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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 15

by Ajme Williams

  I nodded. “I won’t hurt her, Sinclair. And Mom will love her like her own.”

  She gave me a smile but there was something behind that which didn’t seem right. “I know. That’s not why. I just don’t want to disrupt her life too much, especially since this is a temporary situation.”

  My jaw tightened and my hands clenched the wheel. I nodded and made the same attempt at a smile as she had. “Of course.”



  The truth was, I didn’t want to bring Alyssa into Wyatt’s home. Not because I was afraid that he or his mother wouldn’t accept her, but because I knew they would. Considering he was Alyssa’s father, those thoughts made me the worst person in the world. But whenever I tilted toward the side of telling him, my concerns about his leaving again stopped me. Why let her get close to him if he was just going to hurt her by leaving?

  I was able to put off moving her to the farm for a few days, but she started to fuss and I missed her like crazy. Plus, it was getting harder to come up with excuses to tell Wyatt. So, the following weekend I went to my parents’ house to pick up Alyssa and bring her to Wyatt’s.

  “Do you think Wyatt will let me help on the farm?” she asked as she bounced in the seat on our way back to his place. I should have been thrilled she was so excited, but I knew it was only a matter of time before everything was going to fall apart.

  “Maybe some of it. I don’t know about the cattle, but maybe the chickens and horses.”

  “I can’t wait to see the horses.” She clapped her hands.

  As I pulled up the drive, Jasper Long passed me in his truck, pulling a trailer. He gave me a friendly wave. I waved back, wondering why he’d been there. Perhaps Wyatt was working with him on a plan to deal with Stark.

  As I reached the house. Wyatt was out front with a gray horse on a lead rope, brushing its coat.

  “Mama, look! It’s so pretty,” Alyssa’s face was plastered to the window.

  “Wait until I stop before you jump out.” I laughed at her excitement. It always filled my heart to see her not just happy, but joyful from deep in her soul.

  I parked, and Alyssa scrambled out of the car.

  Wyatt smiled. “Alyssa. Welcome.”

  “Hi, Wyatt. That horse is so pretty.”

  “This horse is actually a pony, but she is pretty, isn’t she?”

  I came to stand next to Alyssa, who was vibrating with excitement. I knew she wanted to touch it, but she was exercising restraint.

  “I thought ponies were smaller.”

  “She’s only fourteen hands, which means technically, she’s a pony. Do you want to pet her?”

  “Can I?”

  “Of course. Come here.” Wyatt held out his arm to guide her to stand with him. “Put your hand out so she can smell you. That’s how she knows you’re okay.”

  Alyssa tentatively held out her hand.

  “It’s okay. She won’t bite. Then you can pet her on her nose or her neck.” He rubbed his hand down the pony’s nose and then her neck.

  Alyssa followed suit. Her smile was heavenly. “Does she have a name?”

  “Her name is Lilibud,” Wyatt said. “Do you want to sit on her?” Wyatt looked at me, presumably to ask if that was okay. I nodded.

  “Can I?”

  “Absolutely. Sinclair, can you hold this?” He handed me the lead rope.

  “Don’t let go, Mama.”

  “I won’t, baby.” I wished I had my phone out to capture this moment, but reminded myself it was better to watch in real time and not from behind a screen.

  Wyatt picked her up and set her on Lilibud’s back.

  “You can hold her withers here.” He showed her how to grip the ends of the mane.

  “Look at me, Mama.”

  “I see you, baby.”

  Her smile was infectious. Wyatt looked at me as he came to get the lead rope again. His smile was nearly as wide as Alyssa’s.

  The front door opened and Peggy walked onto the porch. “Oh, you’re here. And there’s Miss Alyssa. Look at you.”

  “Alyssa, this is Wyatt’s mom.” I looked at her and then Wyatt, unsure as to what Alyssa should call her.

  “You can call me Miss Peggy,” she said.

  “Hi, Miss Peggy.” I was surprised Alyssa managed that as she was so completely enthralled with the horse.

