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Reborn in Blue

Page 7

by M J Knight

  "Get the fuck over here. This bed is big enough for everyone unless you're worried, you'll wake up with one of their hard-ons up your ass?" Fletcher cackles openly at that. Swinging his head up to look at me, his cheeks that adorable pink again, he scoots his way closer to the bed and undresses with his back to me before climbing under the blankets and sliding behind me.

  "Where the fuck am, I supposed to sleep? Y'all are in my damn bed and I got to sleep on the edge!" Clint is standing at the door looking thoroughly pissed.

  "Shouldn't have went to get that beer, Sir." Fletcher just lives to tease and taunt.

  Raising his eyebrows and nodding Clint sits the drinks on the dresser and launches himself across the bed tackling Fletcher and pushing him out of the bed with a triumphant "Fuck you!" Cole grabs me and pulls me to his chest to keep me away from the wrestling friends. I turn towards him and bury my face in his tattooed chest. Inhaling his smell of soap and a brand-new book scent.

  That’s the last thing I remember before waking up in a dark room.

  Chapter Fifteen: Clint

  What the fuck is that sound? My ears are bleeding. Sitting up in bed as fast as humanly possible I notice the whole bed is jerking and jumping. Scrubbing my eyes as best I can I see Cole holding a screaming convulsing Ayida. "What the fuck is going on? Is she okay?" It only takes me a few seconds to recognize the night terror. Fletch is now up and leaning over Cole trying to sooth the terrified girl.

  I run my hands over her back and speak in a calm low voice. "Shhh. It's okay Baby Blue. We're here. You’re safe." After a few minutes she finally calms down and is somehow still sleeping. Sweat coats her forehead and chest.

  "We have to do something. It’s not right. She needs help." Fletcher has good intentions, but it can be hard to hear that you need professional help from other people. A lot of PTSD victims brush it off and try to suffer in silence. It feels like admitting weakness to search out help.

  "We'll discuss it in the morning. Right now, we have… maybe 2 hours of sleep left. Let's make the best of it. Hand her over, Cole." He looks unsure, but scoots Ayida over towards my side of the bed. "Y'all get some sleep. I'm just going to watch and make sure she is good and asleep before I lay back down." Sometimes you can have aftershocks from a night terror. I've been known to sleepwalk after having one. "Goodnight," both guys look exhausted.

  I'm waking up to bright sunlight pouring in through the open curtains. "Who the fuck opened the curtains?" Huffs the little Blue Demon next to me while yanking the blankets up over her head. Peeking underneath I see hair sticking out in directions that defy gravity. I can't even make out her face with all the hair hiding her from my view. She is truly rumpled and twisted up now, but still so picturesque I can’t help but feel a slight jump from my dick.

  "Blue, you probably want to go get a shower. I think your hair has taken on a life of its own and is trying to smother you to death." The kick to my shin was probably deserved, but I thought a joke would help her morning personality.

  "Fuck you and your shower. " She grumbles burrowing further into the blankets like a mole.

  "I'll fuck you in the shower if that's what you want Blue." My dick twitches at the mention of fucking her. I didn't get my turn with her pussy, but if it's anything like that sassy mouth it wouldn't take me long to mark her with my cum.

  “Ugh, I’m fairly certain I seized the wrong day,” she muttered. "Coffee. If you want to live another minute. I need coffee. Where are the other asshats?" It takes her asking for me to start wondering the same. I jump out of bed. Well more like a slow bounce. I'm stiff as hell after sleeping with the kicking queen on top of me. She beats ass even in her sleep. "Black." Her cute head pops out from the blankets. "Just like my soul. Thanks!" Well that was a switch. I guess coffee is her drug of choice.

  Heading downstairs I smell the bacon and coffee before I get to the kitchen. Baby Blue will be pleased with her offerings. "Is the she-devil awake yet?" Fletcher chuckles while giving me a once over.

  "She is demanding sustenance." Cole gets a laugh from that one while filling up a plate with bacon and a mug of black coffee. "Let's all go pay our respects to the Blue Demon." This nickname thing is getting fun. I can't wait for her to hear them.

