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Enchantingly Entangled

Page 7

by Flint, Ember

  “And what should I call you? My personal defuser?” I ask, my voice as throaty as his.

  Sterling’s hands grasp my hips in a tighter grip that screams possession. “I’m your only defuser, little one.”

  I feel the flick of his tongue and then the graze of his teeth on the sensitive skin of my shoulder and I jump, arching my much smaller body into his large, powerful one, a moan leaving my lips as I feel myself flushing all over.

  He chuckles at my reaction. “Easy,” he whispers, steadying me as he pushes me into the firmness of the mattress again; his voice sending zings of sensations I cannot name up and down my body and I feel my limbs grow rigid under him.

  I don’t know what I’m doing here and I don’t know how to let him know without looking like a dumb little girl.

  I gulp down air. I can tell him. Of course I can, it’s simple enough.

  ‘Sterling, go easy on me: I’m a virgin.’

  I close my eyes as those words run through my mind; this is embarrassing.

  Here I am, half naked in bed with this hot, much older, definitely much more experienced hunk of a man and I’m about to give him another reason to run out the door.

  ‘Hey, listen up: I’m not only fourteen years younger than you and your best friend’s baby sister, I’m also a virgin, cool uh? You feeling lucky or what?’

  I groan out loud in frustration and Sterling stops between one kiss and the next, his lips lingering on the hollow of my throat.

  He looks up and into my eyes. “What’s the matter, bombshell?”

  I flush beet red under his unrelenting stare and shake my head.

  Tell him, tell him, tell him.

  “N-nothing, I’m just…” my voice trails off.

  Okay, coward much?

  I feel his arms come around me as he kisses my cheek and then my temple. “You’re nervous?”

  I nod, my eyes lowered.

  I feel his hands stroke my belly in soft, circular motions and I release a shaky breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  He smiles down at me. “Would you believe I’m a little nervous myself? This feels… I don’t know, momentous: like it could totally change our lives and who I am as a person forever.”

  Aww, leave it to him to discompose me even more. I never knew he could be this sweet and deep.

  Also, I can relate to what he’s saying: this is definitely going to change me —us— forever.

  I smile at him and he falls down on me again, his lips dancing with mine in this slow, sensuous way that takes my breath away.

  As we kiss more deeply, our tongues coming into play, I feel his hands coming between us and then his fingers are on my shirt, blindingly searching for the few buttons he didn’t rip off of it in the office and then pushing the fabric off my shoulders. His hands move under and around me in a frenzy, caressing up and down and leaving not a single inch of my body untouched and then they stop at the clasp of my bra, freeing my breasts from its uncomfortable confines.

  Sterling moves his kisses to my jaw, neck and then down my chest, his fingers painting long, adoring strokes around my nipples while his mouth falls onto first one and then the other, cutting the breath in my throat as my thighs rise of their own volition on his hard hips, cradling him more closely to my body.

  I look down on a sigh when I feel his lips stop in their maddening tease of my body and I see he’s studying my breasts intently, his eyebrows pulled together in this frown I don’t understand, his mouth in a thin line.

  “Sterling?” I ask, starting to feel a little self-conscious under his scrutiny.

  He rips my bra in two and then looks down at me. “I thought it was too pretty to destroy back in the office, but you’re never wearing anything like that again.”

  I feel one of my eyebrows arch up. “What?”

  He gently traces his fingers just under my heavy breasts over the chafing left by the underwire of the bra and looks at me with this determined and yet adorable expression that makes my heart lurch in my chest.

  “It marred your beautiful skin, I don’t want anything to ever hurt you.” He glares at the lacy scraps still in his hand and then throws them over his back.

  I giggle, my own hands cupping my big breasts. “I need to wear that kind of bra, Sterling, it’s the only type that really helps keeping these in check.”

  He shakes his head, growling softly, his much larger hands coming down to cover mine, my nipples peeking from our interlaced knuckles. “There’s no need for you to keep them in check, darling: I’ll do that for you from now on. No more of those medieval contraption on your body: only stuff that is soft, silky and comfy for you.”

  “But—” I start, but he cuts me off pressing his lips down on mine.

  “End of discussion,” he breathes on my mouth and then goes back to pluck and lick my nipples.

  I smile to myself at his protective side, feeling a powerful surge I cannot understand.

  “You’re crazy,” I say, shaking my head.

  “I’m not and if you like having marks on your body so much, I’ll be more than happy to provide them and in a much more pleasurable way, Cora.”

  I giggle, but it turns into a moan when I feel his teeth gently sink into the flesh just around one of my nipples, his hands kneading and squeezing both breasts as his powerful hips hump me into the sheets, making my pussy grow even more wet.

  Sterling grunts as he nibbles on me. “Fuck, I want you so much, my little bombshell. I’ve thought of nothing else since I had you in my arms in that elevator. I can’t wait to finally feel you on my cock.”

  A moan rips from my throat as I feel my nipples getting harder, my breasts heavier and my skin hotter for him. “Oh, God, Sterling…”

  His big hard shaft digs between my lower lips and my hands grip on either of his sides, we rock into each other for a little while and then I feel his length nudge into my opening and just as I remember that I forgot to mention the little virginity-detail to him, I realize it’s too late because his throbbing erection is already pushing past my entrance.

