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Faded Dreams

Page 4

by Kari Lemor

  Molly Storm gave him the mother look, and Luke hauled her in for a hug. God, he’d missed her.

  The long, red hair glistening in the sunshine that shone threw the window couldn’t be missed. This was what Luke had been waiting for the whole time he’d been away. Granted, he could have contacted Elle during his time overseas, but as he’d told his mother, he hadn’t wanted her getting her hopes up, then being devastated if something happened to him. Assuming Elle felt for him even a fraction of what he felt for her.

  He’d had a lot of time to think about her as he stared at her picture on his phone. Had she given him any time in her mind while he’d been away? God, he hoped so.

  Last night, he’d spent a great meal with his parents and Alex and Gina catching up on all he’d missed. Gina had made a cake to celebrate his twenty-eighth birthday that had occurred while he’d been overseas. His sister, Sara, and brother, Erik, and their families would show up tonight.

  Right now, however, Luke needed to see Elle. So much so, he’d come to her workplace. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been here before. His company did business with her company. Not that he had any projects on his schedule yet. He didn’t go back to his job for another week.

  Elle stood behind a counter, a stack of files in her hand. As she swiveled to make a copy of something, he raised his hand and waved. Her eyes immediately lit up, relief evident in her expression. Then, her brows thrust together, and her gaze ping-ponged around the room.

  Was she nervous because he was here?

  Sherman, Elle’s boss, entered the large room and cocked his head at Luke.

  “Luke Storm, what are you doing here? Last I heard, you were serving our fine country overseas. When did you get back?”

  “Just yesterday. Hope it’s okay that I popped in.”

  “Of course. Who were you looking for?”

  His gaze flew to Elle, clutching the files in front of her. She took her time wandering over, her smile tentative.

  “You’re back, Luke. I’m glad. And you’re okay?”

  He wanted to say yes, now that he saw her. But Sherman was staring at him strangely.

  “I’m good, Ellie. Thanks. Are you busy right now?”

  Sherman glanced at his watch. “Actually, it’s after three, and Elle’s been putting in way too much overtime lately. I’ve been telling her she needs to take off early some days. Today’s Friday and Valentine’s weekend. What better time to get a head start?”

  “Oh, I…uh—”

  “Thanks, Sherman. That’d be great. Appreciate it.” Luke wanted more than a few minutes with Elle, if possible.

  “No worries. Elle, I assume those are the copies I wanted. I’ll take them now, and you can get your coat and take off.”

  “Um, no. I can—”

  But Sherman pressed past her and relieved her of the files. Elle twisted to watch him walk away, her back stiff and straight. Her shoulders shifted up and down, and Luke got a bad feeling in his stomach. Why wouldn’t she look at him?

  “Ellie? I’m sorry this is short notice, but can we go somewhere and talk?”

  She peeked over her shoulder, and the fact she was biting her lip caused even more anxiety to riot through him.

  “Are you all right?”

  Nodding, she sighed again, then marched to get her coat off the back of her chair. Luke did a double take. He hadn’t noticed with the files in front of her, but now in profile, her rounded stomach was apparent. He wasn’t an expert, but he’d say she was about six months pregnant.

  “You’re right, Luke. We need to talk.”

  Chapter Five

  Elle bit her lip as she wrapped her scarf around her neck and picked up her long wool coat. Luke stood a few steps away, his mouth open. This wasn’t exactly how she’d planned to tell him her news.

  He blew out a breath and rushed to her side, helping her get into her coat. She could only button a few at the top but it would have to do for now. After grabbing her purse, she shut down her computer and pushed in her chair.

  “I guess I’m ready.”

  He placed his hand on her back and guided her down the hall to the exit door. The wind kicked up and blew the end of her scarf over her shoulder. Luke pulled the collar of his pea coat up and shivered. Because of the cold or what he’d just seen…and figured out?

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was low, almost dangerous. He was angry.

  “How do you even know it’s yours?” She could be defiant, too.

