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Happy Now?

Page 40

by S M Mala

  There was no other place to put it other than into the side of Lee’s face.

  The man fell backwards onto the floor, stunned at the action then looked up at Ed, who then said,

  ‘I’m fucking well in love with Flora, okay!’

  All Ed could do was walk away.

  There was nothing more to say to Lee.

  ‘You look beautiful,’

  … Lola said admiring Flora’s new red dress. It was a bandeau bodice that came quite high over her breasts and the skirt was tulip shaped that touched the floor. They were in Flora’s bedroom. ‘Where’s the party?’

  ‘It’s local.’

  ‘So why can’t you come home?’ Faith asked, propped up against the door, eyeing her with suspicion. ‘Going somewhere else afterwards?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, glaring at her sister.

  ‘Why are you all in here?’ asked Max, poking his head around Faith. ‘You look nice.’

  ‘Why don’t you sound like you mean it?’ huffed his sister, touching the dress. ‘Can I wear it when I get older?’

  ‘Of course,’ Flora replied and kissed her forehead as her son rolled his eyes then ran off downstairs. ‘I need to speak to Faith. Can you go and check that the new menu for Mario’s is on the table?’

  ‘Sure,’ she said, smiling at her.

  Soon as Lola walked away, Flora pulled her sister’s plump arm and closed the door.

  ‘When Matias picks them up tomorrow morning, don’t tell him I was out all night.’


  ‘If the kids say then it’s up to them. He knows I was at a party and we’ll leave it at that.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘I need to tell you something,’ she said, seeing her sister’s eyes light up.

  ‘You’re shagging Ed Carter.’ Faith folded her arms across her chest. ‘Are you?’

  ‘How did you-.’

  ‘It’s written all over your face. At the fete every time you looked at him your tongue was hanging out. Even when you’d kicked that shit of an ex-husband to the ground, just one look and I knew he’d been rummaging in your large drawers.’

  Once again, her sister had left her speechless.

  ‘And he’s seen your bazookas?’

  ‘No!’ said Flora, grabbing them protectively. ‘I’ve not let him.’

  Faith raised her eyebrows and then stepped closer.

  ‘Not everyone’s a cretin,’ she said quietly. ‘Matias is one and Ed most certainly isn’t. Don’t think the man who sees the true you will walk away. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Those scars saved your life, do you hear me?’ Faith’s eyes started to fill up. ‘You show them with pride.’

  Flora looked down to the ground and didn’t know what to say.

  ‘I’m in love with him,’ she quietly said and then looked at Faith’s grin. ‘I’ve told him. It’s the second time in twenty-five years I’ve said it.’

  ‘He banged you back then?’

  ‘Why do you make everything sound base?’

  ‘He was your first one?’

  ‘Of course he was.’

  ‘Well done!’ she said, raising her hand to give her a high five. ‘I’m impressed!’

  Flora started to laugh.

  ‘You know I tried to get into his trousers once?’

  Flora stopped laughing.

  ‘Oh don’t worry little sister,’ Faith grinned, putting a comforting arm around her. ‘He wasn’t interested because he’d got some old bird pregnant though his mate Lee was up for it.’ Her body stiffened and Faith looked at her in shock. ‘Flora? What’s wrong?’

  ‘You slept with him?’

  ‘Why do you look so upset?’

  ‘I don’t like Lee.’

  Then she knew her sister’s alarm bells were ringing. Faith frowned.

  ‘What did Lee do? He told me he saw you in Brighton and was asking about you. I never said because I thought he was just chatting me up. You didn’t get off with him, did you?’

  ‘No,’ she said, shaking her head from side to side. Then she bit her lip, knowing what she was going to ask next sounded odd. ‘And he was all right with you?’

  ‘Why wouldn’t he be? It was a one off. I came down to see some friends, he was by the river with Ed and we got talking. One thing led to another and I shagged him a couple of times that night. It was all right,’ scowled her sister then narrowed her eyes. ‘Do you think he shagged me because he wanted to shag you?’

  ‘Never!’ Flora said, trying to hold it in. ‘He would have fancied you not me, I mean, you’re fast and loose.’

