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Page 15

by J. M. Dabney

  “Do you want this,” Scary asked in a low, gravelly tone. “When I saw Ian touch you, I could’ve fucking killed him.”

  Tank whimpered as he shifted his feet apart.

  “No one touches you but me and Elijah, no one.”

  The possessiveness in Scary’s tone dark and primal.

  “Do you understand me,” It wasn’t a question, but a demand.

  Tank shakily nodded.

  “We’re going on a date, the three of us.”

  Scary and Tank turned to him, they were still pressed closer together. Should he be jealous, something other than turned on? It felt right, it was the three of them like it should be. His two men gravitated towards each other like they did with him.

  Elijah didn’t realize until now why they were so close. Scary and Tank may have kept things unconsciously in the friend’s only slot to hold tight to their friendship. Now the truth came out they needed to figure out how to go forward.

  He met Tank’s gaze and clearly saw the question there. He nodded and smiled sliding off the desk. The distance between him and them was too much, he stepped up to their side and wrapped his arms around them. They each placed a hand on his lower back and he smiled as he felt their fingers lock together.

  The instant rightness he felt as he soaked in their warmth and combined scents brought him the sense of belonging he’d always yearned for yet hadn’t found until them.


  Tank set on the edge of his bed, bent over tying his boots as his brain kept trying to process what happened the night before. He still felt Scary’s lips on his for the first time in all the years they’d known each other. Nothing went past the kiss. They’d curled up with Elijah like any other night, but unlike the other nights Scary’s arm laid across Elijah as well as him.

  “You’re analyzing shit, stop it,” Scary ordered as he walked out of the bathroom steam following him with a towel loosely held around his hips.

  Apparently he didn’t have to say anything because Scary kept going as he walked towards the bed. “Eyes on me,” Scary ordered. Scary stopped in front of him.

  His brows rose as he leaned his head back to look up at Scary. He could already see they were going to fight—more than they already did. Fuck, he knew that damn smirk. Scary bent at the waist to push his fists into the mattress beside Tank’s thighs. He would not retreat, he would not—dammit, he retreated. Scary chuckled low and dark.

  Did Scary only want him because of some momentary jealousy or—

  “For a cold bastard your face is way too expressive.”

  Scary lifted his hand and pushed against his chest. He fell back and stared up at Scary as the man looked down at him.

  You—he pointed at Scary.

  “You want to tell me no?”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The first crush he’d had was on Scary. There was no way in fuck he could’ve done anything about it. At the age of twelve it terrified him to admit it to himself. If something is ignored enough it’s like it never existed in the first place. The illusion shattered the moment Scary kissed him. Elijah set back as if them making out against the office door while Elijah watched was completely normal.

  Without opening his eyes he shook his head. He grunted and started signing—Does not mean you can boss me around.

  “Of course I can, I always have. Are we getting ready for work or letting Crave play boss tonight?”

  Work—He answered and opened his eyes.

  “Chicken shit.” Scary pressed a hard, quick kiss to his mouth before he pushed himself up.

  Scary dropped the towel and grabbed his jeans from the edge of the bed. He watched the flex of bulky muscle beneath inked and hairy skin.

  “Keep fucking looking and we ain’t working tonight.”

  He made a go-ahead motion and finished tying his boots. As he stood Scary’s phone started ringing. He reached for it and dragged it off the nightstand.

  Scary reached for it and checked the display. His best friend’s brow furrowed and he swiped his thumb across the screen, he put it on speaker.

  “Juvie, you and Elijah having fun?”

  Sophie and Elijah were supposed to spend the night there and then come home tomorrow for the weekend. They’d gotten her a phone so she could call any of them or the crew if she needed them.

  “Elijah didn’t come pick me up.”

  “Maybe he’s just late getting off work.”

  “Kam said he left at lunch to go to those classes. He texted her that he’d be here to pick me up normal time, but—”

  He glanced at Scary. That wasn’t like Elijah. If he said he was going to do something especially when it came to Juvie he didn’t go back on his word.

