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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 16

by Ajme Williams

  “Oh God…” she whimpered. She fell back, her hands fisting in the covers as I worked her up again, and held her hips as another orgasm screamed through her.

  “Please…I need a minute…” She said as I continued to feast. I moved back, kneeling on the floor in front of her, my hands caressing her legs.

  “Do you know what you do to me, Sinclair?”

  “Make you horny?” Her breath was coming in gasps as she worked to catch up with me.

  “It’s more than that. I need you so fucking bad I can hardly see straight.” I maneuvered her to the center of the bed. I sat back on my heels, lifting her legs over my thighs and pulling her hips against mine. I laid my dick on her belly.

  She reached down and stroked a hand over him, making it jump. “I’m right here, Wyatt.”

  She was and she wasn’t. Yes, her body was here, ripe and warm. But her heart. Her soul. Those weren’t here and they were what I needed more than anything.

  I reached my hands forward to massage her tits. I pinched her nipples, loving how she arched and moaned at my touch.

  “What do you want, Sinclair?” I wasn’t really sure what I was asking. I supposed what I needed was for her to tell me she wanted me. All of me.

  “I want you to fuck me hard, Wyatt.”

  My libido shot to full tilt even as my heart fell. This was still just sex to her. Frustration mixed with need and the pre-existing pent-up energy.

  “Say it again.” Before I took her, claimed her, I had to be sure she knew what she was asking.

  “Fuck me hard.”

  I rose on to my knees, pulling her hips up and I plunged my dick inside her fast and hard, sending rockets of electricity shooting through my body.

  She cried out.

  I held back for a moment, afraid I’d hurt her. “You okay?” I managed.

  “Yes, don’t stop…God, don’t stop.”

  With my fingers gripping her hips, I let loose. I gave free rein to my need to claim her and make her mine. Jesus, if she knew that was going through my mind, she’d be annoyed, calling me a caveman again. But every fiber of my being needed to be in her, around her, to make her a part of me.. So I pounded, thrusted, plunged, again and again, my balls slapping her ass every time I drove inside her pussy.

  She was thrashing, her hands gripping the covers as she chanted, “Yes, fuck me…”

  My arms started to tire, so I paused long enough to toss her legs over my shoulders. Then with my hands holding her hips steady, I started again.

  “Oh God, oh God…So good, Wyatt…oh my God.”

  “Tell me when you’re coming,” I ground out. Of course, I’d know. Her pussy always gave away her orgasm. But I wanted to hear those words coming from her mouth.

  “Yes…I’m there… Oh god…I’m coming.”

  “Who’s fucking you, Sinclair. Who’s making you come?”

  “You… Oh God…” A long feral moan escaped her. I could feel her body start to shake. I wouldn’t be far behind.

  “Who? Sinclair. Say my name.”

  “Wyatt. Oh God, Wyatt…I’m coming.” Her entire body bowed up, her legs went taut, compressing against my neck.

  “Fuck yeah, Sinclair…come on my cock.” I rocked and thrust like a maniac, pushing, pushing, until my own orgasm snapped. I let out a long growl and plunged in, holding myself inside her as I released my first shot of cum. I did again and again until I was completely spent. I sagged back on my heels, heaving in breaths as my heart threatened to pound out of my chest.

  “Oh my God.” Sinclair lay with her eyes closed, but a sated smile on her face. “I may have to invite those jerks over again if this is how you get.”

  There were so many things about that statement that bothered me. I bit my lip to keep from expressing my true thoughts.

  She opened her eyes and cocked her head. “You okay?”

  “Just fucked out, that’s all,” is what I said. But what I was thinking was, “What will it take to make you mine?”



  I wasn’t normally impressed by men who puffed out their chests and acted like cavemen, but I admitted to myself that Wyatt’s fierce protection of Alyssa was sexy. But as much as I would have liked to see those two men taken down a peg, violence wasn’t the answer. Wyatt married me to help him deal with these guys, so why he got all annoyed that I intervened made no sense to me.

