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Illuminate: Upper YA Paranormal Romance

Page 19

by Sarah Addison-Fox

  When he couldn’t breathe, and his vision was clouding, Tarquin hooked a leg around hers and flipped her over on her back. She moaned as he kissed her, his hands in her hair, then his fingers entwined in hers.

  She kissed him with a fervour he’d not known she possessed. Pleasure surged through him at her response to his declaration and the acknowledgement she still cared despite his mistakes. Within her passion for him, lay trust he aimed to earn. He had to be a better man, he had to prove he wasn’t what Tartarean had made him.

  It took all his self-control to ease away from her. “Are you sure you want this—"

  Before he could finish his question, the door rattled, and icy fear filled his body. “Shut your eyes!” he hissed.

  Merrin stiffened but she did as he asked, squeezing her eyes shut so her light was dimmed. Tarquin didn’t bother to move, just shifted till more of them was covered by the sheepskins.

  His desire and hope now replaced by terror Tartarean would spot Merrin’s rekindled light. He took no comfort that being found in a compromising position would lend more credibility to Tartarean’s already low opinion of him.

  Lucius’s voice was filled with amusement. “She’s still malleable then? Good. Bring her to the tunnel entrance. I want to journey back to the castle with you both. I have business I need to attend to.”

  Tarquin’s body flooded with panic. Why would he be needing Merrin? In the middle of the night?

  He couldn’t move, paralysed by fear Merrin might somehow give herself away. “I just need a minute.”

  Lucius huffed a breath. “I’ll grant you the time it takes for me to bring her measure.”

  With a slam of the door, Merrin’s eyes popped open. The light dulled enough, but still visible should Tartarean come back inside. “Was that him? Why wasn’t he angrier with you?” She whispered.

  Tarquin eased backwards, equal parts regret, disappointment and fear fighting to win over his primary emotion. He settled on fear and took her hands so he could pull her towards him. “That was Lucius Tartarean. As long as it doesn’t interfere with training or work, he doesn’t care what we do. You don’t remember anything that happened outside the cave?”

  She shook her head. “It’s all a blur. I remember you, I remember feeling like I had no control of my body, then I remember being angry you’d tricked me.”

  He struggled to keep his face impassive. “Tartarean drugged the well at the back of Evanswood. It’s how he’s keeping the weaker members of the council compliant. Coupled with the compulsion to find me, there was no way you’d have been able to fight it.”

  She was silent as she seemed to be taking everything in. His eyes flicked to the door where Lucius would appear any moment. “Are you still angry?”

  Her voice was husky as she reached for him, her arms sliding around his waist as they sat side by side. “I wouldn’t have kissed you like that if I was angry. And I think I understand. You were called here. Just like I was called to track you.”

  Though he was still half dazed by dread and desire, relief flooded his veins. With no time to think any more, he managed to nod before he drew himself shakily to his feet.

  His hands still linked with hers, she moved gracefully with him, so they were standing hands linked. There was no time to think when Tartarean’s irritated voice came from outside. “Now.”

  As though candles blown out by an invisible breath, the lights disappeared, but a tightness remained on his finger. Her smile was more genuine than he could have hoped for given the circumstance. “We’re bonded together? What does this mean? We’re both stronger somehow?”

  Tarquin pulled her close and stole a final kiss before Tartarean stormed inside and ripped her away from him. “I think we are. And I’m pretty sure it means I can’t even try to manipulate you anymore.”

  She narrowed her eyes and set her shoulders. “We have more important things to worry about. We’ll have to do what he says until we are sure we can escape.”

  A knot of guilt squeezed in his stomach. “I can’t leave here. Not yet.”

  Her hand left his and her hands went to her hips, the slightest hint of annoyance in her whisper. “What are you saying? We have to leave—"

  But he had no time to explain to her. Every muscle in his body tightened as the door swung open, and they both came face to face with Lucius.


  An abundance of warmth flowed through Merrin’s veins, chasing away the cold that had momentarily held her in its grip.

