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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

Page 13

by YD La Mar

  Bear is getting more confident by the minute by the way he laps at my clit and lower lips, playing my body the way he wants it to go, when he suddenly sticks a couple more of his fingers inside of me, thrusting into my wetness, never letting up on his tonguing. He shouldn’t be this good at this.

  My body’s climb felt so quick and abrupt as my climax hit me like a sledgehammer, making my thighs squeeze the life out of Bear’s head. Fuck him, I’m sure he can take it. He’s dead anyway, right? My hips start to thrust into his face and writhe as his tongue and fingers continue his ministrations, wringing out moan after moan out of me. As my leg muscles continue to squeeze his head and I start to wonder if the grim reaper even needs to breathe. When the waves of my climax finally start to die down, my legs slowly part and release him from my vice grip.

  I lay here, trying to catch my breath, staring at the ceiling. My muscles feel relaxed even though my heart is still beating erratically. I don’t feel as angry as I initially was when I woke up, finding myself alone. Damnnit, but now that I’m thinking of it, my anger is creeping towards escalating back to what it once was. I’m about to chew him a new one when his body climbs over mine and covers me. He just covers me, laying on top of me like a damn heavy cold blanket. I don’t know what the hell he is doing until his hands start to caress my face and neck.

  The tears that come out of me this time fall slowly without wracking sobs as a slurry of new emotions wash over me. Is he…cuddling me?

  “Reese.” Is he nuzzling my chest right now? Why does that make my heart feel more full than it already is?

  “You are mine, Reese. You’ve always been mine; it just took me longer than it should have to realize it. Now that I have you, you are never leaving me. I would burn worlds for you, Reese.” My god, if that's not the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard out of this bastard’s mouth.

  “The lives I’ve devoured are nothing in comparison to what I would do if I find another male seek your favor. They will all die and be dragged down to my kingdom to be tortured for the rest of eternity. You will have no other but me, Reese. This I command you.” I’m flattered, flabbergasted, appalled, and strangely horny all at once. Damn, he’s good.

  “You command me, huh? Let me fucking ask you something, mister.” I push his shoulders off me so I can see his face and point my finger right where his nose should have been.

  I know I’m being irrational, but I feel what I feel. “How the fuck did you learn to kiss like that, hmm? If you fucking lie to me, I swear I’m going to not just knock your fucking head off your shoulders but tear you limb from limb!” Green is not my color, apparently.

  Why is he groaning? I can feel my face scrunching up in confusion. What the fuck is this?

  “How do you bury yourself so deep in my essence? Your words make my cock come back to life and the blasted thing has a mind of its own as it is.” He’s already moving his hips as he tells me this, pushing said hard cock against me, bumping my clit, seeking my entrance again. He’s fucking trying to distract me!

  “Tell me! You fucking tell me right now! Where did you learn to kiss like that Bear! I’m going to fucking kill you!” I start punching his chest and slapping his stupid skull face that doesn’t give me any expressions to let me know what he’s thinking.

  He shoves his cock into me and at the same time, he grabs my wrists against the bed at either side of my head. I gasp at his invasion because fuck, not counting our last session, I haven’t had sex since the last time I jumped him and I feel like a damn born-again virgin every time he enters me. The fullness is exquisite, the stretch on the verge of painful, but he still hasn't answered my question!

  He brings one of my wrists to his mouth and licks along my veins. Why is that so hot? Letting go of my hands, Bear manhandles my ass and forces my legs to wrap around him, bending my torso forward as he continues to bury himself as deep as he can go, making me feel like he’s hitting my damn liver and shit.

  I should be mad right now. I should push him off me, but my pussy is saying yes to everything he’s doing. Traitor. Has sex always felt this good? Only with Bear...only with Bear...

  Leaning in closer without missing his rhythm, he licks the shell of my ear and whispers, “I devoured a hedonistic demon and demon of greed in my pursuit of you. The thousands of human flesh and souls I’ve reaped have invaded my mind with human thoughts and emotions. Let me show you the knowledge of what I’ve accumulated on my path of destruction.”


  I love the fact that Bear is all over me, but I also hate the fact that he’s always popping in and out when he has to go reap souls...which is ALL THE DAMN TIME. I knew our relationship was going to be unconventional, but this is something else.

  I have a job to go back to as well. What the fuck? He can’t expect me to stay here waiting like a fifties housewife. I mean, I miss him, but damn, I have a life I built up too. He can’t just decide that his job is more important than mine! Well, I guess it could be, but that’s not the point!

  I’m walking around the realm down different winding cavernous hallways, getting lost. Who designed this place? I hear screams and cries, but I never find where they’re coming from. Every time I think I’m getting close. There’s a damn fork in the hallway and I get lost again. Ugh!

  My eyes finally catch sight of a little tail peeking out one of the dark corners. Pouncing on it, I grab it and wrap it around my fist a few times tightly. It squeals like a demon pig and when I’m able to pull it out of its hole, that’s exactly what it looks like. A demon pig, with horns and missing half of his face, exposing his canines. How can he even make a squeal like that without half his face? Curiosities aside, I need to figure out how to get out of here.

