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Page 14

by J. M. Dabney

  “She’s going to be so excited.”

  “You’re almost as damn excited as she is.”

  “I know right,” Elijah practically bounced, “I barely kept from telling her.”

  “Well, let’s get our asses moving.”

  “Yes, sir,” Elijah mock saluted and took off after Tank and Juvie.

  He jogged to catch up. Juvie was already on the seat behind Tank. Elijah adjusted her chin strap and Juvie muttered it was fine. He walked over to his bike to wait for Elijah. Maybe the ride into town would clear his head or he needed some time alone, some distance between the three of them.

  He grimaced at the thought, he couldn’t do that because it would hurt Elijah. They’d made a pact there’d be no secrets between them, but this wasn’t something he could share. What would Elijah and Tank think? He couldn’t fuck with a lifelong friendship or the dynamic they’d comfortably settled into. He could get over it; he didn’t have a choice.

  It wasn’t long before they pulled out and headed to town. He hoped Juvie liked her surprise. They hadn’t discussed it, but they’d noticed she was a little jealous of Princess’s pierced ears—her hair. They wanted her to feel part of the crew. The adoption wasn’t a sure thing, but they wanted her to know she’d always be one of them. Children and adults needed to know they belonged somewhere.

  After getting her ears pierced the four of them would go to dinner to discuss becoming a part of their family and crew. He pulled up in front of the shop and backed up to the curb, Tank followed.

  “Look at our bad ass mini-biker in training,” Lucky came barreling out the door.

  “Lucky,” Juvie called out.

  Tank reached back to help her off the bike and didn’t let go of her hand until she had her feet safely on the ground. She headed instantly for the shop and Lucky opened the door. Juvie ducked under his arm and disappeared inside.

  “Don’t ruin the surprise,” Elijah ordered as he swung off and took off after Lucky and Juvie.

  Tank grunted to get his attention, he turned his head to find Tank standing close—too close.

  What is wrong with you—Tank’s large hands moved in a sharp, agitated rhythm.

  “Nothing, man, just fucking tired.” He dismounted and started to head for the shop when Tank barred his way. He didn’t want to fucking do this right now.

  Bullshit—Tank reached for him.

  He didn’t stop himself in time and stepped back. Tank’s eyes widened then narrowed, the muscles in his jaw ticking as Tank clenched his jaw.

  Never—He grabbed Tanks hands and stopped him, released them quickly to take another step back.

  “Don’t try that shit with me. You start issuing fucking orders and you know where it’ll end up.”

  Scary, what did I do—Tank asked and let his arms fall to his sides.

  “Nothing, it’s fine. Let’s get inside or we’ll miss Juvie getting her ears pierced.”

  Tank nodded, but the sadness in his best friend’s eyes fucking killed him. He didn’t want to push his best friend away, but he couldn’t handle dealing with his feelings right now. Especially when Scary shouldn’t be having them at all. He motioned for Tank to go ahead of him. He needed to get his shit straight before he walked into the shop. Landon could read someone faster than anything.

  He jogged a few steps to catch the door Tank held open. His front collided with Tank’s back. The pace of his heart sped up and his hand rested on Tank’s side. Tank walked ahead as if nothing happened, nothing had for Tank, but he was close to losing his mind. If he hadn’t already lost it.

  # # #

  A few hours later they set in a booth at the back of the diner. Juvie looked over the menu. The girl didn’t know what to choose. He nudged Elijah and his man cleared his throat.

  “Juvie, we wanted to talk to you,” Elijah’s voice sounded soft and hesitant.

  He knew Elijah was nervous Juvie would say she didn’t want to be adopted or be a part of their family. He also knew Elijah wasn’t happy they had to keep their relationship secret until after the placement came through. A triad couple wouldn’t be acceptable.

  “Um, about what,” Juvie asked as she set her menu aside and lowered her hands to her lap.

  “It’s nothing bad, we just wanted to ask you something. Do you like spending time with us?”

  “Yes, it’s nice.”

