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If You Could Only See (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 1)

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by M. E. Clayton

  I needed my degree so I could ignore my mother and, finally, tell my father to go get fucked.

  We each had a trust fund set up by our grandfather that ran into the millions, but we couldn’t access it until we each reached the age of 30. The theory behind the wait was that by the time we hit 30, we should be old enough to handle that kind of money and not go off the rails and begin snorting our weight in cocaine or lose all sense of morality with hookers and whores.

  And, I suppose, I could have floated around until I had access to my money but, for better or worse, my father didn’t raise lazy, entitled assholes. We weren’t scared of hard work and we weren’t scared of carving out our own paths if we had to. We were sincere in our want to keep the tradition of Buchanan Industries alive and fruitful for the generations after us, but not one of us would put a bullet through our brain if we couldn’t be a part of the Buchanan Industries legacy.

  My father had sought to raise each of us to be aggressive and ruthless; the poor fuck just didn’t realize how aggressive and ruthless we’d turn out to be.

  “Need another beer?” Aiden asked.

  “Yeah, but the way I’m feeling, I might venture into the house later for some shots,” I answered. “I’m feeling…off.”

  Aiden cocked his head at me, trying to read me, but I doubt he could get anything. Not that I was trying to mask anything from him; I just didn’t know what was bothering me. I could just feel something in the air that carried a hint of…uncertainty.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back,” he said looking concerned.

  He returned a couple of minutes later with beers in hand and some red head by his side. “I said I just wanted a beer,” I quipped, sarcastically.

  “Mason meet Jessica,” he said, ignoring my sarcasm.

  I took my beer from Aiden’s outstretched hand and nodded towards Jessica. “Hi, Jessica,” I greeted as cordially as I could manage.

  Aiden smirked. “Jessica wanted to meet you,” he explained.

  “Well, okay. It’s nice to meet you, Jessica.”

  “Hi, Mason,” she tittered. “It’s just…you’re the only Buchanan brother I haven’t met yet.”

  I could feel a headache forming behind my eyes. “Well, now you have,” I stated the obvious.

  She fidgeted when she realized I wasn’t going to say anything more. She cleared her throat and glanced at Aiden, but when he did not try to fill the silence, she finally caved. “Uh, okay. Well, it was nice to meet you. I think I’ll just…” she trailed off, then turned and headed back to the house.

  “Jesus Christ,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

  Aiden just laughed.

  The fucker.

  I was just starting on my fourth beer when I caught sight of the twins sauntering over towards me and Aiden. I finished my first swallow before asking them how it was going so far.

  Michael’s face looked too serious for my liking as Gabe answered, “Not bad. Great, even. Except for one thing.”

  My brows shot up. “Oh, really? And what’s that?”

  “We just ran into your girl, Mase,” Michael answered.

  My entire body locked up.

  My girl?

  Shane was here?

  Shane was fucking here???

  “Are you sure it was her?” I asked, trying to calm my racing heart. “I mean, maybe, you saw some-”

  Gabriel was already shaking his head at me. “We’re not mistaken, Mason. We walked up to her and talked to her for a bit. It’s definitely Shane, bro.”

  “No fucking way,” I said, still in denial.

  “She’s here, man,” Gabe insisted.

  What in the ever lovin’ fuck was Shane doing here? She wasn’t a partier. I have never seen her at a college party or have ever heard of her attending a college party.

  So. Why. In. The. Fuck. Was. She. Here?

  “Was she alone?” That was the first thing I needed to ask. If she wasn’t, shit would not end well tonight.

  “She was talking with her friend and her boyfriend wh-”

  My brows drew down. “Whose boyfriend?” I asked interrupting Michael, fists already balled up.

  “Her friend, Viola’s boyfriend,” he clarified.

  I could feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest, but the pit of my stomach relaxed once Mike explained that the guy in question was Viola’s boyfriend and not Shane’s. “What the hell is she doing here?” I asked, but it was more of a confused mumble to myself.

