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Reborn in Blue

Page 8

by M J Knight

  "How was you contacted?" Holding his fingers in my hand, I listen and watch for any of the signs of deception. Darting eyes, higher pitched voice, heavy breathing.

  "The bartender had been asking around. I needed the money, so I volunteered. I figured I wasn't really hurting anyone. Just aggravating more than anything. Please, that's all I know- please let me go!"

  No signs of lying, but I also feel he isn't saying everything. I use the pliers and grab the tip of his pinky finger. "You sure you don't have anything else to say? Anything at all? Something slipping your mind?" I say while applying pressure and bending his digit backwards towards his wrist.

  "NO! What the fuck man? I don't know! Please! Don't do this!" I can feel his tendons snapping making my heart speed up.

  How can I love to cause this much pain in my work, but crave being submissive during sex? Not just sex, but in a relationship, or whatever you want to call what I have with the women I employ. There is seriously something twisted up inside me… could Blue ever embrace me with this darkness?

  Shaking out that thought, and coming back to the task at hand, I finish off snapping his finger backwards. It breaks the cartilage and tendons holding his finger together. It is so interesting figuring out what works best for each person when it comes to pain. Screaming surrounds me. "Are we ready to communicate better now?" I smile in his screaming face.

  "Okay, okay, okay! I swear the only thing I know is I heard the bartender talking to someone on the phone the last time I went to pick up my share. She said, ‘Once the Family was busy dealing with the warehouse problems, it would be easy to take the blue-haired bitch.’"

  My heart stops. There can only be one blue-haired bitch. Not saying blue hair is super rare in Louisiana, but she is the only one associated with the Family. Not having time to play with my prize, I unsheathe my Benelli and deliver a quick, silent shot to his brain stem. I need to find my brothers.

  Ayida Underhill has brought disorder to the Family and I have to remedy the situation- stat.

  Chapter Eighteen: Ayida

  "What are y'all asshats hiding?" I am not a patient person. Wrapping my arms around Clint, usually the first to give in."Pleassseee! I don't do well with surprises if you haven't noticed." Batting my lashes as best I can. God knows I'm not an overly feminine woman.

  "Sorry Baby Blue. Cole specifically asked to be here when we reveal our grand plan. He'll be here either late tonight or in the morning. You can survive." Grabbing my arms and spinning me so my back is against his chest.

  "We can help take your mind off of everything." Fletcher murmurs against my ear. Instructing Clint to hold my arms behind my back, Fletch, dragging this lip down my throat, and slides my gray tube top down over my tits.

  My pierced nipples tingle and harden from the cold air coming from the vent above us. His mouth latches on to one pert tip as his fingers graze the crotch of my flimsy pajama shorts. My breath hitches in my chest feeling Clint's cock nestled in my ass crack. Even with all the sex we've been having I still haven't had anyone near my back entrance. I'm very curious though. A little pain with pleasure makes it even better. Biting and licking on my full breasts, Fletcher works my clit through the thin fabric until I'm begging him for more. Clint's mouth is hot and wet on my throat, but his big hands still hold me in a locked position. Jerking and squirming against his hold I feel so close to release only for Fletch to remove his fingers. "I'll be good. I'll be good. Please! I was so close!"

  Fletcher’s teasing smile comes from below as he drops to his knees. Clint's foot pushes my legs further apart from behind. Sliding my shorts to the side, he runs a finger through my slickness and tastes it. My whole body wants to go slack. If it wasn't for Clint I would have already tackled Fletch and rode his face until he drowned in my cum. Pulling my shorts off completely, I feel his breath on my pussy right before he sucks my clit in between his teeth. Jerking in reaction, but unable to go anywhere, I let out a low throaty moan. His sucking and nibbling are driving me skyward. Submerging two of his fingers, knuckle deep, has me writhing against Clint in desperation.

  So close… repeats in my mind. His fingers curl in a come here motion and that's it. I'm gone- rocketing into space. Fireworks shoot off behind my eyelids. He works my pussy with his mouth and fingers until I can hardly move. Just a dead weight in Clint's arms. Coming up from the ground with a drenched face and a smile, Fletch reaches out, barely putting his hand against my throat and leans into me, whispering in my ear, "That's a good girl."