  Smiling to myself, I head back up with her nourishment. She is leaning back on all the pillows looking adorably disheveled. " We have brought your offerings."

  Her brows arch up to her hairline. "I want to cuss at all of y'all, but I smell bacon and coffee. So, I'll let it slide. Gimme gimme gimme!" Laying the plate of bacon down and passing her the mug, I notice how her eyes light up. I don't think she has ever had someone take care of her. Every time someone does the smallest thing, she acts like they have given her the moon. She dives for the bacon like a wild animal. It doesn't take her long to polish off every bit of what we brought up.

  "So Blue, we were wanting to talk about last night."

  Her eyes dim at Fletcher's statement. I rush to correct her assumption. "Not what we did last night. What happened after you fell asleep." Her eyebrows draw up in confusion. "Last night, well really early this morning you had a night terror and scared the shit out of all of us." Reaching for her hand and stroking her palm, I ask the questions I was once asked. "Did you know about them? Have you seen anyone about what you've been through?" Fletcher and Cole have suspicions but have not been told the whole story and that's up to her. It's only her story to tell.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't know they had got that bad. I haven't talked to anyone about them. I don't like shrinks." Her beautiful eyes well up, but she holds the tears at bay.

  "Baby Blue, seeing a therapist is not as taboo as you think. I've been seeing one for years and it has helped a ton." I want to put her at ease, but I know as well as anyone how people can feel right after suffering the kind of trauma she has. You definitely don't want to relive every minute with a stranger.

  "I'll think about it. I won't sleep here anymore. I don't want to disturb y'all." She really doesn't understand what we're trying to do. I'm guessing she hasn't had many friends over the last five years either.

  "Baby Blue, you are welcome here anytime. Last night was fun, but if you don't want to do it again, we will all understand, and we will still be here for you. That's what friends do." Her smile and watery eyes break my heart.

  "Group hug!" Cole grabs everyone with his thick arms and squishes us together in the middle of the bed. The snorting laugh coming from the Blue Demon makes me chuckle.

  I have a feeling thing are about to get really interesting.

  Chapter Sixteen: Clint

  And interesting it has been. It's been 2 weeks since the Blue Demon waltzed into our lives and it’s been nothing but craziness ever since. She spends the weekends at my place with me, Cole and Fletch, just having a good time playing video games, cooking together, and trying as many sexual positions in as many rooms as we can. She is sweet and withdrawn one minute, and then the next she is jumping down someone's throat. Usually that's Holder though.

  He refuses to even acknowledge her anymore. He isn't particularly fond of us either. He views getting involved with Ayida as professional suicide. I see it as the most fun I've had in a long fucking time. Her night terrors are still horrible, and if she is in Old Man’s house or mine by herself, and someone comes in or surprises her she goes into full attack mode and then deals with the guilt afterwards.

  Today, I'm going to help that… I hope.

  Pulling into the sanctuary, with Fletcher in the passenger seat, I'm nervous. I hope this is the right decision. "Dude, have you seen pictures or anything yet or are we going into this blind?" He seems nervous too. We're already here so might as well go through with it.

  "Let's just see how it goes. It could be exactly what she needs." Probably should have asked her first, but it's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

  Walking to the door I hear a lady yelling for everyone to “Shut the fuck up!” Great sign… I can feel Fletch sigh and shake his head.

  "This is just brilliant. You are gonna get us beat the fuck up. I can see it now. Ayida is going to string us up by our balls and use us like pinatas." He is being very over dramatic today. I blame it on all the sex and not enough sleep. Before we can knock the door swings open and a tiny old wrinkled woman, with gray dreads and huge square glasses, is standing in front of us with a glare that must be permanent.

  "About time! Take this fucker before I use him for a stew," she gestures her gnarled fingers to a covered object on a table just inside the door. Jerking off the blanket, she reveals the ugliest fucking bird I've ever seen. Its feathers are extremely thin throughout; it must have plucked itself almost clean. So, this pitiful thing is more skin than anything else. Its creepy eyes makes me feel like he is staring a hole into my soul.

  "What the hell is that?" Fletcher screeches, jumping back like the bird might attack. Getting right to the point like usual.