  “How do I get back to the human realm?” It even oinks a bit like a dying pig before it spits out something along the lines of ‘oora n aaz’. What the hell does that even mean?

  Exasperated, I give the demon a good kick in the ass before I let go of his tail, watching it limp away on three legs. Crazy as shit. This place is going to drive me bonkers.

  I tell myself fuck it and yell out, “OORA N AAZ!”

  A poof and flash happen behind me, making me turn to catch the same two demons I found in my apartment the other day. Their entrance is kind of disturbing as I watch them detangle themselves from each other. How does that even happen?


  “Araaz, Mistress!” What the fuck? Mistress?

  I shake my head a bit to clear my thoughts. This place is just crazy and messed up. But I need to go back to work, I can’t lose my damn job! It’s not like I can bring in a doctor’s note saying I was too sexed up to show up to work for however long I've been gone. How long have I been gone?

  Grabbing the two demons before me by the throat, I snarl into their face.

  “Take me back.”

  We poof into my apartment and I drop them onto the floor, listening to their coughing fit as I look around the living room for my purse. Not finding it, I walk into my kitchen to look on my counter. Ah-ha!

  Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I wake it up with a tap on the screen. Ugh! I’ve been gone three days, two of which are weekend days. That means I missed one day of work. There’s a couple of missed calls and messages from Isaac. Tapping my voicemail, I stand in my kitchen impatiently while the message plays on speaker.

  “Reese! Are you alright? Did something happen? You didn’t answer your door this morning. I figured maybe Dad tired you out or you're sick or something. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’ll bring some chicken soup for ya. Feel better, Reese.”

  I click the next message.

  “Reese, I know I called this morning, but I can’t stop thinking about you. How you put up with my dad all day is beyond my comprehension. You must have the patience of a damn saint. Dad keeps asking about you and I don’t know what to tell him...I miss you, Reese. I didn’t know how much I looked forward to seeing you every morning and evening. Call me back soon, yeah?”
  I stare at my phone so long it goes back to sleep. Letting out a long sigh, I rub my temples as I make it to my bedroom for a nap. How am I going to do this? Isaac is a nice guy who seems to really have a thing for me. If Bear didn’t barge back into my life, it possibly could have grown into something between us. Maybe?

  But Bear is back, and damn if I don’t feel possessive of the fact that the fucker is mine. I still need this job, though. I can’t just live in Bear’s bedchambers forever. Plus, I’m human, for crying out loud. What happens when I’m all old and rusty and he doesn’t want my ass anymore? Shit, I really need this job. I need to be able to live a normal human life.


  I’m up and ready well before Isaac knocks on my door. I only let him knock once before I open it to reveal Isaac standing there with his fist still in the air, ready to knock again.

  His eyes do a slow roam over my entire body before coming back up to my face. It makes me feel weird.

  “Are you okay? What happened yesterday?” Oh, where do I begin?

  I open my mouth to throw out an excuse, but I get cut off by a tight hug from Isaac. He squeezes me tight, picks me up, and spins me around.

  “Damn, I missed you.” The kiss he gives me on the lips catches me off guard that my mind blanks for a few seconds before I realize I can’t even push him off me because his hug has my arms locked to my sides.

  When he pulls away from me with a big toothy smile, I clear my throat and try to speak nicely. “Can you put me down, please? Sorry about Monday, I was a bit...occupied. I’m fine now and ready for work.” Hopefully, my fake smile isn’t coming out like a grimace.

  Thankfully, he does as I request, without too much resistance. Isaac laughs as I lock my apartment door and walk with him back to his car.

  When we make it through his front doors, I hear a voice I’ve actually come to miss in my little hiatus.

  “Fucking hell! Boy, that better be you bringing Reese’s pieces back to me. I can’t stand your sorry ass and you can’t clean me for shit! I should shit on you just for giggles. Fuck! Where’s my caregiver, boy!?”

  I laugh out loud then because this cantankerous old fool grows on you like a shit stain that won't come out of your tighty whities. I laugh even louder at my internal comparison and Isaac swings his face to me, his eyes sparkling and curious.

  “I’m back, ya old coot. Hold your horses!” I leave Isaac’s side and start on my caregiving duties.

  “Fucking about damn time, woman! Do not let that boy near my balls again!” Oh dear lord, do I even want to know?

  Isaac brought his work home today or something of that nature. He’s in the house with us, but in his office upstairs on his laptop while I’m downstairs with this cranky fucker.

  Mister Clyde is rambling on about all the things his son was doing wrong yesterday while I’m fixing him a light lunch, organizing his pills for the day. The sound of his voice and ramblings is like the white noise on the TV. It brings a small comfort of familiarity.

  “Reese’s pieces girl! Tell that knucklehead boy to give you a damn raise so you don’t ever leave me again! I can’t take that shit and, I shit quite a lot. That boy doesn’t know his head from his toes. His hands were placed all wrong and he gave me a crick in my neck when he turned me!” I never knew old men could pout, but here we are. A full-blown pout on his wrinkled old face.