  “Would you like if I petitioned to adopt you?”

  “Really,” Her voice rose several octaves and her almond shaped eyes widened.

  “Yes, Kam and I’ve talked about it, I’ve also met with your caseworker. There’s still a lot that I need to do and I can’t tell you for sure it’ll happen. I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but I wanted you to at least have a choice if I continue with it or not.”

  “Y’all want me to live with y’all?” She looked around at all three of them.

  Tank nodded and wrapped his arm around her. Elijah just smiled and reached across the table to take her hand.

  He looked around at the people he considered family. Even if they didn’t get to adopt Juvie he’d make damn sure they stayed in her life. She’d always know she had a place to call home. Something he hadn’t had after his mother died until he’d come here.

  “Juvie, you’d be living with just me to start out. You know—”

  He took Elijah’s hand in his when the man’s voice broke. “We don’t know what will happen if they find out Elijah has two partners.”

  “So we have to keep it secret?”

  “Just until everything is official. We don’t want to ruin our chance of having you come live with us.”

  He knew they didn’t like having to hide their relationship, but they’d discussed it. They could deal with it until Juvie was under Elijah’s roof.

  “We’re not exactly a traditional family,” He said.

  Juvie rolled her eyes.

  “So, what do you think,” Elijah asked and held his breath.

  “I want to live with y’all.”

  “Okay, I’ve got to take some classes, someone will come to my house to check everything out and I’ve already submitted to the background checks. When the placement is approved you’ll move in with me and I’ll petition a judge for adoption. Until then though you’ll be able to visit us and I’ll spend time with you when I come down for work.”

  “Promise,” Juvie asked.

  He knew she wouldn’t take a promise lightly. Kam shared some of Juvie’s background. They wouldn’t have an easy time of earning her trust. Making her feel secure would always be a challenge.

  “Promise,” Elijah and him said together.

  She turned to look at Tank and he placed his hand over his heart.

  “Now, we’re going to have dinner and head home for movies and junk food.”

  He smiled as she quickly opened her menu.

  They still had a lot to do and were up for the challenge. The only thing he had to deal with now was getting his head right and them back to normal. He’d apologize to Tank later. It wasn’t Tank and Elijah’s fault he was fucking things up. He’d get it right because he wasn’t losing his best friend and Elijah. He could deal with a lot of shit, but that wasn’t an option.


  One last text to Kam to check on Juvie and then he finished getting ready for his date with Scary. Tank offered to cover for Scary since him and Scary hadn’t had much time alone recently. He also had to talk with Scary about his concerning behavior. It started to worry them a week ago when Scary distanced himself. He loved the huge man, but the guy was beginning to piss him off.

  They were coming up on four months together and if Scary was having seconds thoughts he needed to know. He loved Tank and Scary, but would him and Tank survive as a couple without—he shook his head. The what ifs weren’t going to get him anywhere. Only a long talk and the truth would clear his head of the doubts taking hold.

  Scary said to dress casual which wasn’t unusual for their time together. He wasn�
��t forced to put on some fancy suit anymore and pretend to be as put together as people expected. He set on the bench at the end of his bed and put on his dress shoes. His dark jeans and button down shirt would work for wherever they ended up.

  The peal of the doorbell had him standing and he jogged out of his bedroom toward the steps and descended to answer the door. He didn’t know why Scary still knocked or rang the bell he had a key as did Tank.

  “Why don’t you use your key,” he asked as he opened the door.

  “It’s a date, isn’t it all customary and shit to knock?”

  “Okay, I’ll give you that one. Get in here,” He reached out and grabbed Scary’s wrist to tug him inside, “You’re early.”

  “I couldn’t sit around the house.”

  He closed the door. Scary stood stiffly. He didn’t like the fact the old Scary decided to make a reappearance. The closed off and unhappy one, and he wouldn’t let Scary do that to them.

  “What the hell is going on with you,” He demanded. Tank tried yet failed to get whatever was going on with Scary out of him.