  ‘And you’re uptight and frigid, so he said.’

  The comment stung hard as Flora swallowed.

  ‘But if he ever tried to lay a finger on you,’ her sister continued, clenching up her fist. ‘I’ll smack his face in.’

  ‘I love you Faith,’ Flora said, wrapping her arms around her. ‘I love you so much.’

  ‘Only you could tell a man you loved them within a matter of weeks,’ laughed her sister, hugging her fiercely back. ‘And he feels the same way?’

  Flora thought for a moment then stepped back and looked at her.

  ‘He keeps asking me to tell him again and again but he never tells me.’


  ‘Ed was never good at saying things.’

  ‘Strong silent type,’ Faith nodded then smiled. ‘He likes you. Always has. I knew it from when he was young. He’d always eye you up. Then when he came round, after you left for Brighton, he seemed really upset. Asked where you were but I thought it was best to leave alone. You see we’d all heard he got that woman pregnant. I didn’t want him to string you along and break your heart.’

  ‘He broke it anyway,’ Flora whispered. ‘But he’s doing his best to mend it.’

  Then Faith poked her chest and Flora stepped back, covering her boobs with her hand.

  ‘What are you wearing underneath?’ she asked suspiciously. ‘Flora, have you just folded the sports bra’s straps and put them down the side?’

  That’s when she got irritated with her sister the most.

  When she sussed something out.

  ‘Can’t you at least let the man see some nice underwear? You do have some. There’s whole drawer full. Go and change your bra now! Poor Ed Carter, seeing you in your reinforced bras.’


  ‘Flora! Change now!’

  Her finger was pointing to the wardrobe as Flora shuffled away and slid back the door. Rummaging around, she found a black strapless bra and wanted to cry.

  ‘If I wear this he’ll see the scar on my left breast,’ she said, hoping Faith would let her off.

  ‘Put it on,’ her sister said firmly, stepping closer. ‘Or I’ll put it on for you.’

  She didn’t needed to be asked twice, so Flora pushed down her dress, took off the sports bra and put on the strapless one. Avoiding looking down, she pulled the dress up and swallowed hard.

  Faith grabbed her from behind and turned her around.

  ‘Look at me,’ her sister said. Flora did as she was told. ‘You go out, get drunk and fuck his brains out. Do that for me, will you?’

  Flora smiled and nodded.

  That’s exactly what she had planned.

  ‘Who are you looking for?’

  … his mother asked. She was elegantly dressed in a blue two piece and a shawl. Her make-up was immaculate and you could never tell she’d undergone surgery a few weeks back. ‘You’re making me nervous. And what did you do to your hand?’

  ‘Someone walked into it, like I said.’

  ‘Edward Carter, I know when you’ve been in a fight and at your age!’ she huffed, smoothing down his pale blue shirt. ‘This colour brings out your eyes.’ Noreen pursed her lips and looked down at his right hand. ‘Who did you hit? Or more to the point, why did you hit them?’

  ‘They said something I didn’t like.’

  ‘That’s very childish.’

  Ed looked at the array of family member
s and friends scattered in the pub and garden. The place looked lovely, decorated just how his mother liked it. There was a colder breeze, typical of the early September change and he just wanted Flora to turn up.

  Then he looked over and noticed his father had hit the dance floor with one of his mum’s friends.

  ‘See that man there?’ his mother said, glancing at Ernie. ‘He thinks he’s a stud muffin but I do love him.’ She grinned. ‘Flora will be here soon.’

  ‘Who said I was-.’

  ‘Give me strength!’ Noreen sighed and stared straight into his eyes. ‘Call her.’

  Ed went to grab his mobile then realised he left it charging on his mother’s kitchen table.

  ‘Shit,’ he mumbled.

  ‘Why oh, why do you bother with them? You’re always mislaying the things. I’ll call her if you want.’

  ‘She’ll be here. I know she will.’

  ‘Your head is all over the place. Edna called me and your father this week to say you were acting strangely. The last time you were odd was when poor Eddie passed away. She was worried.’

  ‘Nothing to be worried about.’