  “Is Kam close by?”

  He went through the details and what ifs. There were plenty of positive reasons Elijah was MIA, but his brain went all worst-case scenario.

  “Yea, hold on.”

  Juvie called Kam and a few seconds later they heard her voice.

  “Hey, Scary, I’m assuming Eli’s not there.”

  “No, we were just getting ready for work. Elijah was supposed to call after him and Juvie got settled in the hotel.”

  “I called one of the directors of the training program. She said Elijah was there until the end of the class. He got a call as he was leaving. I’ve called his phone several times, but it goes straight to voice mail.”

  “Did he check into the hotel?”

  “No, he’d made a reservation before our morning meeting.”

  He waved his hands until he got Scary’s attention—How is our girl?

  “How’s Juvie?”

  “Worried and feeling a bit insecure, but we got her covered. Figure out where Eli is.”

  “We will,” Scary assured her and disconnected the call and instantly a call. It went straight to Elijah’s voice mail.

  He didn’t know if it would make any difference but Scary left a message.

  “I’m going to call Bull,” Scary tapped the screen until ringing filled the room.

  He took the phone as Scary turned to sit on the bed. Crave was a damn good bouncer, but he was shit at playing boss. His tendency to throw a punch first and deal with the cops later didn’t help the already bad reputation of their bar.

  “What,” Bull’s grumpy voice came over the speaker.

  “We need you to babysit tonight.”

  “No fucking way, man, I’m not—”

  “Elijah is MIA. He didn’t show to pick Juvie up.”

  “Ah shit, I got it covered, but if we need to hire new people I ain’t to blame.”

  “Deal, just don’t kill anyone.”

  “The fuck if I’m gonna guarantee that. You need a backup just call,” Bull disconnected the call.

  “Let’s pack and head out.”

  They quickly threw a few changes of clothes into a few backpacks. The discussion turned to whether they should call Brody, but decided against it until they had more information. Elijah didn’t pull shit like this, but there was one person they needed to contact. He tapped Scary’s shoulder.

  He made the sign for Peaches and Scary nodded. They needed a cooler head than they possessed and a lawyer was the one to call.

  They made the call and waited while it rang, Scary was about to hang up when Peaches answered.

  “Peaches, we need your help.”

  “Name it.”

  “Elijah went missing and we’re headed to Atlanta—”

  “The cops won’t even look at a missing person’s report for at least twenty-four hours unless you give them a reason to take it seriously.”

  He didn’t give a fuck about some bullshit minimum time limit. This was Elijah. Their man was responsible and they knew for sure Elijah would make contact even if it were just five minutes.

  “So telling them he didn’t show up to pick up his soon-to-be daughter isn’t excuse enough.”

  “He didn’t show to pick up Juvie,” Her voice went from calm and
rational to concerned.

  “No, that’s why we called you. We don’t fucks with the cops.”

  “Gib and I will be ready when y’all get here. Pack for a few days,” Peaches asked.


  “We keeping this quiet?”

  “For now, he may show up by the time we get to Kam’s place. No need to worry anybody until there’s a reason.”

  “Got it. We’ll be ready.”

  Scary slid the phone into his back pocket. He didn’t know what they’d do if something happened to Elijah. He started to dip his chin to his chest, but stopped when Scary’s hands curled around his neck and tugged him forward. Scary nipped gently at his lips.

  “Our boy is fine and if he isn’t—” Scary growled. “—whoever was stupid enough to fuck with what is ours pays.”

  He nodded and Scary pulled away but not before Scary kissed him long and hard. They parted to pick up their bags and head for the door. The ride ahead of them was going to be long and stressful. Elijah was their redemption, their one bright spot and there wasn’t a chance in hell they’d lose him now. He’d already started seeing his life with Elijah and Scary to love and their love in return. A crazy, smart assed kid that he already loved. They were all supposed to have a life. The four of them against the world.

