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Reborn in Blue

Page 9

by M J Knight

  "Can you believe this shit? This was supposed to be hilarious. How did this turn so horribly wrong?" I know I'm pouting, and I don't care.

  "You really should have seen it coming. She isn't like other people. She likes the different and deformed. She is with you after all." Cole thinks he's a fucking comedian again today.

  "Ha. You're hilarious. I'm serious Cole. What are we going to do with that little asshole hopping around screaming cuss words at us all the time? Have you ever thought what sex is going to be like now? Life is just a barren wasteland now. It has no meaning when you have to share it with the likes of Donut." I grumble while laying my head in my hands.

  "Talk about dramatic! It'll be okay. He has a cage to stay in. Remember?" Clint yells from the kitchen. Making the Blue Demon her daily offering again.

  “I don't know why she needs it today since she apparently received the best gift ever,” I whine “Oh well, the Demon Princess gets what she wants and we keep our ears and nuts in place for another day.” I joke, but she really is the sweetest most beautiful woman I've ever met. Every time I see her face light up laughing, I know I'm one lucky man. I would do anything to keep her smiling.

  This girl gives her all in everything. There is nothing half assed or mediocre about her. She makes me feel loved, wanted, appreciated... I want to drown in the ocean that is Blue. She doesn't realize it, but she makes these days dealing with unbelievably bad people worth it. I know that after a long hard day is over, I'll get to see her. Smell her. Taste her. It's what keeps me going. I don't know how I lived this life before Ayida Underhill.

  "Speaking of a cage... Holder I have your assignment to make everything up to me. I’m fixin’ to go help Old Man clean up, and he has a doctor's appointment that I have to drive him to. Can you go get Donut a bigger cage, some toys, new feed and whatever else that will make him happy? Also keep him company while I'm gone, please and thank you. It must be scary being in a new place. Isn't it buddy?"

  This woman is certifiably nuts. She acts like that bird is a puppy. "Nope! Sorry, but hell to the no! I don't want to spend time with it. I don't even want to be in the same room as it. Anything else but this!" Holder thinks he is getting out of this, but we all know the truth. Blue gets what Blue wants.

  "Sorry Hold, but this is your make-up mission. You’ve been a real twat waffle recently. Do this for me and I'll call it even." Sighing, Holder stands up from the table and steps in front of Blue.

  "Deal. From now on we're friends and I'll take care of “Donut the Menace." My sweet Demon claps her hands and bounces on her toes before grabbing Holder in a bear hug.

  His eyes shoot open wide as it registers what she is doing. He likes her more than a friend and he has a bad case of denial. Poor guy. He'll figure it out soon enough. He can't keep getting hugs from her without figuring out how he truly feels. The heart wants what the heart wants.

  "Thank you! I'm gonna go get ready. Donut is going to be in his cage. I emailed you a list of what he needs. He is going to be so excited! Thank you again!" She says before flouncing back up the stairs.

  "Damn that woman. Damn that stupid bird. I can't believe I have to go shopping for that goblin!" Yep, he has it bad for her. "I guess I'll see y'all asswipes later. Try not to get anymore demonic animals while I'm gone." He says shaking his head and leaves to go run his errands.

  Stomping down the stairs is definitely a way to get everyone's attention. Blue is not one to be ignored anyway. She makes her way into the dining room just as Clint brings out breakfast and a thermos of coffee. She has really been good for him. She is the human version to him as Donut is to her. He takes care of her and spoils her. Cole is almost as bad. Standing in front of me, stuffing bacon in her mouth, I can see how easy it would be to get wrapped around her little finger.

  "Thank you for breakfast," she says while winking at Clint. "I think we need to have a conversation sometime soon about all that was said earlier this morning. I know we started this off as ‘friends with benefits. Apparently, some things are changing. I just want to clear the air. I don't like things muddled."

  Oh shit. I should have seen this coming. I don't really want to talk about feelings with the other guys. "I agree, but let's talk about that after tonight is handled." Thank you, Clint, - taking one for the team!