  “Don’t you start this bullshit too. Tank and I already went a round or two.”

  “I heard, you and Tank spar on a regular basis. That isn’t anything new, but you won’t talk to either of us. Are you regretting us?”

  “No,” Scary yelled as he lifted his hands to roughly rub the stubble on his head, “I don’t regret us being together.”

  “Then tell me please,” Elijah stepped forward and reached out to grip the sides of Scary’s t-shirt, “If you don’t want to end things, is Juvie—”

  “Hell no, fuck, I love you, and I can’t wait for Juvie to come live with us,” Scary heavily sighed as he dropped his chin to his chest, “My head if just all fucked up and I don’t know—”

  “I can’t help, and Tank can’t help if you won’t tell us. You know we’re in this together. Equal partnership and no lies.”

  “What if it’s better I fucking keep this one to myself?”

  “Not if it’s going to make all of us miserable. No matter how much I love you and Tank I won’t come between you two. You’ve been best friends for decades.”

  “We’re not giving you up. What if I tell you something and it fucks up what we have?”

  “Did you cheat on me?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Well really that’s the worst thing I could come up with.”

  “It ain’t that,” Scary retreated until he perched on the back of the couch, “I knew I was gay pretty early. My mom Monica always said I needed a good man. She hated I lived in the closet for so long, but—”

  “Kinda safer in your neighborhood. Tank is proof of that.”

  “Yea, hell, I even kept it from Tank, but I had—”

  “Did you love Tank? And not in a best friend way.” He felt he already knew the answer.

  “I don’t know about love, but I noticed him.”

  “You’re still noticing him, aren’t you? Did what we have bring it back up?”

  Scary dragged his hands up and down his massive thighs and dropped his head back. He watched Scary’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. Whatever was going on with Scary tore the man apart inside.

  “It all hit me. It was like one minute Tank’s my best friend and then we all started—it got so fucking surreal. Then I fucking saw Ian try to put his hands on Tank and I got, I don’t know.”

  “You got jealous.”

  “And pissed as fuck.”

  “So, we’ve named the problem, what are we going to do about it?”

  “Why are you so fucking calm about this? I’m telling you I want to fuck—”

  Scary was getting pissed or defensive, it didn’t matter which because it ended the same.

  “No, you’re not telling me you want to sleep with some random man. It’s Tank. What changes if you make your intentions known?”

  “I lose my best friend and you.”

  He could take a lot but Scary’s misery not one of them. He closed the distance Scary tried to put between them both physically and emotionally. He took Scary’s face in his hands and tilted his chin up to lightly brush their lips together. He stroked the strong angles of Scary’s handsome features. He adored everything about Scary even his surly nature.

  “You’re not gonna lose Tank or me, but if you keep pushing us away you will.”

  “I don’t know if I can take that chance.”

  “Too damn bad, it’s out. You confessed the big bad secret. I didn’t run away. I don’t think anything is wrong with it. Now if you wanted to add a fourth,” He playfully growled as he slid his arms to rest over Scary’s shoulders, “not happening.”

  “I’ve told you before, I’ve got enough trouble with you.”

  “But that’s when you told me not to think about adopting and see what happened?”

  “How do I tell him, baby?”

  “You open those sexy lips and tell him the truth. We’re going to Brawlers and we’re going to get this shit out of the way. No excuses.”

  “You’re getting a damn foul mouth on you.”

  “Blame my hot ass boyfriends.”

  “If this goes south a bar is probably the best place, I’m gonna need several drinks.”

  “It’ll be fine, and if nothing else it’s out. Tank is scared you regret what we have. He’s blaming himself because he thinks he pushed you.”

  “Let’s go.”

  He followed along quickly as Scary acted like he was on a mission. It wasn’t long before they sped toward Brawlers. He held tight to Scary’s waist. The man’s relaxed posture belied the tension he sensed in Scary. He’d learned to read Scary just as well as Tank, but Scary was the more intense of the two and more adept at hiding his emotions.

