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Dublin Nights Series Box Set: On the Edge & On the Line

Page 39

by Brittney Sahin

  I tensed as his gaze raked over the length of my body, starting at my nude heels, before gliding up over my bare legs and to the hem of my black pencil skirt. His eyes settled on mine after briefly viewing my white blouse.

  My skin warmed beneath his stare. This was becoming the norm every time we were in the same room.

  But damnit, I was mad at him. And I didn’t want to feel anything other than anger.

  “Why’d you buy our stock?” I asked while closing the gap between us so I could stand close to him.

  Shit, we were too close. His smell wafted to my nose, and I did my best not to take in a deep breath.

  “Your stock prices were going through the floor after everything that happened, and I saw it as an opportunity to invest.” His dark brows arched as he continued to hold my eyes.

  “You bought up so much stock you now have a seat on our board,” I yelled, my hands flailing like a crazy person, nearly whacking him in the chest in the process since we were so close to each other.

  He tipped his head to the side and continued to observe me, almost as if he were amused by my state.

  “Adam doesn’t trust you after everything that happened with your limo driver and—”

  “How could I know it was him?”

  “Maybe if you weren’t such an arrogant jerk you could keep your employees around a little bit longer?” This time, I did touch him. I pressed down his gray tie to the crisp black dress shirt. “Did you pay someone off to help get the case closed on Callaghan? Is that why he owed you a favor?” I had to know the truth. I had to know if he was somehow, in part, to blame for everything that’d happened.

  “Why does it matter?”

  He leaned in closer, and my palm flattened on the hard wall of his chest.

  The muscles . . .

  I blinked, trying to regroup and maintain my focus.

  I’d come all the way to Paris to yell at him, to try and get him to sell the stock back, and here I was, preoccupied with the look in his eyes and the way he made me feel.

  “I have to know.”

  “Three years ago, I gave him a loan to prevent his company from going under. That’s it.” His voice was deep, rich, and the huskiness had me lifting my hand free and staggering back a step. “Whether you believe me or not, that’s up to you.”

  I processed his words, but I honestly had no idea what to think.

  “You need to sell. I can’t have you on the board.” I shook my head. “I can’t work with you. See you all of the time.” I opened my palms in the air. “You have this place. You have offices in London. Your many businesses in Dublin. What do you need with my company?”

  “Your company needed help after your family name was dragged through the mud. And had I not bought the stock—”

  “No,” I rasped. “Don’t act like you did us a favor.” I faked a laugh. “And I swear, if you tell me I owe you something in return for this help, I’ll lose my bloody mind.”

  His lips tugged at the edges like he was trying to subdue a smile. He lifted his hands from his pockets and pressed the heels of his hands on each side of the desk.

  “What do you find so funny?”

  He slowly traced a line over his bottom lip with his tongue, as if contemplating the things he wanted to do with it to me.

  I was about to become liquid if I stayed in his presence any longer.

  How could I ever work with this man?

  No, I couldn’t let it happen.

  “You’re fairly put-together. A strong woman.” He pushed away from the desk to stand before me. “So, why is it whenever you’re around me you blush like this?” He cupped my right cheek, and his thumb swept in little circular movements as he held my eyes captive.

  I was locked in place. Unable to move. To breathe. To think a coherent thought.

  Never in my life had I felt like this before, and I didn’t want to feel like this again, which was why I had to get him to back off from McGregor Enterprises.

  Da hadn’t killed anyone.

  Anna was safe.

  And if it weren’t for the media spreading so many rumors the company wouldn’t have been put in such a weak state.

  Maybe we never should have taken the company public, opening our doors to a vulture like him.

  “Sell your stock.”

  He released his hold of me. “No.”

  I hung my head and gripped my temples, trying to figure a way out of this situation.

  “But while you’re in Paris, I could recommend a few places to eat so this trip isn’t a total waste of your time.” He went around to his desk, and at the sound of a knock, he replied to it with a, “Never mind. Miss McGregor was just leaving.”

  The door never opened, and I assumed his admin was relieved to hear the news since she seemed to hate me on sight.

  I snatched my bag from where I’d dropped it and started for the door.

  “You don’t want that list of restaurants?”

  I halted and peeked at him from over my shoulder, observing him now seated at his desk. “No. You know exactly what I want.” And yet, I could feel red rise up my throat at my words, especially when a grin touched his lips.

  “I’m beginning to think I do.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “This was my wedding gift to you, but now I think it’s the perfect place to get married.”

  My fingers combed through the hair of the dappled-gray Arabian mare in total shock. “These horses . . . this stable? It’s really ours?” I bit into my lip and glimpsed Adam out of the corner of my eye.

  “Instead of traveling an hour to ride, I thought you could have a place close to our new home.” He gently gripped my bicep, urging me to face him, and I dropped my hand from the beautiful mare and steadied my eyes on Adam’s.

  “I don’t even have words for this.” My eyes became damp.

  The kids at the McGregor Foundation we worked with would love it. “What’d I do to deserve such an incredible man?” I hooked my arms around his neck.

