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Enchantingly Entangled

Page 8

by Flint, Ember

  I bite my lower lip and before I can talk myself out of it, I lean back and bend forward until my mouth is on his cock.

  I feel Sterling’s entire body tense and jerk forward, his hands instinctively burrowing in my hair.

  “Fuck!” he grunts, eyes falling closed, his big, bulky body freezing as a ragged breath rushes out of his lungs.

  I give the tip a sweet little kiss and impossibly his cock hardens even more against my lips, pre-cum staining them.

  Sterling grasps my chin and his hips move forward until the head of his erection slides past my lips and he moans; his eyes opening wide as he looks down at me.

  “That’s enough, love,” he groans, moving back, his cock slipping free.

  I frown up at him, feeling my cheeks go up in flame. “Did I do something wrong?” I ask, my voice a bit shaky.

  “Not a thing, my little bombshell, I promise. It was perfect and felt amazing and aside from pounding in your sweet little cunt there’s nothing more I would enjoy right now than have you suck my cock with those pouty lips of yours, but I don’t think I could control myself right now, at least not enough not to hurt you.”

  “You would never do that,” I tell him softly, my hand reaching for his length.

  He exhales a trembling breath as my mouth slips over the head of his cock once again.

  His manly, slightly salty, delicious flavor hits my tongue and I squeeze my thighs together as a little moan leaves my throat, the vibration making Sterling almost jump from the bed, his body growing even more taut as a low, sexy sound comes from deep in his chest.

  I start to suck on the crown of his cock, my tongue fleetingly teasing the little slit at the very top.

  “Cora, please, I don’t think I can hold on,” he snarls, panting, his fingers once more tangling in my hair as he brings me closer to his crotch.

  I sink my mouth further down on the hard, jerking length, but Sterling’s hand stops my descend, his fingers grasping my nape.

  “Sterling,” I start, but I don’t go any further in my protest, because he picks me up like I weight nothing, throws me back on the bed and covers me again with his big, tense, body.

  “I want to come on your cunt, love. Your mouth will have to wait.”

  His voice is nothing but a possessive, fierce rumble coming from deep in his throat and my pussy clenches at the sound.


  “Oh, my… fucking hell!”

  He drops completely over me, his massive frame almost cutting my breath off as he pulls my legs over his hips and starts to stroke his hard, twitching length against my pulsing center, vigorously sliding back and forth in the wet channel between my puffy lips, his heavily hanging balls slapping against my opening every time he surges against my pussy.

  I hear him utter this low, guttural groan that makes even my toes tingle and I know he’s going to come soon.

  He tells me as much, his teeth lightly grasping the skin of my neck and making my body jump and crash against his driving hips.

  I feel another crest mount in my core and as I feel his hot seed spurt all over my pussy, lower belly and thighs, I scream his name and let go, feeling his tense muscles unfurl as he collapses over me, his limbs curling protectively around my body.

  I don’t know for how long we stay like this, holding each other and trying to calm our hearts and our breathing, but when I feel Sterling starting to roll off, I’m sure it was not enough time: ten minutes or ten hours it would still be too soon for him to leave me after what we shared.

  “Sterling?” I murmur, forcing my eyes to stay open.

  He leans over me again, kissing my temple. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. I have to go, unfortunately, but I’ll be back soon.”

  He looks so sexy all disheveled that all I want to do is pull his big body onto mine and see if I can change his mind about not taking me right now.

  I yawn and he smiles down at me, kissing the tip of my nose.

  “I can’t stay here,” I tell him.

  Sterling frowns. “What? Why not?”

  I try to smooth his glower away with my fingers. “I have to study.”

  “You can study here just fine.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t have my books with me.”

  “Then take the afternoon off.”

  I sit up and when I see his eyes automatically fall on my naked breasts and linger there, I drag the sheet up and around me. “I can’t: I have my finals next week.”

  He shrugs. “Chuck says you’re practically a genius: one day of slacking off won’t ruin you.”

  I sigh, shaking my head. Why does he have to be so stubborn?

  “Honestly, Sterling, why do you mind so much? It’s not like you’ll be here while I’m gone.”

  He looks me straight in the eye. “I don’t care. I want you here, in my bed, I need to know you’re here.”

  Okay, cute. A tad possessive maybe, but still cute.

  Or am I crazy for thinking like this?

  I slide on my knees until I’m closer to the edge of the bed where he’s sitting and I plop on his nude lap, immediately feeling his cock stirring.

  I kiss his chest and then up to his neck and jaw. “My God, are you seriously pouting over this?”

  He nods. “I want you to stay here.”

  I huff a curl away from my forehead and I loop my arms around his neck. I want to be annoyed, I really do, but in some twisted way I can understand his need, after all a huge part of me nearly gets on the verge of tears if I think too hard about how he is going to leave soon, even if I know he won’t be gone for more than a couple of hours or so.

  Hello, co-dependent much?

  But who the fuck cares!

  As long as we both feel this way everything’s peachy, the shit only starts to come along if one of us pulls back and he wouldn’t do that, would he?

