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Not Yet

Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  “Drake,” I whisper, because I can’t think of anything else to say. My body starts to tingle all over the same as this morning when he was in my bed and his thumb brushed my cheek. That thumb is wreaking havoc on my body.

  “Don’t.” His hold on my thigh is so strong as his thumb pauses. My whole body lights up and I fight not to gasp as my lungs empty. “Just don’t.”

  He leans forward as he says it and ever so gently his mouth touches mine. It’s only a soft caress but I sit there, not moving, as he presses into me more. I’m completely still as his tongue grazes my bottom lip and he takes the smallest taste of me.

  Then it’s like the dream is broken as he lets go of me, pulls away, and jumps from the car. My face warms and I can’t keep up with what just happened. Why didn't I kiss him back? I sat there shocked and now regret washes over me. He probably thinks I didn't want the kiss and I want to crawl in a hole and disappear forever.

  My door opens a second later and Drake holds his hand out for me.

  “Don’t overthink it,” he says as he looks at me sweetly.

  How can I not overthink this? He kissed me and I’m his stepsister. This is wrong on so many levels, but out of everything I’m angry with myself for not kissing him back. I didn’t grab on to the stolen moment that felt so right.

  He puts his arm around me as we walk and I don’t know if it’s meant to be casual or like we’re a couple.

  “You’re overthinking it.”

  I hear the laughter in his voice and with it some of the worry that was quickly building fades away. I lick my lips, trying to see if I can taste him, but I need to focus on something else.

  When we reach the front of the restaurant he opens the door for me. “I’ll get you to kiss me back,” he says next to my ear when I slide past him.

  His arm drops from my shoulder and I have no time to respond because Mom and Dad are there waving at us from their table.

  Drake puts his hand on my back as he guides me over and pulls the chair out for me. Mom and Dad look so happy as their eyes bounce between us. I can tell they’re enjoying that we’re hanging out because I saw both their faces light up when Drake picked me up in celebration. If they only knew how well we were getting along they wouldn't be so happy about it.

  “It’s like old times.” Mom smiles as I sit in my seat.

  “Are you going to split the ribs with me?” Drake nudges me from the side before lifting his arm and putting it causally on the back of my chair. Then I feel him hook his foot under my chair as he pulls me closer to him. Mom snorts and Dad laughs a “Yeah, right.”

  “I don’t share food.” The only time I share is when there’s something I don't want to eat and Drake likes it.

  I nudge him back and wonder how is he being so playful right now. I can’t help but do it myself because it’s like old times. But after that kiss I don't want old times.

  I want something new.

  Chapter Twelve


  When we finish eating dinner Mom and Dad say they’re going to a movie so I offer to give Ali a ride home. On the way I reach over and lay my hand on her bare thigh and it feels so natural and good.

  They already gave Ali her birthday presents this morning and begged her to go to the movies with them. I told her I’d go too, but she said she was tired after a long day and needed to rest up for tomorrow. When Mom and Dad said they’d just come home so they could spend the rest of the night with her, she insisted they go and have fun. It took some coaxing but they went and Ali got in the car with me.

  “I think you broke the record on ribs tonight.” I smile over at her and she flushes.

  “They should have given me a T-shirt or something.” She pats her belly that’s still soft and cute. “I won’t be able to fit in my dress tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure you’ll look amazing.” I hold her gaze for a second while we sit at the red light and my thumb traces the silk of her thigh.

  She clears her throat and looks away. “Thanks for making my day special, even though it was kind of your day too.”

  “Well it’s not over yet.” She turns back to look at me and raises an eyebrow.

  “What?” She begins to smile and I shake my head.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  When we get home we walk inside and I toss my keys on the kitchen counter and take Ali by the hand.

  “Come with me,” I say, pulling her with me to my room.

  “It’s cleaner in here than in my room,” she jokes as she sits on the edge of the bed.

  “I know,” I tease her and go over to my desk and pick up the little box. “I wasn’t sure when to give you this, but this seemed like the right time. Happy birthday, Ali.”

  She beams up at me as she takes it in her hand and then opens it. “Drake.” She looks up at me with wide eyes and then stares down at the box. “Are these real?”

  “Yeah. Do you like them?” Suddenly I’m unsure, but it felt right when I saw them. The princess cut pink diamonds reminded me of her and how we used to play Barbies for hours. She loved dressing them up and then getting them naked and rubbing their plastic bodies together.

  “Of course I do. I love them. Oh God, what if I lose them?” Panic strikes her eyes and I have to hold in a laugh.

  “I got insurance on them.” I take the box from her and lift them out. “Let’s see what they look like on you.”

  She takes out her hoops and places them on my nightstand, and I lean forward to put in the diamonds for her. They’re almost as big as her lobes but I wanted people to notice them. She deserves all the attention and it’s not that I want guys to see her, but I’m tired of people dismissing her. She’s too damn good for them anyway, but she’s not invisible.

  “Beautiful,” I say as I look at her and tuck her hair behind her ear. There’s a pause between us and I stand up and take her hand. “Come see.”

