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The Highland Dynasty: The Complete Series

Page 76

by Amy Jarecki

  As sure as she’d opened the Holy Book to King David’s sin, God would punish her severely for enjoying Sean’s touch so much. And now she craved it. Worse, reading about King David’s lust served to further ignite the flames smoldering at such depths of her body, she’d never imagined so powerful an emotion.

  She set the Bible beside her on the bed and reclined against the lush pillows. Appointed with a large four-poster bed, the lady’s chamber was twice the size of her rooms at Kilchurn. Across the floor, a fire crackled in the hearth. They had even drawn the furs across the window to keep out the chill.

  Gyllis let out a long sigh and trailed her fingers over her breast. It still tingled as if Sean’s lips continued to suckle her. How on earth would she ever forget this day? That she didn’t want to forget was a certainty—nor had she wanted it to end. I am a wanton woman. God will strike me down for this.

  She rolled onto her side and covered her face with her hands. Why does sin feel so good if it is a terrible thing? A person should feel awful if they sin—like I do when I tell a fib or something akin to that.

  Watching the crackling fire, she was well aware the hour had grown late. Ages ago, a serving boy had brought up a tray of food. But sleep eluded her like a rainbow’s end. How can I sleep when so many thoughts fill my head? Heaven help me, my entire body is tingling with happiness for the first time in ever so long.

  A door slammed. She sat upright. The candle beside her bed had nearly burned to a nub. Footsteps came from behind her headboard. Sean’s chamber. Gyllis held very still and listened. Something clattered to the floor that made her jolt. She held her breath. Rustling, perhaps cloth, followed by footsteps.

  She couldn’t mistake the sound of the bed creaking. Gyllis swallowed and clutched the bedclothes to her chin. The image of Sean in his bed did unholy things to her mind. Does he wear a nightshirt? Does he keep his dirk under his pillow? What does his face look like when he’s sleeping? Is it as beautiful as when he’s alert? Does he sleep on his back or otherwise?

  The bed creaked—louder this time. Still clutching the bedclothes, Gyllis scooted to the edge of her bed. Heavy footsteps clapped the floorboards followed by a hiss. She inclined her ear toward the wall. Is he dancing? The floor groaned as if he were moving in a rhythmic pattern. I do not recall a rocking chair in his chamber.

  Gyllis reached for her crutches. As quietly as she could, she slid behind the tapestry and felt for the latch. When it clicked, she gasped and froze in place. Something hissed through the air, followed by more footsteps. But the sound wasn’t up close. It came from across the chamber, near the hearth. After opening the door far enough to slip inside, she maneuvered the crutches out from behind Sean’s tapestry and popped her head out from beneath it.

  In the blink of an eye, she couldn’t breathe, and the thrumming of her heart consumed her entire body. Now she knew exactly how King David felt when he gazed down upon Bathsheba. The great Chieftain of Dunollie wore not a thread of clothing.

  Sean swung his sword in an arc over his head, lunging into a crouch where he stopped, the sword and his arm forming perfectly parallel lines.

  Lit by a candelabra and the fire from the hearth, the room glowed amber and smelled of beeswax and wood smoke. The flickering light cast a dreamy shroud over the chamber and filled it with dark shadows, but nothing appeared more surreal than Sean’s naked body flexing with his every move.

  Gyllis’s hands trembled as she stared at Sean’s chiseled back. He mustn’t have heard her, because he held the crouched position like a statue. His dark, wavy locks brushed broad shoulders, rounded by thick muscle. He straightened slowly, the undulating muscles in his back contracting until he stood straight. His waist narrowed, supported by hips that appeared chiseled from pure marble. His rounded buttocks dimpled at the sides and curved down to long, slender thighs, peppered with dark hair.

  He lunged to the right, the big sword hissing through the air. But this time he thrust his weapon as if defending himself from attack. On and on he fought the demons, slashing, thrusting and spinning with his blade. When he next straightened, he faced her holding the sword high above his head.

