspect and why Michael fears him so, because there is so much unknown and unpredictable about him - but let me tell you this - he has obeyed and never gone against pronounced Words of our Lord - but as His free-will, Hassatan is nearly the most creative force in this Universe, and thereby, a most powerful single Presence here, because he possesses the ability for complete freedom of thought here - a matter that has weighed upon him for eons... - and it was by this ability, that he had found the verse needed by the Lord, and was to take Jesus to embody words to be found within it...' - looking at Jesus - ' the verse Jesus, to the one verse that only matters - and it is right in front of every Angel's and Man's face - the uni verse - the one verse of all Creation, for here and beyond the Divine Worlds - and the word is not the Lord - it is not His name - it is the name of who allowed Him this playground... - not what is written in the Divine letters found around His crown, like all secrets, just another to be known by some... - and a crown - do you understand ?... why should the Holy of Holiest need to wear anything if they are truly the great, truly omniscient... and that is the true measure of that crown's verse - because those who do wear it do so because they must, so to be reminded from where all of what they have and fear flows...' - turning back to me - '… do you get this understanding ? - when He did this, separated His qualities, it was because He understood his debt is all about Man's burden - and Hassatan, through Jesus, was to save Man for and from God, and in so doing, assist God in helping Man... - fuck free-will - what they fuck has that done but screw with Man further - it was a thing created on a bet anyway - did you see Adam skipping around with it Paraclete ? - ohhh it's all soo long ago now its tiring to bring it up with you - but, what there is now, after your helping the Lamb here - the Lamb! no less - is a house fucked up - look at my brother, my kin, part of my King...
...I moved to Sammael... I bowed before him going to both knees - I kissed his feet - I said... I am sorry... I knew not what I was doing...
...Hassatan reached out and took hold of my wrist...
Hassatan...forget your part here Paraclete, you were not to know...
...he drew to an elbow, then slowly righted to sit, drawing his legs up a little, he rested his arms on them and looked around... at us and the others still fallen - weary - some revived...
Hassatan...quite, as I see again, the showing...
Chapter 35: The Key
...amidst the silence everyone present gave sight to the Hassatan seeing him revived... then Jesus let one of his legs go and slide on the stone towards Hassatan... - he had been through more than I could ever want to know, and here he was, my Jesus, caught in a centuries old dispute between well, those who I once thought were simply brothers... - he breathed in to firm his body, then spoke to Hassatan...
Jesus...but the key Hassatan, I must know of the key...
...Hassatan raised his eyes to the Jesus with grace, and sadness... - he explained that he gave the key to Anaphiel centuries ago for safe keeping - the Prince who keeps the keys of Heaven - the key was entrusted secretly by God to him- being a key to no more than access to a hidden cell of Ghenna, named by Ghenna's Angels in jest as the bottomless pit - it was there where Men who should have been placed into a purgatory cell or even saved, were wrongly placed with a servant Chief of Ghenna, to be tormented - God knew what He had done, because He had done it on purpose, so no one could seek to correct the Judgment He had passed, neither the Irin & Qaddishin nor Metatron...
Hassatan...He then simply made me promise to safeguard the key, the key which locks passage to the place - as, or so it seemed, He wanted a special breed of earthly Man to release one day - a group who He would hear repentance from, who would then go forth and serve Him as faithfully as Metatron, for having been released from their torture and torment, and being made instead Divine after eons of pain - but you Jesus, apparently now destined to be Proclaimed the Son of God, this means now you never did need the key - why, your very word alone was always enough to break the lock to the pit, for those wrongly Judged so long ago...
...Hassatan then went on to say that Jesus had been sent to get something back which was always properly kept by Hassatan - God's minion - where conspirators had begun circulating the untruth that he had stolen it - so to making him appear dishonest... -Jesus then took bold and commanded Hassatan to summon Anaphiel, which Hassatan with a half laugh, shaking his head at Jesus, did wearily - instantly Anaphiel arrived from clear, confused, and at the sight of Hassatan fell prostrate due to the splendour of Hassatan - Jesus questioned Anaphiel, Hassatan indicating to Anaphiel to answer his questions, about the key - Anaphiel confirmed Hassatan's story, but not knowing what the key was ever for... - Jesus then asked for and received the key, after Hassatan again gave Anaphiel an exhausted nod that it was OK to hand it to Jesus - Hassatan thanked Anaphiel for his service and loyalty and dismissed him, commanding him to never speak of what had occurred here, or of his having ever met Jesus on earth - Anaphiel acknowledged, stepped back, bowed, and went to clear, and was gone...