  I kiss his brow and feel his arms circle my waist. “What if I go to Charlie’s place, grab my books and some stuff and come back here straight away?”

  Sterling smiles a little at me. “You’ll be here when I come back.”

  He’s not asking, just stating.

  “Sure,” I nod, sighing as I breathe into his scent: pine, coffee, sweat and sex. I’ve been surrounded by it for a couple of hours only and I’m already addicted.

  “Perfect, love, thank you for —he throws his hands around casting about for a word — understanding.”

  I shrug. “I guess we both caught the same brand of crazy…”

  He chuckles as he stands up. “I’ll leave you my magnetic key and my driver will be at your disposal. I’m going to take a quick shower. Get some rest while I’m gone and, love?”


  He tugs at the sheet covering my body until I’m left naked again; his eyes fall low, over my mound, still streaked in his white cum.

  “Clean up, but don’t wash me off,” he murmurs on my lips before he kisses me and then leaves me stunned, eyebrows arched, mouth agape and a little bit more in love with the idea than any sane woman should be.

  I’m so confused, my head is spinning, my feelings for Sterling have just blown all over the freaking place.

  I was used to them being an unwanted companion over the course of the last five years or so and now they are like a blanket I can’t wait to wrap around me.

  I used to feel weak because of them, but now I feel they have become an armor, a protection against everything and anything in the world that could ever hurt me; that is, unless Sterling decides to hurt me himself when he realizes how deep they run and how much I care for him and pushes me away.

  Chapter 9


  My friends are both staring at me, their expressions wary, while I try to school my features to keep my edginess hidden, but it’s not easy to keep a conversation going when at the same time you are having steamy flashes of a woman all soft and naked under you, especially when her older brother is sitting in fron
t of you.

  Also I’m starting to feel a tad bewildered here.

  I haven’t seen Charles in two days and Aston in three and yet it seems so many things have happened, so many things have changed in both my friends’ lives and my own that I almost feel like I haven’t seen them in years.

  Aston is wearing the face I usually do: carefree, happy, the entire not-a-care-in-the-world kind of thing surprisingly really working for him. Gone is the man I know, the strict and stern-looking, no-nonsense CEO that can never let go of his worries and in his place there’s this guy all relaxed and actually smiling, like really smiling, showing rows of bright white teeth and all of that.

  Hell, I didn’t even know the guy had dimples and I’ve known him for over five years now!

  And Charles too is looking quite odd if you ask me: Saturday he looked almost like a kicked puppy, dejected and weary and now he can’t stop sighing and looking in the distance and I could swear I’ve actually caught him bloody fucking blush a few times.


  I probably look as stone-faced as Aston would have in his worst day ever. I’m so tense, my jaw is ticking and my back is ramrod straight, my easy-going attitude completely shot, the secret I’m keeping from my friends eating at me.

  How could things get this bloody fucked up this bloody fast?

  I wasn’t even looking for something like what I know I have with Cora.

  I was damn happy sampling around and yes: I have been in a little bit of a dry spell lately —not even a one-night stand for the last three months or so, a total record for me— but I chalked it all up to being overbusy and overly fed up with The Pest’s latest string of laughable, foolhardy, inane, senseless choices.

  All in all, I was content in my life and then Cora and I collided in an explosion of love, lust and want and I realized I really had no life to be content of. She changed everything.

  Wait, did I just think love?

  Fuck, I’m a total mess.

  I blink my confusion away and I refocus on my lunch partners, trying to think of an excuse to take off early.

  They just brought me up to speed on their suddenly acquired love lives and a big part of me wants to be astonished at the way their feelings for these women —Aston met this Lara at a lingerie boutique no less— who were strangers to them only a couple days ago —or to be more precise, in Charles’s case only this freaking morning— have developed at the velocity of light, but I can’t bring myself to really be that disbelieving or dismissive of what’s going on in their lives, not when one single close encounter with a lady in a certain elevator could wreak such havoc on my own existence.

  I can’t really judge the way they’re going about ‘having met the one’ when I pretty much feel the same way.

  All of this I’m trying to keep under wraps from them, while Charlie gives Aston a summary of my collision with ‘a mysterious elevator sexy bombshell’ without knowing he’s talking about his own baby sister.

  Fuck, this is twisted.

  What the bloody hell is going on here?

  Is it something in the air?

  Something in the freaking water?

  I can’t really answer those questions, but I know I don’t really care to: the only thing that matters is Cora and these feelings I have for her, feelings so powerful they are ruling my heart, mind and soul without giving me any quarter.

  I don’t know how could I get so entangled in such a short time, but I know this is going to be for life.

  I catch sight of a hand being waved in front of my face and I glare.

  “Earth to Fitz?” Aston recalls me to the present, still wearing that weird, laid-back smile.

  I huff, looking away. “Just knock it off, guys, will you?”

  “Is this about your mysterious elevator sexy bombshell?” Charles asks, hitting the nail on its head and I feel my body grow even stiffer.

  Man, you have no bloody idea!