  “Do you like her?” Wyatt asked Alyssa.

  “I do. So much.”

  “Good. Because she’s yours.”

  My jaw dropped.

  Alyssa’s mouth gaped open. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I just bought her from Jasper Long. I’m told she was Julie’s best teaching pony and I only buy the best for my gals.”

  Alyssa looked at Wyatt like he was a God. “I’m one of your gals?”

  He nodded. “Absolutely. I’ve got three of them now.”

  I was once again overwhelmed with emotion; both good and bad. Gratitude and guilt. Love and self-loathing.

  “But you’ll need to take care of her,” he said.

  “I will. I promise.” She looked at me. “Mama, I’ve got a pony.”

  “You do.” As Wyatt’s gift sunk in, I felt a little blindsided. This was something we should have talked about. What was going to happen when this marriage ended and I took Alyssa back to my parents or wherever we ended up? She’d hate me for taking her away from her pony.

  “We should put her in her new home. Hold on and I’ll walk you over to the barn.”

  “Oh my gosh,” she squealed as the pony followed Wyatt as he led it to the barn.

  “She’s a lovely girl,” Peggy said as we watched them.


  “Wyatt means well.”

  I looked at her, wondering what she meant.

  “I’m a mother. I know the look when your partner does something that should be a joint decision. He just wants her to feel comfortable and be happy.”

  “I know, it’s just…this is temporary.”

  Sadness passed through Peggy’s eyes. She turned to look at Wyatt and Alyssa. “Even so, there’s no reason not to make the most of it.”

  I supposed she was right.

  A few minutes later, Alyssa came running full speed from the barn to me. “There’s a saddle for me too, Mama. And the bridle. And…” Her mouth was working faster than her brain.

  “It sounds like you’re all set.”

  Wyatt strode up to us.

  “Thank you, Wyatt.” Alyssa threw her arms around him.

  He jerked in surprise but then hugged her back. “You’re welcome, Alyssa.”

  “How about some lemonade?” Peggy said.

  “Yes please,” Alyssa said.

  “You two can enjoy the porch while Wyatt and I get the drinks,” Peggy said, heading into the house. I wondered if she wanted Wyatt alone to tell her what I said about this being temporary.

  Alyssa charged up the steps and sat in the porch swing. “Come on, Mama.”

  So much for being concerned about her adjusting to change. I took a seat with her, while Wyatt and his mother went inside.

  “Wyatt is so nice. Kara Lister has a step-dad and he’s mean to her. I’m glad Wyatt isn’t like that.”

  “I wouldn’t let anyone be mean to you,” I said, putting my arm around her.

  The sound of a car had me looking up the drive. It was a dark sedan that parked just behind my car.

  Two men in suits got out and started toward the porch. I stood to meet them at the top of the steps, wondering if these were the men Wyatt had said threatened his mother.

  “Is the owner here?” one of the men asked.

  “I’m one of the owners.” I wasn’t sure of my legal status, but I married Wyatt for the purpose of his retaining legal ownership and to have someone in the mayor’s office with a vested interest in the farming community.

  The man held out a stack of papers. “This is a contract for the purchase of the property. It’s ten percent higher than before, and almost more than t
he land is worth. It’s the best offer you’ll get so you should sign it.”

  I took the papers and made it appear as if I was looking them over. Then I looked up at the two men.

  “We’re not selling.” I tore up the contract, wondering if perhaps I should let Wyatt deal with this. After all, technically it was his and Peggy’s land. It appeared I needed to learn about checking with my partner as well. But I felt Wyatt would likely tear it up too, so I continued on. “Stark is going to have to find somewhere besides Salvation to build his prison.”

  One man looked a bit surprised, but the other scowled. “You shouldn’t have done that. What sort of example are you setting for your little girl?” He nodded toward Alyssa.

  It wasn’t an outward threat, and yet, I couldn’t help but feel like it was.

