Book Read Free

Wild Magic

Page 21

by Sadie Jacks

  “What kind of firepower do they have?” Taryk asked after a moment or two. The man never stopped planning, strategizing.

  I’m just fucking glad he’s on our team. We wouldn’t stand a chance if he was part of IS.

  Lukas’ face lost its open expression. “Mostly regular guns and ammo. However, they do have some prototypes of light beam tech.”

  “Lasers?” Atlas asked.

  “I have no idea. It’s just a rumor I’ve heard around the camp the last little while. I never got to see or touch one. I can’t tell you anything other than that either.”

  “Any launchable?”

  “Not long range.” Lukas shook his head.

  Taryk nodded. “I’m going to go work on the logistics of setting up a night run. Ransom, you’re with me. Ten/Saint, I’d like for you to get working with Kiema on magic defenses and revelation, whatever the hell that means.”

  “He’s coming out of it,” Atlas announced as a beep beep beep sounded in the room.

  “Lukas, you good?” Taryk asked, pushing everyone back from Aeron’s table.

  “On it, mate.”

  We all sat and watched as Aeron blinked his eyes slowly. He moaned low in his throat as he finally blinked up at the ceiling. A look of sheer confusion crossed his face.

  Atlas leaned over the side of the table. “Aeron? Can you hear me?”

  Aeron’s chin tipped down the slightest degree.

  “Do you know where you are?”

  The barest head shake.

  “You’re in the infirmary with Carbon Pack Inc. You attempted to fire on our facilities. You were hurt in the fire fight. Do you remember?”

  Another chin tip.

  “I’ve patched you up. Are you in any pain?”

  Aeron blinked again. His gaze went a little more unfocused than when he was listening to Atlas’ questions. He shook his head after a second.

  Atlas’ shoulders slumped. “Good. I patched up your leg. You’re going to be off of it for at least six weeks while it heals. Maybe longer, depending on your healing rates.”

  Kiema took a big breath. I squeezed her tight while Saint slapped a hand over her mouth. I leaned down to her ear. “Not happening. Not right now.”

  She yanked her head back, glared at me.

  Her jaw moved right before Saint whipped his hand back from her mouth.

  I looked up to meet Saint’s gaze. “She bit me.” He sounded surprised. And a little turned on, if I wasn’t mistaken.

  “Again, don’t tell me what I can do with my magic, Ransom.” She turned betrayed eyes up to Saint. “You either, Saint. My life, my body, my decision. Now let me go.”

  Saint turned to look at me. I could see the same battle going on in his eyes that he probably saw in mine.

  We let her go at the same time.

  “Ten says she should be safe as long as Lukas doesn’t take his hand off Aeron,” Saint whispered to me.

  “I heard that, Saint. Thank you, Tenny, for believing in me.” Kiema didn’t even bother looking back at us.

  “Ooo, momma bear’s upset again. Do you two douches need to be taken out back and beaten into better manners?” Asher asked, pushing away from the wall he was leaning against.

  “Not yet, Asher. But keep an eye on them, yeah?” Kiema said.

  “Sure thing, little momma.” Asher barred the path between us and Kiema.

  I snarled at him.

  He nipped the air in front of my face. “I’ve got an animal, too, Ransom.” He leaned forward. “You keep trying to protect her like this, you’re going to push her away. Remember how Xander was?”

  I rocked back on my heels. In college, Xander had been constantly putting himself in danger in an effort to pay what he felt was his punishment for not helping their mother. We’d almost lost him a couple times to injuries.

  I gave Asher a single nod.

  Saint squeezed my shoulder. “We never would have kept a weak woman, Ran.”

  I snorted. “Too fucking right.”

  “Then we need to support her, not step on her toes.” He chuckled low. “Either of us. Even if she makes me want to spank her ass so long and hard that she can’t sit for a week.”

  “Bro,” Asher shot Saint a disgusted look. “She’s like my sister. Stop it.” He shook his head.