  When Gabe’s voice reached me, I was ready to tear the party apart. “I don’t know, Mase, but she’s been drinking, and she’s dressed to fucking kill.” My head jerked in his direction and the regret on his face told me he was not exaggerating about the way she was dressed.

  Shane’s entire wardrobe comprised of jeans and t-shirts, so what the fuck was she wearing?

  I didn’t say a word as I made my way up the backyard and through the patio doors. I knew my brothers were right behind me as I stormed through the twists and turns of the house. And I don’t know what look I had on my face, but people were clearing the way for me as soon as they noticed me coming their way.

  I scanned the rooms and hallways and searched random faces and it wasn’t until I reached the den that had been made up to be the dance area that I spotted Shane. She was dressed in a snug, white tank top and blue skirt.

  And she wasn’t alone.

  She stood standing next to motherfucking Branson Morgan, and the motherfucker had his hands on her.

  He had his goddamn hands on her!

  Red spots danced on the edges of my vision and the blood in my veins bubbled to a white, hot boil. I’d never felt a rage like this, before, in all my life. And that’s saying something considering what a ruthless bastard my father was.

  I’ve known hatred and I’ve met rage, but that was nothing compared to what I was feeling in this moment seeing some guy with his hands on my woman.

  I was going to fucking kill Branson Morgan.

  Chapter 9


  My mind was still a little shell-shocked over what Branson had said, but before I could form a response to his words, I felt a hand latch onto my arm and yank me backwards.

  But if I thought I had felt shell-shocked before that was nothing compared to what I was feeling when I looked up to see that it was Mason Buchanan with his hand wrapped around my arm.

  Mason Fucking Buchanan.

  First it was Michael and Gabriel acting weirdly, now Mason??

  Mason shoved me behind him, putting me in a pocket of surrounding Buchanan men; Aiden behind me and the twins on either side of me.

  What in the hell?

  Mason was taller than Branson, so he was peering down at him when he asked, “Do you want to tell me why in the fuck you had your hands on my girl, Morgan?”

  Holy crap!

  His girl??

  His. Girl????

  Apparently, Branson wasn’t as smart as his education suggested, because he puffed his chest up and snapped back, “Since when is Shane Slaughter your girl, Buchanan?”

  Mason growled-and full disclosure here-it made my lady parts tingle a little. “Since always, you asshole, so stay the fuck away from her.”

  Since always?

  What the in the name of all that’s holy???

  How much did I drink?

  Then, suddenly, I wondered if someone had spiked one of my beers, because...come oooonnnnnn…

  I leaned my head to the side to get a peek and Michael graciously allowed me a little room. I could see a couple of guys line in behind Branson, and I supposed those were his friends.

  This was not good.

  No bueno.

  No bueno, at all.

  “If that’s true then why haven’t I ever seen you with her? Don’t get all fucked in the head because she obviously turned you down but had no problem letting me put my hands on her,” he smirked and that’s when I realized he was basking in the idea that he upped one over on Mason.

  I didn’
t understand what was going on, but I wasn’t going to stay silent and let Branson throw out skewed versions of the truth. I stepped to the side so they could hear me, and while all three Buchanan brothers stepped with me, I could still stand next to Mason. “It’s not true,” I clarified for anyone who could hear the exchange between the two men.

  Branson looked at me. “What’s not true?”

  I didn’t dare look at Mason as I addressed Branson. “I was just dancing, and you came up behind me and put your hands on my hips. That’s all that happened. I turned around and asked you what you were doing, and you just kept your hands where they were.” I cleared my throat and spoke louder. “You’re trying to make it sound like something it wasn’t.”

  Branson’s lip curled in disgust. “Oh, so you get caught with me and you’re trying to save face in front of your boyfriend,” he accused.

  “Mason’s not-”

  “I’d think carefully about what you’re planning on saying or doing next, Morgan,” Mason snapped out, interrupting me. “Because if it’s not an apology or if it’s not to get the fuck away from Shane, I will kick your ass until your buddies, there, have to carry you home.”