  Unlike the last time when she’d nearly given herself to Tarquin, she felt no shame, no remorse, just passion that solidified her desire to join with him.

  Even as she looked on the vile man responsible for bringing darkness into Lathrea, her spirit was zinging with fire that caused unspeakable joy to carry through her body.

  Her finger itched though she was loath to scratch and draw even more attention to herself. From where he stood, glowering in the dark, Tartarean’s black eyes roamed her freely, as though she were an animal to be inspected.

  How he didn't see the light she was forcing down was a wondrous surprise, almost as much as a surprise that Tarquin had heard the same call she had. Together you are stronger.

  And she felt it. She felt a new strength surging through her body. Coupled with her unbridled passion for Tarquin, Merrin Fairchild had never been more certain of her purpose.

  There was no denying the connection between them now. There was no mistaking her affection for him as mere attraction, and now that she knew she had Onom’s blessing, there was no reason to seek the Chief’s or even Skylar’s.

  The thought stopped her cold. Skylar. He must be frantic.

  How could she have forgotten that was why she’d come? Had she been so wrapped up in Tarquin she’d neglected that the Luminary council was actively seeking them? And, if Skylar had anything to do with it, would be seeking her by now.

  She had to find a way to get a message to them. She needed to find a way out, and they needed to head back to Evanswood. Why does Tarquin need to stay?

  Any residual joy she’d felt dissipated when Tartarean’s claw-like fingers closed over her arm. Beside her Tarquin stiffened.

  Tartarean pulled her closer and smiled, his teeth too white in the dim cave. “Merrin. Did Tarquin explain your purpose here or was he too busy enjoying you?”

  Her mouth dried up, a shiver running down her arm as she fought a shudder at his touch. What was she supposed to say to him? How was she supposed to answer?

  As though he could read her thoughts, Tarquin’s voice rang through her mind. Act confused. Or he’ll dose you again.

  She covered her surprise that Tarquin could speak to her without touching her by frowning. “How do you know my name?”

  Lucius Tartarean, leader of the Tartarean clan stared at her, then his eyes slid to Tarquin, standing close by. “Come. Both of you.”

  He pulled her away, her feet dragging more from her desire to recoil from his touch than the drug she must have ingested. Tarquin stayed close beside them as they walked down narrow curving passageways.

  Darkness pressing all around her, she did her best to keep pace with Tartarean’s long stride, difficult to do with the iron grip he held her in. Where is he taking me?

  The thought was to herself, but Tarquin’s voice answered her again. To the tunnel. It links to his castle.

  She blinked, desperate to keep her excitement from showing. How is this possible? How can we speak to each other?

  Tarquin’s footsteps echoed hers as Lucius pulled her around a corner. The bonding. That was why I wanted to before…I saw if we could be linked, we’d be stronger.

  Her eyes widened as a thousand thoughts battered her. Can you hear all of my thoughts? I can’t hear yours.

  Warmth slid up her arm, emanating from where the light had wrapped around her finger. No. I can’t. The second he touched you I could. You need to be careful. I don’t know how this works yet.

  Tartarean’s grip on her arm grew
tighter, and with it a surge of annoyance flared up. If she’d not been so curious about where he was taking them, she’d have done what she could to hurt him.

  But Tarquin’s warning, and the fact that she had no idea of what he was capable of and how many were trapped below with them, kept her silent.

  When her nerves and anger were coiled tight, Tartarean stopped outside a large hole carved into the cave wall.

  Cold air blew down the tunnel entrance as Tarquin fell into step behind her. Her body edged backwards away from Lucius until her heels met Tarquin’s boots, causing her to halt.

  Her breathing increased as his hand caught her elbow to steady her. But there was nothing tender in the words he spoke. “In the tunnel. Move it.”

  Lucius chuckled. “Time is of the essence.”

  He gestured to the tunnel with a leering smile flicking between her and Tarquin. Heat flashed across her cheeks as she saw herself as Lucius must. Her feet propelled her forwards into the tunnel, more to get away from him than to obey him.