  “I ask myself the same question every day about you.” His lips split into a grin. “So, what do you think? You want to get married here and ride away on horses after we say I do?”

  I’d joked about this before, and he’d remembered. Of course, he’d remember. And, to be honest, it hadn’t been that much of a joke. It was what felt right.

  “More than anything. Yes.”

  He reached for my hand as we walked outside, and I stared at the greenery with the water shimmering in the distance.

  It was my very own slice of heaven.

  “I love you, Adam McGregor.” His mouth captured mine, stealing my breath, my thoughts, my everything. “Make love to me,” I said after a moment and looked around at the open field.

  We were alone beneath a clear sky on a warm day.

  “You don’t want to wait until the wedding this weekend?” He raised a brow.

  “We can pull it off that fast?” I asked in disbelief.

  Four weeks ago, a man had kidnapped me and nearly blown Adam and me to pieces, and now . . . here I was, happier than I ever thought possible.

  “It’s already been arranged, and thank God you like the idea,” he said with a smile.

  I bit my lip as I studied the scar above his eye from his fight with Peter McCaffrey. “Well, in that case, I still don’t want to wait. It’s been weeks, and I want nothing more than to be with you.” I pointed to the ground. “Right here. Right now.”

  He looked at my cowboy boots, the ones he’d asked me to wear before blindfolding me to take me on a drive to this place.

  “Hell, yes.” He gathered my face in his hands and kissed me hard, his tongue threading with mine, and I worked at his belt buckle, too eager to wait.

  “Let me grab something,” he murmured, then fled from my side.

  I watched as he ran to his Audi parked a few hundred feet away, and I lifted my chin and closed my eyes, allowing the sun to wash over me.

  “Here,” he
said when he returned, and I opened my eyes to find him spreading a heavy-duty quilt over the lush green grass.

  My hands went to my hips as he stood. “You knew this would happen, huh?”

  He lifted his shoulders and shot me an innocent smile. “A guy can’t ever be too prepared, can he?” he asked, then wrestled me to the ground as I laughed.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Simple but elegant. And so utterly perfect.

  Adam pulled me into his arms, his mouth slanted over mine, and his tongue caressed my lips right after we were proclaimed husband and wife.

  The small crowd of people we’d invited roared with applause once our lips had separated, and we faced them.

  Adam walked me down the aisle, hand in hand, and toward the white mares awaiting us.

  We were truly going to ride off in the sunset.

  I’d sketched this moment in my diary when I was a kid maybe five dozen times. All with different actors I’d been obsessed with growing up. You know the ones . . . the guys who’d adorned every magazine and had been in all the blockbuster movies.

  But never for a moment did I actually believe this moment would come true, or that the man I’d marry would far surpass any childhood dreams.

  I was Mrs. McGregor. I was Adam’s forever.

  He helped me onto my horse, and I shifted the sweeping train of my dress off to the side and clutched the reins, even though I hadn’t wanted to let go of him.

  The cheers from behind continued as we rode, and the photographer snapped photos of us.

  But it wasn’t until the reception an hour later, and I was dancing with my father, that it really, truly hit me.

  I was married.

  “I was wrong about him, wasn’t I?” Dad whispered in my ear as we danced. “He’s a good man.”

  I fought to keep the tears at bay, knowing my waterproof mascara had already been tested far too many times. “Yes, he is.” I rested my chin on his shoulder, stealing a glimpse of Adam with his hands tucked in his pockets watching us, his lip wedged between his teeth. “I love you, Dad,” I said before we parted.

  Dad shook Adam’s hand and gave a firm nod before Adam gathered me into his arms to dance.

  “I think he’s finally coming around to you.” My eyes roamed over the slim fit of his tux his broad shoulders filled out.

  Adam in a bow tie was entirely too sexy to put into words.

  “Well, that’s a relief.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Did I tell you how amazing you look?”

  I chuckled. “Only a hundred times.”

  I was wearing Adam’s mother’s dress since my older sister, Becca, had worn my mom’s gown.

  This one was stunning. Long and flowy with a sweetheart neckline. The dress tapered at the waist, and it had a romantic and breezy skirt embellished with light touches of lace.

  I caught sight of his parents from over his shoulder as we danced. They were sitting together at a table on the edge of the makeshift dance floor beneath the white tent.

  It was a romantic setting to fall back in love.

  Adam’s mom reached for her husband’s hand, covering his with her palm, and the gesture had me swallowing.

  Just maybe they’d work things out . . .

  I gathered a breath, trying to stifle my emotions, and allowed my gaze to wander as Adam held me, soaking in everything about our location.

  The tables were covered in white linen with handcrafted wooden chairs accompanying them. Amber yellow and warm red flowers were placed strategically around the tent, as well as within the center vases.

  Strings of lights twinkled above and wrapped up a few of the poles that held up the tent. And garlands crisscrossed the pitched ceiling, giving an earthier and warmer feel.

  “I think I owe you big-time for this.” I pulled back to find his eyes.

  “I won’t ask for much, I swear.” He winked. “Maybe a few babies. Four or five.”

  I tipped my head back and laughed. We were both from a family of four, so it was possible.