  Fortunately, he didn’t overrule me or insist on being a protector, but apparently, the showdown energized him. I didn’t know if he preferred having sex over beating a man up to get rid of that pent-up energy, but I did. Wow. I felt completely possessed by him. Not in a negative way but in an all-consuming way.

  Back when we were teens, the few times we had sex were very nice. But since then, Wyatt clearly had practice. I tried not to think about how many women he’d been with to improve his bedroom skills and instead focused on keeping up and enjoying it.

  But this time, when it was done, there was something in his expression that suggested he didn’t like it. Did I do something wrong?

  He untangled himself from my legs and lay on the bed beside me, dropping his arm over his face.

  “I’m sorry I’m not better at this.” Maybe it was time to try and stick to my no-touch rule.

  He let out a sigh, and then reached for me. “You’re fine at this.”

  Fine. Not great. Not earth-shattering. He rocked my world, but I was just...fine.

  I rolled to get out of the bed, but he pulled me back. “I’m sorry. Don’t go.”

  I laid my head on the crook of his shoulder and rested my arm on his chest.

  “Those guys got me rattled. I was a little rough. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  I lifted my head. “No.” But this time I didn’t tell him I enjoyed it because it seemed to bother him when I did before.

  His arms pulled me close. “I’m not normally a violent man, Sinclair. You don’t have to worry about me hurting you or Alyssa. I’m not my father.”

  I lifted my head to look at him. “I’m not worried about that.”

  “But I’m not going to let Stark’s men threaten my family. It’s just not going to go unchecked.”

  It was dangerous how much I liked Wyatt calling us his family. In truth we were, I supposed, and yet, I couldn’t help the feeling of doom hanging over us.

  “This marriage is a partnership to get Stark. As much as I’d like to see you beat his men to a pulp, that’s not what will make him go away.”

  He nodded and leaned over to kiss my head. “I’ll keep you safe though. You can’t stop me from doing that. Especially Alyssa. She’s just a kid and it makes me sick to think that by having her here I’ve put her in danger.”

  My heart ached at his concern. “They’re jerks, but I don’t think they’ll actually do anything to hurt us. Stark needs community support, and he won’t have it if his men are terrorizing children.”

  He turned so he was on his side looking at me. “You know I’d do anything to protect you two, right? I mean I know I’m not her father and my mother says I’m not allowed to buy her ponies without your consent-”

  I laughed, remembering I’d thought just that.

  “-but she’s a great kid, Sinclair. I want to be there for her.”

  Guilt sliced through me again. It was time, I decided. Time for him to learn the truth.

  “Wyatt, about Alyssa.”

  He pressed his finger over my lips. “I know you’re her mother, and you call the shots. But whatever happens here, between us, I’ll be here for both of you. I promise.”

  I nodded, feeling overwhelmed by the emotion I saw in his eyes.

  “I’d like that.” I looked down, to gather the strength to come clean, knowing he might change his mind, at least about wanting to be there for me.

  “Hey.” His hand cradled my face. “I’m sorry I was a bit rough before too. I hope I didn’t scare you?”

  I smiled. “No. I sort of liked it. I’m worried you didn’t.”

  His hand slid down to my backside and pulled me flush against him. He was already getting hard. “I did like it. I always come so hard with you. But I lost control a bit and I don’t ever want to hurt you or scare you.”

  “I wasn’t either.”

  “Can I make it up to you anyway?” He hooked my thigh over his hip, opening my body to him, his cock teasing my entrance.

  I knew I needed to make him stop. I had something to tell him. But the emotion and sincerity in his eyes stopped my words. Instead I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him. I pushed my hips forward and took him inside me.

  He groaned into my mouth. “You feel so fucking good, Sinclair.”

  I pushed him back, straddling over him. “How good, Wyatt?” I rocked over him.

  “Fucking good.” His hands held my hips as he moved with me. There were no words then. Just our bodies doing what they did best. We might have clashed in life. I had a secret that was getting in our way. But like this, with just our bodies and breathing, we were in complete sync.