  "Okay. I'll see you when I get back. Wish me luck. Old Man gets ornery at the doctors." Making her way to kiss Clint then myself. She tries to make it quick, but I wrap my arms around, pulling her into my lap. She smells like bacon, coffee, and sunshine. Delicious. I take my time smelling and nibbling her neck. Moaning and squirming on my lap is causing my cock to tent in my pants. Thankfully, she kisses me one more time before pushing herself up to standing and straightens her shirt. "I'll see y'all when I get back. Don't move the snitch before I get back. I want to be there." Not a good idea.

  "Look Blue... You already have night terrors and PTSD. I don't know if this is a situation you need to be involved in." Clint jumps in before I can stop him.

  "I know what I want and what I can handle. Please don't patronize me with your, ‘she's too sensitive’, ideas. Before I met y'all, Old Man had someone teach me basic self-defense and some weapons training. I might not be some ‘big Billy badass’ like y'all, but I can hold my own and I'll be fine. Now, y'all have a good day. Buh-bye!"

  Well she settled that real quick. Now I'm curious what all she has learned. I see a challenge in my future.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Ayida

  Stupid men and their stupid “big dick energy” ideas. If they only knew everything I went through and all I've learned. When you've been locked in a dark closet with no food or drink only to have the shit beat out of you when the door finally opened... You see the world a little differently. So, when I moved back in with Old Man, he made sure I got the extensive training I needed. Not only to protect myself from the ex dick-weed, but to also prove to the rest of the Family I was as capable as the other heirs. I can handle anything I need to.

  Pulling up to Old Man's house feels strange after being at Clint's so much. He is sitting on the porch smoking his menthol and drinking his coffee. I'm sure he has some shortbread cookies hidden somewhere nearby. It's one of his weaknesses. He loves sweets.

  "How ya doing, Schatzi? Clint keeping you busy. ya know he's supposed to be working too. His momma and daddy ain't gonna be very happy to find out he's been shucking his duties to keep you entertained." Old Man loves to give me a hard time any way he can. He isn't actually mad; he just wants someone to fuck with.

  "I hear ya Old Man. He is doing his work fine. He is just a glorified accountant after all."

  My dad's RV business launders the Family’s money. I tease, but Clint is responsible for moving the money either into offshore accounts or into stocks and bonds. He is actually incredibly good at what he does. He knows all there is about investing and hiding money.

  "Yeah, yeah. You ready to get this show on the road? I've been waiting on you forever." I'm actually ten minutes early, but I'm not going to correct him. He doesn't like that at all.

  "Yeah, come on." I turn the station to the country oldies station just for him. Hank Williams comes crooning with his guitar through the speakers right as Old Man fumbles his way into my two-door hatchback. It might not be pretty, but it got me out of the hell hole I was living in; it's the best damn car on the planet as far as I'm concerned. "I love this one. They just don't make ‘em like this anymore."

  Humming along with the catchy ditty old song, I can’t help but gaze fondly at Old Man. My dad may be old and mean, but he's mine. He could have done a lot of things different or better, but I'm blessed just to have someone that helps the way he does.

  Driving thirty minutes to his neurologist, it’s mostly silence in the car except for him singing along occasionally.

  "We're here. You want me to wait in the car or you okay with me in the room?" Old Man is big on privacy.

  "You can come in if you can keep your thoughts to yourself." Already piss
y- fun times.

  "I can do that. Let's hurry up though. I still have to run your errands and get back to Clint's. We have business tonight." My cheeks burn at the startling realization of what just came out of my mouth.

  "Is that what the kids call it these days? Back in my day it was called fuckin’." He is bent over holding his knees. Laughing at my expense.

  "I figured back in your day mitosis was still the norm. Ya know back in the Paleozoic era?" Yep I just dropped some high school knowledge on him.

  "Are you trying to say I'm older than the dinosaurs? That was a nerdy comeback. You sure you're not hanging out with Cole?" I haven't told Dad what was going on. He just came to the conclusion I was seeing Clint and I didn't correct him. I mean technically he is right.

  "Well, Old Man, I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Waiting for him to sign-in, I gather my thoughts. I need to tell him. It's going to start getting around if the guys are serious about me being more than “friends with benefits”. The last thing I want is Dad hearing it from someone else and him catching any flak from the Family. He would go off on them, but that's not the point.