  He then thought about his son and looked over at Amelia who was with her new boyfriend. Ed had spoken to him and the guy seemed nice. Handsome, charming and witty. He knew his child wanted him to go away as soon as possible so as not to interrogate the young man.

  More than anything in the world, he wished his son could be at the family party. A hand touched his face and his mother was looking at him.

  ‘I know,’ she whispered then reached up to kiss his face. ‘But he’s with us in here.’ Noreen pointed to her heart then his. ‘And that’s not going anywhere.’

  He grabbed her and gave her a gentle hug, knowing not to press too hard then he stopped breathing.

  Flora had walked in wearing a long red dress and heads were turning at the same time as his mother’s.

  ‘What a beauty!’ his mother said looking at him. ‘Don’t you think?’

  Ed wasn’t listening.

  He just walked up to her then stopped as she grinned up.

  ‘Flo,’ was the only thing that came out his mouth. ‘Flo.’

  ‘Yes it’s me,’ she said, grabbing his hand then looked at the bandaged knuckle. ‘What happened?’

  ‘Flo,’ he gasped, just admiring her.

  ‘Has my son lost the use of his mouth?’ asked Ernie, coming toward her and planting a firm kiss on her cheek. ‘He was never good with words.’

  ‘Flora, would you like a drink?’ Ed asked, snapping out of the trance.

  ‘I’ll get it. White, red or rose?’ his father asked, starting to laugh.

  ‘Rose as it’s a lovely evening,’ she replied.

  He held both her hands then laughed as she joined in.

  ‘I want to take you home,’ he whispered. ‘Right now.’

  ‘I told Faith about me and you. She gave me a high five. I think she was impressed.’


  ‘Stop it and how come you hurt yourself? Was it at work?’

  ‘Sort of.’

  Ed couldn’t help it. He pulled Flora closer and kissed her.

  ‘Hello,’ he eventually whispered. ‘You look gorgeous.’

  ‘Let go of her,’ his father said, prising in between them. ‘He’s a bit of a fast one, our Ed. That’s always been the problem but you know what? I wanted him to ask you out when he was younger.’

  ‘Did you dad?’ he said, never hearing it before.

  ‘Certainly did but you were always a little bit too laid back if you ask me. Cheers!’ he said, putting the glass of rose wine into Flora’s hand before turning to look at his son. ‘Don’t spend all evening munching on her. Your mother will get mad. You know what she’s like about snacking.’

  Ed just looked over his father’s shoulder at Flora and sighed.

  ‘Oh,’ his dad said.

  ‘Oh what?’

  ‘It’s serious?’ he mouthed so as not to let Flora hear. ‘From the look on your face it is.’

  ‘Can you just go?’

  ‘Don’t mind me!’ he said, turning to look at Flora. ‘You look a picture, do you know that?’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said and glanced around. ‘Lots of people here.’

  ‘It’s costing me an arm and a leg but she’s worth it.’ Ernie looked over at Noreen, making Ed smile. ‘When you find the one, you just can’t let them go especially if you thought there was a chance you’d lose them.’ He saw the emotion on his dad’s face. ‘Thank you Flora for helping her through it. She was most enthusiastic about your breasts.’

  Ed saw her face freeze in horror. Poor Flora looked like she was going to faint.

  ‘I’m taking her away,’ Ed said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the dancing. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘Did your mum tell everyone?’

  ‘She was drugged and my sister thought she’d turned the other way,’ he laughed, seeing her break into a smile. ‘Just don’t leave my side for one moment, do you hear?’

  Then he saw Amelia walking up to them, smiling at Flora.

  ‘Hello, I’m Ed’s daughter, Amelia Carter,’ she said, putting out her hand as Flora shook it. ‘I see my granddad has been trying to get a handful. The men in this family have no self-control.’ His child flicked him a glance. ‘And we met the other day.’

  ‘Yes, I’m Flora Almeida.’

  ‘Oh, how funny. Your surname sounds like my Christian name. Is that a coincidence, daddy?’ The stare was a knowing one. ‘Never mind. Good to meet you and we should chat later.’


  Amelia walked away and looked over her shoulder, grinning at her father.

  ‘I never realised our names were similar,’ Flora said, her innocent eyes looking up at him. ‘She’s very sharp, your child.’