  Starting his bike, the deep rumbling growl of the engine didn’t soothe him as it had before. They took off towards town to join up with Gib and Peaches. They had to get to Juvie, Elijah would hate for her to be without them—to lose her sense of security.

  The cool night air stung his cheeks as he followed behind Scary. He took deep calming breaths as he attempted to focus his chaotic thoughts and tried not to think about Elijah hurt and needing them.

  He shook his head. They’d find him and he’d make damn sure their boy was never out of their sight again. Argument or not, Elijah wouldn’t win.


  Two days and still Elijah’s phone went to voice mail. He was about to lose his fucking mind and temper, Tank not much better. The only person keeping them from falling apart was Juvie. She lay curled up into a tiny ball between them on the bed. Tank occasionally reached out to straighten her blanket or tuck her wavy hair behind her ear.

  Lucky had woven one thread wrap into her hair, four tiny bells hung beneath stone beads—the stones were their birthstones. It was Lucky’s way of welcoming her to the family. He’d noticed she jingled the bells when she’d get anxious. Of all the fucked up things he’d endured in his life, this turned out to be the only time he felt helpless to make her feel better.

  No one heard from Elijah and they’d reached the point of no return. They needed to notify Brody. Peaches and Gib were taking care of that. They’d retraced Elijah’s steps countless times to see if he could find Elijah’s car, but nothing. They’d even called every hospital and clinic. The cops were fucking useless.

  There was a knock on the door, Scary jumped from the bed as Tank moved in front of Juvie. Kam turned out to be great about them spending time with Juvie when they weren’t dealing with reports and their searches. He peeked through the peephole and narrowed his eyes. It was one of Ian’s crew. He threw open the door and grabbed the front of the man’s shirt. They were about the same height, but the younger man had a good fifty pounds on him.

  What worried him the most was the deadness in his black gaze. There was absolutely nothing fucking there.

  “Where the fuck is our man,” He growled in the stranger’s face.

  “Got no clue, man.”

  “Then what the fuck—”

  The man cut him off as he tried to shake off Scary’s hands. He wasn’t letting go until he got answers.

  “Few weeks ago, Ian stuck around while we headed out. Something won’t right, but won’t none of my business. I ain’t got much of a conscience. Docs say I’m broken.”

  “And?” He was losing his fucking patience.

  “If there’s Karma and all that metaphysical bullshit maybe I gotta make my peace. Did a U-turn ‘bout a week back. Went to the motel where Ian was supposed to be hold up. He was acting crazy as fuck,” The guy looked passed him and his eyes widened, “What the fuck you doing with a kid?”

  “Our daughter ain't your concern, keep talking.”

  Massive shoulders shrugged, “I tailed him for a while. Ian started taking an interest in your man, even followed his sweet ass—”

  Scary growled and shoved the man into the wall.

  “Ya don’t take another man’s piece. I don’t poach on ass I don’t own.”

  The fucker was a god damned sweetheart, but if Ian had Elijah they had bigger problems than they’d thought.

  “Never got close. Just watched him. Fucking weird. Man ain’t right.”

  “I’m losing my fucking patience.”

  “Whatever, he went to some cabin rental place about an hour passed Powers. He tucked in some supplies. Two days ago I lost his trail.”

  “How’d ya find us?”

  “Same way I found him, I followed you. After I found out where you were staying I headed back to check out Ian. Didn’t see your man though, but I didn’t get close. Yesterday he left the cabin. I was gonna nose around a bit, but the managers or whatever got suspicious. I hauled ass before the cops showed.”

  “Why the fuck you so concerned?”

  “I ain’t, like I said you don’t fuck with another man’s property.”

  “Elijah ain’t property.”

  “Man, you’re fucking touchy, whatever ya want to call him you don’t fuck with it.”

  Scary stepped back and closed the door. Luckily Juvie hadn’t woken up.

  “Give me directions to this cabin.”

  “Got paper?”

