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The Highland Dynasty: The Complete Series

Page 75

by Amy Jarecki

  Stepping forward, she reached her hand out to brush her fingers across the feminine garment. The table teetered. Her knees buckled. Before she could fling her arms out, she crumpled to the floor with a shriek.

  “Curses.” She cringed at the throbbing pain in her hip. I shall never be able to fend for myself.

  The door burst open. “God’s teeth, are you hurt?” Sean dashed across the floor.

  Gyllis clutched the shift atop her breasts and hastened to cover her nether parts. “I had a wee fall. Leave me.” She turned her face to hide from him. There was nowhere to run even if she could spring up. Dear Lord, why must she bear this humiliation in front of Sean?

  Without moving, he gaped at her, his eyes huge. This wasn’t like having a monk help her with necessities. Without a stitch of clothing aside from the garment in her arms, Sean could see every inch of her naked flesh. Yes, concern stretched the features of his face, but something deeper smoldered in his eyes.

  Revulsion came to mind.

  Gyllis wanted to curl into a ball and crawl under the bed. How utterly devastating to have Sean see her in a state of complete undress, totally helpless, sprawled on the floor. Her spine curled. “Please do not draw out my humiliation. As soon as I am covered you can return me to Ardchattan.”

  He stepped closer. “Why would I do that?”

  “How can you possibly want to keep company with the likes of me?” She turned her face away. “I am a useless cripple.”

  “Nay.” He kneeled beside her. Why he wouldn’t flee the chamber and leave her in wretched peace, Gyllis couldn’t fathom. “When I look at you I see an extraordinary woman who was stricken by infirmity. A beautiful lass who has the strength to fight, who will not remain abed and give up.”

  She grimaced, clutching the shift tighter to her body. “How can you stand the sight of me—an enfeebled, worthless lass? You are strong and full of life. You are brave.”

  “You think I’m brave? My courage is nothing compared to yours. Before me I see a woman who will not be cut down by a devastating illness, who will look it in the face, grasp it with both hands and fight. Not only today, but you continue to fight, to work through your pain and agony so one day this will be behind you.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and dribbled down her face until it dropped from her chin and splashed her chest. “You cannot possibly mean that. I’m hideous.”

  “Look at me,” he whispered in her ear.

  She shook her head. “I cannot.” She was wretchedly naked for heaven’s sake.

  “Please.” He placed his fingers on her far cheek and lightly kissed the other. “Look into my eyes, Gyllis.”

  Oh heavens how she wanted to, but if she gazed into his crystal blue eyes, he’d see the fear in her own.

  Thunder clapped outside and the rain slapped against the stone outer walls.

  Sean leaned forward until Gyllis could no longer hide her face. He smelled of wood smoke and fresh pine. Her lips trembled as she slowly raised her lids. Though her vision was distorted by tears, she’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

  “Why do you think I’ve been to visit you so often?” he asked.

  “I don’t know…”

  He arched a single brow. “I think you do.”

  Gyllis wouldn’t succumb to his handsome face. She was wretched—helpless. “We were childhood friends. You feel sorry for me.” That’s what she’d told herself over and over.

  He brushed a wisp of hair from her face. “I love you, Gyllis Marietta Campbell. I said it before and I meant it.”

  Oh God in heaven, she wanted to believe it. “How can you? I am despicable.” Streams of tears dribbled down both cheeks. Yes, she wanted to believe him, but she couldn’t. “I cannot even manage to pull a shift over my head.” She again turned her face away. By the stars, I love him more than life itself and want nothing more than to pledge my love, but not here. Not like this.

  “Allow me to assist you.” His voice was softer than a kitten’s purr.


  Sean clasped his hand over Gyllis’s fist. She had it clamped so tightly around the shift, he wondered if she’d ever be able to let go. Truth be told, he was damn cold himself, but Gyllis came first. In no way would he be the cause of a setback to her health. She’d come so far in the past month, he couldn’t bear to think of a relapse or worse. “Let us pull the shift over your head. Once you are covered, I’ll lift you back to the chair.”

  She pursed her pouty lips. “I can do it.”