  I might be fucked in the head for liking this after everything I've been through, but no one has ever looked at me or treated me the way these men do. I'm learning you can have freedom and still be owned.

  Chapter Nineteen: Ayida

  Waking to whispering coming from beside the bed is not a good feeling. My nerves shoot up, but I stay completely still. Shock overtakes me when I recognize Holder’s voice. What is he doing here? What are they talking about? Staying as silent as possible I turn my head towards them to get a better listen.

  "I have a fairly good idea who might be wanting to get to her. Y'all know she doesn't like talking about her past unless she has to. Her night terrors and PTSD are caused by her abusive ex. If you would have took the time to get to know her, Holder, you would know he held her captive for days without food, beat on her, repeatedly forced himself on her, berated her, and caused all the trauma she deals with now.” Clint states poignantly.

  “My best guess would be it's him causing the problems. The only issue with my theory is she described him as a meth head with no job or money. He stole anything he wanted or needed. So how could he pay these idiot mercenaries to do all the shit they have been doing?" Hearing Clint explain my situation to Holder makes my stomach churn. I don't want pity from that asshole. He made sure to stay away from me and only gives me hateful looks when we do cross paths. The last thing I want is sympathy from him.

  "I get it. She is damaged goods so y'all treat her like a porcelain doll, but her being here is messing up everything. Not just the business, but our lives and friendship. I'm trying to keep us on track and she just keeps pushing us off course," Holder scoffs.

  That's it I can't lay here and listen to anymore. My rage has built until it feels like fire under my skin. "Please explain to the class exactly how I'm messing up your life? I would love to know! I haven't done anything to you. You're the one that refuses to come around your friends just because they have a girlfriend." Stopping abruptly, I look around waiting for someone, anyone to correct my mistake. I am not their girlfriend. I am a friend with benefits, at most, and I don't need to get that mixed up.

  "Exactly! It's almost like you don't want us to be happy, Holder! We finally have a girlfriend, one that we share and brings us closer together and instead of trying to be her friend or at least polite, you have done nothing but pull away from us and be mean to her. Are you sure you’re worried for us or really just worried you're going to be alone while we're happy together?" Holder and my head both jerk in Cole's direction.

  My words caught in my throat. Did he really just say it? Looking around at the others, they seem good with the label. We'll have this conversation later. Right now, I have to tear Holder a new one.

  Before I can open my mouth Fletch decides to put his two cents in. "For fuck’s sake. We do not treat her like a doll. Far from it. She is strong and wild. She doesn’t need protection. She can take care of herself. We just give her all the attention she deserves. What's wrong with caring for someone and showing them that you appreciate them? I know you don't know what a relationship is supposed to look like. You've had horrible examples in your life, but what we are doing with Blue is our normal. Maybe you should try not being an asshole to women for once and see what it's like. You might enjoy what happens."

  My mind is left reeling. They all care for me. They appreciate me. It's hard to stay mad with Holder when these hunky sweet guys are saying all the right things. Wait why is he even here? My emotions have gotten the bes
t of me and I forgot to ask what was going on.

  "Why the fuck are you even here in the middle of the night?" Feeling a cool breeze, I remember I'm completely naked under the thin sheet. Clutching it closer to my body does little to ease my red cheeks and only serves to draw Holder’s attention to my trembling hand. His eyes glued to me has me a little on edge. He looks like he wants to kiss me, but at the same time drive me out to the middle of nowhere and leave me for the animals. That's a lot to get from someone's expression, but Holder has very telling eyes.

  "Holder? What cha looking at? You gonna tell the beautiful Blue why you're here at 3 a.m. or do we have to?" Fletcher taunts. Causing Holder to swing his attention back to the guys.

  "I'm pretty sure we know what he was looking at. He claims he doesn't like Ayida and wants her gone, but I've never seen him look at any girl the way he just did her. Holder here has a crush and is mad at himself for it. So, like a big man-child, he is taking it out on everyone else. Jealous prick." Clint hit the nail on the head apparently because Holder is turning red and won't look at me. I'm sure he can feel my stare and probably hear my heavy breathing.

