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Wild Magic

Page 20

by Sadie Jacks

  “Nor should you. Shifting from man to animal and back again should be as easy as changing your mind. You will need to support the molecular changes with nutrients and calories for energy, but that should be easily managed by adding some protein to your regular diet.”

  I made a mental note to look at our diets as a family. All of us, including Kiema, needed to be taking better care of ourselves. Now that we’re healed, we should be using food as medicine.

  “Thank you, Tennotith, for sharing your knowledge and expertise.”

  “Of course, Learned One.”

  I smirked at the title. It still made me laugh.

  “Is there anything I need to be careful with in regard to my wolf senses?”

  Ten/Saint’s head tipped to the side. “I don’t follow.”

  “For example, I have much better senses in my wolf form. Is there anything I can do to support and maintain those functions in human form?”

  He smiled at me. “Not particularly. Your animal retains its inherent abilities, just as you do. Treat your body with respect, and your wolf will be well taken care of.”

  I nodded.

  “Have you had a chance to read any more of the manuscript?”

  His gold and green eyes lit up. “Yes, I have. Very interesting stuff. I think I might have some additional answers for the group. Should we gather and discuss?”

  “Of course. I’ll send out the call for everyone to meet us on Asher’s level. He can cook us brunch.”

  Chapter 36 – Asher

  Oh no, don’t worry. You just need to feed everyone brunch. It can be whatever you have on hand, Ash. We’re not nearly as picky as you are.

  I snorted as I scavenged my fridge and pantry. “The heathens wouldn’t know a good meal if it bit them on the asses.”

  Looks like we’re having omelets, bacon, toast, fruit, and bagels.

  I looked up from the skillet as the elevator door opened, admitting my first diners for the day.

  “Ki-Ki, Ransom, grab an apron if you want. You’re on kitchen duty.”

  “Damn it,” Ransom said softly.

  I smirked when I heard him say, “oof. What? He’s a demon when it comes to cooking. Let’s go back upstairs and I’ll eat something much better than he can serve. I promise you’ll like it more, too.”

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh had my smirk widening into a full-blown smile. “That’s right, Ki-Ki. Don’t let him drag you off for more ravishing. You deserve nourishment and sustenance.”

  “Oh please, if you were into my angel the way you wanted to be, she would have been the main course at brunch,” Ransom said.

  I laughed. The man was right; what could I say?

  “Eww,” Kiema said, a laugh in her voice. “That’s just disgusting.”

  I gave her the bowl and carton of eggs. “Get to cracking these. Once you get them all in there, whisk them together. Lightly, gently, for thirty seconds. I want a beautiful golden creamy color. None of that splotchy shit.”

  She looked up at Ransom.

  He shot her a ‘I told you so’ look.

  She got to cracking and whisking.

  I looked at my brother. “You’re on bacon duty. There better be forty pieces by the time you’re done. I’m going to count. I want the edges crisp without being burnt.”

  He started to pull a face.

  “Don’t start that shit in my kitchen, Ran. You can’t handle it, you don’t get any bacon.”

  He growled at me.

  I shooed him over to the other stovetop.

  The elevator opened again.

  “Yes! I told you we needed to wait the extra five minutes. Ransom and Kiema got KD,” Xander said as he walked in the door.

  “You just earned yourself some fruit cutting chores. One inch cubes.” I nodded my head at the sink where the fruit was being cleaned with a vinegar and water solution.

  “Just had to open your mouth, didn’t you, Xan? Couldn’t keep that piehole shut,” Taryk groused as he took the last apron. “What’s next, Ash?”


  “Damn it!” Xander whined.

  “You really should have kept your mouth shut, bro,” I said, making Taryk laugh.

  “We can set the table,” Atlas said as he and Saint/Ten walked in from the stairwell.


  Kiema kissed my cheek again as she grabbed my plate and fork, loaded them onto her own plate. “Thanks for brunch, Asher. It was divine.”

