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The Hidden Rose

Page 68

by Jayne Amanda Maynes


  “Are you okay Sam?” Mac asked.

  “What? Yes I'm fine Mac,” I said.

  “How about this one? I think these boots would go with it,” he said.

  The dress he picked out had to be one of the shortest in the closet. So he wanted to see if I had sexy legs. Fine I liked short hem lengths even if I wasn't willing to tell anyone I liked dressing like a girl.

  I kicked him out of the room pulling the door closed behind him and started getting undressed. I'd never really had much body hair but my legs were horrid for hair and to even attempt to look good I'd need to shave them. I pulled my pants back up and headed for the kitchen where I knew Kathy would be working on getting something together for dinner.

  “You need something Sam?” Kathy asked.

  “A shower. Kathy are all those dresses in that closet mine?” I asked.

  “I wish they were mine, but they'd need to be at least one size bigger for me to even consider getting in them,” she said.

  “Do I have a razor here? I promised Mac if he picked out one of those dresses I'd put it on. He of course picked out one of the shortest, and if I don't shave my legs... I think you get the picture,” I said.

  “The second drawer down in the main bathroom is where all the toiletries you have here are, so if you have one that's where it would be,” she said.

  I headed for the restroom and in the second draw found a womans razor and several other things that weren't making sense for me to have. It was like I was myself when I was here last, like I was the woman I was in my dreams.

  I set the razor in the shower and stepped in adjusting the water temperature and started washing my hair wishing it were long like Kathy's. I didn't have much for facial hair and only ever shaved if someone said something about it and then usually without a blade in the razor. I lathered up and picked up the razor and shaved my legs like I had been doing it for years. After rinsing off I grabbed the bottle of hair conditioner and started working it into my hair again dreaming of having hair as long and luscious as Kathy's was. I rinsed my hair and turned off the water, seeing a bottle of baby oil I poured some in my hands and rubbed it in my legs and arms.

  I smiled seeing no hair on my legs and wrapped a towel around myself making sure to cover my breasts as well as the rest of me. I had my hair wrapped in a towel as well and headed back to the room I had been using when I was home the last couple times.

  I looked at the dress Mac laid out on the bed and blushed, when I bought that dress I had done so with the whole intent of wearing tights or leggings under it. I stuck it back on the hanger and picked out a different dress I was sure wouldn't be quite as immodest and Mac wouldn't be likely to realize wasn't the same one he had chosen.

  The material of the dress hugged my bust and hips and flared making it look like my hips were just a little wider than they really were. I pulled on a nice pair of satin panties and decided I didn't want to wear stocking so changed the boots for a pair of sandals that had a three inch heel. I found a pair of earring I knew would blown Mac's mind and sat in the chair next to my makeup table.

  Twenty minutes later I emerged hair flowing loosely down my back makeup done to perfection and walked in the living room. I heard Mac talking to Brent with the kids playing some game. I stepped in the room and waited to see if anyone would notice.

  Kathy came in and stood next to me putting her arm around my shoulders.

  “You know that big brute really does care about you,” Kathy said.

  “I know but it's more like a big brother then anything else and that's the way I want it,” I said.

  Mac looked over and stopped talking mid sentence, the way he stopped talking Brent looked over at Kathy and I and smiled. Kelli came running over and threw her arms around me.

  “Are you going to say anything Mac?” I asked.

  “I... I knew you'd be beautiful,” he stuttered.

  “You really think so?” I asked.

  “Sam I know I'm not the one you belong with, but if I thought there were any chance Major Jacobs wouldn't kill me I'd give it a try to take you away from him,” Mac said.

  “I'm not sure what that means Mac. I'm still the same person I was an hour ago,” I said.

  “That may be, but you don't look anything like you did an hour ago,” he said.

  “I take it you and Mac are going out?” Kathy asked.

  “Well if what I saw was what you're having for dinner I think it might be best. With how much Mac eats there wouldn't be enough for anyone else if we stayed,” I said.

  “I'm sorry sis I wasn't think about that when I got dinner ready. I guess I'm use to how little you eat and didn't stop to think about someone that might eat more than Brent does,” Kathy said.