  He cocked his head, and his brows slammed together. Another frigid breeze hit them, so he took her arm and steered her toward his fancy black Camaro. She remembered it had been his brother, Erik’s, but since Erik was now married with kids, Luke must have inherited it.

  “I have my car. It’s in the back row.” She didn’t want to get in a vehicle with Luke right now. Her overreacting hormones couldn’t handle it.

  His head swiveled, and he examined the area. “Let’s go to the grill next door. We can debate rides later.”

  They scurried along the sidewalk to the restaurant. As it was only afternoon, the place wasn’t crowded. Luke requested somewhere private. They were soon seated at a corner booth.

  Elle scooted onto the bench on one side, while Luke slid into the other side. After they’d taken off their coats, he clenched his hands together on the table and stared at her.

  His hair was a little longer than he normally wore it, and his face was tanned. He said he’d only gotten back yesterday. Not enough time for the cold to make him pale again. Even being in a war zone for six months, Luke looked as gorgeous as ever.

  Before she could say anything, a waitress arrived. Luke ordered a soda.

  “Can I get some breadsticks, please? And water with lemon.” Luke had interrupted her usual afternoon snack. She found if she didn’t eat something around this time, she got lightheaded. It certainly wouldn’t do to pass out in front of him.

  When the waitress left, Luke reached across the table and took her hand. God, she’d missed that feeling. Like the night he’d kissed and touched her. Or maybe it had been morning. Whatever. It was something she’d never forget. Like the fact he left her after promising to meet.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Ellie?”

  “You’re making assumptions again.”

  “You’re not the type to jump from bed to bed, so don’t try and pretend you are.”

  “And you’d know that how? Because you are the type?”

  His thumb rubbed back and forth on her skin, but the pressure increased letting her know he hadn’t liked her comment. Yeah, the truth wasn’t always pleasant.

  His eyes bore into her, and her pulse jumped. “Were you even planning to tell me?”

  “Of course, I was. But how was I supposed to give you the news? Jump on a plane and fly to the Middle East or wherever you were?”

  Luke frowned and stared at their hands. “Brad has my e-mail address. Or you could have contacted my brothers or parents.”

  Elle let out a snort. “I wasn’t about to drop this on you when you were in a war zone. As for your parents, sure. I’d just wander by and say, ‘I had sex with your son after polishing off a bottle of champagne, and I’m now carrying your grandchild.’ Or is this something they’ve heard a million times, so they’re used to it?”

  “They’ve never heard it, because I’m always responsible. We used a condom.”

  She shrugged, wanting to make him sweat. They’d eventually get to the truth. “Right. We did. So maybe it isn’t yours.”

  “I don’t believe it, Elle. You don’t go around having sex with tons of guys.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. Unlike you with your reputation for being with hordes of women.”

  Pain crossed Luke’s features, almost like he was hurt by that comment. Elle thought he liked his bad boy Casanova image.

  The waitress approached the table, and Luke leaned back to allow her to set their drinks down along with a basket of breadsticks. Elle snatched one immediately a
nd took a bite. Luke peered at her as she ate.

  She waved at the food. “Have one, so I don’t look like the only pig eating.”

  Taking a piece of bread, he tore off a bite and chewed. “How are you feeling? Is everything all right with the baby?”

  The concern on his face felt good, but was it only the good manners every Storm child had ingrained in them from birth? Or did he actually care?

  “Everything’s exactly as it’s supposed to be. The baby is good and right on schedule.” She was exhausted from working extra hours, so she’d have lots of time once the child was born. Luke didn’t need that information.

  “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t want to know, and it wasn’t super obvious in the ultrasound.”

  Resting his arms on the table, Luke inched closer. “You had an ultrasound? Did you get any pictures? Can I see them?”

  This wasn’t exactly the reaction she’d pictured from Luke. Horror and revulsion more came to mind. Or complete denial.

