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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

Page 12

by YD La Mar

  When my mind catches up, I become furious and throw the dental floss at his face when it just flies right through him like he’s made of air. My tears are welling up in my eyes as my mind is brought back to each night he’s made me feel this way.

  When the weight of his body covers mine, the chill that seeps into my very marrows makes me want to curl into myself. Goosebumps crawl along my skin everywhere his body makes contact with mine. I hate him, and I’m fucking pissed. His skeletal hand caresses my face and forces me to look at him when I really don’t want to, not again. Not like this. He feels too real and my heart aches. It aches like the first time all over again.

  Turning my head away so he doesn’t get a front-row seat to my show of weakness, I feel his breath at the crook of my neck. A hot tongue brands me there as he continues his path towards the shell of my ear.

  “I’ve missed you, Reese.”

  My tears are burning now and with my eyes clamped shut, I start to pummel into his chest with my fists. Didn’t that stupid box of floss go right through him? I can’t fucking understand it, but right now I really could not care less because the feeling of my fists hitting his chest is somewhat satisfying and driving me to continue my assault. How dare he? After all this time? After being alone when I needed him the most? When my world was crumbling all around me and I thought to take my own life?

  “You fucking missed me? That’s what you have to say to me, you bastard?! I needed you! I’m so fucking mad at you! You left me…” He’s already grabbed my hands and pinned them above me during my tirade. My tears are flowing down like rivers in a sob at the memory of the nightmare I had to face alone… without him.

  His hot tongue licks my trail of tears as he nuzzles his face against my cheek, making my heart hurt even more, opening like a chasm.

  “I would burn worlds for you, Reese. It took more blood, flesh, and souls than I realized to return to you, to be able to touch you like this and not be trapped in dreams and alternate realms.” What the hell is he talking about? “Human life is so fleeting. I had to battle with the amount of flesh I had to consume with how soon I could return to you. Blasted hellfires. I’m here now, and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of me. I’ve killed for you, Reese, and I would gladly kill more to keep you by my side.” His hot tongue enters my mouth in a strange devouring kiss and my heart stutters at his audacity. His lack of lips does nothing to stop the hunger burning inside of me for what he’s giving me.

  Where was he when I needed him to kill my father? My heart hurts, breaking for the lost girl caught in that moment in the past, for the scarred woman I've grown to be. The walls I’ve erected around myself to protect my heart can be heard crumbling the longer I’m in his arms like this, lost in the heat of his tongue dancing with mine. The heat of my anger cools with his cold touch on my skin as he presses his body onto me even harder, trapping me on the cool bathroom floor.

  I hate that I missed him. I hate that he’s breaking down the cold heart I’ve created. I hate that I still need him and love him the way I do.


  The amount of human flesh it took to make me corporeal enough was more than I initially anticipated. I unleashed all my lesser demons and sprites onto the unsuspecting humans and created another warzone in the desert lands. I did not get the chance to test and see if it was enough when the ache in my chest pulled me so tightly and flashed me to Reese’s abode.

  The sight before me made me want to rip my non-existent heart right out of my chest and bear it before her on my knees. The thought alone angers me that I crave to beg her, I crave to give her control over me when it should be me who controls her pathetic human existence!

  But she bewitches me again when our tongues find each other. The confusion I used to find myself in clears more and more as I devour more flesh and reap souls. Is it human emotions that I consume as well? Does it penetrate me and rape my mind, making me become weak as a human is? Why does this thought not bother me as much as it would have before this little human female entered my life?

  What was my existence before Reese? I cannot even recall. My thoughts have been consumed by Reese. She is my reason for existence. She is mine. It’s time I make her understand this.

  Her tongue attempts to distract me from my thoughts, but I will not let her win this battle. I am the only victor. I am Beheraa!

  As our tongues duel, I make sure to dominate her mouth into submission to let her know who is in control.

  Trying not to lose concentration on the plan, I flash us both back to my bed chambers. A soft gasp escapes Reese’s lips and I nip at the bottom, one that always seems to tease my senses. It makes me greedy to taste her essence. Biting down again, her lips well up with crimson droplets. A growl escapes me before I use my tongue to lick it all up before it drops onto the sheets. Nothing of Reese shall be wasted here. No. It shall not be shared, either. I am sure some of the lesser demons in my realm are just waiting for fresh human flesh and blood to be splattered on these walls, creating a frenzy of lust and debauchery. The thought makes my eyes flame brighter.

  Reese is mine. There will be no sharing of blood or flesh. My teeth bite down on her shoulder, my greed for her blood and taste consuming my thoughts. Her taste, by the hellfires, her taste is like nothing I’ve ever had.

  The more blood that enters my mouth, the more my cock twitches in response. When the lust haze clears a bit, I recognize her little soft hands roaming my body. Does she feel the same way I do? She craved me once. Then she humiliated me and spurned me. I should be angry. I should punish her for her insolence and audacity to reject me… ME!