  “Are you certain? I promise to uphold the laws of chivalry.” Though it would most likely kill him to do so.

  She smiled for the first time since he’d entered the chamber. “Avert your eyes please.”

  Heaven help him, she could melt a heart of stone with her dimples. But Sean obediently stood and faced the hearth. “I am your servant, m’lady.”

  A muffled giggle came from her direction. Sean heaved a sigh. Thank heavens she wasn’t completely devastated that he’d barged into the chamber whilst she curled up naked on the floor. A fire flared in his groin. Once he’d realized she wasn’t hurt, it was all he could do to keep from scooping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed. Blast his hot-blooded urges. Did she have no idea how alluring she was? He cared not about her illness. Gyllis’s charm grew every time he laid eyes on her.

  Sean’s gaze darted toward a flicker. He forced himself to choke back his gasp. Her reflection in the mirror caught him completely unaware. The cloth rustled behind him, but across the room, he had a delectable view of creamy white skin. Her breasts were round and pert, tipped by buds of rose. He licked his lips and stretched his fingers. Desire shot through him so strongly, he swayed in place. Damn it all, control yourself. No matter how much he wanted to collect the lass in his arms and shower her with adoration, he must refrain. He was a knight, a man of honor. In no way could he show Gyllis disrespect. She was an angel from God, her body a temple.

  The shift dropped over her head and concealed her breasts while she worked to push her arms through the sleeves. Before her head popped through the neckline, Sean averted his gaze from the mirror and rubbed his eyes. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to look, but the lass was too beautiful for any mortal man to resist.

  He shivered, suddenly remembering he, too, was soaked through. Stepping closer to the flame, he held out his hands and savored the warmth.

  “If you’d be so kind as to help me up,” she said in a voice smoother than honeyed mead.

  Sean turned. Gyllis had not only pulled the shift on, she wore the kirtle atop, laced as if she were ready for Sunday mass. She glanced toward the stays on the table and bit her bottom lip. “I nearly have everything in order.”

  She needn’t apologize. He remembered seeing her at Beltane. She’d been cosseted by one of those newfangled contraptions. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but holy mother, why would she want to crush her breasts now? And why had Jinny sent the miserable garment up? He couldn’t help his lopsided grin. “I prefer you without the stays.”

  In the blink of an eye, her face turned scarlet. “’Tis said they keep a woman’s bosoms from sagging.”

  He chuckled. “Oh do they now?” If only he could tell her how perfectly round her breasts were, but then she’d know he’d stolen a peek. Instead, he knelt. “Shall I lift you?”

  Gyllis pinched the sleeve of his shirt and rubbed it between her fingers. “You’re so wet, you might soak me through again. Are you not cold?”

  An involuntary shiver shuddered across his chest. “I am a bit.” He straightened, pulled off his shirt and cast it aside. “That’s better.”

  Gyllis gulped, her eyes blinking. “I-I-I. Oh my goodness.”

  Afraid he had a leech attached to his belly, Sean glanced down but saw nothing but muscle. “Is something amiss?”

  She clapped a hand to her chest. “Nay, but it has been a long time since I saw you sparring in the courtyard without your shirt.”

  He liked her reaction. It ma
de him want to beat his chest and bellow. The look on her face was perfect. Rosy cheeks, red lips and green eyes as round as gold sovereigns, Sean could have scooped her into his arms and ravished her. Instead, he grinned dumbly. “Shall I lift you now?”

  She smoothed her hands over her skirts and looked up with a coy grin. “Weren’t we planning to picnic?”

  He glanced at the basket on the bed. “Aye.”

  “Why not eat here in front of the hearth? Then your breeks can dry as well.” She fanned her face as if she’d had an errant thought. Sean hoped she had—thoughts akin to his own.

  “Wonderful idea.” He jumped up and fetched the basket. “I’ve some wine to warm our insides.”

  She clasped her hands. “Splendid.”

  Sean moved to the sideboard and poured two goblets of wine from the ewer, thanking his stars the master brewer had brought him a new vintage only the day before. When he returned to the hearth, Gyllis lifted the cloth from the basket. “And what did Cook prepare for us?”