  I was getting ready to show him just how dangerous threatening a child could be when Wyatt came charging through the door. He gripped the man by the front of his shirt and pushed him down the stairs.

  “Take Alyssa into the house, Sinclair.” His voice was deadly. I wanted to tell him beating these men up wasn’t a good idea, but he was singularly focused on the two men.

  “Why don’t I show you your room?” Peggy said from the door.

  “You go, baby,” I said to Alyssa.

  “You too, Sinclair,” Wyatt said, giving the man a light shove and releasing him. “I just need to remind these fuck- that they’re trespassing.”

  I made sure Alyssa was in the house and heading up the stairs with Peggy, but then I returned to the porch. I’d joined in on this battle so I was going to play my part, which right now was possibly keeping Wyatt from being arrested for assault.



  Watching Alyssa’s pure expression of joy at having Lilibud made me feel like a superhero. I’d always thought I’d be a father someday, but until that moment, it was an abstract idea. Now I knew how amazing and awe-inspiring the admiration of a child could be. Alyssa’s father was a fucking idiot to abandon her and Sinclair. But I was ready to stand up and be the man they both needed.

  I knew Sinclair still saw this marriage as temporary, but I had time to prove her wrong. I was the man for her and her daughter, and before this was done she’d know that.

  I left them on the porch to get lemonade with my mother because she gave me her, “we need to talk” look. I followed her into the kitchen, getting the glasses out while Mom got the pitcher of lemonade.

  “Wyatt, you’re wonderful with Alyssa. I can’t tell you how much it warms my heart to see it.”

  “But?” I prodded, knowing there was more to her statement.

  “I know you want to be there for the both of them, but Sinclair has been raising that child on her own for nine years.”

  “Yeah, so?” I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms.

  “So, she’s not going to like you swooping in like a superhero and spoiling her daughter. She’s also not going to like you making decisions, such as whether to buy the girl a horse, without consulting her.”

  “It’s just a pony.” I waved her comment away.

  “I’m telling you, she didn’t like it. I think I smoothed things over, but even if she shares parenting responsibilities with you, you have to defer to her. She’s the mother.”

  “And I’m just the step-dad.” That irked me. I already loved that kid.

  I heard a car door shut and looked out the kitchen window. “Oh, hell no.”

  “What?” My mother came to look out the window with me.

  “It’s Stark’s men.” I strode through the living room to the front door. Before I burst through, I stopped to hear what they were saying.

  “We’re not selling.” Sinclair tore up a set of papers. “Stark is going to have to find somewhere besides Salvation to build his prison.”

  That’s my girl, I thought.

  The first asshole scowled and I didn’t like the menacing look in his eyes. “You shouldn’t have done that. What sort of example are you setting for your little girl?” He nodded toward Alyssa.

  Was that a threat? Was he threatening a child? I saw red, and in an instant was barreling through the door. I gripped the asshole by the front of his shirt and pushed him down the stairs.

  “Take Alyssa into the house, Sinclair.” I demanded. It was taking every bit of strength I had not to beat the shit out of this guy in front of them.

  “Why don’t I show you your room?” my mother said from the door.

  “You go, baby,” Sinclair said to Alyssa.

  “You too, Sinclair,” I growled, giving the man a light shove and releasing him. “I just need to remind these fuck- that they’re trespassing.”

  When I heard the screen door shut, I stepped into the asshole’s space again. “Are you stupid? How many times do I have to say no before you understand what the word means?”

  “Stark will have your land-”

  “Get the fuck off my property.” I stepped up and bumped him with my chest. The next move would be my fist down his throat.

  I felt a hand on my back. “As much as I’d like to see these men gone, going to jail won’t help,” Sinclair said.

  Jesus. I whipped my head to her, wondering why she was still there.

  “I have the sheriff on speed dial, boys.” She took out her phone. “Go now or you can spend the night in jail. I’m sure your boss will appreciate the negative publicity of two of his men being arrested for trespassing and harassing a little girl.”