  His gaze locked on mine, and a wave of emotion filled my chest. This was what we’d planned so many years ago. Married. Living in this house. Raising our children. We were on the verge of achieving that dream and I was the one person stopping it from fruition. I had to tell him the truth. I had to tell him because it was the only way I could achieve what I really wanted. I wanted Wyatt. I wanted a family.

  His hands slid up to my breasts and gently kneaded them. Then he levered up, sucking them into his mouth.

  “Wyatt.” My body was on fire. My heart was bursting with love.

  “You’re mine,” he said. At least that was what I thought he said. It was muffled against my chest. Maybe it was just what I wanted him to say.

  Together we rode up and up toward bliss, until together, we lept off the edge of oblivion.

  Tell him, tell him, went off like a mantra in my brain. “Wyatt.”

  He looked up at me, his green eyes so lovely.

  The front door slammed shut.

  “Oh shit,” he said. “They’re home.”

  Oh, shit was right. I’d have to wait until another moment. I hoped when it came, I didn’t lose my nerve.

  We scrambled from the bed and quickly dressed.

  “I’ll head them off,” he said since he was already in his jeans and t-shirt. He gave me a quick kiss. “I like you in my bed, Sinclair. You should think about staying in it.”

  I wanted him to mean forever, but I supposed he just meant during our fake marriage.

  When he left the room, I sank onto the bed to catch my breath and get my mind in order. I was playing with fire, and couldn’t help but feel I was going to get burned.

  I pulled myself together and we had a lovely evening with Alyssa showing off the riding clothes Wyatt and his mother had gotten her, the new cowboy boots, and later playing Uno. That night, I went to tuck Alyssa into bed.

  “Mama, why is your bed in here? Don’t married people have their own room?”

  “Ah…yes, but I didn’t want you to be afraid.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a baby.”

  I smiled but felt sad at the child I was losing to the young lady she was becoming. “Of course not.”

  “Wyatt said he’d teach me to ride tomorrow.”

  “He has a ranch to run, so you’ll probably need to wait until he has time for that.” I pulled her blankets up, tucking them under her chin.

  “Are those mean men going to take Wyatt’s ranch?”

  “Not if we can help it, baby.” I kissed her head.

  “Tell him I’m on his side.”

  I smiled. “I will.”

  Later, Wyatt lay in bed staring up at the ceiling when I leaned against the door jamb of his room. He looked over at me and quirked a brow.


  “She says she’s not a baby and doesn’t need me with her. I don’t have a place to sleep.”

  He rolled over to his side. “Does one need to be a baby to have you stay with them?” He patted the mattress. “Because I have room.”

  I sauntered in, closing the door behind me. I dropped my robe and climbed into bed with him, letting him pull me close. In moments, we were naked and he was sliding inside me again. I told myself this wasn’t sordid. We were married. Plenty of married people with children had sex.

  He was slow and thorough. It was a summer storm rolling through my body when I finally came. Then he pulled me close and held me there. This would have been a good time to tell him except it was late and I wasn’t ready to break the bubble of living my dream just yet. Instead, I settled in next to him and let sleep come.

  The next morning, I found Wyatt and Alyssa in the kitchen making a mess, although she said it was pancakes. Peggy sat at the table with the paper, shaking her head and laughing at the two of them.

  “Good morning.” I looked at my watch. It was just past seven. “It’s early so why do I feel like I slept in?”

  “Ranch life starts before the sun,” Peggy said.

  I went over to Wyatt and Alyssa, looking over their shoulders at the bowl of batter, most of which appeared to be splattered on the wall.

  “Good morning.” Wyatt kissed me on the temple.

  Alyssa giggled at that. “Focus, Wyatt.”

  “Go away, Sinclair, you’re distracting me,” Wyatt said.

  “Sorry.” I went over and sat with Peggy to watch the spectacle. Peggy’s eyes held emotion as she watched Wyatt with Alyssa. It reminded me that Wyatt wasn’t the only person missing out by my secret. She was too. And I supposed Alyssa as well.