  He motioned with a nod towards the small table in the corner of the room. A pad with the hotel name and pen set in the middle of it.

  “You got a name.”

  “Earned the name Psycho after a bar fight, don’t much answer to anything else.”

  “You obviously know us.”

  “Ian ranted about fags and shit. Not that I didn’t see him take a man or two into alleys or motels over the last few years. Figured he was just a hypocrite. He do that to your face,” Psycho aimed the question at Tank.

  He noticed Tank stiffen, but he kept tracking Psycho keeping his body between him and Juvie at all times. Psycho didn’t seem exactly right in the head. His knuckles were scarred and calloused from years of fighting. The man was a brawler. It took one to recognize one.

  If Ian was involved and this wasn’t some trap to get Tank back they needed clear heads. Ian was one vicious motherfucker. He wouldn’t hesitate to take Elijah out. Would they even find their man alive? Shit, he couldn’t think about that. That wasn’t an option for neither him or Tank.

  “I ain’t here to hurt no one. Ain’t my intention to start a fight but I’ll sure as fuck finish it.” Psycho spoke as he bent and scribbled what he assumed was an address and directions.

  “Why are you here then?” He was still leery of the man’s motives. It was rare someone did shit without several strings attached. What did he want in exchange for the information?

  “Already answered that.”

  “No, what you said is you don’t have a conscience. A man without one wouldn’t put his ass on the line for a stranger.”

  “Just making my peace. Seems like a nice guy y’all got. Not many like us get one that,” Psycho paused. “Pure. Ain’t no mistaken that man loves y’all. Gotta be nice.”

  “You riding with us?” He didn’t know what made him ask, but a man like Psycho crazy or not he was the type of bastard in your corner.

  “Been awhile since I drew some blood, might be fun.”

  “I thought Crave was bad,” He glanced over his shoulder in time to see Tank smile, “We might have found his match.”

  “Big blonds ain’t my type. Ain’t he got a thing going with that pretty twink bartender of yours?”

�You notice shit that’s for sure.”

  “Noticing shit keeps ya ass alive.”

  “Text Kam and when she gets here we’ll head out.”

  Tank nodded as he retook his place on the bed and started texting Kam with one hand as he comfortingly stroked Juvie’s back with the other. It was an action he’d seen Elijah do when putting Juvie to bed.

  “Juvie’s not gonna be happy,” he said as Tank snorted.

  Her unhappy was an understatement. She wanted to be there every step of the way. He could see her trying to run into battle right behind them.

  “Your daughter’s name is Juvie? Is that where you found her?”

  “No, it’s a nickname, she’s a bit too tiny for Crime Boss in training.”

  “You got a fucking weird ass family, man,” Psycho took a seat on one of the uncomfortable looking table chairs.

  “Yea I do,” he said it with a smile as he started packing up his and Tank’s things. When he closed in on the bed he leaned down to give Tank a kiss. It was still odd to be able to do that. “We’ll get him back, I promise.”

  Tank merely nodded his head and turned his attention back to Juvie. He knew Tank was preparing for the worst. Tank knew what Ian could do. And the man was mentally saying goodbye to the little girl they’d begun to consider theirs. If anything happened to Elijah, nothing was holding them back. Killing the fucker would be easy.

  “I can’t keep one happy, how the fuck you handle two?”

  He didn’t know why, but he laughed at the question.

  “I got fucking lucky I guess.”

  Two hours later they rode passed the city limit sign. The crew shut down the bar, they’d sent Twitch home. The Brawler and Twirled crews prepared to ride to the rescue. He doubted Lucky would let Priest anywhere near violence, but he understood that. Somehow he knew Priest already experienced enough violence to last him a lifetime.

  If they didn’t find Elijah breathing and in one piece, Ian wouldn’t know what the hell came for him. He knew him and Tank would spend the rest of their lives making sure they made up for their past touching him. He cleared his head and began to plan as he let the wind whip around him and the yellow lines of the road stretch on for miles.


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