  Once she’d chowed down her second breadstick, she patted his hand, then quickly moved it back to her lap. No sense getting used to touching him.

  “I don’t expect anything from you, Luke. You were responsible and used a condom, which obviously failed, but you did your duty. I’ll take care of the baby, and you can go off and continue on with your life the way you’ve always done. I won’t pressure you to do anything. You’re off the hook.”

  Eyes flaring, Luke clenched his fists on the table. “You aren’t keeping my baby from me.” His voice was low and ominous. She’d never seen him so angry. How did she even react to this version of him?

  “I didn’t think you’d want a baby. Or anything to do with me. You disappeared from the wedding fast enough after asking me to meet you for breakfast.”

  The intense look quickly faded as confusion made its way to his face. “Whoa, wait. You didn’t get my message?”

  “There was no message at the front desk for me.” She’d specifically asked.

  “No, I left a message with Taylor Markham. She didn’t say anything to you?”

  “Oh, we chatted. She told me she’d seen you taking off on your motorcycle with some gorgeous blonde.”

  Luke’s blue eyes darkened to a stormy gray. “That bitch. I told her I had an emergency at home and to let you know why I had to leave. My family had been trying to get in touch with me all night. My dad had a heart attack.”

  All the resentment she’d kept bottled up for six months suddenly dissipated like smoke in a strong breeze. “What? Oh, no. Is he okay?” Please, don’t say he passed away. Although she figured she would have heard if Pete Storm had died.

  Luke swallowed, and she watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “He’s okay now. It was a mild attack, but my mom is making him take it easy and slow down at work.”

  Scratching one nail against the wooden table, he said, “All this time, you thought I’d just blown you off?”

  She couldn’t do more than nod.

  “What about the note I sent?”

  She tipped her head. “I didn’t get any note. Did you mail it?”

  “No, I put it in your aunt’s mailbox.”

  She rolled her eyes, knowing her aunt and cousins wouldn’t have gone out of their way to deliver anything to her. “I never saw any note from you after the wedding.”

  “I guess now it makes sense why you weren’t in any rush to tell me.”

  “Sure, but let’s face it, Luke, screw and run is kind of your style, isn’t it? Maybe if I’d known what happened.”

  “I left a week later for deployment. I didn’t have your number or address. I thought your aunt would have passed my note on.”

  “My aunt would have been caught up in all the wedding rigmarole. Brad would have been a better bet.” The fact he hadn’t bothered wasn’t a good sign in her book.

  “Brad was still on his honeymoon when I left.”

  Good point. “You could have asked any number of other people for my cell or e-mail. But you would have had to really want to see me again for that.”

  Luke scowled, his hands tearing the paper napkin to shreds. “I wanted to see you, but after what happened to Erik, I wasn’t sure if I’d be coming back. I didn’t want to start something I couldn’t finish.”

  Nodding, she said, “Sure, that’s a good excuse.”

  “Can I have it now?”

  She cocked her head. “My phone number?”

  Luke dug his phone from his pocket and scrolled across the screen. “Your number, e-mail, and your address. You live here in Portsmouth, right?”

  “Yeah.” After giving him her information, he insisted she add his details to her phone.

  “In case you need to get in touch with me. Ellie, I don’t want you thinking you have to go through this alone. This baby is mine, too, and I want to make sure it has whatever it needs. God, I hate calling the baby an it. Is it too late to find out the gender?”

  “I don’t want to know. Call the baby Luke Junior, if you want.”

  He tilted his head. “Did you want to name the baby after me?”

  “I haven’t really thought about names yet.” Liar. She’d had dozens of names picked out and discarded most of them. Probably just as well, since Luke might want to have a say in naming the child now. Not something she’d envisioned happening. This whole scene wasn’t anywhere near how she imagined it would go. Of course, the dreams she’d had of Luke rushing in to declare his undying love were nowhere in sight either.

  “I’ll need to tell my family.” Luke tapped on his screen. Was he texting them the news? No, he was just closing his app.