  “No problem, Ki-Ki.” I patted my belly. It had been a pretty good meal, if I did say so myself. And I certainly wasn’t one too shy to admit my greatness.

  “Now that everyone is full, let us direct our attention to today’s lesson,” Ten/Saint began.

  I almost groaned. I’d hated school when I was a teenager. College had been okayish, but that was due to all the lovely ladies available on campus. I didn’t want to ruin my adulthood with more learning.

  “I’ve finished Ancient Nature of the Lost Ones. While it does hold some valuable information, most of it was largely speculation about various forms of Earth magic. A rather scanty section on ridiculous prophecies. However, there is a notable section on Azica’s magical beings and beasts. I believe these pages were the ones that originally caught your eye.” He looked around the table.

  Atlas nodded before taking another drink of his fresh-squeezed juice. He set the glass down, picked up his pen, readied it over his notebook.

  If the man wore glasses, he would have shoved them up his nose, smiled at the teacher, and puckered his lips to kiss ass.

  “The bestiary portion of the manuscript has animals I’m familiar with, some I’ve never heard of or experienced in my long life. The Latin phrase, ‘Muliebris animi mutatio procedit ignis,’ loosely translates to the female soul starts the fire transformation. I’m not sure as it’s in a mostly dead Earth language, but then again, there are many languages in the book that don’t make a lot of sense to me.”

  “When we first mentioned the book, you thought it could be something familiar. Correct?” Atlas asked.

  “Yes. Many of the cultures and civilizations of Earth kept running history much like this book does.”

  Atlas made a note on his paper.

  “What does the Latin phrase me to you?” Ransom asked, his arm along the back of Kiema’s chair.

  “Well, if we assume that Kiema is the soul, or Spirit, that can help shifters begin the transformation, then it stands to reason she does this with her fiery spirit strand. I showed you the depiction of Prime.” He looked around the table.

  We all nodded.

  “According to The Lost Ones, the deity is not Prime. At least not here on Azica. Here the being is noted as Byrjun. Which means ‘early’ or ‘beginning’ in Earth’s Icelandic languages.”

  “So, what? They’re brothers or sisters? Repopulating all the different universes with the same basic theological system?” Xander asked.

  “That could very well be. It could be that all of the known universes were started by this beginning or early family. That would make the most sense for what is in the rest of the book.”

  “Which is what?” Kiema asked.

  “According to the book, the woman with the ability to cause bestial transformations in men will rise one day to aid the deities in an uprising against humanity. It is her destiny.”

  Chapter 37 – Ransom

  “What the fuck?” I asked, my arm sliding around Kiema’s shoulders.

  “I’m not sure I heard you right. I’m going to join some gods and/or goddesses who want to destroy humanity?” She leaned forward, her body almost vibrating.

  Ten/Saint nodded. “That is what the book seems to be saying.”

  “Is that what Anda could have meant in the spirit landscape? About Kiema being bigger and more powerful than we knew or understood?” Xander asked, his expression pinched.

  “And what would make me decide to join these deities?” Kiema asked before Ten/Saint could answer Xander. “Were they there when I was
being beaten or tortured? When my life was nothing but a shell for my parents’ use? They can go fuck themselves. I’m not helping them do anything.”

  She sat back, arms crossed over her heaving chest.

  We all sat there, silent in the aftermath of her rage.

  “Ki-Ki’s out, I’m out,” Asher said as he echoed her posture.

  “I agree with Kiema and Asher. However, we still need to know what the book says. We also need to know if Iron Serpent knows the information inside it or if they are running their own long game,” Taryk said. “IS is literally on our doorstep. If what’s in the book is some type of prophecy, I think it can wait a few more days while we sort out the mess in our backyard.”

  Kiema melted into the chair, took a deep breath. “Sorry, everybody.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, sweets. These dickheads can’t just come into your life and start moving you around like a chess piece,” Xander patted her hand.

  “Was there anything else in the book that talked about shifters?” I asked Ten/Saint. I wanted the information that pertains directly to us, but knew we needed to discuss Iron Serpent in detail.