  ‘Too bloody sharp,’ he mumbled under his breath and realised she’d caught him.

  ‘You named your child after me?’

  ‘Flo, can we leave it?’ he said, starting to go red. ‘That’s for another conversation.’

  ‘Edward Carter,’ she said, grabbing his damaged hand as he tried not to flinch. ‘I simply love you so very much.’

  ‘You have very good taste Flora Almeida.’ He noticed she looked a little disappointed. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Everything’s fine.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘He’s a very good mover,’

  … Flora said, watching Ed dance with Amelia. Noreen was sat next to her while they both ate a hog roast burger. ‘And this is delicious!’

  ‘Yes my son is a fast mover but slow on the uptake in many other ways,’ she replied and wiped her mouth.

  ‘Are you healing up well?’

  ‘I’ve been in a lot of pain but, you know what, I’m fine so I am grateful for that.’ Noreen looked at Flora. ‘My son greeted you in a very, how should I put it? He seems smitten.’

  ‘I hope so,’ she said, finishing off the pork before munching on the crackling. ‘Has he had lots of female friends?’

  ‘Female friends, quite a few. Girls? More than his fair share,’ she scowled, shaking her head. ‘It’s as if he thought he could live his son’s life for a while. There was no telling Ed he was making a mistake when he ran off and got married but he learned the hard way. And that’s when it all started to fall to pieces. My son couldn’t cope with the loss of his child.’

  Ed looked radiant and happy, the picture of perfect health.

  Flora couldn’t imagine he’d lose the plot though she had done so many times.

  And it still hurt her a little he couldn’t reciprocate her words of love.

  It occurred it might be harder for him.

  Then she thought that maybe he didn’t feel that strongly.

  ‘Have you told your ex-husband about Ed? I know they work together sometimes,’ whispered Noreen, sipping her drink. ‘Is it true he’s getting married again?’

  ‘It’s up to him. I don’t care.’

  ‘Will he care about you and my son?’

  ‘Doubt it,’ she gently replied. ‘He didn’t care about me for years and I don’t think there’s anything he can say.’

  ‘Oh there’s one of Ed’s friends!’

  Immediately Flora thought it was Lee and got scared.

  ‘Harry! Virginia! Come and join us!’ shouted out Noreen.

  Flora knew it was Ed’s best friend and he was exactly how he described him.

  Short, stocky and bald with a cheeky smile. His wife looked more hippy chic, slim and very pretty.

  ‘Hello Flora,’ he said as she stood. He took her hand and kissed it. ‘He was right. You’re a knockout!’

  ‘Why can’t you say attractive?’ the woman sighed. ‘I’m Virginia. I’ve heard so much about you via Harry.’

  ‘Hello there!’ Ed said, walking towards them and opening his arms. Flora witnessed the genuine affection between the men. ‘Why so late?’

  ‘Saffron is coming in a moment,’ Harry replied and she saw him whisper something into Ed’s ear which made him smile. ‘And I need a drink. What would you like Virginia?’

  ‘Anything,’ she smiled and looked over at the food.

  ‘We’ve got vegetarian,’ said Noreen looking pleased as punch.

  ‘She thinks that’s exotic,’ laughed Ed. ‘A bit like my date. Sorry Virginia.’

  ‘Knockout and exotic. What is it about bloody men who can’t use the right words?’ she said then took Flora’s hand. ‘Lovely to meet you and, hopefully, he will invite us all out so we can get to know each other better.’

  ‘Here,’ Ed said, putting his hand out, looking at Flora. ‘We need to dance.’

  He just yanked her away from the others. She turned to see Noreen grinning at her son. Then he stopped in the middle of the dance floor and looked down.

  ‘We’ve never danced before,’ she said.

  Ed slipped his arms around her waist and she put her hands on his shoulders.

  ‘There are lots of things we haven’t done before, together.’

  ‘I look forward to doing lots of things with you. And I need to get to know you. What’s your favourite food?’


  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I love everything especially steak pudding. Exploding cakes make me happy and every so often, I love pizza from Mario’s.’ Ed rested his lips against her cheek. ‘And I love eating you.’


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