  When her little tongue licks the side of my face, all thoughts of anger disappear and my cock takes over anything rational left in my mind.

  I roar at myself for allowing her to affect me like this. She cannot have the upper hand again!

  Pulling away from her, I grab her small body and turn her over onto her stomach. That should tame the beast inside of me. I need to keep her eyes and her expressions away from my sight. The patterns on her back create a beautiful picture. The sight of her hot and very wet center makes me lose my mind as if it hasn’t already been lost. Her scent of arousal drives me mad with need.

  Grabbing the back of her neck to keep her pinned to my bed, my hips surge forward, out of my control. Her pussy is hot, dripping, and tight. Much tighter than I remember. She screams into the black sheets beneath her and it makes my hunger grow. I enjoy her screams.

  My cock cannot seem to fit her, but it will not stop me. Leaning over her small frame, I pull my hips back and push forward again with more force. The moment I impale her to the hilt is the moment my body starts to move out of my control with pounding thrusts. It feels too damn good. Is it supposed to feel this good? What is this female doing to me? I’ve never longed to claim something so much. I’ve never craved to dominate something so much.

  Her pussy squeezes me, and it makes me snarl into her shoulder. She’s so warm beneath me, my mind is in a red haze. The sounds of her flesh hitting my hips echo into the cavern walls, overshadowing the skittering sounds of sprites nearby watching the performance before them.

  When her pussy releases more wetness, I hear her moan into the bed and my body starts to chase a race I didn’t know I was in. I need to hear more of her moans. I need to make her moan louder. My chest swells with pride at the fact that I am doing that to her. I am making her lose as much control as she seems to always make me do. A fitting punishment. To torture her the way she’s been torturing me.

  That blasted Asmore and his cock tugging. It did nothing for me! What curse is this that I cannot control my own phallus? I can’t stop the need. Not until now. This is where it is supposed to be, inside Reese’s waiting channel. Her womb is where I've always belonged, and I will make her understand this.

  The shock of pleasure hits me like a ton of bricks. What is this then? What is happening? My body is moving out of some sort of ancient muscle memory with my thrusts, but when I loo
k to where our bodies are united, I see that my little Reese is pushing back against me. Why does this feel so much better than my mere pounding? How does she do that?

  Her hips start to twist with her pushes, and I can feel my body tightening in tension as I watch her seductive dance. A memory sparks in my mind. This has happened before. This has happened before with Reese. Lost in the sensation of her movements, my hand caresses her neck, only to notice I do not see her hands. Where are her hands?

  Reese moans into the sheet as my eyes track her arm down in front of her body. What is this human female doing and why is her pussy pulsating on my cock? By the hellfires, what is this feeling? Reese gives a much deeper moan than I’ve ever heard come out of her at the same time her pussy seems to choke the life out of my phallus. A lightning strike of pleasure shoots down my back as my climax brings me to my damn knees, if I wasn’t there already. The feeling of my cock releasing its essence into her does something I never thought about before. It calms me. What I took as weakness before was actually the feeling of calm and serenity. I was a fool to think Reese would ever have nefarious plans for me. But I will never let her know this, she may use it against me.

  Reese’s body slowly slides down flat onto the bed beneath her and I do the same, refusing to separate us. The warmth of her body is something else I didn't know I needed. This is where she is supposed to be, beneath me and satiated from my dominion of her body and soul.


  Where am I? Why the hell is it so hot? The heat in my apartment doesn’t even work.

  Hold. The. Fuck. Up.

  Quickly sitting myself up on the bed, I rub my eyes and look around. I knew it! That slimy fucker! He tricked me and made me vulnerable, then he leaves me again! GAHHH!

  I get out of the bed, looking around the bedchamber for something. The hot air that goes across my sweaty skin tells me I’m butt fucking naked, but I’m on a mission. I need to find something strong, something I can wield in my hands.

  The sound of a raptor screech makes me turn around. Quasi?

  He almost topples me over with his mad crooked dash to me, knuckles grazing my stomach and chest. I forget how big this pup is. Why does he feel so much heavier in this realm?

  “Quasi, baby. Find me something that looks like a bat. You remember my bat, right? It sat up in the corner of the house by your bone.” Quasi tilts his head back and forth a few times before he bumps his head against my chin and makes a mad dash somewhere.

  Not wanting to waste time, I continue to look around the chamber for something, anything, to defend myself. My hands are roaming the craggy cavern walls in case there’s any sort of secret openings I’m not aware of.

  The sound of something falling makes me turn around and I see a bunch of...little baby, gangly, ugly ass fuck demons topple over each other from around the corner. It seems there are multiple entrances to this room. I’ll have to remember that in the future.

  When the first one sees me staring, he screeches, making me wince, and starts to push and roll the others away from me. I swear I hear them whisper ‘mistress’ as they run down the hallway away from me. I fucking don’t have time for this shit!