  There wasn’t anything more he wanted in his life than to his family to be happy. If the three of them couldn’t work as a unit and be honest with each other where would that leave them?

  Scary slowly rolled to a stop, and then backed into the reserved space beside Tank’s bike.

  “Maybe we should go home,” Scary suggested.

  “No, we’re gonna solve this and now. I’m not having both my men miserable because one them is hiding shit.”

  He dismounted and removed his helmet.

  “Get off the bike,” He placed his hands on his hips, “Don’t make me tell you again.”

  “You’re a bossy little shit, why did I ever think of you as shy?” Scary removed his helmet and swung his leg over the seat.

  “I was, then I was corrupted. Quit stalling.” He grabbed Scary’s wrist and dragged him toward the front door. “Hey, Crave,” He greeted the burly blond.

  “The pretty boss, you’re here as much as your men are.”

  “And you’re the king of exaggeration. Where’s my other man?”

  “Last I saw Twitch was giving him shit for being grumpy.”

  “Let me go save him.”

  Elijah adored Twitch, but there was a thin line between loving the beautiful man and wanting to wring his neck. Crave opened the door and motioned them inside with a sweep of his arm and a deep bow. Even a mid-week crowd was a bit of a crush. He still held Scary tight as he searched for Tank and found him sitting at the bar.

  Surprise showed on Tank’s face. He didn’t wait for questions just grabbed Tank with his free hand and led them both to the office. Once inside, he released them and locked the door.

  “You two need to talk.” He walked to the desk and hoisted himself onto it. He motioned to them with a go ahead motion.

  The two stubborn men squared off, assessing each other like opponents in a boxing ring. In the last four months he’d seen them go at each other. A release of tension, they were all raging testosterone and he loved them beyond reason. He smiled at his thoughts.

  Tank’s movements were agitated as he demanded answers and he could barely keep up. He’d watched them have silent arguments plenty of times, but even he couldn’t keep up with a pissed off Tan

  “That’s not what the fuck this was about and don’t try your guilt trip bullshit with me. I never once said you forced me into anything. I wanted Elijah as much as you did.”

  “Gentlemen, gentleman, please, can you conduct yourselves in a manner that even remotely implies y’all are adults?”

  He snickered as he was promptly flipped off by both and then ignored.

  “I so feel the love,” He playfully whined and pouted.

  If Tank and Scary ever did have sex he wondered if they would survive it. He was jumping ahead a bit. First Scary had to admit what he wanted.

  “Fuck this, I’m not arguing with you.”

  It was the only warning Tank got. It transitioned into slow motion as Tank’s back met the door and Scary had Tank’s jaw cupped in his hands. Tank seemed frozen, his scarred hands firmly around Scary’s wrists. With their slight difference in height, Scary only had to lean down a few inches until his lips hovered over Tank’s mouth.

  Elijah refused to move so he wouldn’t break into the moment. They’d reached the point of no return and he was nervous—no terrified. He held his breath and waited.

  “S’fucking sexy,” Scary growled deep in his chest.

  Tank’s body trembled as his chest moved quickly with his labored breaths. Elijah watched as Tank darted looks from Scary’s mouth to his eyes and back again. Scary slammed his mouth onto Tank’s and forced Tank harder against the door.

  Growls and deep groans filled the small space of the dim office. His own heart kicked up a desperate rhythm as he watched his men clutch at each other. Scary’s fingers tangled in the long strands of Tank’s hair.

  They were sexy together. All inked, hair-roughened skin and thick muscle.

  Scary drew back, biting down on Tank’s full bottom lip and gently tugged. Elijah took in Tank’s flushed cheeks above his beard and his glazed eyes. Tank entirely focused on Scary.

  Scary release Tank’s lip. “So fucking hard for me.”

  He bit off a groan as Scary slipped his left hand between his and Tank’s bodies. The back of Tank’s head banged against wood and his hips jerked forward. Elijah’s hands ached as he realized he had them clenched around the edge of the desk.


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