  Movement at the other end of the room had my head whipping around.

  She was fucking leaning over the guardrail.

  Saint’s hand on my shoulder kept me from storming over there.

  “Can you hear me, Aeron?” Kiema said.


  “Wonderful. In case you’ve forgotten who I am, my name’s Kiema. I can heal you, if you’ll let me.”

  The injured man looked like he was trying to escape the table. Only problem: his body didn’t want to help him. His head and neck were edging away from Kiema as fear flickered to life in his semi-glazed eyes. His body remained limp, unresponsive.

  “I’m guessing that’s a no?”


  “That’s a yes?” she asked, a smile on her face.





  He glared at her as the rest of us laughed.

  She leaned over the guardrail, got right in his face. All traces of humor were gone from her voice when she said, “Unlike you, I won’t do things to your body against your will. If you want to be healed in the future, just let me know.”

  She patted the rail, backed up to my side.

  Saint lifted her into his lap, leaving me to stand behind them. He whispered against her ear. Too low for me to hear.

  Whatever he said had her curling into his side, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. His hands slid up and down her back.

  Watching them together had my heart pinching in awe.

  They’re mine.

  “Anything you want to share with us before we take down your silly little organization?” Taryk asked him.

  Aeron’s eyes widened. His jaw wobbled.

  We all leaned forward.

  Atlas gave him an ice chip, sliding it between his lips.

  Aeron looked at our doctor like he was the savior of the world. “You’re going to take down Iron Serpent?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” Taryk answered, short and sweet, before any of us could even open our mouths.

  “Then fuck yes I’ve got stuff to tell you. Got any more ice, doc?” He looked up at Atlas. Stilled as if seeing him for the first time.

  The tension in the room went up so high and fast it felt like I could cut it with a knife. “I know you.”

  Atlas shook his head. “If you do, I don’t know you.”

  Aeron slumped into the cushions on the table. “I can’t place you yet, but I will. I could never forget those eyes.”

  “Here’s your ice, princess,” Lukas said, pulling Aeron’s attention.

  “Stuff it, Luk. I don’t have time for your shit right now. How’d you even get caught up with these people?” Aeron slid another ice chip between his lips. Looking a little livelier, he hit the button that would raise the back of his table.

  I guess that sedative wore off quickly when it wasn’t being continuously pumped into his veins. Mores the fucking pity.

  “Fuck you all are hot,” he said around the ice cube.

  Kiema laughed, the sound hard. “Yes. And they’re all mine unless I say so. You want to stay on my good side, Aeron. Share your information or Doc is going to put you back under.”

  “Iron Serpent has my mate. This was supposed to be my last mission. I’d bought my freedom from Montague.” He slurped another piece of ice.

  We all looked at Lukas. “I knew he was gay. I didn’t know they had his mate.”

  “Do you have four legs or two?” Asher asked simply.

  Aeron looked at him like he was crazy. Looked down at his own legs, bare on the table. “Looks like fucking two. What kind of question is that? You know of any man who has
four legs?”

  Asher shrugged one shoulder. “Just thought I would see if you were operating on all cylinders.”

  Chapter 38 – Kiema

  I looked at Asher, he shook his head, shrugged.

  This is another beautiful example of wishing I had one of their stupid implants.

  “Who’s your mate?” I asked Aeron.

  He grimaced at me, didn’t answer.

  “Ah, nighty nighttime, yeah, camper? No worries, Doctor Atlas, if you would do the honors, please?” I turned to Atlas.

  “Damn but you’re no fun,” Aeron said as he pouted.

  “Not when you endanger my mates and family. You don’t want to play hard ball with me, Aeron. I promise you that,” I said. I had no idea what I would do if he did want to go the hard route, but I’m sure my guys would have some excellent ideas.

  “Our Ki-Ki’s got great big platinum balls, Aeron,” Asher said. He was smiling, but there was only a touch of darkness in it. No humor whatsoever.

  Aeron opened his mouth.