  Sitting down, I turn towards my dad and look him in the eye. He doesn't like bullshitters either, so I reconcile my spiraling thoughts and try to be as diplomatic about this as possible... "I'm not dating just Clint. I am, in fact, dating Clint, Cole, and Fletcher. I know you won't approve, but I figured I needed to tell you sooner rather than later. I don't want any negativity about it, please. Just living my-"

  His big, wrinkled, bruised hand covers mine. I didn't realize I was rubbing a hole in my jeans. "Schatzi, nothing you could do would make me think any less of you. I'm so proud of the woman you have become. Lord knows it wasn't my doing. You have grown so much in the last few months. I'll support you no matter what. Even one of those boys is worth ten times what your shit head ex was. So, I would say you're doing pretty good. I'm gonna give them hell though. That's just your Old Man’s way."

  Tears pouring down my face and hiccupping breaths is not the way I wanted the nurse to see me when she called him back to the room.

  After cleaning my face up, I turn to Old Man and wrap my arms around him. I feel genuine relief. He could have reacted in a hundred different ways, but he chose love. The one thing I have been looking for since my mom died. He gave it freely. I don't know if I've ever felt more peaceful than I do now.

  "Now don't start the fluffy stuff, Schatzi.” Old Man harrumphed. “I'm just telling ya the truth. Your momma would have been proud too. Just remember that." His squeeze makes my heart swell with his declaration of acceptance.

  A knock on the door breaks up our hug fest. "Mr. Underhill. How are we doing today?" A middle-aged man with chestnut hair and thin wire framed glasses walks in with a laptop in his hands. "This must be that daughter you were talking about. Ayida, isn't it?" He says while sticking his hand out to greet me.

  "Yes, I am. I'm glad to know Frank has been talking about me." I sneak a look at Old Man. His cheeks sure look rosy.

  "Only good things. He was sure happy to have you back around. Now down to business. We have the results back." Looking back and forth between the doctor and Old Man, I'm confused.

  "What results? I thought this was just a follow-up." Old Man gives me a look I can't quite place.

  "Before you got back, I was having some issues. I was forgetting things and having problems with my emotions. So, Doc here ran some tests." He answers on a sigh, looking already droopy with exhaustion.

  I don't know how to feel about that. I wish he would have said something earlier... I can’t help thinking this is somehow ominous.

  "So, back to the results. Sadly, it does look like early onset Alzheimer's. The good news is medicine can most likely delay any progression for a while. Sometimes the meds don't work, or you can have a reaction. If that happens, we'll deal with it. Just know this is not the end. We plan on doing everything we can to keep you where you are now." The Doc looking melancholy as he breaks down the news.

  That's a damn good thing the Doc is up for a challenge because I know Old Man and he won't let it get to a bad point. He has too much pride and dignity for that. "Do y'all have any questions for me?" The doctor gives us a sympathetic glance.

  "I think I need to wrap my brain around this information before I can ask anything else, but thanks Doc." Old Man says, reaching out to shake the doctor's hand.

  "I'll send in your prescription and we'll do a follow-up in two weeks to make sure it's agreeing with you. It was nice to meet you, Ayida. Wish it were under better circumstances." Nodding my head in agreement I shake his hand. I still feel in a daze. Like all this isn't real. I know that Old Man isn't dying anytime soon, but I can't help but feel dread.

  "Come on Schatzi, let's get going. Got places to go, people to fuck with." Dragging me out of my inner turmoil.

  "Sure, thing Old Man. Want to grab lunch first?" Old Man loves to eat.

  "I could eat. See ya later Doc." I wrap my arm through his as we walk back to my clunker.

  "You want to talk about this, or just let it simmer?" One heart to heart might be enough for Old Man for the day. I still have to have another deep conversation with the guys and my emotional wellbeing is already on the line.

  "Schatzi, let that shit simmer like gumbo." We are more alike than I thought.

  "Speaking of gumbo, where ya want to go eat?" Like I need to ask.

  "Judy's has lunch."

  …"Of course."