  "I don't have a crush. I'm not a gottdamn teenager. I'm here to warn my best friends that this girl is going to ruin everything we have worked for because she brought her stupid problems with her."

  "What are you talking about?" My heart is pounding like a jackhammer trying to escape my chest. My hands are clammy, apparently stealing all the moisture from my mouth. I had nightmares of this moment, but I had hoped my ex was smart enough to leave well enough alone.

  "Someone is using decoys to mess with our warehouse and cause problems as a distraction to try and get to you. They know they can't just come straight at you. Old Man would never let that shit fly. If they cause a big enough issue the majority of our men will have to be stationed at the warehouse, and that leaves you an open target when you're not surrounded by these idiots,” Holder spits out.

  “I told y'all this was going to happen, but did y'all listen to me? No! I hope that pussy is worth it. ‘Cause when our parents find out that y'all let a wet cunt distract you from what we were raised for, they will never hand over their seats. I'll be stuck living under my dad's rules until he deems me ready for leadership." Holder heaves out a sigh of defeat. I didn't know he was under so much pressure. Shit, am I giving too much power to my past and it’s defining all these men’s futures too?

  "First off, it's not her fault her crazy ex is doing all this. And secondly, fuck off Holder. You don't get to talk to her that way, ever. Besides, we can handle it now that we know what is going on. You're not alone in this. Our parents don't even have to know shit is going on if we keep this between us. We'll have to take the snitch out to the cabin until we can clean the mess up though. We'll move him tonight." Cole says, taking up the responsibility of fixing what I've now laid in their laps.

  I refuse to let them deal with my problem. Now that I'm home, and have Old Man's backing, I don't need anyone to clean this mess up for me. When I'm done with the scummy dipshit, also known as my ex, there won't be enough of him left to clean up. I can't get my rant out of my mouth before the guys are all nodding and agreeing on their own plan. Men… I can't help but see the apprehension in Holder’s eyes. Mr. “sex-on-a-stick” has some secrets that even his brothers don't know.

  "Demon are you ready for your surprise? We're all here now anyway." Fletcher says, a smile spreading across half of his face till the point it's almost creepy.

  "I'm gonna be heading out. Y'all have fun," comes from Holder’s back as he walks towards the bedroom door.

  "Wait a minute, Hold. You're going to want to see this. Ayida, sweets, go get some clothes on so Holder here can actually keep his eyes in his head." Fletcher is getting some kind of kick from this. I don't know what they have planned, but I'm starting to get worried.

  "Fine. But first I want to clear the air. Since Y’all are going to keep pestering and aggravating me. It's not that I dislike Ayida, even though she was a major bitch the day we met-"

  “Oh, hell no! You were an asshole that day. You started in pickin’ on me and I was already having a shitty day. What did you think was going to happen? I was going to giggle and kiss your ass because you're hot? Nope, not that kind of girl!" Holder is slack jawed.

  "She really isn't that kind of girl. On ‘Its’ bad days we give iIt bacon and coffee as soon as It pops Its head out of hell. Then a constant source of chocolate and or bacon is required to keep the reaping at bay." What the actual fuck? They honestly act like I'm Satan himself.

  "Y'all are all weird as fuck, but I digress. I didn't mean to start off our day like that. I was going to befriend you to get closer with Old Man, but I stuck my foot in my mouth. Anyway, even if it pains me to say this... I'm sorry for what has gone down between us. I'm not looking to fuck you like these idiots. I still think it's a terrible idea, but I also don't want to push my brothers away. They are the only real family I have left. I would do anything for them. So, making up with you isn't the worst thing they could ask for," he finishes, reaching his hand out in my direction.

  My brain misfires as I'm reaching out for his hand and I jerk it back to my body like it about to be gnawed off. "Ummm no. You're gonna have to do better after everything you just said about my wet cunt. Remember? Now I'm all for making up and being friends, but a simple sorry won't cut it. I even understand you are under lots of pressure with everything going on, but I didn't deserve those nasty comments and neither did they." Gesturing to the guys as they nod along.