  Sean set the goblets on the floor and sat on the plaid rug beside her. He peered inside the basket, not sure. “Looks like sliced mutton, bread and cheese.”

  She reached in and pulled out a sprig of red grapes, pulled one off and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes widened as she chewed. “Mm, a burst of tartness.”

  Sean glanced at the fruit in her hand. As if she read his thoughts, she plucked the plumpest grape and held it to his lips. “You must taste.”

  The fire in his groin inflamed while she placed it on his tongue. Then the vixen kept her finger on his lip as he closed his mouth. She giggled and ran her finger across his bottom lip. Christ almighty, did she know how seductive she looked?

  Biting down, tart juice spurted throughout his mouth, tickling the underside of his jaw. “Delicious.”

  She leaned closer. “I want to taste it too.”

  Sean needed no more encouragement. He slid his hand behind her neck and cradled her head. She smelled sweeter than the grape he held in his mouth and the closer her lips neared, the hotter the flame beneath his breeks grew. He hardly noticed the damp wool—for all he could tell, it had already dried. God knew his flesh was hot enough to singe it.

  When their lips met, Gyllis’s gentle moan vibrated through his chest. Her cool fingers smoothed up his abdomen and around his back as she entwined her tongue with his.

  The lass learns quickly. “Do you ken what that does to me?”

  Her inhale stuttered. “Nay, but if it makes heat flare deep inside your body, I’ve some idea.” Her voice grew breathless.

  No stranger to the temptations of the bedchamber, Sean tightened every muscle in his body to bring his lustful urges under control. He would not take advantage of Gyllis, not ever. She was as fragile as a glass ornament, to be put on a pedestal and admired.

  “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

  Holy Christ. He took a deep breath. I must resist. Then he looked into her eyes—moss encircled by dark blue. She smoothed her delicate fingers back and forth over his chest. With each feathery caress, his nipples grew harder, sending shocks of heat straight to his cock—now as rigid as an iron pole. In one motion, Sean pulled her onto his lap and covered her mouth with a smothering, claiming kiss. He wanted Gyllis like he wanted no other woman in the world and now her supple bottom cradled his ravenous cock.

  She moved her hips, rubbing along his length. He hadn’t been with a woman in so long, he’d lose control with one more shift of her hips. But he could not bring himself to stop kissing her. Gradually, he lowered her to the floor and lay her down. His hand slid from her waist and cupped her breast. In unison they moaned. Round and full, he kneaded her all the while joining with her mouth.

  Trailing his fingers to her kirtle laces, he tugged the bow free and slipped his fingers beneath her neckline. Pushing it aside, he exposed her rounded flesh. With one more tug, the succulent nipple he’d seen in the mirror stood erect for him.

  He barely noticed the rumbling thunder outside.

  Gyllis gasped. “I cannot resist you.”

  “Why would you want to do that?” Sean flicked out his tongue and tasted the sweet rosebud standing proud before him. He took her fullness into his mouth and savored her taste. Heaven help him, his cock jutted against her hip, ready to burst with a single stroke.

  Gyllis writhed beneath him, mewling like a virgin goddess. “This is the most diverting picnic I have ever attended.”

  Sean swirled his tongue around her blessed nipple. “I must agree with you there.”

  A rap came from the door. “M’laird?” It was Angus’s voice.

  “A moment.” Sean helped Gyllis resituate her shift and kirtle then crossed the floor and opened the door.

  Angus stood with Gyllis’s crutches in hand, his expression grave. “The burn’s flooded. Worse, the keep’s surrounded by water. There’s no way out.”

  “So quickly?”

  “You’ve been up here for ages and all the while the rain’s been coming down in sheets.”

  Sean glanced back at Gyllis.

  “Is everything well?” she asked.

  He told her about the rain. “’Tis looking as if you may need to stay at Dunollie.”

  She clapped a hand over her mouth and looked toward the window. “Oh heavens. John will be furious.”

  “He’d be a might angrier if we tried to cross a flooding river in a downpour.”

  Angus handed him the crutches. “The lassie’s chamber is warm and ready.” He glanced sidewise and leaned in. “It might be best for her reputation if you moved her straight away.”

  “Are the men talking? Already?”