  Tarquin was behind her instantly; if Lucius considered it unusual, she wasn’t aware of it, too immersed in placing one foot in front of the other and trying not to dwell on what squelched beneath her boots. Can you hear me?

  Silence met her, only two sets of footsteps as boots stomped through the tunnel behind her. Loss rocked her, and she nearly stumbled. Why couldn’t he hear her now? Or was he just ignoring her? Afraid to say what lay ahead? For her? For them both? For him. What else did he keep back from me?

  She shook her head and focussed on staying calm in case her light sparked in anger. The odours of moss and rot mingled with the dampness. Water trickled down the walls more abundantly than inside the room she’d woken in.

  With no direction from either Tarquin or Lucius she carried on almost blindly, grateful that after the darkness in the caves she’d adjusted to confinement of the tunnel.

  By the time Lucius called her to a halt her body and mind were aching to connect with Tarquin somehow.

  But Tarquin stayed back as a fraction of daylight appeared in her vision. “Drink this.”

  She turned to find Lucius holding out a small glass vial. Much like the ones she’d been given by the council to assist with the newly illuminated. Strange.

  “What is it?”

  Lucius raised an eyebrow, and she forced herself to smile meekly. “Of course, master.”

  The word tasted like bile as she forced it out. Onom forgive me.

  He smiled, and every fibre of her being recoiled. Grateful her flinch was hidden in the dark, she gingerly accepted the outstretched vial.

  Her fingers brushed against his icy ones and Tarquin’s voice came as a scream that reverberated through her mind. Don’t drink—

  Lucius pulled his fingers back leaving her standing at the exit, her heart thumping loudly, her skin crawling with the desire to run from Lucius.

  He was why they were communicating. Somehow, he was the conduit that allowed them to speak. What does that mean? How powerful is he?

  She swallowed past her dry throat and eased the cork from the vial. The slight pop the only sound louder than her rapid breathing.

  Fighting every instinct to grab Tarquin and run, she brought her trembling hand to her mouth, and with a prayer she tipped the bottle back.

  Chapter 4.

  He felt the change before he saw it. Where the light had woven a band around his finger, pain sliced into his skin, so fiercely he clenched his fists to keep from reacting.

  Whatever connection had formed between he and Merrin, Lucius was either controlling it, or he was unaware he was providing a way to help them communicate.

  Either way, it was dangerous. He kept his eyes on Lucius, doing his best not to watch Merrin as she slid under the effect of the drug again.

  Her memories would be stolen from her again and her light dimmed until either the drug wore off or he found a way to help her fight it.

  Whatever Lucius planned, he needed Merrin completely complicit, which terrified Tarquin more than anything. Without memories, people were adrift, completely at the mercy to whoever was strongest.

  And right now, Tarquin had no idea if he was strong enough to defeat Lucius without Merrin fully aware. If he moved at the wrong time, he risked Lucius harming Merrin, or him, or them both.

  Then no one would be able to stop him from exacting his plan to awaken all the sleepers, to overthrow the council and corrupt the remaining Luminaries.

  His gut churned as Tartarean led Merrin outside. The faint smell of coal burning and the flickering of lights gave the proximity of the castle away. With leaden steps he followed behind Merrin and made sure his inner light stayed as controlled as possible. His every thought strayed to her as she stepped towards Lucius’s family home.

  He’d only been inside the castle twice before. And now he had to wonder if Merrin’s arrival had caused Tartarean’s plans to move forward. Either that or something he didn’t want to consider waited for them.

  Merrin’s expression stayed blank, in the fleeting glances he allowed himself, her footsteps heavy and her tone, when Lucius asked her questions, flat.

  Her expressionless stare continued as they entered by way of a hidden side door and lasted through the stone entrance hall and up the stairs to Lucius’s library.

  The room was in shadow, and Merrin stumbled as she followed Lucius inside. Everything inside him wanted to reach out and grab her, but he’d already risked giving himself away by helping her at the tunnel entrance.