  He roars against my neck, his breathing labored. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so tight…”

  I take a shallow breath trying to search for the right words as I huff and pant through his unexpected intrusion, my untrained walls spreading around the large crown of his cock.

  I feel so full, I don’t think there’s room even for the beat of my heart in my body anymore, my eyes squeeze shut against the pleasure-pain rushing in my core.


  He grits out my name, his hands coming under my ass to lift me as he arranges his much larger body on top of mine. “Fuck you’re gripping me so much, I can’t get more than the tip in, sweetheart, try to relax a bit.”

  My eyes fly open in shock.

  Just the tip?

  I huff. Oh crap.

  I felt so much pressure as he penetrated me, I was sure he was all in.

  This means he didn’t even—

  I have to tell him.

  I look up to catch his eyes, but he is so much taller and bigger than me that I cannot see past his jaw. “Sterling… I…”

  He leans his body further into mine plunging into me a little more and as the walls of my core stretch around him I feel his cock lightly bump against my barrier and his entire frame goes rigid in recognition, his eyes widening as he looks down at me and then lower still, between us, where our bodies are partially joined.

  “Oh bloody fucking hell,” he hisses, his large hands are shaking on my thighs and I can see how tense his body is getting as he tries to control his urge to thrust and forces himself to stop completely.

  He presses one hand between my lower belly and my mound, breathing hard and then slowly pulls out of me, turning us until we are lying on our sides, our legs still entangled.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, hugging me to him, his hands on either side of my face, his lips in my hair.

  I nod aga
inst his chest, trying to catch my breath.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble on his flushed, hot skin, inhaling his manly scent and feeling immediately comforted by it.

  I feel another kiss on my head, his hands caressing my back. “I am sorry, little one: I’m such a brute. I got the impression you were inexperienced, but I brushed it off in my eagerness to have you under me, I didn’t think you could be a virgin: I’m an idiot.”

  “No, I should have told you, you couldn’t have known…” I pull back slightly to take a peek at his face. Afraid of what I will see in his eyes.

  He doesn’t look mad or disappointed, just a bit apprehensive and worried. I feel relief wash over me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, love?” he asks, tenderly and I feel my body melt from the inside out at the term of endearment.

  I know it’s a word that is thrown around a lot in UK, but somehow I know he means it as crazy as it might sound, considering how new this whole thing is.

  I take a deep breath. “I was embarrassed… I have enough people mocking me for it, I didn’t want to add you to the list…”

  Sterling gives me a disbelieving look. “Mocking you? Why on earth would someone mock you for such a reason? Who would act like that?”

  I shrug, pulling his arms around me again, needing to be closer. “My girlfriends…”

  I feel him shake his head slowly, his chin stroking my forehead back and forth. “Trollops…”

  I laugh a little at his sour expression, but I love that he can get so indignant on my behalf.

  “It’s just because they don’t understand why I don’t just get it over with,” I explain.

  He looks down at me, cupping my chin. “And why have you not?”

  I gulp down air, feeling awkward. “Because… because I always thought it should mean something. You know: be special, be with someone that… someone that made me feel things, someone that…”

  I try to look away, but Sterling won’t let me.

  “Someone that…?” he prods.

  I feel myself flush, but I have to tell him what’s in my heart, I can’t wait another minute.

  “Someone that could make me forget you,” I whisper.

  I force myself to hold his intense gaze as his piercing green eyes flash with understanding.

  He caresses one of my cheek with a look of wonder on his face. “You mean you—?”

  Okay, now he’s really going to bolt.

  I nod, unable to say the words.

  He passes one hand through his hair, sighing. “I thought you could not stand the sight of me.”

  I shake my head. “I was just pissed because you never even looked at me,” I grumble.

  He tilts his head to the side. “Of course I didn’t: you were a teenager and I was already thirty when we met. Could you care or respect a man who would have done otherwise? Would you really want to be with a guy who would have had no qualms to get it on with a sixteen-year-old girl?”

  I smile at him. “No, of course, not… and when I got a little older and I made myself be reasonable about it, I could see that, but still I couldn’t stop these feelings I had and so I stayed away…”

  He hugs me tighter to his chest. “But Saturday…” his voice trails off.

  I sigh. “Saturday I decided I should get it over with. You’re one of my brother best friends: I had to make myself move on.”

  He pulls away again. “You didn’t stay in the end… that’s why I met you in the lift: you were going to run away again.”

  I close my eyes, feeling my cheeks flush pink. “It was still too difficult for me and I… I panicked and then—”

  “And then I finally really saw you for the first time in my life for what you are and what you can mean and practically mauled you,” he mutters with his cute Brit accent that as usually does strange things to me.

  I grin. “I didn’t stop you, did I?”

  I fling my arms around his neck. “I wanted to tell you who I was…”

  Sterling shrugs. “It’s not like I gave you an opening or something.”

  I laugh a little, breaking the tension of the moment. “It’s not like I asked for one.”