  “I really love you, Mrs. McGregor.”

  “Mm. I love you, too.”

  “Tonight,” he growled in my ear. “You’re mine.”

  I shifted my long, wavy hair over my shoulder, and I could feel my nipples strain against the fabric at his words, despite the corset.

  The memory of us making love together in the field just outside the tent earlier that week blew back to mind, and I suddenly had the desire to bail on our party so we could be alone.

  “The babies you two will make . . .” Maggie, Marco’s wife, said as she danced with Marco alongside us. “You’re a stunning couple.”

  Like me, Maggie had left America and found love in another country. I’d grown to love her almost instantly when Marco had introduced her to us.

  “Well,” I said while briefly sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. “We’re hoping to have kids sooner rather than later.”

  “I’m so glad you have each other,” she said before Marco spun her.

  And a parade of the past gathered in my mind as I stared into the eyes of my husband. From the moment I first met Adam back at Les’ flat . . . to when I’d learned he was a fighter.

  And then a dozen more memories after that—all leading me to tonight . . . to our happily-ever-after.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “You went running on the beach? Alone?” Adam strode toward me in faded blue jeans, the top button not fastened as I polished off my water.

  “I couldn’t resist. This place is gorgeous. Besides, you were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you.” I tossed the bottle in the recycling before he hopped onto the kitchen counter in our villa in Bora Bora. “We’re on our honeymoon, by the way. You don’t need to worry about me.” I stepped in front of him and placed my palms on each side of the counter, and his gaze dropped down to my sports bra.

  “Sorry, love, I’ll always worry about you.” He shrugged. “And how many blokes hit on you while you were out there?” He cocked his head, his denim-blue eyes narrowing when he looked at my face again.

  I lifted one shoulder. “Three. Maybe four,” I joked.

  “Mm. Maybe I didn’t get you a big enough ring to ward them off.” His lips teased into a smile as he reached for my hand and eyed my ring finger.

  “And you know I don’t care for flashy things.” I didn’t need some fancy mega-diamond to weigh my hand down either. I stepped back, and he released my hand, and my tongue pinned to the roof of my mouth as I took in the sight of my sexy husband.

  My casual and carefree man.

  I’d never seen him so at ease since I’d known him.

  Seven days on vacation, and we had two more.

  “You want to go snorkeling today?” He hopped off the counter and braced his hands on my hips.

  “The idea of being underwater and . . .” I shook my head. “I just don’t know if I can do it.”

  “And I’d never pressure you, but sometimes doing what we’re afraid of can be the most rewarding.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “Look at me. Falling in love scared the bloody hell out of me, and yet here I am with you, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  I’d once thought this man would crush my heart. That he’d destroy me. And instead, he brought me to life.

  “Maybe. If we’re in the clearest part of the water, and it’s not too deep.” My thoughts buzzed to memories of watching Jaws with my sisters when we were kids.

  Yeah, not a fan of sharks.


  “On second thought—”

  “How about you join me in bed?”

  I looked down at my sweat-covered body. “Maybe a shower first?”

  He reached between our bodies and tugged my running shorts and panties down to my mid-thighs. He rubbed at the achiness between my legs, and I shuddered, leaning into his touch.

  “Always ready for me, huh?” He nipped my earlobe as he continued to drive me crazy with only his hand.

>   I pulled away and peeled off my sticky sports bra to free my breasts.

  A chill blew up my back despite the heat pouring in through the open windows.

  “These tits,” he said while palming one, maintaining his fingers at my wet center with his other hand. “Perfect,” he said in a throaty voice.

  “Shower or sex?” I tipped my chin and looked skyward as I resisted coming right there. I braced my hands on his sides and rotated my hips, and my shorts fell to my ankles at the movement.

  “How about both?” He sucked at the sensitive part of my neck beneath my earlobe. “And how about we never leave this place?”


  I buried my face between her legs, and she grabbed at my head, holding me in place as I went down on her.

  She growled out, “I’m gonna come too soon. Not yet.”

  Her words only had me itching to make her come even more. I kissed her inner thighs before finding her soaked center again then placed two fingers inside of her.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Maybe don’t . . . stop.”

  Her body began to quiver beneath me as she orgasmed, and then I trailed my lips up her abdomen before sucking at a puckered pink nipple.

  “I need you inside of me,” she pleaded, her voice straining, as she lifted her body off the bed to get closer.

  “As you wish, my love.” I found her mouth and slipped my tongue between her parted lips, then positioned my tip at her center and dove into her in one fast movement.

  “Adam,” she cried as I moved in time with her.

  I’d lost count of how many times we’d made love on our honeymoon, and wasn’t that the way it was supposed to be?

  I flicked my tongue with hers, my balls tightening, the blood rushing through my body—my dick hardening to the point of fecking pain.

  If I didn’t blow my load soon, I’d lose my damn mind.

  I wasn’t some sixty-second man, but the idea I could get her pregnant right now had everything inside of me igniting to an all-new level.

  “Anna,” I murmured after she came again, and only then did I allow myself to release before falling off to the side of her.


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