  Maneuvering his hospital bed up to forty-five degrees, I help Mister Clyde eat his food without choking. He takes his pills with gusto as I bring the bottle of water with his favorite straw in it to his waiting lips.

  “Reese’s pieces, my girl. I’m damn fucking glad you’re giving my sorry ass another chance. Sorry for whatever I did to chase you away. I may be an old dog, but an old dog that can still learn new tricks, ya hear? Just slap me upside the head if I get on your nerves.” I laugh and pat the back of his hand that’s resting on his belly.

  Keeping his bed at the forty-five degree angle to let his food settle, I go to sit on the chair by his bed to read his favorite book to him. The sound of my own voice drones on reading this dry book as his breathing starts to slow. I make sure to bookmark the page once I hear his snores start sawing.

  Standing up to stretch the kinks out of me from sitting so long in one position, I go to look for Isaac in case he wants me to make him some lunch as well. He’s been locked away in that office from the moment he dropped me off this morning. I’m sure he’s starving. Softly knocking on the door that’s slightly ajar in case he’s in a conference call or something, I peek in.

  Isaac turns in his nice leather office chair towards the door and waves me in. The large wooden desk he sits behind makes him look really important. He doesn’t look too busy at the moment, so I softly close the door behind me so as to not wake up his father.

  “Hey, Isaac. Did you want me to make you a sandwich or anything?” The smile that graces his lips is blinding. Good grief, it’s just a sandwich. Calm down.

  “Hell fucking yes. You are like a dream. Taking care of my cranky-ass father, coming in here asking if I need food. Where the hell have you been all my life, Reese? You are the perfect woman in a small and very beautiful package.” Why is he looking at me like that?

  Gosh, that’s a bit much. No need to lie like that. One compliment would have been enough.

  “Uh..alright then, what kind of sandwich would you like me to make?” This moment is making me feel weird.

  Isaac gets up from his chair and rounds his desk in a hurry, coming towards me. I’m kind of taken aback by his speed that I feel myself physically take a step back right before the moment he grabs me in a tight embrace. What is up with this guy and his liberties?

  I feel a breeze come through, blowing some of the strands of my hair into my face, the sound of papers flying off the desk, and by the time I toss my head to the side to get the hair out of my face, I drop to the floor on my ass. Ouch. Rubbing said ass, I look up to see Isaac clutching his neck and scratching until there are red bloody welts. The sight before me sparks a memory in the back of my head and I start getting fucking pissed.

  “Bear!” I’m whisper yelling because I still don’t want to wake up Mister Clyde.

  Some chitter-chatter and screeches whisper in the air as I see glimpses of the stupid little demons that brought me back to the human realm.

  Bear suddenly appears before me, but all I see is his powerful, towering back, blocking the sight of Isaac from me. He’s giving off a menacing aura, even if it’s not directed at me. It’s making it almost stifling in this room.

  The strangest thing happens in front of my eyes. Bear’s body starts fucking growing exponentially. It’s eerie and morbidly fascinating at the same time. I can’t stop staring. I should do something but my body won’t move. He still has his hood on, so I can’t see much but the general shape of him as he hunches down like that hunchback cartoon. Then, disturbingly, the sound of a crunch echoes to my ear.

  “The lives I’ve devoured are nothing in comparison to what I would do if I find another male seek your favor. They will all die and be dragged down to my kingdom to be tortured for the rest of eternity. You will have no other but me, Reese. This I command you.”

  Oh, no. Fuck! Is Bear eating Isaac?! I’m appalled and turned on at the same time. Dammit all to hell!

  “Bear, don’t you dare!” I lift my hand to reach out to him, but who am I kidding, what the hell can I do?

  The continuous sounds of crunches tell me he very much dares. Dammit! When Bear turns towards me, his skeletal face is full of crimson blood splattered from his mouth all down the front of his cloak and down to the floor. Dammit! He stares at me for a few moments as I watch his tongue peek out and swipe at the blood seductively across his teeth. My pussy clenches at his actions while my mind tries to keep my wayward thoughts straight. What am I going to tell old man Clyde?! What the hell?!

  The chitter-chatter screeches of the little demons fade into the air as Bear starts to stalk me in his expanded form. I
start stepping back in a circle to give me more leeway to move, and Bear steps one foot forward for every foot I step back. It’s tantalizing and it shouldn’t be, this dance we’re doing. My heart is starting to speed up, in fear or anticipation?

  The closer Bear gets to be, the more he shrinks down to his normal size, which is still pretty damn big. His eyes are burning with something I can’t name, pulling me in and seducing me. The next step I take makes me trip backward on something and the last thing I see is Bear pounce on me before I hit the ground.


  The male tastes of lust and desperation. He tastes of competition and death. I will not stand for his wiles to be placed on my female. Mine! He dares!? It is no matter because he is no more and his soul will be reaped to the very depths of my most depraved caverns just because I will it so. I may just see to his torture myself, innocent soul be damned.


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