...Jesus looked at the key - looked at Hassatan, then lifted his head to look at the distant wall... - his eyes returned to Hassatan...
Jesus...I am truly sorry for my part...
...Hassatan then looked slowly to the floor, his head softly moving backwards and f
orwards, deep in thought, acknowledging this grand gesture of faith and purity in Jesus...
Chapter 36: The Archangels Revealed
...Jesus, looking at the simple key in his hand, turned slowly and walked back to sit... - Sammael took my attention...
Sammael...Paraclete... you must appeal to your Lord - you alone must take the matter to Him - you only must go to your Lord - let Him know your part - what you have witnessed - that His needs must let Hassatan go to earth only - and nothing more... - He must intervene for Himself, and you must mention my being here and Michael - and the rest...- take a look about you Paraclete...
...holding my eyes, Sammael swept an arm about himself... - high in the once shadows came to his light the others of the Archangels - revealed, as being here this whole time to this... this happening...
Sammael ...all the rest of the Seven have been sitting here secretly, silently, so to consider what Michael would reveal, and to hear the words of their brother Hassatan....
Uriel...go Jesus and complete the task you agreed with Michael - release the detained - now... - because of the position Hassatan now finds himself in, he can no longer attend to your Judgment, so of that task we will attend to later, vouching we four to our Lord to instead give you leave to return later - such is your apparent state after your death you have otherwise nowhere else to go but to Him anyway, in due course - but before then to your disciples go, where you may spend another forty days in their Presence to give them your final counsel - but of what has transpired here you shall never speak of to Man - on the fortieth day you will be visited, and acknowledged, so that you may accompany one of us before our Lord to complete your passage into His Higher Halls - of your Judgment, that can be regarded as done and a formality at the same time - of course there will be Procession followed by Proclamations - but for now, go - the matters that have taken place here demand greater attention by your Father, so with your peace go, and let us attend to their urgency - soon Jesus, we shall share other spaces together, but now, please go in faith on my words...
Jesus...thank you I do Uriel, as sure as I know you from a desert once... - but I must ask the way to the Ghenna place...
Uriel...go Jesus, and the way will be made open to you - Michael already made it so for you...
...then emerged from the shadows from behind these four Archangels came more High Angels to be seen - a gathering was taking place... - murmurs were heard, and mostly it was heard that Hassatan had suffered an injustice - others to say Hassatan had been fouled beyond any suitable measure... - now both high rank and low had formed to look upon Hassatan's slow recovery from the Blood of the Lamb - these late comers knew nothing of the substance of his ordeal - they only speculated upon his seeming weakness - and wondered loudly and ignorantly amongst themselves... - I turned to Hassatan, then looked at Sammael...
Paraclete...I must intercede now by your mercy Archangel - some time please...
...Sammael withdrew to the other Archangels...
Paraclete...we know the course set by Michael - I will do as Sammael asks, and soon see you...
...Hassatan nodded... his cheeks rose, his eyes went to mine - he smiled warm and brief for me... in his love I was given that moment - then he stopped... and slowly surveyed around - at what had amassed of Angels - then, without a hint, he went to clear... - looking through where he had just left, I regained myself and turned and drew to Jesus, and without shame took to his side...
Paraclete...I fear you know too much son - what have I done?...
Jesus...yes, maybe, and maybe you have done too little...
...Jesus stood and walked at the great rolling stone that held passage to this place - once his tomb - he walked and then simply walked through it... out... gone from sight...
...with that Gabriel reached for a horn slung behind him, and raising it high, let loud a trumpeting that turned all present away to leave this place, all moving off into clear, returning to their respective duties and tasks without further word - and then the place was silent but for the burning of Sammael who stood alone looking upon me... before he too also went to clear, leaving me alone in that place... from where soon after I left to clear also...
to clear
Chapter 37: Hassatan Settles Affairs
from clear
...Jesus' journey would take time to complete - he was alone being given no Angel escort when sent his way - I chose to follow Hassatan... - he had much at stake in the short time he had after his time with Michael - and there was much he could do before his Judgment... he is the Hassatan after all...