  My eyes widened as Branson gave Mason an evil smile and said, “Bring it, Buchanan. All these other people might think the sun shines out of your ass, but I know you’re nothing but a bitch. And once Shane realizes it, too, I will be balls deep in her pu-”

  I felt two hands snatch me by my upper arms and haul me back right before Mason’s right fist pulled back and landed with a sickening crack against Branson’s face.

  That was all it took.

  Next thing I knew, Mason and Branson were throwing punches at each other as the surrounding crowd screamed and chanted, egging them on.

  Why wasn’t anyone stopping this?

  I felt someone put a light nylon jacket over my shoulders and I looked up to find that Aiden was draping me in his jacket. “Aiden?”

  His focus was entirely on his brother, ignoring me completely. When I saw him wince, it made me turn my attention back to the fight. Back to Mason.

  Sweet Baby Jesus.

  Mason was winning, and it looked like he would not stop until Branson was dead.

  I whirled around towards the three non-fighting Buchanans. “Aiden, you have to stop him,” I begged. “Please! Aiden!” I could feel adrenaline coursing through my blood. “Michael! Gabriel! Please!” My hands tangled themselves in Aiden’s t-shirt. “Please, Aiden. Please,” I kept begging. I didn’t know a thing about Mason, and Branson was turning out to be a jerk, but I didn’t want to see either man hurt. And I definitely didn’t want to see anyone get hurt over me.

  He finally looked down at me and I knew he could see the sheen glistening in my eyes. Aiden searched my eyes for a few more seconds before pushing me behind him. He rushed forward, and the twins joined him in pulling Mason off Branson.

  “Mason, that’s enough!” Aiden barked.

  It took all three brothers to restrain Mason, and once they did, Branson took that as a chance to charge him and get in a punch to his stomach. But as soon as it landed, Branson’s friends grabbed him and pulled him back. At least they knew enough to know that going up against Mason was a bad idea.

  Branson wasn’t backing down though. “Fuck you, Mason!” Branson’s nose was bleeding and blood was dripping from his mouth. His face was going to look awful in the morning.

  Mason had a little bit of blood on the corner of his lip, but other than that, he didn’t look bad. It was clear, though, that his brothers had better not let him go. “You can motherfuck me all you want, Morgan, because I don’t give a fuck about you. But you had better stay away from Shane, you piece of shit!”

  Branson was either, very drunk, very high or very stupid, because he shouted back, “Make no mistake, Buchanan, I will be balls deep in your bitch, eventually.”

  The crowd gasped.

  Viola began yelling.

  Mason got loose.

  And I did the unthinkable.

  I jumped in between two raging, angry males.

  I planted my hands on Mason’s heaving chest and hoped my voice would reach him. “Mason, please…”

  He looked down at me and his silver orbs were swirling with hate, rage and heat.

  The heat surprised me. There was so much goddamn heat in his eyes, and I didn’t understand why or how there could be any when he was in the midst of a freakin’ fight.

  I mean, I’ve heard that lust and violence often went hand in hand, but I couldn’t fathom Mason feeling any lust for me.

  The music was still playing in the background and Viola was verbally assaulting Branson while I could hear Micah telling her to calm down. So, I was the only one who could hear Mason say, “You will never go near him again, Shane.”

  My Independent-Woman wanted to tell him to go to hell, but Sensible-Shane knew that if I didn’t agree, Mason might very well murder Branson by the end of the night. “I promise, Mason. I promise I’ll stay away from him,” I assured him, feeling like I was sealing my fate. I also noticed Mason wasn’t addressing how my hands were running up and down his chest in a calming fashion.

  After a few seconds of searching my eyes, Mason must have felt I was telling him the truth, because he wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me to him, as he looked over at Branson and said, “This isn’t over, Morgan. But I promise you this, if I find out you go anywhere near Shane, I will fucking kill you.”