  Gyllis had seen his chest only that evening, but the muscles rippling over his abdomen appeared even more defined in the glowing light. A line of black hair trailed from his navel, pulling her eyes lower. That a man had a splay of curls over his sex as she did surprised her, as did the alabaster length of this manhood at his apex. Aye, she’d seen animals mate, and was aware men were different, but never guessed they were so amazingly so. She had never gazed upon pure beauty before this moment.

  Clapping a hand over her mouth, Gyllis tried to muffle her gasp.

  Sean’s gaze snapped to her face. Before she could blink, he bellowed an inhuman roar and barreled toward her. In one motion, he spun her around. The crutches clattered to the floor as he leveled the sword against her neck. “I’ll not tolerate a spy.”

  “I-I heard…I-I did not—”

  “Gyllis?” Immediately he dropped the sword with a resounding racket and released his hold. “I’m sor—”

  She tried to pull away but crumpled to the floor. “Forgive me.” Tears welled in her eyes as she shook with mortification. “I did not mean to intrude. I was awake and heard…”

  “Nay, nay, nay.” Sean dropped to his knee beside her. Gyllis tried to avert her gaze, but he was so amazingly naked. He lifted her into his arms as if she weighed nothing and ran kisses along her cheek and neck. “I am the one who must ask for forgiveness. I’ve no idea what I was thinking. I saw movement and assumed someone had spirited inside.”

  Gyllis looked into his eyes and began to tremble. It was as if he hadn’t recognized her, as if he were in some sort of trance. “You were like a madman for a moment.”

  “Apologies. I was concentrating—not thinking straight. No one has ever entered my chamber when I’ve been—ah—sparring with the devil.” He nuzzled into her tresses. “You ken I would never do anything to hurt you.” Still cradling her to his bare chest, he stood and walked to the bed. Gently he set her on the mattress then kneeled before her, holding her hands between his palms.

  Filled with concern, his eyes flickered gold, reflecting the fire from the hearth. Her overwhelming curiosity had led her straight into the fabled lion’s den. And now the gentle beast had lured her under his spell of beauty. My stars, he even smells as wild as a pine forest. Gyllis stared for a long while, then moistened her lips and nodded once, never breaking their gaze. That he was naked before her seemed as natural as breathing, except for the tight yearning that ached so badly, she had to steal at least one more kiss. Even her breasts were afire. He’d kissed them earlier and it had been sinfully delectable.

  Will God forgive me as he had his servant King David?

  Continuing to hold his gaze, she slipped her hands from his and untied her shift’s bow—just as he’d done earlier. She took in a staccato breath, aware of what she was doing, but not fearing the consequences. Sean watched motionless as she slipped the linen from one shoulder and then the other. Then he reached up and tugged the cloth down to her waist, fully exposing her breasts.

  A feral growl rumbled from his throat. “God help me, you are the most beautiful woman on earth.”

  His features were shrouded by the dim light, but the darkness made the world seem like a dream. With a low moan, Sean cupped her breast and joined his mouth with hers. Gyllis kissed him back with all the passion she could muster, allowing him to guide her. She grew bolder and lightly suckled his tongue while he swirled it deeper in her mouth.

  As he eased the kiss, Sean trailed his lips down her neck. Gyllis sank her fingers into the thick bands of flesh on his shoulder while he continued lower. Met with jagged flesh, the wound he’d sustained when attacked in Fearnoch Forest was no scratch. Rather than spoil the moment with a gasp, Gyllis inclined her head and ran kisses along his puckered flesh. “I shall ease your pain.”

  “I feel no pain when I am with you.”
br />   She gasped when his tongue circled the tip of her breast. So sensitive, a flame burst inside as if it were fanned by a blacksmith’s bellows. Gyllis threw back her head and moaned as he kneaded her breasts and plied them with his tongue. “Your wiles seduce me to the point of madness,” she managed a breathless whisper.

  “’Tis only a sampling of what is to come.”

  Gyllis ran her fingers through Sean’s hair, wanting more of something she knew nothing about. When she could take no more she pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Showed him how the passionate urges churned within her. And now she’d seen him bare, she wanted to know what it was like to be taken by not just a man, but by Sean MacDougall, the man she’d adored all her life. “I want to lie with you, Sean.”