  “Mac if we're going to have dinner we really should get going,” I said.

  He looked from me to Kathy and back to me.

  “I guess so,” he said coming over and offering his arm.

  We walked out of the house and got in my car, him insisting on driving.

  “Mac do you have any idea where anything is here?” I asked.

  “No, but I'm sure I can find a restaurant that will fit how you're dressed,” he said.

  “Do you want elegant or fast?” I asked.

  “Elegant if that's okay,” he said.

  I gave him directions to Chris' restaurant.

  I noticed Chris' car wasn't in the parking lot and couldn't help wondering just where he might be.

  “This place looks rather fancy. I hope they'll let a bum like me in,” Mac said.

  “Relax Mac, you're with me they'll let you in,” I assured him.

  “I take it you know the owner of this place,” he said,

  “So do you, but if you ever tell anyone else he might not be very happy with you,” I said.

  We entered the front door and were greeted by Jody.

  “Samantha it's so wonderful to see you again. Is this your brother?” she asked.

  “I could only wish to have a brother as wonderful as Mac. Jody I'd like you to meet the man who saved my life more times than anyone else. Mac, Jody runs this place when the owner isn't able to be here,” I said.

  “Will it just be the two of you?” Jody asked.

  “Do you know if General Talbot is in town yet?” I asked.

  “I believe he got in yesterday. I know he's looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I believe he has a table reserved for tonight, yes here it is he should be here in about fifteen minutes, would you like him to join you at your table, or should we keep his reservation?” Jody asked.

  “If he's alone I'd love to have him join us, but only if he is alone,” I said.

  “I doubt he would dare bring anyone other than his wife here since Chris said she was the only person he was allowed to bring here,” Jody said.

  “Then by all means have him join us, and we'll wait for him to order,” I said.

  “Do you want to wait in the lounge or at your table?” she asked.

  “The lounge will be fine, thank you. You'll be sure to let us know when he arrives,” I asked.

  We headed into the lounge to wait for Jason to arrive, and I ordered Mac a beer and me a margarita while we waited.

  “This place belongs to Chris?” Mac asked.

  “With any luck I'll get to order this time rather than have whatever he wants to fix for me. I didn't see his car outside so I doubt he's here,” I said.

  Mac's beer was gone in no time and he started on his second when Jason arrived. I didn't have to be notified of his arrival since he apparently saw Mac when he walked in and rather then checking in came over to find out if I had made it back home.

  “Care to join us for dinner Jason?” I asked.

  He looked at me and smiled a smile I hadn't seen in a long time. “I didn't think Mac would be here without someone who knew about it,” Jason said.

  “And who would know about it better than me? I'm guessing you have Chris busy running things while yo
u're here?” I asked.

  “Actually no, Chuck is running things while I'm here since he's the next highest ranking officer. Chris is busy trying to teach the classes you setup before you left. I never expected to see you looking like this Sam,” Jason said.

  “I'm just full of surprises. The thing is it seem most of them are surprises even to me. Jason I know you've seen me as Samantha before, but I don't remember ever letting anyone know about me as Samantha,” I said.

  “I understand. Sam no one else will ever hear about this, at least not from me. They've probably given away my table by now, did you have reservations?” he asked.

  “I don't need reservations, and they gave away your table about fifteen minutes ago, because I told them to,” I said.

  “You wouldn't care to explain why, would you?” he asked.

  “Because you'll be dining with us, it isn't like there isn't plenty of room at our table for you,” I said.

  Mac held out his hand to assist me and I linked my arms with each of them as we headed for the table that was always reserved for me and my guests.

  I spotted a few of Chris' men and turned making it hard for them to see my face in hopes they wouldn't see me. If any of them saw Mac or Jason they would surely recognize them, and I was sure come over to talk, but they all seemed to ignore us instead.

  “So what would you like tonight?” Ruth asked.

  “How about French, or do I only get French when Chris is here?” I asked.

  “And you gentlemen?” Ruth asked.

  “I take it we don't get to, see menus?” Mac asked.

  “Mac unless you can read French, Italian, German, or Chinese I doubt you could read the menu,” I said.