  "That is what y'all are here for. Meet Donut, your new alert bird. You're welcome! Thank you for coming, goodbye!"

  She tries handing me the cage with the strange alien looking creature, but I sidestep her and put my hands up to block any future attempts. "Ain't no way in hell we are bringing that thing anywhere! It looks like something already ate it and coughed it back up."

  Fletcher, turning to leave, throws up a peace sign before heading back to my car. That just leaves me and the old hippie. Luckily for her I was raised a little more polite than Fletcher, and the Navy taught me even more respect. Fucking Navy and good upbringing.

  "Look, this is not the bird I thought I was getting. I was thinking of a beautiful, colorful, friendly looking parrot. This bird is gray and looks like he might survive on the souls of his enemies. The exact opposite of my criteria. The bird I need is going to a girl with severe PTSD and it needs to be like an emotional support animal that can also alert her to intruders. I mean he looks scary enough to keep anyone out, but that's about it. I'm gonna have to keep looking."

  The old woman makes a grab for my hand and is faster than I anticipated. "If you don't take this bird he is going to have to be put down. I'm old and can't handle this many birds. I'm a rescuer. I get birds all the time in bad shape. With the right love and care he'll be beautiful again in no time. Maybe that's what she needs. A project to put love into. Y'all are his last hope. Don't you believe in second chances? Because that is what this bird needs..." Her wrinkled fingers digging into my hand in desperation.

  Damn it… she is good. I take one more look at the hideous creature. Huddled down in the cage, he does look sad, I hate for any animal to be put down unless it absolutely has to be. Ugh… I can't believe this. "Are you sure he can alert?" Her eyes grow huge behind her odd glasses. She knows she has won.

  "Oh yes! He is an exceptionally good alert bird. He won't let anyone in without you knowing it. Scout’s honor." She says holding up three fingers. She was probably born before the scouts had even started.

  I harrumph, rubbing my tired face. I reluctantly reach out for the cage. The old woman almost looks giddy with dare I say a twinkle in her eye. "Like I was saying, his name is Donut and he is an African grey parrot. He has a slight anxiety issue. That's why he is losing feathers. I'm sure when he gets to his new home, he'll be fine and back to normal quickly. His last owner was an older gentleman and sadly passed away leaving Donut alone, but he is very smart and learned a lot from his previous owner. I'm sure y'all will get along just fine, you’ll see!" She rambles on with more info as she gets a bag together with food and other necessities.

  Before I know it, I'm pushed out the door and walking back to my car to an utterly shocked Fletcher. "What the fuck man? Do you even have balls? All you had to say was no thanks and walk out, but somehow you leave with that fucking goblin?" I just shrug and buckle Donut’s cage in the back seat.

  "Everyone deserves a second chance, right Fletcher?" I smile smugly crossing my arms and glancing back at Donut.

  "I guess, but why did it have to be us?" He grumbles.

  "We're doing a good thing. It's about time to balance the scales from all the bad we've done. It's time for some good karma." I crank the car, and I start to drive away when I hear Donut finally moving around and making some little chirping sounds. Maybe Blue will like him after all.

  "Get the fuck out of my house! Out fucker-out fucker!" Donut squawks from the back seat.

  “… Fuck me.”

  Chapter Seventeen: Holder

  What is it with these idiots? Fawning all over Ayida like they do. Yes, I'll admit she is beautiful, sassy and funny. She is going to ruin them. You can't have a woman like her in this life. We don't need love; we need women that will listen and obey. You can always get your sexual needs satisfied elsewhere. You can't lead a Family like this and be head over heels for a girl. Your enemies will use that against you. Hell, she could use that against us. They would do anything she asked.

  "Cole, are you going to come help at the warehouse tonight? I need to go take care of some stuff and need you there." Glancing his way, I can't help but notice his fingers flying over his phone screen. Good grief. I bet he is texting her again. "Cole! Are you listening?" Slinging his head in my direction, he gives me a sheepish grin.

  "Sorry. Fletcher and Clint are wanting to give Ayida her surprise, but I want to see it first. I'm trying to convince them to wait till tomorrow so I can be there. I'll watch the warehouse tonight, but only till 2 a.m. then you'll have to find a replacement. I got to get some sleep. Ayida has been keeping us busy and I'm exhausted." He ends on a wink.