  I mumble something unintelligible even to my own ears.

  I don’t know what the fuck I could possibly say to him.

  And why the hell did I have to make the unfortunate choice of calling Cora a sexy bombshell to his face?

  Couldn’t I be more of a gentleman and call her a lovely lady or something?

  This is definitely one time when my directness is going to bite me on the arse.

  I feel myself flush a little in discomfort and embarrassment thinking back on my showing up to his penthouse with a huge boner straining my jeans and telling him I had just stuck my tongue in some woman’s throat.

  His baby sister’s throat.

  I cringe.

  Fuck. He’s going to fucking flay me alive and I can’t blame him. There’s no escaping this, no matter how much I care for Cora: he’s still going to get pissed.

  “Ster?” Aston asks. “Who pissed in your porridge?”

  Charles chuckles, but I can’t even force a little smile.

  They want to help me find her. If only they knew!

  “Sod off, can’t you leave me be?” I grit out, but Aston persists.

  “We just want to help.”

  Now he has to become all bloody talkative and all?

  Fuck me. I need to get out of here ASAP.

  “I don’t think you can and I really don’t want to talk about it, guys. I’ll see you later.”

  I stand up abruptly, making my chair screech and drawing the attention of too many business acquaintances to count in the process. Better and bloody fucking better.

  “Wait a sec, Ster. Come on, of course we can help,” Charles says.

  I shake my head, shrugging, trying to think fast.

  “I have another meeting. I have to go.”

  Aston leans forward on the table, a frown on his face. “You said nothing about it.”

  Now he has to come out of his lust —love, whatever— induced trance to be all business-like again?!


  “I had forgotten. Lunch is on me,” I blurt out and stalk away before they can stop me.

  I take care of the check as fast as I can at the counter and then I’m out of here.

  I take a big, slow breath to try and calm my nerves.

  Fuck, I have nerves?!

  I’m starting to sound like one of my bloody awful aunts.

  I’ve got to get a grip.

  Everything is so damn complicated, I feel elated at the idea of seeing Cora again soon and I hate every second we’re apart, yet at the same time my happiness is marred by how bloody low and horrible I feel for lying to my friends —especially to Charles.

  I hail a cab and give the driver instructions to bring me back to the Astoria, my eyes focused on the slowly passing scenery out of my window, the sun glaring down on me and making me squint.

  I see a chemist in passing and I frown to myself.


  Shouldn’t I stop to get some?

  I sure as fuck never pack protection when I’m in New York City: usually the jet lag is so terrible, I’m never in the mood for female company and shagging is the furthest thing from my mind when I’m Stateside, so when we got in my room earlier I knew I didn’t have any.

  It didn’t stop me from getting down to business, though, and now the mere thought of buying protection is bothering me.

  She’s making me lose my ever-loving mind.

  Cora is probably waiting in my suite already and there’s not a single doubt in my mind that as soon as I walk in there I’m going to jump her, no matter how bloody guilty I feel because of Charles.

  I’m going to shag her until we both can’t breathe and yet the thought of stopping to buy protection only just entered my mind and just managed to piss me off?

  What the fuck?

  I can understand being so enthralled by her, so surprised by the pull between us, that I wouldn’t think to don rubber in the heat of the moment, but what about now?

  How come the thought of having anything stand
between us displeases me in such a way?

  I’ve never gone bareback before, no matter how randy I was and here I am seriously dismissing the thought of condoms out of hand?

  I mean, sure she’s a virgin and I know I’m clean and everything, but I should be having other concerns, right?

  I think about babies and the thought doesn’t provoke in me the usual reaction —normally, the idea of having one bloody terrifies me.

  I think about her carrying my baby and I feel something warm spread in my chest and grip at my heart fiercely. I’m loving this idea more and more. Having her, having a baby with her, having it all.

  Could she be on the pill?

  Lots of women are even when they’re not active, right?

  I think.

  I feel my lips close in a thin line and my body tenses.

  I reach up to loosen the tie around my neck and I sigh.

  If I have to be honest —and in doing so, admitting how far off the deep end she’s got me going— I’m not a fan of Cora being on the pill either.

  She didn’t mention shit about it anyway while we were together, but I can understand that: she was nervous enough about having to tell me she was still untouched.

  My cock jumps in my slacks loving the idea of her only ever knowing me in that way, of me having that part of her, of having every part of her, forever. Only me. Period. There’s no way I’m letting her go.

  My mind goes back to babies again and I have to say I really like the idea of seeing her round with my child.

  Do men have biological clocks ticking away for fatherhood?

  Is this what’s going on here?

  The thought of having children never entered my mind if not as a risk to be avoided at all costs and now I want to have babies with this girl?

  I’ve never felt so possessive of anyone in my life, not even of my own sorry arse and yet she’s managed to turn me into a complete caveman in a matter of days.

  This is insane.

  Why do I want this so much?

  The innermost part of me whispers it’s because I want to bind us together forever and there’s no better way than planting my seed inside her and having it take root.

  No one could keep us apart then.


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