  “Chinese I can read, but the others are a complete mystery to me. I'll have whatever comes in large portions and isn't Chinese, or any other Oriental specialty,” he said.

  “I'll go with French as well dear,” Jason said.

  “Are they all on the same ticket ma'am?” Ruth asked.

  “Yes Ruth they're all on my check,” I said.

  Why wasn't Jason even a little surprised that I was dressed as a woman? That took me by more surprise than the fact Chris' people here at the restaurant knew me as Samantha. Had I been out living openly as Samantha? If so why didn't I remember it? Why did it seem everyone bowed to my wishes like I was the most important person they had ever met?

  I knew I'd take some of the clothes I had at Kathy's when I got my own place, but I also knew I would likely never wear them in public again.

  We enjoyed our meal, Mac eating more than Jason and I combined, but that wasn't much of a surprise. In the field he would usually finish my C-rations since it was more then I wanted usually, so that he ate two plates of his own and then finished mine didn't seem strange.

  “Sam tomorrow you're going to need to give details of everything you can remember from the time you left our base on the front line. Something had to have set you off, or I know you wouldn't have run the way you did,” Jason said.

  “Jason all I wanted since I knew I wouldn't be going to the front again was to take the leave I had been promised. Two hours before we landed I was told there would be a plane waiting for me and I was supposed to report to Andrews as soon as I could get there,” I said.

  “Who gave those orders?” Jason asked.

  “I was told they came from the White House,” I said.

  “I'll look into it, that shouldn't have happened especially since you turned down piloting that cargo plane to get home,” Jason said.

  “Sir after I verified those orders I had a Colonel try sticking me with an A-10, because he didn't like that he would be stuck with it if I took the F-104 I had been promised. When I got to Andrews they ushered me into a hanger and expected me to be civil about receiving a medal I already had. It was like they wanted to score brownie points at my expense. I'm sure the members of the Joint Chiefs that were there think I'm one of the worst the Air Force has and would love to see me busted back to at least a Second Lieutenant,” I said.

  “Sam I'll look into all of this. Sometimes I think the higher the rank the less brains people have,” Jason said.

  “I won't argue with you on that sir,” I said.

  “I didn't think you would, but I hope you don't feel that way about me,” Jason said.

  “There are always exceptions sir,” I said giving him a smile.

  I was still tired though I did feel much better after having a chance to be myself. Mac and I still needed to get a motel room since there really wasn't room for me at Kathy's any longer. There were some motels near the restaurant, but they were all high end and I didn't have enough cash left to afford even one night. Since we were going to need to be at the base in the morning anyway I figured that would be the better choice. We could stop by Kathy's and get the mens clothes I had there and then head out to one of the motels near the base which I knew would be less per night than anything near the restaurant.

  “Jason I think I need to call it a night since I still need to go back to my sisters and get something to wear tomorrow, then Mac and I need to find a room for the night since my sister doesn't have room for us at her place,” I said.

  “I understand Sam. I hope you'll be who they expect in the morning, it might be a bit difficult trying to explain why I had a woman in my command, that went into combat situations,” Jason said.

  “Believe me Jason I have every intention of letting them think what they want. Just promise me you won't tell them who I really am, that could get me in more trouble than I might already be in,” I said.

  “This little secret is safe. Nothing they could do could get it out of me since I'm a hell of a lot more afraid of you then I am of them,” he said.

  “Why would you be afraid of me? Jason I don't know who you think I might be, but I'm still Sam, the same person I was before this last mess happened,” I said.

  “Of course you are, and you always will be, maybe that's what I'm so afraid of. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to one of my favorite people,” Jason said.

  I felt the need to give him a hug and kiss, what he said was not at all what I expected him to say.

  “If you ever need me Jason, you know how to find me,” I said.

  The motel wasn't anything fancy a basic room with two queen size beds a TV and a phone. I needed to wash off the last of Samantha before going to bed in case I got up late in the morning and didn't have time. It seemed strange that the entire evening I hadn't felt out of place because as soon as I took off the wig I felt so awkward and confused. Was it because I was being my real self all night? Would I forever feel awkward and confused as the person the world expected me to be?


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