  Ten/Saint nodded. “To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there have never been any female shifters. They are all male.”

  “Is that why they died out then?” I asked.

  “I have no idea. And for all of you to be in possession of shifter magic, the magic itself didn’t die out. It simply failed to express itself without the Fiery Female to initiate its transformation.” Ten/Saint smiled at our mate.

  “Damn fucking skippy they didn’t,” Asher said. “Our fiery female has got steel balls. Our Ki-Ki’s kickin’ deity balls, giving us bigger balls than we already had, and jumping on Ransom’s and Saint’s balls any chance she gets. Her Fiery Femaleness: all balls, all the time.”

  I rolled my eyes even as Kiema laughed at the idiot.

  “Now that we’re all so enlightened about Kiema’s ability with balls, perhaps we can get back to the problem at hand,” Saint said, his dark brown eyes narrowed at our resident comedian.

  “You may proceed.” Asher swept his hand over the table like he was royalty bestowing a favor on a peon.

  “If we’re going to discuss Iron Serpent, I suggest we gather Lukas and Aeron for intel. Juan will be ready to go back to IS by the end of tomorrow. According to the data Xander and I pulled, they’re up in our area. I suggest we use our animal forms at night for surveillance,” Taryk said.

  “At least you and I, T. I don’t know that seeing an almost pure white wolf or a huge bear in the street is going to be as covert as we’d like,” I said.

  “Can you shift into a black cat?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.

  “I can try. I’ve managed a lion and wolf so maybe. Atlas, were any dark cats used in my previous ‘healings?’” I turned to asked our doctor.

  “I don’t have the full list. But we’ll go with there’s a strong possibility.” He nodded.

  I turned back to Taryk. “Let’s go chat with the other two, and then I’ll work with Ten/Saint to see what I can pull off.”

  We loaded up and changed buildings, Taryk heading off to get Lukas.

  Setting up in the infirmary where Aeron was still hooked up to drugs and monitors, we had to wait for Lukas to come in and nullify his telekinetic power before Atlas could pull him out from under the heavy sedation.

  “It should take about twenty to thirty minutes. I’ll keep an eye on him. Go ahead and get started with your questions for Lukas,” Dr. Atlas said.

  Kiema was sitting on my lap to help conserve chairs for everyone. I also fucking wanted her in my lap.

  Saint/Ten stood behind us, his hands on both our shoulders.

  “Iron Serpent, Lukas. Tell us what you know about their organization,” Taryk said, a small recorder on the counter next to Lukas’ station by the table that held Aeron.

  “Um, like its history?”

  “Whatever you can tell us. Start wherever you want.” Taryk waved him on.

  Lukas looked around the room. “Okay, mate. Back in the early 1800s—”

  Taryk raised his hand, stopping Lukas. “My information, from a very reliable source, says late 1800s. Are you disputing this?”

  “Yes.” Lukas’ red hair shone like strawberries under the bright lights. “As a teenager, we had to do these indoctrination courses. Montague doesn’t care if the younger soldiers know the history or not, he just wants warm magical bodies to syphon from.”

  Taryk nodded, making a note on his phone. “Continue, please.”

  Lukas nodded again. “Early 1800s, magic had just been discovered by one Siegfried Montmoulth when he discovered his daughter could hear his thoughts. That was the earliest recorded use of magic. It could’ve been ‘round much longer, but not everyone was interested in note taking like you lot are.” He glanced at Taryk and Atlas. Rolled his eyes.

  “Of course, with any new discovery, there was a huge revolution about revealing magic as the work of demons or dark gods. Then as more and more people were found to possess these different mental abilities, Iron Serpent was formed. They started their auspicious beginnings as one of the original testing centers. MagCorp, as it stands now, is the great-grandchild of magical testing facilities setup and designed by IS.”

  “Shit. They have access to all of MagCorp’s records, don’t they? That’s how IS found out about Kiema,” Xander said. He hauled his computer up onto the table, pushing Aeron’s legs out of the way. He flipped it open and started typing.