  "Dude, that was some douchebag stuff. She deserves better." Cole chimes in.

  "Okay, okay. Y'all are right. So, what’s it gonna be? What do I have to do to get in the Princess’ good graces? Beg and plead? Do your laundry? Just let me have it." Holder says while running his hands through his golden hair. He might be a douche canoe, but he is one fine ass douche canoe.

  "Princess? Maybe the Princess of Hell," Fletcher teases.

  "Fletcher, you’re a dick. Wasn't you going to show me something?" I say with a voice so sweet it might have given me cavities.

  "Yes! Yes, I did! Let's go see your surprise, Princess!" Squeezing me in a tight side hug and tugging me up from the bed.

  "Wait! My clothes!" Too late. My death grip kept the sheet in place in front of me, but my bare rear end was poking out for all to see. Gathering the sheet in a toga style and blushing wildly, I dart off to the closet before I can hear anything the guys have to say. You never know what's going to come out of their deviant mouths where my ass is concerned.

  I don't return until my face is back to its normal ivory hue and not resembling a tomato. In my most comfy black leggings, and one of Clint's worn-in button ups, I make my way downstairs where all the commotion is coming from.

  "What the fuck is that thing? Have y'all lost y’all’s minds? She is going to hate it! That thing is too scary even for me." Oh no what the hell have they gone and done now.

  "Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck out my house!" Comes a screeching garbled voice. They want to talk about me being a demon, but whatever that was sounds like it just crawled straight out the bowels of Hell to reap the souls of the Sons of Fortune.

  Swinging the French doors leading into the game room open, I find all four guys gathered around the pool table. All of them jerk to attention at my arrival. Interesting…

  "What y'all got there? Did y'all get me my own demon?" I ask, sashaying in their direction.

  "Okay Blue. Don’t freak out. This is probably not what you were expecting or even wanting, but we're trying to do a good deed. So please just give it a chance. If you don't like it, we'll figure out something else." Clint is the most nervous I've ever seen him.

  "Y'all are acting like y'all bought me a bomb for a present. It's starting to scare me a little."

  Pushing through the muscled bodies surrounding the table I finally see my prize. "OMG! Who is this gorgeous creature? What's your name cutie pie? You guys! Y'all didn't have to
do this, but thank you! He is perfect! Is it a he? I don't want to offend it!" I squeal while leaning down to get a better look at my new best friend whether it likes it or not.

  This bird is barely a bird. The few feathers he has are a muted gray color. His cute beady eyes are wide with interest looking back at me. He has bald spots covering seventy-five percent of his body, so you can see his soft wrinkled skin easily. With a slight twitch he does a skip hop movement towards me and I feel like my heart might burst. He is adorable! He will be the best sidekick ever!

  "You can’t be serious. That thing is seriously ugly. Like scary ugly." Giving Cole a scathing glare, I hold my arm out towards the unique animal. His head turns and eyes study me intently before jumping to perch on my arm and ruffle his few feathers. Could he be any more perfect?

  "What is this handsome fella’s name? Yes, you are a pretty boy!" I coo to the twitchy flightless bird.

  "This is Donut. He is supposed to be your alert bird, but so far, he just screams ‘fuck you’ all the time. He’s a real asshole." Fletcher grumbles. Jealous man.

  "Aww he just needs attention. Ain't that right, Donut? Come on. I'm going to show you around. Yes, he's a pretty boy!" I can't help but talk to him like a child.

  His wings shoot out and give a little shimmy before squawking, "Pretty boy! Donut- pretty boy!" Squealing in delight, I take the stairs two at a time.

  "Yes, you are! I'm Ayida. Can you say Ayida? Thanks, you guys! This is the best day ever!"

  "Assholes. Get the fuck out- assholes!"

  This bird is definitely my soul mate!

  Chapter Twenty: Fletcher

  How the hell did this happen? That bird was supposed to supply me with days of laughter, aggravating Blue, before it ended up finding another home. Instead she loves the damn thing. She is already browsing bird clothes on my laptop while the featherless menace hops around the bed.


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