  “Listen to my wife because I’ll be well within my rights to physically toss you off my land.”

  “This isn’t done,” Asshole one said, backing up toward the car.

  “Jesus, you and your boss are idiots. No means no, asshole. Stop wasting my time. Next time there won’t be talk. You’ll be battered and bruised while the sheriff takes you to jail.”

  The two goons got in their car, making a crazy three-point turn and then sped off.


  Sinclair’s voice cut off when I whirled on her. My chest was heaving as I worked to rein in my anger. “You had no business dealing with them-”

  “That’s why I’m here!” She put her hands on her hips and leaned forward, her eyes fierce as they looked up at me. “Right? Get married. Get rid of Stark. That’s what I was doing.”

  “Through the mayor’s office. Those two are hired thugs.” I pointed to where the dust was still settling from Stark’s men’s rapid retreat.

  She gave me a hard stare for a moment, then she let out a breath and relaxed. “I had to keep you from overreacting.”

  “Overreacting? They threatened Alyssa!”


  I turned to the door where my mother was exiting. She had her purse in one hand and the box that Alyssa’s new cowboy boots had come in.

  “The boots don’t fit, so Alyssa and I want to go to town to exchange them. If that’s okay with you, Sinclair.”

  Alyssa followed Peggy out the door. “Is it, Mama? Please. They’re so cool. They’re red!”

  Sinclair nodded. “Yes, of course. Listen to Miss Peggy, okay? Show her your manners.”

  “I will,” Alyssa rolled her eyes.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Maybe we can get ice cream while we’re in town too.”

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys. “Take the SUV.” I tossed them to my mother. “It’s safer for a family.”

  This time my mother rolled her eyes, but she caught the keys and she and Alyssa got into the SUV and drove away.

  Finally, they were gone and I could let loose the chain of expletives clanging around in my head.

  “You can’t engage those-”

  Sinclair put her hand on my chest. “Stop, Wyatt.”

  She surprised me so much, my tirade got caught in my throat.

  “From now on, if they come, I’ll get you.” She turned and headed back into the house.

  It took me a minute to realize I’d been dismissed. I rush
ed up the steps, following her inside. My body was still pumping with adrenaline.


  She turned to me. “Problem?”

  “I really needed to pummel them.”

  “Relax, Wyatt. They’re gone.” She gave me a pretty smile, and just like that, what had been fighting hormones pumping through me shifted to something different altogether.

  She quirked a brow. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’ve got pent-up energy to use up.” I stepped closer to her. Since we’d been home, she’d kept to her no sharing of my bed rule. Even if she slept in Alyssa’s room tonight, I had to have her in my bed now.

  Afraid she’d dismiss that too, I took her hand and pressed it over my achingly hard dick.

  Her eyes widened. “Does that happen when you’re pissed, too?”

  “No. It happens when you’re around.” The need to make her mine, to make her see that we could be a family was nearly blinding me. “I’m going to toss you over my shoulder and take you to bed.”

  She laughed. “You’re going caveman on me?”

  “Unless you say no.” God, please say yes.

  Her eyes turned flirty. “I’m still standing here.”

  Not anymore. I hoisted her up, shoving her over my shoulder. She let out an oomph followed by a laugh. I hurried up the stairs and to my room, slamming the door shut. I figured I had at least an hour before my mom and Alyssa were back.

  I tossed Sinclair on the bed and quickly began undressing. “Hurry up, Mrs. Jones. I don’t want to ruin any of your pretty clothes.”

  I was naked before her. I pulled her ankles until she sat on the edge of bed and I helped her get her pants and panties off. Then I pushed her legs open and dove into that sweet pussy of hers.

  She cried out and her entire body shuddered as I worked her. This wasn’t a time for tenderness or finesse. This was pent-up energy getting released with the woman I loved.

  “Oh God, Wyatt…” Her hands gripped my head, holding me to her as her hips gyrated, fast, faster, until she screamed and her body went taught.

  “Again!” I demanded as I continued to suck and lick.


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