  “Great. That’ll be fun. I can only imagine what they’ll think of me.” She stood suddenly, needing to get some air. She had always loved the Storm family. They were well known in town for their good nature and kindness. Would it extend to her?

  “Wait.” Luke got up and threw some bills on the table. Way more than was needed even if he was tipping two hundred percent.

  “I’ve gotta go, Luke. It looks like it might snow, and I don’t want to be driving in it. We’ll talk later.”

  She rushed from the restaurant and crossed back to her work parking lot. Even with the extra weight from the baby, she could still move. Luke caught up to her as she slid inside her car. His hand stopped the door before she could close it.

  “Ellie.” His breathing was fast, and a burst of condensation floated from his mouth. “Please, drive carefully. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more, but Elle was already jittery enough with what had transpired in the last hour. She couldn’t deal with any more today.

  Closing her door, she nodded and put the car in drive. Time would tell if Luke meant what he’d said about wanting to be involved with their child.

  Luke drove back to Alex’s on autopilot. His head still spun from finding out Elle was pregnant. He’d been so excited to see her again and explore the possibilities of a real relationship with her. Now? Well, there’d definitely be a relationship. That of parents to their child. He couldn’t even take it all in yet. All he knew was that he wanted to be there for his baby. And for Elle.

  Anger and pain at her assumption he’d want nothing to do with the baby wafted over him, leaving him shaky and raw. Can you blame her? You’ve been a douchebag for years. Why would she expect him to suddenly become a model father? No one would.

  Except his family. Honor, responsibility, integrity. All things the Storm family held dear.

  When he drove up his street, Sara’s SUV and Erik’s minivan were already in the driveway. Great. He didn’t even have a few seconds alone to get his head together.

  He’d barely made it through the front door before he was wrapped in the arms of his sister. He held on tightly, having missed her warmth and sweetness. As he eased back, he glanced at her stomach. Slightly smaller than Elle. Quickly doing the calculations, he figured Elle was due a month before Sar

  “How are you feeling?” The question that Elle had avoided by telling him the baby was fine. He’d wanted to know how she was, also.

  “Now that I’m not puking half the day, I’m really good. I’m not in those last months yet when the baby’s so heavy you can barely walk.”

  God, he needed to get online and look at some pregnancy charts to find out exactly where Elle was. He knew the precise date of conception, so it should be easy to accurately find her due date. Heck, he could pinpoint almost to the minute when the child had been conceived.

  “Luke, are you okay?” Sara’s sweet voice brought him back from his musings.

  “It’s great to see you again, Sagey. I missed you.” She rolled her eyes at the nickname he’d always called her.

  “Come see everyone else. They’re in the living room.” She shepherded him into the next room where her husband, TJ, sat along with Erik, his wife Tessa, and their three kids. Their black and tan springer spaniel, Chewbacca, was playing with his sister, Honeysuckle, Alex’s dog. Sara’s dog, Domino, scampered about also, while the mother of the offspring, Freckles, sat at TJ’s feet watching her brood.

  Erik pushed himself off the couch, and Luke sprinted to reach his side, so he didn’t need to walk too far. Erik growled at him, aware of what he was doing.

  “You look good. Glad to have you back.”

  “Glad to be back.” He shook Erik’s hand, and his brother held on a little longer than usual. Had Erik worried about him while he’d been away? Stupid question. Of course, his brother worried about him. His whole family had. It’s what made them so wonderful.

  Tessa and TJ greeted him as well, and soon Matty and Kiki, Erik’s adopted children, were circling their arms around his legs.

  “Up, Uncoo,” Kiki demanded, her pouty face so adorable he couldn’t resist. In seconds, he had both the older kids in his arms and was bouncing them around. Is this what it would be like with his own child? He wanted to pepper Erik with questions until he had all the answers. Little Joey toddled over and lifted his arms, too. This kid had grown so much since he’d been gone. How had that happened in only six months?


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