  “Cook’s served the evening meal—aye, the rumblings started when you didn’t come down, m’laird.”

  By the looming grey sky beyond the narrow window, Sean couldn’t tell what time of day it was. “I’d best inspect the extent of the flooding.”

  “’Tis grave, m’laird. There’ll be a number of crofters in need of help for certain.”

  Sean started to close the door. “I shall meet you in the great hall after I have Miss Gyllis settled in her chamber.”

  “I’ll inform the guard.”

  “My thanks.” Crutches in hand, Sean faced the lady. He hated to put an end to their picnic, but it was for the best. In no way could he sully her reputation. “We’d best see you to the guest chamber, or we’ll nay avoid a scandal.”

  “Oh dear.” She slipped her fingers to her well-kissed mouth. “I’m afraid I was so overcome, I considered not the consequences.”

  “I should have thought of it.” He ambled toward her. “’Tis my responsibility. But fear not, I’ll ensure no ill befalls you on account of my folly.”

  He knelt beside her and gestured to the crutches in his hand. “Would you prefer to use these, or should I carry you?”

  “As much as I’d prefer to be in your arms, I fear someone may see us.”

  “Och, aye. That would help your reputation not at all.” He winked. “But there’s a secret door that adjoins the lady’s chamber to mine.”

  “Truly? A secret passage akin to one in a storybook?”

  Sean pointed. “’Tis behind the tapestry.”

  She stroked her chin. “Do the servants ken about it?”

  “Not likely. I only discovered it when I moved into the chamber after Da passed.”

  “How scandalous.” She giggled. “Do you think your parents used it?”

  “Perhaps.” He’d never really considered it, and as an only son, he now wondered if his parents had a happy marriage. His mother was an Irish lass, married to Sean’s da by an arrangement, as marriages often are. Presently there was no time to ponder it. He stooped to help her up. “Though I doubt we’ll see a soul in the passageway, let us make a show of walking to the outer door.”

  She held on to his arm with one hand and reached for a crutch. “Very well, but I shall miss you.”

  “I’m afraid there won’t be much to entertain you whi
lst I’m making the rounds.”

  “Have you anything to read?”

  He looked at the leather-bound Bible on the sideboard and pointed. “Only scripture.”

  She smiled. “’Tis better than doing nothing.”

  Once he retrieved the book, they proceeded to the lady’s chamber. Sean hated to leave her alone, but he had a clan to look after. He opened the door. “I’ll have Cook bring you a tray.”

  She’d become quite adept with her crutches and easily moved inside. “Thank you.” Gyllis regarded him over her shoulder, her tongue sneaking to the corner of her mouth. “Will you check on me when you return?”

  “Not sure. I’m afraid it will be too late.” Besides, if he came to her later, he might not be able to control himself. Indeed, Lusty Laddie could rear his lovesick head and Duncan would be fully within his rights to chop it off. Sean fingered a lock of her chestnut hair. “I wish I could stay, but my clan must come first.”

  “I ken.” She nimbly turned and stepped up to him, her face a hand’s breadth away. “I like kissing you, Sir Sean.”

  She placed a palm on his cheek and turned up her mouth. Thank God they’d seen no one else in the passageway because there was no way in heaven Sean would be able to resist those succulent lips. He paused and drew in a ragged breath. Then he slowly lowered his lips until they met hers. Sliding his fingers around her waist, he didn’t want to hurry. With languid licks of his tongue, he savored her, enjoying the lingering tartness from the grapes. She melted into him, her pliable breasts caressing his chest, bringing on another torturous erection. If only he could take her inside and explore every inch of her silken flesh with his tongue.

  He forced his hand to stray to the latch. “I shall see you on the morrow.”


  Gyllis smoothed her fingers over the page. Randomly she’d opened the Bible to II Samuel and read about how King David watched Bathsheba bathe. Doubtless, she couldn’t have opened it to the Book of Job. Sean had held her in his clutches and she’d needed no constricting stays to swoon in his arms. Who knows what would have happened had Angus not come to the door when he did. As it was, she’d allowed Sean to bare her breasts and fondle them. Her nipples still tingled at his heavenly touch.


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