  I could hear Branson spit on the floor before saying, “Whatever, Buchanan. There’s plenty of other pussy without all this drama.”

  If so, then why provoke Mason?

  I kept my face hidden in Mason’s chest, but I could hear the rustle and movements of Branson’s friends dragging him away. I suddenly felt heat surrounding me on all sides and I knew Aiden and the twins had rounded around me.

  What the hell was going on?

  It wasn’t until I heard Viola’s voice that I pulled back from Mason. He let me step away from him, but he made sure he was right behind me. “Are you okay, Shane?”

  Micah was standing behind her, much like Mason was standing behind me, and I realized how much of a protective stance it was. “I’m fine. I’m okay. Are…are you okay?”

  She huffed. “I’m perfectly okay. But I can’t say the same for Branson Morgan if I ever see hi-”

  “Stow it away, woman,” Micah quipped. I looked up at him and he was looking directly at Mason as he said, “Buchanan has it under control, I’m sure.”

  I twisted around and looked up at Mason. He still looked spitting mad, but I could tell he’d calmed down. When my eyes darted around at the scene all around me, I notice Aiden, Michael and Gabriel still flanking Mason’s space and the crowd waiting for what was coming next.

  I finally threw my arms up in the air and asked anyone…everyone, “Can someone, anyone tell me what the hell is going on?”

  Chapter 10


  I almost laughed at Shane’s outburst, but I was fairly certain she’d get violent if I did.

  It’s not like I could blame the girl. I’d be confused too, if I were her.

  So, I grabbed her by her hand and dragged her behind me, in search of an empty room upstairs. Having partied here before, I knew there were a shitload of spare bedrooms on the second floor.

  She didn’t object as I dragged her behind me until I came upon an open, empty room. Once we were inside the room, I locked the door behind me. The room was dark, except for some light coming in through the window from outside, but I could see her entire body freeze at the sound of the lock.

  I didn’t care though.

  It might not have been how I had planned it, but I finally had Shane alone, and I would not let her leave until we settled a few things between us. Especially, being dressed the way she was.

  And I would never let her go once we did.

  She stood in the middle of the room and wrapped her arms around her waist as she said, “You have some blood on t
he corner of your lip.”

  I lifted my hand and used my thumb to wipe the blood off. It wasn’t much, but it still stung a bit. We were silent for a few seconds before I asked, “What are you doing here?”

  Shane cocked her head to the side and her brows furrowed. “It’s a party. I came to have a good time,” she answered, like it was so obvious.

  “Since when do you party?”

  Her arms fell away from her waist and I could see her tiny hands ball up into fists at her side. “Since none of your business, Mason,” she snapped, and I’d never wanted to kiss someone so badly in my life.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Slaughter. You are my business,” I replied, finally letting the cat out of the bag. Everything about her was my business.

  I stepped towards her until I was looming over her and her beautiful, hazel eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “Since when am I your business?” she asked, throwing my words back at me.

  I reached up and cupped her jaw, brushing my thumb back and forth over her chin. “Since the first day I ever laid eyes on you, Shane,” I confessed, causing her to gasp. “You’ve always been my business. You’ve just never been stupid enough to push me before.”

  Outrage replaced shock. “Stupid enough to push you?” she screeched. “Going to a party is pushing you? Are you insane? Do you take medication or something? Is that it?”

  I smirked. I couldn’t help it. She was just so entertaining. “No, Shane. I’m not medicated,” I reassured her.

  “Then you should be, Mason. You really should be,” she replied, a might bit hysterically.


  She stepped away from me and then paced the room. “I don’t understand,” she mumbled, and not necessarily to me. “I don’t understand,” she repeated. “I don’t get it.” She whirled around towards me. “You’ve got to give me something, Mason. You have got to tell me what is going on. Everyone and their mother will be asking me what’s going on and I’m not going to be able to tell them anything, because I don’t fucking know!”


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