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Cole

  Oh shit! "Don't look now, but here comes Blue and Old Man." Warning Clint before he gets blindsided.

  "Fuckkk, what do we do?" Clint grimaces. What does he mean asking me like I know what to do?

  "Act normal, I guess. I don't know, just keep eating. Head down. No direct eye contact. He can smell fear..." Fingers crossed they don't even notice us.

  "Clint? Cole? What are y'all doing here? I thought y'all was busy today? Did y'all check in on Donut before y'all left? I hope my little angel is okay." That girl can ramble with the best of them.

  "What the hell is Donut and what are y'all doing here and not at the lot? Cole?" Old Man's stern eyes landing on me. Fuck Clint and his need to eat at Judy's.

  "Well sir, we were working, but Clint’s stomach was growling so loud, he was being disruptive, and Judy's is his favorite place to eat- so here we are. Oh, and Donut is the pet bird we got Ayida. It's a poor psychotic creature that crawled out of hell and burned most of his feathers off on the trip up." I say in one breath.

  Old Man does not look impressed. So, I almost shit my pants when he bursts out laughing. "Y'all tried to use a bird to get in my daughter's pants? Well that's a first. But for real, who's idea was it to share my daughter like she was a Netflix password?" I'm impressed he knows about Netflix but scared as hell that he knows we share Blue.

  "Sir, it's not like that. We all care about Blue. She means a lot to us." That's the understatement of the year. I'm falling in love with her. Her spunky attitude, her sense of humor, and her dark side. She is everything I didn't know I needed and more. I just hope she feels the same. I want to talk to her about everything, but I know how she is when she gets emotional.

  "Blue is a surprisingly good nickname for my Schatzi. Not just because of her hair either. It's because she is a blue person. Deep like the ocean, but bright like the sky. That's my girl. Y'all hurt her or make her cry, I'll skin y'all, douse y'all in gasoline, set ya on fire and hang ya in my house by the balls for her to beat the shit out ya at her leisure before I feed ya to the gators. Understand me?" If his expression is any evidence, he ain't joking. I know I heard Clint audibly gulp. He hasn't said a word or looked in Old Man's direction this whole time. Smart guy.

  "Understood, sir. Now y'all have a nice day. Me and Clint here have work to do. Bye Mr. Underhill. Bye Blue." Giving him a quick handshake and her a peck on the forehead, I make a beeline for the door and don't wait to see if Clint is following.

  Back in the safet
y of my car, I see Clint coming out looking a little pale. I wish I felt bad, but he didn't open his mouth to help me.

  "What the fuck, dude? You was out of there faster than a goose with a rocket strapped to its ass. Why the hell did you leave me with them?" I don't even know what that means, but I get the gist of it.

  "Well, where was you when I was in the hot seat?" His head bowed in shame.

  "I didn't know what to do. I panicked, okay? I didn't know if she had told him or not and then he just blurted it out. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I’m still freaking out. I'm sorry, dude." I know he is.

  Clint really is a good guy. His job is the nicest and most on the up and up out of all of ours. He is more white color. I'm somewhere in between. I handle the dealers and buyers for black market guns, ammo, and some drugs that the heads feel isn't a big threat. Weed mostly. After everything is sold, I use the money to buy RVs and then turn around and sell them. The Family ends up with clean money to do even more deals. It doesn't hurt to have access to an unlimited supply of guns, too. I might be ridin’ nerdy, but I also don't mind ridin’ dirty. I love going to Clint's and trying out all the new toys I get. The guys don't mind either. It usually becomes a competition. Clint and I have the best aim. Mine from starting early training with my dad and uncle. Clint gets his from the Navy.

  Holder doesn’t think we know, but it's easy to see, he likes the up close and personal method when it comes to interrogations and killing’. That man doesn't smile much, but after getting his hands bloody he'll be grinning for hours. We don't care. It pays to have someone with bloodlust in a Family like ours.

  Fletcher, now he would rather not fight, but if he has to it's just like the rest of his personality- wild. He fights like a drunk college kid. Not in a bad way. He just gives no fucks and goes in swinging, balls to the wall. He will always be a live wire.


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