  What the actual fuck is going on? Was she just named after a Vodou deity or does she possess the powers of one in her pussy too? She has them wrapped. Talk about putting a pussy on a pedestal. It can’t be that good, can it? "Whatever. I'll be back by then. You can do what you want after that." I'm sure it sounds like I'm whining and probably even jealous, but it's more than that. I'm worried about my brothers. They have never been this involved with a girl. Her being Old Man's girl is worse. They don't take that old codger seriously enough. I mean I kill people and like it. He kills people and loves it. I probably would too if the worry of being found out by my brothers didn't damper the festivities. In our lifestyle you have to be ready for violence. We deal with too many dangerous people not to be.

  It's 5pm I have time to drop Cole off with his motorcycle, get home, change, and make it to the meeting spot in time. Turning on to Cole's street, I see him texting away again. Ugh… I just want to snatch his phone and throw it out of the window. "I'll see you at 2 or maybe before if I get done quickly. Do not leave until I get back. I don't trust anyone else but us right now."

  Opening the door, he nods, but I'm not sure he is paying attention. "I know, I know. I'll be waiting. Just because you think something is going on doesn't mean we all do." He says, shaking his head. Closing the door before I can get out a retort. He makes his way to the warehouse building entrance and disappears. When did it get to the point, we talk to each other like this? Is she really driving us apart, or am I?

  I get home earlier than expected, but even though I would love a shower it's better to wait till after I'm done. After changing into plain gray sweats and throw away shoes, I lock up and leave. Heart beating in a jarring rhythm I drive to the marina with faint tension in my shoulders cementing my somber mood. Anyone looking would see a pretty rich boy in a nice car going to check on his yacht. If they decided to look closer, they would see a bag filled with tools and weapons that would make Guantanamo Bay prisoners flinch.

  This is my specialty. I don’t fear anyone. The others couldn't handle this, so the first time we got an assignment of information retrieval I took it. I always knew I was darker and more twisted than my brothers. Always curious about how things work and how people make decisions. Does fear of pain influence people more than the pain itself? What about fear for your loved ones? Is it a stronger motivator than fear for yourself? I ask the hard questions and I love doing the research.

  Making m
y way to the yacht named after my mother, "The Working Girl," I can already hear muffled voices inside. "Boss, how's it going?" Bastien echoes from the deck.

  "What have I said about smoking on my yacht?" His eyes bulge as he flips his cigarette onto the pier below, adjusts his cufflinks like a nervous tic, and backs farther away from me.

  "Sorry Boss. My nerves were gettin’ the best of me. Augustine is inside with the package." Nodding my acknowledgement, I take the steps two at a time going down into the living quarters. The big burly Augustine is standing in front of the bathroom door.

  "Boss, the package is ready and waiting like you requested." His head bowing in respect, or fear. I don't quite care which one. Sliding the door open I find my prize. Two weeks of guarding the warehouse I finally caught one of the subordinates that's been fucking up my business. Never stealing just causing a fuss and tearing shit up. I'm about to find out why.

  He is duct taped to a thin metal chair in the tiny shower. His eyes are even duct taped closed along with his mouth. The smell of urine and fear permeates the small room. "Well I'm sure you know why you're here so let's get to it. Shall we?" Ripping off the eye covering and taking some of the sensitive skin with it. The chair wobbles as he fights against his restraints. "So, let's just get to the nitty-gritty of it. Why was you at my warehouse and who sent you? And don't lie. I know it wasn't your idea. You're the muscle, not the brains, that's easy enough to see." He was muscular, but even he couldn't handle the baton against the head. He went down like a sack of bricks.

  Jerking off the tape attached to his mouth, I smirk and show him the pliers in my grip. "I don't know who sent me. He paid in an envelope dropped off at a bar. The money was split between me and three other guys. I just did it for the money. Please, let me go and you won't ever see me again!" The tears and snot are almost enough to make me believe him, but guys like this idiot would seek revenge. He would search me out and try and hurt me. He wouldn't succeed, but he might hurt someone else in the process.


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