  One kindness too many, one glimpse of humanity, and Lucius would strip him of his memories again. He had no choice but to allow Merrin to right herself and stand docile as she awaited Lucius’ instructions.

  A shadow moved from the corner of the room, and his heart jumped to his throat as Lucius lit several candles. Light flickered around the room landing on the broad-shouldered man currently staring daggers at him.

  All the air left his lungs as Skylar tore across the room, light blazing from his eyes as he made a grab for him.

  Tarquin had a split second to decide whether to retaliate and half of that to consider why Merrin’s closest friend seemed to be an invited guest.


  Ink coated her vision. A thick fog hung heavy in the gloomy room. Merrin’s thoughts both bewildered and intoxicated her. Her veins were on fire. Her body, though sluggish, was filled with urgency to respond to the man beside her. Lucius.

  Like treacle, everything about him was sickly sweet and dark, and her vision was clouded with images of him.

  His teeth, his hair, his commanding presence. She wanted to obey him. She wanted to give him anything he desired.

  Movement came from all around her, the vague feeling of feeling trapped inside something she shouldn’t be in permeated the cloud in her mind. But still she couldn’t resist the allure of him.

  He was her master. He gave her everything she needed. He took care of her. He protected her from something insipid. Something that, were she not with him, she might feel. Or remember. She blinked as something knocked into her body. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to place her thoughts in logical order.

  Too enthralled by the knowledge the man standing close to her was her protector, she was oblivious to anything in the room outside of Lucius.

  His eyes slid to hers and he graced her with a dazzling smile that made her stomach flip. How had she met this man? This marble statue of strength and honour? What made her so privileged that he smile at her? Am I pretty? Is that why?

  She held out her hand, distracted by the slowness of her movement as she examined her fingers. Nothing extraordinary about them. A faint glimmer of light seemed to be wrapped around her finger. Her brow knotted as she stared at it, confused as she tried to determine the meaning behind the light. It was beautiful. But not as beautiful as Lucius.

  Her eyes returned to him. Her sluggish heart skipped as Lucius stepped towards her, hands outstretched as though he wanted to take her in his arms. A sigh slipp
ed past her lips at the elegance at which he moved.

  He was the embodiment of grace, fluid as though he glided towards her. His black clothing, his dark hair, his smile, so closely resembling…

  Her smile faltered. Resembling? Resembling who? Lucius took her hand and nothing else mattered but him.

  He was mesmerising, enchanting and so desirable. “Master,” she breathed.

  His smile was like a thousand sunrises warming her face, and the light in his eyes so enthralling she wanted to drink them in. How could one man be so intoxicating? So perfect?

  He took her hand, his fingers like cool marble, refreshing the heat that seemed to be battering to break in. But she merely smiled as he pulled her away from the irritating noise growing around her.

  Like a sharp pain, an intruder entered the bliss she was surrounded in. Merrin! Let go of him. He’s manipulating you.

  She blinked rapidly and shook her head as she tuned out the voice, delighting in the way her long red curls bounced around. “You are beautiful, Merrin.”

  Her heart constricted in her chest. He thinks I’m beautiful? I must truly be then. He would never lie to me. “Oh, Master. Thank you.”

  His smile seemed to increase as he took her other hand. “You would do anything for me?”

  She nodded eagerly. “Oh yes. Whatever you desire, Master.”

  He laughed and liquid heat filled her body. “I desire much, Merrin. Turn around and look at them. See how they fight like weak little boys, fighting over a sweet.”

  Merrin turned as instructed knowing she was pleasing her master by doing so. Shapeless blobs that sparkled seemed to be crashing around the room, faint flickerings of light against the black. Almost like stars.

  Her finger began to itch dully, and she scratched at it, her thoughts on how silly the blobs must be if her master had called them that.

  Scalding pain shot through her finger, travelling up her arm, startling her. Merrin! Please! I can’t keep fighting Skylar. Something is going on. He shouldn’t be here! Wake up!


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