  “Make a comment about any of their balls, I’ll cut yours off and feed it to my pets,” I said.

  He shut his mouth with a snap. Glared at me again.

  “So you hate women, is that it? Just don’t like the double XXs?”

  Aeron rolled his eyes.

  “If I leave, will you be more comfortable?” Saint’s arms tightened around my waist.

  Without looking at me, Aeron nodded.

  I turned, kissed Saint’s lips, brushed Ransom’s hand, and stood up.

  As I got to the door, I turned back to look at the room. Everyone except for one person was important to me. I wasn’t going to let Iron Serpent take any of them from me.

  I walked across the hall into the small conference room. Choosing the closest chair, I sat down, pulled my feet up into the lotus position. I was tired of waiting for answers.

  Slowing my breathing, I began the now seemingly useless ritual of accessing my own spirit plane. The feeling of freedom invaded my body as it always did. I think I would always associate walking in the spirit world with freedom.

  The vibrant wash of colors was still here. Everything was so brilliant and vivid. I think I’ve found my new happy place.

  I giggled. Other than smooshed between Ransom and Saint.

  Someone snickered at my last thought.

  I opened my eyes. There she was. This time she looked more human than goddess. If you knew any human females close to eight feet tall.

  Tipping my head back all the way, I watched as she shrunk. I smiled.

  I wish you’d teach me to read minds, at least then it would be fair, I thought at her.

  Her smoky laugh trilled through my head. Open your magic, let it flow to and from you. You are a conduit for the magic of the world around you. You have so much more to offer than the limits of these humans.

  Are you making the opening pitch for me to join the deity team?

  She laughed again as she settled into a body just a little bigger than my own. “No, Kiema. I do not wish for you to join a team. I wish for you to live the life you want, with those you love, for as long as you possibly can. The games of gods and goddesses are beneath your notice.”

  I tipped my head to the side. “Why do you say that?”

  “If you are truly a first-degree descendant of a Prime being, then your entire life would be ruled by the whims of others. I would not wish that on my own daughter. Why would I wish that for you?”

  “My life has already been ruled by the whims of others. What difference does it make if they are human or gods?”

  “Gods are much longer lived than humans. They play these games to keep themselves occupied. No other reason. Humans do it to fulfill a need. Usually not a good one, but there is a purpose greater than just diversion.”

  She brushed a hand over my hair. “I’ve seen your life, although I’ve been unable to help you. You were never alone, even if it felt that way. The trials of your life have helped shape you into the strong and fierce warrior you are today. Those qualities will serve you well as you enter the next phase of your life.”

  I didn’t quite snort in her face, because...rude. But man, did I want to push her away from me. She might know the details of my life, but I doubted she could relate to the tragedies of it.

  The idea of her sister killing her children flickered through my mind.

  Fine, maybe she knew a little about it.

  “Sorrow and grief are universal, even if the circumstances that bring them about vary,” she said softly, her eyes dark with pain.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. Now I was the one being a bitch. “Those thoughts were unkind. And from the view of your last statement, they were also untrue.”

  She smiled sadly. “Do not let your hatred against those who controlled you further ruin your life. Your joy. You are so much more than the box they designed for you. Do not stay trapped in the box out of anger or spite. For that hurts you and impacts the evildoers not at all.”

  “I’m working on that part of it.” I took a deep breath. “I need you to help me learn how to use my magic. According to the testing Iron Serpent did, I carr—”

  Her face went white, the dark blue of her eyes stark in comparison. “Iron Serpent is here?”

  Well, shitballs. “Yeah, they’re here.”

  She shook her head, her rainbow and black hair fluttering with the movement. “That cannot be. They are an Earth order. They were contained. We contained them.”

  “Okay, I’m going to need a little more information than that.”

  “Iron Serpent, on Earth at least, wanted nothing more than to ascend into the power of the gods. They stopped at nothing to drain every person and the world itself of its magic. Those that held magic from my siblings were discovered and siphoned. So much death happened.”