  “Sweeter words I have never before heard.” Again his lips trailed down the length of her neck, but this time he didn’t stop at her breasts. No, Sean’s feather-light kisses continued down her flesh. Gooseflesh rose across her skin when he swirled his tongue in her navel. Then he grinned and glanced up at her, his white teeth glowing through the dim light.

  With a devilish chuckle, he pulled the pillows behind her. “Ease back and I will take you to heaven.”


  “Wheesht.” He placed his palm on her shoulder and encouraged her to lie against the pillows. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Aye.” Though her breasts were exposed, her flesh tingled everywhere.

  Sean tugged up her shift.

  “No.” Gyllis shoved her hands down. “Sean.”

  He eased her fingers away. “I cannot take you to heaven without kissing the treasure between your legs.”

  Gyllis sat up. “You’re planning to do what?” She squeezed her knees together. “Is that done?”

  “Not often.” He grinned again, looking like a temptation on a silver platter. “But I guarantee you will be begging me for more.” He kissed her mouth and eased her back into the cushions. The length of his naked body pressed against her. His warm chest molded into her breasts, but that was nowhere near as shocking as the length of his manhood filling the crux of her body. Moaning, she rocked her hips, seeking more friction. Agony that good absolutely had to be sinful.

  But Sean didn’t remain atop her for long. Again, he slid down to his knees and tugged up her shift. This time Gyllis didn’t fight him. Cool air caressed her womanhood. Sean’s deep, rumbling sigh made dampness pool between her legs. “Your scent is so bonny, it will bring me undone.” He placed a palm on her abdomen and spread her legs wider with his shoulders.

  Gyllis had never felt so wicked. She grasped the bedclothes on either side. When his tongue stroked her, a shrill gasp erupted from her throat. Holy Mother Mary, she’d never experienced anything so erotic in her life. Again he licked her. Gyllis bucked. Yes, more. Please, more. Sean complied with swirls of his tongue.

  He slid his finger down and circled it below—yet another action that sent her mind into a maelstrom of hot, driving need. His finger slid in and out while his tongue performed pure magic. Gyllis could no sooner pull away than she could run a mile. With uncontrollable shuddering, her voice made high-pitched noises while she succumbed to his touch. Suddenly her entire body went taught. A cry caught in the back of her throat. Sean rumbled a groan that spread tremors through her body. With a shocking gasp, the entire world shattered into pulsing bursts of euphoria.

  By the time Gyllis recovered her senses, Sean had pulled her shift down over her knees. He stood and grinned. “Was it good for you lass?”

  “Good?” she asked. “There are no words…”

  “I ken.” He grinned—the devilish one that made her heart leap.

  When Gyllis’s gaze slid down to his erection, Sean almost lost his seed. Her face was so seductive, yet innocent. Her wide-eyes made him want to roar like a lion, climb between her legs and make his conquest. But Gyllis was no alehouse tart who could warm his bed at night and be forgotten by morning.

  Though it did unholy things to him to have her watch him, he would be no kind of knight if he took advantage.

  Her lips parted almost as if she were planning to place her mouth on him. Sean’s knees buckled.

  “But you are not satisfied?” she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

  He cleared his throat so as not to expose his lust. “I cannot take your innocence, lass.”

  “I do not understand.” She crossed her arms over her breasts, shielding them from him. “I give you my maidenhead. There is no other man on earth I wish to possess it.”

  ’Twas a bold statement, even coming from Gyllis. “’Tis a gift I cannot take lightly.”

  “I do not give it lightly.”

  His mouth dried as if he’d been a week without water. “Do you ken what you’re saying?”

  “Aye.” Her gaze drifted to his manhood again, then she did something completely unexpected. Without his bidding, she wrapped her lithe fingers around his shaft. “Show me.”

  God save him, no mortal man could resist the tug of her hand. He threw back his head and leaned his hips into her. “You will drive me to the brink of madness.”