  I swallowed the bile that roiled in my belly as I realized I was deceiving everyone in this room. Everyone in my life, really, except Ryder.

  I pushed it away and forced a smile as Wyatt and Alyssa brought over a platter of pancakes and bacon.

  “Wyatt says I have to have a hearty breakfast to learn to ride,” Alyssa said as she stuffed her mouth with bacon.

  I wasn’t sure pancakes constituted hearty, but I didn’t say that.

  “Will you watch me ride, Mama?”

  “Of course.”

  “You can ride too,” Wyatt said. “I’ve got the perfect old nag just for you.”

  “Oh, Wyatt,” Peggy said.

  I quirked a brow. “Are you calling me an old nag?”

  He grinned at me, looking happier than I thought I’d ever seen him before. “You’re my young beautiful wife.” He reached over and took my hand.

  “What am I, Wyatt?” Alyssa asked.

  “You’re my gal.” He took her hand too. The moment should have been perfect. Wyatt holding his family’s hands. But of course, it was bittersweet because he was still in the dark about Alyssa. I took in the moment, wanting to savor it. There was a chance that when I told him, his feelings for me would change, so this moment of a family having breakfast could be the only one we had.



  When I was in the military, a few guys in my unit often said they’d never want to have a regular life; working in the same place, coming home to the same family, day after day. They felt having a wife, house and regular job would become boring. Me? This life I had now with Sinclair and Alyssa, it felt like fucking heaven, especially the part about coming home to a family.

  After a week, we’d settled into a routine. Mom and I were up early as usual, taking care of farm duties. We left feeding the chickens to Alyssa now, who would get up just before Sinclair so she could get dressed and get her chore done. Sinclair would go to work, dropping Alyssa off at her grandmother’s house for the day. My mother offered to watch her, but she was an integral part in keeping the ranch going, so we decided it was better for Sinclair’s mom to watch her. Besides, they wanted to continue to be in her life as well.

  And so it was, I was living the dream I’d planned with Sinclair all those years ago. The only hiccups were that I wasn’t sure Sinclair saw a future with me, and, in fact, there were times when I felt like she was keep
ing something from me. And of course, there was Stark to contend with.

  But I was a patient man. I could wait for Sinclair to realise my love for her was real. My desire to be a father to Alyssa was genuine. I could stay positive that our dream we created ten years ago could be real.

  It was midweek and I’d finished dealing with the cattle and paperwork and thought I’d take care of some home improvement issues before Sinclair and Alyssa got home. I wanted them to come home to a pretty picture of a house, so I decided it was time to clean up the front porch, fixing the loose boards, and give it a paint job. Maybe Alyssa and I could build planter boxes to hang on the rail and fill them with pretty bright flowers.

  I’d just finished hammering a nail into one of the floorboards, when I heard a car pull up the driveway. Looking up from my work, an expensive sports car parked in front of the house. A man in a dark expensive suit, with a two-hundred-dollar haircut to his blond hair stepped out of the car. I didn’t need to be told his name to know who this was. It appeared I’d earned the honor of a visit from Simon Stark himself.

  “Mr. Jones, I’m Simon Stark.” He smiled, showing off perfect white teeth. I wondered if there was anything on this man that wasn’t fake.

  I stood and leaned against the post at the top of the porch steps, crossing my arms over my chest.

  He gave me a smarmy smile. “I wonder if I might have a moment of your time.”

  I nodded, but didn’t invite him in. I wasn’t going to sully my home with the likes of him. I was relieved that Sinclair and Alyssa were gone, and my mother was upstairs resting.

  “What do you want?”

  “Well, I’m thinking there’s a misunderstanding or perhaps my men haven’t been very good at conveying my message.” He smiled affably but there was a hint of menace behind it.

  “They seemed clear to me. They threatened my family, including my child, if I didn’t sell.” I rolled my shoulders as the anger of his henchmen’s threats bloomed inside me again.


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