  “What did you do?”

  “My siblings and I came to the aid of the humans. Humans are not designed to hold the power of gods. Had they ascended as they wished, they would have eradicated the human race in its entirety.”

  “Great. Nothing like genocide to make the day a little brighter.”

  She nodded. “My siblings and I methodically captured and killed Iron Serpent members. From greatest to least. Centuries ago. There should have been none left to carry on their mission. Where did they begin here on Azica?”

  “Sheocreth, I think?” I was so not the person to be asked about IS history. “Can you help me with my magic? I’m supposed to have some kind of defensive magic that can either help me protect myself or others? I need to be able to protect them.” I waved my hand. “I won’t let them be hurt by Iron Serpent.”

  She shook her head. “Yes. Yes, of course I can help you develop your magic. Let’s begin.”

  “Now?” I asked, my eyebrows raised.

  “Of course. If it is the same Iron Serpent, we’ve already lost too much time.” She raised her dark violet skirt, sank gracefully to the green grass. “Come. We must begin.” She patted the area directly in front of her.

  I took a seat. She held out her hands, I put mine in hers.

  With a hum, her eyes closed. “Your ascension is very close. We must hurry.”

  When she opened her eyes, gone was the dark blue with a ring of icy blue at the outside edge. Now they were completely white. No color from corner to corner. “Your magic is part of you. It flows in every cell, wraps every muscle, covers every nerve, twines with each organ. Think of your magic as another sense. Just like your taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell, your magic is here to help you navigate the world you live in.”

  I took another deep breath. Sure, easy peasy.

  She smiled. “Close your eyes, child.”

  Funny, that term didn’t irritate me nearly as bad as when Ms. Cartwright called me that.

  “Kiema, focus your mind.” She sounded stuck between exasperation and humor. “Find the place inside you that you associate with your magic.”

  I didn’t need to wait. I’d been playi
ng with that area since I was young enough to notice it. “I’ve found it.”

  “Excellent. Now, I want you to focus on that area. Describe what it looks like to me. What it feels like.”

  I swallowed, not sure I could put it into words. “Um, sure. I’ll try. I feel it in my chest. Not really my heart, but not really any other organ either.” I licked my lips. “Um, it sits in a cage of sorts. Like a silver lace shell protects it, I guess would be a better way of describing it.”

  “The magic inside? What does it feel like?”

  “ I’ve never had anyone ask me that before. Hold on.”

  I pushed into that spot inside me, sat there a moment, cataloging it. “Kinda like spider webs. Slick like satin, but strong like steel. It lets me mold it into whatever shape I need. It looks like a million spider webs in a single ball.”

  “Wonderful.” She sounded relieved. “May I join you in your magic?”

  I looked around my inner space. “I guess. Just don’t…touch anything.”

  She chuckled, the sound sinking inside me. “I promise to ask permission. But I will need to touch some of it, to show you how to use it.”

  She joined me. I could sense her spirit, but couldn’t see her at all.

  “Kiema, you are missing some of your magic.”

  “I know. When I healed Ransom, Asher, and Atlas, some of it detached from my spirit. I ended up vomiting it up.”

  Her spirit winced. “Where is it now?”

  “With Iron Serpent.”

  She muttered a string of words, but they certainly weren’t in any language I’d heard before. “We must retrieve these. They cannot have access to your magic. Follow me.”

  Her spirit zoomed off, leaving me inside the shell of my magic alone.

  “Anda?” I felt around inside myself.


  I opened my eyes.

  She wasn’t there either.

  “Great,” I huffed. Taking a huge breath, I screamed, “Anda!”

  “Kiema, why are you still here? Come, child.”

  I bared my teeth at her. That one had sounded too much like Ms. Cartwright. “I don’t know how to follow you.”

  She sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, took a deep breath. “I apologize, Kiema. Take my hand, I’ll show you how to travel the Spirit Realm.”


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