...after spending time alone, I went to clear from the place... and coming from clear... - Hassatan had gone where I did think - to Naamah his companion - he explained what had been said with Michael to her, and that he likely would have to go, to leave her and Heaven, or... that their God may annihilate him... - he and Naamah embraced... and then a kiss with the Passion... a Passion came - then came on them in firestorm consummating their hold of each... until she wept too much, relaxing, calling out love, love for him to come to him, and save him... - he let his companion go... and went... to clear...
...from clear - to before a great army of Powers Angels – and Hassatan's second-in-command addressed him upon arrival...
Remiel...Great Hassatan - Sammael through his brother Dubbiel informed of grave matters arising from your time with the Jesus, and requested assembly of your army of Powers, and to await your arrival - here your Majesty, stand all the Powers ready to heed your words, and if ordered, march in battle on your command - Hassatan your Powers stand at the ready...
...Remiel stilled his gaze into a silence with Hassatan...
Remiel...Master Hassatan - you truly are Great...
...upon which he turned and stepped back with arm flowing to present Hassatan his assembled Powers... - Hassatan surveyed a great valley outside a Hall of Heaven, where before him in the hundreds of thousands, all kitted and ready for battle, stood the most formidable assembly of God's warriors ever seen in Heaven... - all having instantly brought themselves together at the word of the call sent from Sammael - from on-high Hassatan stepped forward to address his army of Majestic Powers... - shouting... clear - measured...
Hassatan...with thanks to our God you are here... - I say this clear... - the Jesus is no Metatron... - he is a Man... he is our God... and he is of Paraclete...
...some Powers bold were heard to raise a cheer...
Hassatan...I have heard of words from the Powers... words readying in opposition to this Jesus... - no more will they be spoken - no more will they be heard, even of Mind... - follow Jesus are my words - follow this new one - he listens and does not move when things do not mean peace for Mankind - he truly loves Man... - much time with your Chief the Jesus spent with me - and he listens... – instead, Michael has been found to be the one the Powers should fear...
...Hassatan looked far to his right and then to his left over his Great army...
Hassatan...because Michael is now manifest as the fear of God also, and so is unpredictable... - he is the one who cares little for Man... - look now to Sammael after I am gone...' - voices cried out - '... he is the greatest ally of the Powers - place your trust in him... - your faith in our Lord should be restored - together with the Jesus go forth in strength and honour, and an eye on the continued existence of those on earth we are sworn to protect, and convey this message to your Principality counterparts, which Angels serve as a vital link in the continued prosperity of Man in the face of overwhelming corruptions.... the corruptions that have been brought to bare by those Princes that it is not our task to name - ...look to our Mighty futures together again... and soon I seek...
...then, quickly sublime, Hassatan was gone to clear...
...then to my Lord I went to clear...
to clear
Chapter 38: The Trial of Hassatan
from clear Heaven, in the Seventh Hall, a massive assembly in the wings - some in
the crowd talking softly, that they would be spared - others, who say Hassatan has held firm - others wonder aloud asking what has occurred... others... what has gone wrong... - Angels on the sidelines, shuffling, listening as to whether the Hassatan would provide details - name names - others as to if he would burn...
...Michael stepped out from near to the Throne... moving to stand near a few of the Merkaba - Seraphim and Cherubim - he stood amongst them... slowly he looked over the assembly below, and as his gaze moved over the gallery of those moving into the Great Hall, he spoke low, and with a face unchanged... - his lips barely to be seen moving...
Michael...your Hassatan confessed to many things - your names he mentioned in passing too, and he did this before the Paraclete who was present throughout... - forget Hassatan, and all of your dealings with him, and nothing further of this will ever be spoken of again... and be sure that I do not hear you speak for him here...
...those Seraphim and Cherubim Angels who listened without looking upon Michael, discreetly gave eyes to each other as Michael withdrew from their Presence...
...Hassatan then came from clear to appear before the Throne of God - the Hall soon to turn to see his arrival, Angels quietening one another... - Hassatan's head was bowed and still - he was solitary and without need to look about... - the place settled to a rare quiet... Irin Angel came from behind the Veil - head bowed, he moved to the edge of the Throne's place, and stepped - near the Hassatan - to a ledge close to the fiery rivers... - the assembled went further quiet - the Irin raised his head to look straight forward and began to speak, loud...
Irin...the Hassatan is before Judgment - the Hassatan is now known for providing a Secret of Creation to the two Grigori Angels Mastema and Azazel - an act forbidden - and for his knowledge that the Secret would be given to Man, the Hassatan therefore stands accused... - who here stands in the defence of the Hassatan ?...