  Lukas just watched him, a puzzled look on his face.

  “Keep going. He can listen and work at the same time,” I answered.

  Lukas shook his head, but kept talking. “If you talk to MC, they will tell you there are only three types of magic. That’s what they’ve been led to believe. IS’s system sculls through all testing applicants before outputting their data after initial testing. Any who register as particularly high, or any abilities outside of the R4, are swept into a separate database.”

  “R4?” Taryk asked, his thumbs stabbing at his screen. He looked pissed at something.

  “Telepathy, healing, precognition, and telekinesis.”

  Taryk growled low in his throat, shook his head. “My source is going to get his ass kicked.”

  I winced. I’d been on the receiving end of Taryk’s displeasure before. I didn’t envy the guy.

  “Paths and Kines are snapped up almost immediately. Healers are left in mainstream. Precogs usually do better in corporate settings than in IS.”

  “Why is that?” Kiema asked.

  He shrugged. “Too much mental stress all the time is the answer I’ve gotten in the past. I’m not sure if it’s true or not though. I imagine a lot of precogs work for IS in corporate settings and help with funding and resources.”

  “What other kinds of magic are scooped up into IS before they can be verified for public dissemination?” I asked.

  “Revelator, Necromancy, Psionic, Psychometry, and Defenses.”

  “I have healing, revelator, and defenses,” Kiema said. “Why wasn’t I snatched up by IS?”

  “Your father was too powerful.”

  Kiema winced. Huddled against my side.

  I glared at the insensitive prick.

  Lukas either didn’t notice or care. “He was given the initial report before IS’s systems could scrub them for presentation.”

  “She’s one of the ones that got away,” Xander said without taking his attention off his computer screen.

  Lukas turned to look at him. His brow furrowed. “Yeah. How the hell do you do that, luv?”

  Xander’s back stiffened. He slowly turned to look at Lukas. “Don’t call me love. Ever. And lots of practice.”

  Lukas leaned back, nodded. Hands up in surrender. “No worries, bloke. All good.”

  I smirked.

  “Back to IS. If Ki-Ki has Revelation and Defensive magic, why doesn’t she use those?” Asher asked the question of Lukas
but was looking at Kiema.

  She shrugged, looked to Lukas.

  “She probably does to some extent, but without realizing it. From what I understand, her healing power is off the charts. As in literally. They had to reset the scale they use for healing with her. It’s called the K Table. If her healing is that high, it could be that her revelation and defensive magic are intertwined with it and she uses them all at the same time.”

  “Is there a way to test that?” Dr. Atlas asked, looking up from his notepad.

  “Yeah, at one of the MC centers or IS’s backroom.”

  “I’m not going back there. I can tell you that much,” Kiema said. She shivered.

  Saint growled behind us. His hands left us for a brief moment. Soon, a blanket floated down over Kiema’s body. I helped him tuck it around her.

  “If we could replicate the equipment here, you wouldn’t need to go back in there,” Dr. Atlas said, his voice a deep rumble in his chest. “And I would be imminently nicer than IS in trying to help you learn more about your magic.”

  Her body relaxed against me, settling into my body once again.

  Damn, I needed to learn that wolf trick.

  Kiema leaned around me, blew him a kiss. He dipped his head.

  “I can try to help train you for revelation and defensive magic, but my nulling skills won’t do a whole lot of good in that training.”

  “You’re also an awful teacher. I would suggest, Ten/Saint help with magic training,” Dr. Atlas said before anyone else could say anything to Lukas.

  Lukas laughed, his head tipped back. “You’re just a baby.”

  Kiema whispered to me.

  I flung my fist out, caught Lukas in the belly.

  When he doubled over, Kiema leaned forward and said, “Who’s the baby now, you little bitch? Just be glad Ransom did it and not me.”

  The whole room filled with laughter. Even Lukas joined in once he was back upright.

  “Yes, luv. You’re big and strong.” He blew her an air kiss; she returned it with a wink.


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