  I pull her over to my dresser with the big mirror in front of it. I stand behind her and see her reflection from the top of her head to her thighs. She’s in jean shorts and the shirt with my number on it. I can feel the heat coming off her body as she smiles at herself in the mirror and turns her head back and forth to see the diamonds sparkle.

  I move in closer and closer until my front is pressed against her back. I wait for her to take a step forward or to move away, but as my hand comes around and touches her hip, she doesn't move. Instead her eyes lock with mine in the mirror and I let my fingers trail around the front to the bare patch of skin between her shorts and where the shirt has ridden up.

  “Drake,” she whispers when my fingers go to the button on her shorts, but she doesn’t tell me to stop.

  With a touch of my fingers they open and I press my aching cock against her ass.

  Her breath catches as I pull the front of her shorts open and I dip my fingers into the warmth of her panties.

  “This is wrong,” she says, her voice so soft, like she doesn’t want me to hear it.

  “It is.” I lean forward and press my lips to the tender skin of her neck. I touch the cotton of her panties and they’re wet against her pussy.

  Her mouth opens as I push the material to the side and then run the tips of my fingers along her lower lips. They’re so fucking soft and wet and when I pet her, my rough fingers dance over her clit.

  “You’re my brother, Drake. What are Mom and Dad going to say?” she asks as she widens her legs so I can push my fingers inside her.

  “They don’t have to know. Not yet anyway.” I push into her tight pussy just to get a feel for it, to get to know her. Then I bring my fingers back to her clit and pet it some more. She moans and rocks her hips forward, her eyes watching my hand disappearing over and over in her shorts.

  “Can we do this?” She’s earnest now and moving her hips faster.

  “We shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. You’re so pretty, Ali, and I want you so bad.”

  Her ass pushes against my cock and I feel the bulge in my pants threaten to break
free. It aches and all I can think about is finding relief inside of her soft, pink pussy and I grit my teeth. Her clit is like a little pearl under my touch and I rub the wet peak over and over until she’s rocking with me.

  “Maybe tonight when Mom and Dad go to bed I can come in your room and wish you a real happy birthday,” I say against her ear and she closes her eyes. She nods her head as the blush creeps across her chest and up her neck. “You’re still on the shot, right?”

  Her eyes widen and for a second she stops moving with me, but then she reluctantly nods.

  “I don’t know how much time we have.” I kneel down on the floor and turn her around as I tug her shorts down her thighs.

  “Drake, we shouldn’t be doing this,” she says as she steps out of her shorts and panties. Her bare pussy free from hair is right in front of my mouth.

  “We don’t have to tell anyone. It can be our secret.” I lean forward and place a kiss on her thigh and she looks down at me.

  “Maybe just a little,” she hedges as I kiss my way over to her pussy and then touch it with my tongue.

  Before she has a chance to change her mind, I shove my tongue in her pussy and suck on her clit. She grabs my hair and grips it tight while she rolls her pussy over my face. She’s soaking wet with juicy sweetness and I drink it up. She might be my sister, but her pussy tastes like a goddess’s.

  One second she’s holding back her desire and the next she’s leaning against the dresser with her legs spread-eagle, with my fingers fucking her hard and fast.

  “Drake!” she shouts when her orgasm hits and her sweet cream coats my fingers.

  Just then I hear the front door open and close downstairs and my mom calls out.

  “Hey kids, we’re home!” We pause for half a second before Ali frantically pulls on her shorts. “The movie was sold out. Can you believe that?”

  Her footsteps hit the stairs and Ali goes to the chair at my desk and pulls out her phone. She pretends to look at it, but her face is flushed and her hard nipples are pressing against the shirt.

  I jump on my bed and put a pillow over my lap to hide my cock as I take out my phone and do what she’s doing. It’s then I see a dozen missed texts from Liam and I open them up.

  “You guys want to pop some popcorn and watch something here tonight instead?” Mom says when she walks in my room.

  “Sure.” Ali pops up out of the chair, all smiles. “I’ll go put my pajamas on.” She gives me a quick look and blushes before she slips out of my bedroom.

  “What about you, Drake?” Mom says.

  I check my messages one more time.

  Liam: Court is at Kira’s telling everyone you’re doing your sister. She said she’s got pictures of you and her kissing in your car. Where you at?

  “Actually, I think I may go out for a bit.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  He left. I still can't believe he left.

  That thought plays on a loop in my head all day. I went downstairs last night to find my parents firing up a movie and Drake was gone. Mom told me he decided to go out after all and I’d shamelessly pretended I needed my mom’s phone so I could track him. We all know she tracks us and my heart sank when I saw he went to the party. I don’t understand why and my worried mind can’t stop thinking over all the details.

  I reach up and touch the earrings he gave me. Even being mad at Drake, I couldn’t bring myself to take them off last night. They’re so pretty and I feel like a part of him is with me when I wear them. I enjoy the weight of them and the silent mark he left behind. I don’t want to know how much they cost but I’ve known from a young age the Hawthornes are more than well off. We live in what I thought was a castle the first time I saw it.

  When David adopted me I was gifted a trust fund along with his last name. I didn't want his money, but I love how he’s always treated Drake and me the same. That’s one area we never had problems. Mom was the same way and I think the only thing that makes Mom and me a little closer is the bond of womanhood.