  I’m crawling on hands and knees, searching, but all I find are some small bones the size of my fingers. This isn’t going to help me! Standing back up, I let out a sigh in frustration.

  A raptor screech comes up from behind me before Quasi drops something large onto the ground by my feet with a sort of wet thump. If I wasn’t in the damn realm of the dead and hellfire, I would think I’m going out of my mind. But since I know for damn sure where this place is, I know for damn sure that Quasi just brought me back a large demon arm, still dripping blood and all. Fuck it, this will have to do.

  Grabbing it by the wrist, the arm starts to wriggle and the fingers try to grab me back. What the everloving hell?! I bang it against the wall a few times, sending some droplets of blood across my face, to make it stop and it does thankfully.

  Quasi lets out a raptor screech in a different pattern, making me turn around to see what’s got him agitated like that.

  There, standing on the other side of the room, is a large figure that I’ve come to recognize like the back of my fucking hand. His commanding aura shrouding the entire room, but it does nothing to squelch the plan I already have in motion. He’s cloakless today, giving me a good view of all his glory. He looks different. Much different from the last time I saw him. He’s still mostly skeletal, his face still lacking lips. But the rest of his body has random stretches of skin over his bones like string cheese or maybe mauled flesh. There is no part of him that is completely covered. He’d never be able to blend in the human world, that’s for sure. His legs have grown some more quad muscles with exposed tendons, but not much to fully cover his femur bone. His cock. My god, his cock is impressive, and it is fucking glorious, but I will never tell him that. It’s at half-mast and there are missing pieces of skin like something vicious tore at it, exposing the angry flesh beneath it. It makes me fucking horny looking at it because I know exactly how it feels between my legs.

  The thought makes me hot and angry all over again. This fucker decides he wants my time and then up and leaves me to wake up alone? Fuck. This. Shit. I’m tired of people walking all over me! I’m tired of ...of...beings walking all over me and my damn heart!

  Bear walks towards me and I do the same, dragging this damn demon arm behind me. I can hear Quasi chewing on something and another screech from something else but I don’t care right now. I need to handle this shit before another moment of weakness arrives.

  When we both reach the middle of the room, I quickly grab the demon arm with both of my hands and throw the hardest swing I’ve ever mustered….right at Bear’s face. Screaming like a banshee all while doing it because, why not? We’re in the realm of the dead and people are screaming all the time anyway.

  Bear’s head detaches from his shoulders and hits the wall to the left of me, bouncing back onto the ground. All the while, Bear’s arms start to cross over his chest with his feet hip width apart, still standing there like it didn’t even happen.

  I throw the stupid demon arm aside and start to pummel his chest again, screaming my frustration. Damn him for making me feel like this again! My knuckles start to hurt and tears are streaming down my cheeks, sticking to my lashes as I continue to kick, punch and scream at his unmoving body. Quasi is raptor howling behind me in tune to my screams as my assault slowly ebbs into sobs and I grip onto Bear’s exposed ribs and just cry, rubbing my forehead against him.

  All I can hear is the sound of the rushing blood behind my ears like rolling rapids reflecting the way I feel inside. I don’t know how long I continue to shake and cry when I feel Bear’s arms go around me in a cocooning embrace. Since the fucker doesn’t have any flesh or clothes for me to wipe my tears and snot on, I have to use my arm before I bring my head back to see that his head has already reattached itself to its rightful place. This fucker!

  I cry even more knowing that he took my rage and all the years of my heartache with stride. Why does he do this to me? Why do I love this fool? How can he want someone as broken as me?

  Bear puts one hand under my ass and one on my back as he picks me up and places me onto the bed. I’m wiping my tears with my other arm when I feel him spreading my legs apart. I’m caught in another moment of weakness and I let him do what he pleases to see where he wants to take this, where he wants to take our relationship. Fuck. Is this a fucking relationship? I don’t know. I’ve never had one. It’s always been me and Bear. It seems it's always just going to be me and Bear. The thought doesn’t hurt me as much as it used to.

  The feeling of his tongue swiping across my folds and then invading inside me makes my back bow a little off the bed. I didn’t expect that. No one’s ever done that to me before, down there. I didn’t know it could feel this way.

  Bear must be on the same page as me because he seems like he’s just exploring as much as I’m exploring how he’s
making me feel.

  When his tongue swirls around my clit, my body automatically wriggles and I moan. Damn, that feels good. My tears have dried up and I’m mesmerized by the sight before me. The male I’ve come to love and crave like no other between my open legs. Bear stops for a second, and I’m about to cry in frustration when his tongue starts swirling around my clit with more vigor. His teeth start to nip at it and push against it, causing me to feel really damn good. When one of his skeletal fingers enters my pussy, I squeak in surprise and throw my head back. My breathing starts to get heavier as his fingers work its way in and out of my opening.


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