  She had the gall to chuckle. “Like you did me?” She smoothed her fingers down and then back up. Where on earth did she learn to do that? “Come, I’m not completely unwise. I’ve seen a guard hidden in the shadows with a serving maid. Please, Sean. Show me.”

  He couldn’t think with her hand milking his cock. With a feral growl, he nudged her deeper onto the bed and climbed between her legs.

  She cupped his face in her hands. “Who were you sparring with?”

  “My inner demons.”

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.”

  Sean chuckled. “You are the beautiful one, lass, and I’ll nay let you forget it.” He slid his member up the crux of her legs, allowing her moisture to spread over him. She shuddered. He lowered his head and kissed her. “Can you taste yourself on my lips? ’Tis the scent that attracts me every time I’m within arm’s reach of you.”

  “You are a lusty laddie, are you not?” She rocked her hips beneath him, mewling softly. “Show me how lusty you are.”

  Her hips arched up and caught the tip of his cock. Sean held his breath. Hot moisture brimmed around him. God, he could come right now, but he wanted to make this good for her. Show her exactly what she’d been missing all these years. “I’ll try to be gentle.”

  She nodded, her hips continuing their seductive rhythm. Christ, he was supposed to be the one seducing Gyllis, but without a lick of schooling she’d proven an expert. Slowly, he pushed inside. She sucked in a shocked gasp.

  Sean froze. “Am I hurting you?” He started to pull away. “If you want to stop…”

  Her fingers clamped into his buttocks. “No.” With a firm tug, she urged him deeper. God, he loved this woman. Gradually he slid the length of her, and when he reached a wall he gazed into her sultry eyes. Even in the dim light he could see the moss encircled by dark blue. “Are you all right?”

  She wriggled beneath him. “Heavenly.”

  “Once I start, I’ll not be able to stop myself.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Aye lass.”

  Her fingers again dug into his buttocks. “I want to experience it all.”

  Sean tried to be gentle at first, but with Gyllis’s hands kneading his backside, he soon lost all sense. Her breathing sped. Her scent ensnared him. Stars flashed across his vision and his ballocks packed so taut, he thought he’d go mad before he released his seed.

  Faster and faster he thrust. Gyllis cried out, holding on to him for dear life. And now that she’d reached her peak, he was free to drive hard and fast. His breathing sped, his heart hammered, and all at once the peak of ecstasy flooded through his blood. A heartbeat before his seed released, he pulled out and spilled into the bedclothes.

  He hated the unsatisfactory finish to his release, but he would not sire a bastard, even though he fully intended to make Gyllis his wife. He had not yet propo
sed—something he’d need to do soon.

  He held himself over her with his elbow, careful not to crush her. God, she defined beauty, her intoxicating green eyes staring up at him as if they were the only two people in Scotland. He trailed kisses down her neck. “Was it good for you, lass?”

  A wee giggle tickled his ear. “Aye. I cannot believe how good.”

  “You are the world to me.” Breathing deeply to catch his breath, he rolled to his back and pulled Gyllis atop him. “You ken I love you, always will.”

  She rested her head on his chest. “I love you, too. ’Tis as if God intended for our souls to be joined.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair and cherished the silkiness of it. The woman in his arms filled his nostrils with fragrance from heaven. Even a bed of rose petals would not smell as sweet. He could lay there all night with Gyllis entwined in his embrace. And he fully intended to lose himself in her wiles until the sun rose on the morrow.


  A ray of light streamed in from the window. The rain had stopped. Sean blinked several times in succession and rubbed his eyes. Gyllis slept cradled in the crook of his arm, her long tresses spread across his bare chest. Her breathing rhythmic, she was as radiant as an angel. Dipping his chin, he nuzzled into her hair and inhaled. Mm. As sweet as a meadow of wildflowers, he could breathe her in for an eternity.

  Last night she’d taken him soaring to the moon. He almost regretted the sun had decided to make an appearance this day. He wasn’t one to laze about, but spending an entire day making love to Gyllis tempted him.

  The crutches sprawled on the floor caught his eye and his stomach twisted. She was yet to complete her treatment at the priory. He closed his eyes tightly. Dear God in heaven, please do not let me be the cause of any setback.


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