  “They’re stunning,” Mom says.

  She’s staring at me in the mirror as I touch the earrings again. No matter how hard I try I can’t stop playing with them. I think it’s to check to make sure they’re still there and that I hadn’t dreamed them up. And what Drake and I did in his bedroom wasn’t my imagination.

  “They suit you.” Mom smiles as she hands me the lip stain the makeup artist talked us into buying. I tuck it away into the small purse that matches my dress.

  I planned to wear my hair down but I wanted to show off my earrings, so the hairstylist settled on a half up and half down look. My mass of curls is actually under control tonight as the long, dark locks hang down my back.

  “They match the dress too,” I add.

  “Sweetheart, those earrings go with everything.” Mom gives my arm a squeeze and I laugh with her. “Jogging, cooking, cleaning, just lying around in your pajamas. They will always match.”

  “You’re right,” I agree.

  She walks over to my dress and unzips it from the bag. “Come on, I want to see everything together.”

  When Mom got me up early for our spa day, I was wondering how we could spend an entire day getting ready. But it didn’t take long for me to learn you totally can. It’s been fun and it helped me forget about Drake for a little while, although he always came back to the forefront of my mind and I wondered again why he left last night. Why didn’t he come into my room like he suggested? I might have locked the door, but he knows how to pop the lock. He taught me how when I was eight.

  I step into the dress and Mom helps me zip it up. It goes on like a glove and Mom’s eyes start to water like they did in the dressing room. “You look so beautiful.”

  “Mom!” I try to hush her, because if she cries I’ll cry.

  Drake might have been on my mind a lot today, but I’ve enjoyed my mom time, and I could easily slide into cry mode right now. Dad and Drake gave us a life that’s more than we could’ve ever hoped for. It isn’t about money, it’s about how much they care for us.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll get it together.” She gives herself a stern nod. “Turn and look.” I turn to face the tall mirror in her bedroom.

  “Oh my,” I mouth. I remember the dress being breathtaking before, but now I’m killing it. I feel like a princess. Mom was right. I needed to come into my own skin. Drake might have run last night but I felt sexy when he touched me. He brought to light why my body was craving his touch.

  “It’s kind of sexy, too,” Mom says under her breath. She wants me to hear her say it but is trying to play it off. “Speaking of—”

  “No thanks.” I cut her off, not wanting to have that talk.

  “I have to, Ali. It’s a dance and…” She gives a knowing look.

  “I’m going with Drake,” I remind her.

  Not that it really matters because of what we did last night. My face heats when a flood of images of him with his face between my thighs invades my mind. How he pushed his fingers inside of me and took what he wanted. He knew what I needed without me having to ask for it and I’m not sure I could have. It sucked I didn't get to enjoy my orgasm before our parents almost busted us.

  Mom waves her hand dismissively like that doesn't matter. She has no idea how wrong she is. But after last night I’m starting to think Drake has had a change of heart. I know he’s attracted to me based on the size of his hard cock I felt pressed into my ass. He also agreed with me that we shouldn't be doing what we were doing.

  Between almost getting caught and the thrill of the day, he could have gotten cold feet. But it’s hard to believe that’s it, because Drake never has cold feet. He’s always been an all or nothing kind of guy. I hate that I can't just ask him. At one time I could’ve asked him anything. He was the one I would’ve turned to for advice, and right now I have no one to talk to about this. I could tell Lindsey, but I’m not sure I want to share this yet. Not when I don’t know where Drake is mentally with us. I need
to talk to him and anger flares inside of me when I think about him just leaving.

  “You have no idea how the night will go. So, just be safe,” my mom says to me quickly, squeezing my upper arms.

  “I am safe,” I rush to say. I don’t want to talk about this and thankfully Lindsey saves the day as she walks in.

  “You guys in here?” she asks, opening the door without waiting. “Holy shit. You didn't tell me your dress was that sick.” She steps in the room and her eyes widen.

  “Yours too,” I say and I beam at her. She’s not messing around tonight with her sexy two-piece dress. She gives a small shrug and smirks. I love her confidence.

  “I already had the sex talk.” She holds her hand up to my mom to stop her before she can open her mouth.

  “Just making sure.” Mom walks over to Lindsey and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “I’ll go make sure the boys are ready,” Mom tells us and steps from the room.

  “Liam is not going to be able to resist you anymore,” I tell her when the door closes.

  “You should have seen his eyes when he picked me up to come over here.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “I gave him the brush off because I’m crazy.”

  I burst into laughter but I’m not shocked in the least. “He can chase now,” she says tartly.

  Yes, in that tight dress I think everyone is going to chase. I swear she looks like she stepped out of a magazine.

  “Why haven't you been responding to my texts?” She turns to look in the mirror at us side by side. “Damn, we look good.”

  “Crap. I put my phone in the purse my mom gave me this morning and forgot about it.” I walk over to grab it.

  “Has Drake seen you yet?” I shake my head no as I check to make sure I have everything I need. I see I have a bunch of texts but don’t read them. They’re all probably from Lindsey.


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