  His grip around my waist tightens and his passionate eyes focus back on my face. “No you didn’t. You just... exploded and I let you. I loved every minute of it. I’ve never felt this way with anyone else before,” he says against my lips and then he kisses me softly.

  I break the kiss. “So you’re not freaked?”

  His eyebrows knit together. “About what?”

  I look down and between us where his cock is still hard as steel against the curve of my belly, the wet tip weeping and throbbing.

  “You’re jesting right?” he chuckles, but when I glare at him, he stops and kisses my temple.

  “You’re serious? Love, knowing I’m going to be your first does plenty of things to me, but freak me out, as you put it, it’s not amongst them, I assure you.”

  I feel a small smile tug at my lips. “Really?”

  Sterling gives me this little sexy smirk that makes my entire body go up in flames and shakes his head. “Cora, I would not have cared if you had been with others before me. The second I got my cock inside of you I would have made you forget about every single other man that ever touched you, but the knowledge that you’re only ever going to be mine makes me so bloody happy I should be ashamed of myself.”

  I nod. “Totally…”

  “Of course I’m not, though.”

  He rolls us over until I’m on my back and he is again planted between my spread thighs.

  I feel his rock-hard length press into my core and I tense a little.

  Sterling kisses me fully on the lips, his hands on my breasts. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to shag you now.”

  I frown up at him. “Whyever not?” I ask, more than a little peeved.

  He chuckles, his hands trailing fire in the valley between my breasts. “I have to leave in a little bit and there’s no way I’ll turn your first time into some rushed affair, but don’t worry: I will be getting that precious cherry of yours sooner than you think, little bombshell, and when I do fuck you, I won’t let you come up for air for a week.”

  “Oh, okay…” I mumble stupidly, enchanted by the intensity in his eyes and by the heated way in which my body seems to react to his filthy words.”

  He kisses me again, his tongue in my mouth, his pelvis pressing down on me, the base of his hard cock rubbing against my clit, my core awash in wonderful sensations.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to make you mine, Cora,” he husks against my lips as we both try to catch our breath.

  I feel his cock slide between my swollen, wet lips and I moan arching up into him.

  “Don’t worry, love, I can feel how drenched you are for me and I’ll never leave you unfulfilled.”

  His kisses move lower and lower still and my body starts to shake as his lips reach my pussy.

  I nearly bow off the bed at the first contact of his hot tongue with my center. “Oh, Sterling…”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. I’m not going to tease you… not this time: I’m going to make you cum nice and easy.”

  He gives my clit a little kiss and then blows on it, making me feel like I could claw my way out of my own skin, my hands shoot down and to his head and I clasp little locks of his hair in my fists as I push him more firmly to my pussy.

  Sterling grips my hips so furiously I’m sure I’ll have bruises on them by morning and his mouth latches onto me like it’s only two minutes from the end of the world.

  I feel my climax get a hold of me almost immediately, my heartbeat soaring, my eyes stinging with tears. “Oh God!”

  Sterling throws one of my thighs over his shoulder, lifting my lower half even more from the bed and then starts to move his face side to side against my wet core.

  I feel his nose brush against my clit and I mewl in pleasure.

, I love your smell, dearest, not to mention your taste: I could spend all day between these lush thighs of yours.”

  I pant in pleasure, clutching his head and one of his shoulder to me as I feel more liquid heat gush out of my center and onto his tongue.

  Sterling grunts, his hips battering the mattress. “Damn, this pretty little cunt of yours is going to drive me insane, I can’t wait to mold it to the shape of my cock.”

  I don’t know if it’s because of the words alone or for a particularly exquisite little side-lick that he gives me, but that’s when I come, screaming his name so loud, my throat hurts.

  I flop back down on the bed, feeling deliciously boneless and as I caress the hair at the nape of his neck, I feel him move up a little, his mouth and nose nuzzling the inside of my thigh as he props himself up on his elbows, his eyes on me.

  I watch him lazily as he moves up until he is kneeling between my still spread legs, his hand grasping his massive, hard shaft.

  He squeezes the base and then his balls, grunting, his eyes on my flushed body.

  “Fuck, I need to come,” he grits out, his jaw twitching as he starts to stroke himself over me.

  Suddenly all traces of exhaustion leave my body and I lift up until I’m also kneeling in front of him, my hand covering his own as it keeps shuttling up and down his cock, hot pre-cum drizzling over our fingers and onto my stomach.

  “Yes, love, touch me, just like that,” he hisses, letting go of himself as I take over and start to jerk his hard, yet velvety length more decidedly.

  There’s nothing I wish more right now than to make him come undone and give him at least a morsel of the pleasure he made me experience while eating me out.

  Sterling starts to thrust into my grip, his cock growing harder and stockier, his handsome face scrunched up in pleasure.

  My hand can barely go over half of his girth, my fingertips brush the vein pulsing on the underside of the large, glistening tip of his erection and I feel it rear forcefully in my grip, more pre-cum seeping out as he looks down at me adoringly, the deep green of his eyes darkening, his pupils dilating as he sexily groans my name.


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