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Clumsy Calloway

Page 3

by Laurie Lochs

  I nodded quickly. "That's what I felt, daddy. To prove my parents wrong, I followed my brother up the tree. When I got to the top, I was so scared. I immediately had to come back down. But I slipped on a branch when a squirrel attacked me. I blacked out before I hit the ground."

  Daddy Oscar's jaw dropped. “I see why you're so scared."

  "Yes, daddy. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. When I woke, the doctors said I might never walk again."

  My daddy ran his hand across my thigh. "Is this what you've been afraid of, boy?"

  "Yes. I've walked funny ever sense. One leg is shorter than the other, and…"

  Daddy Oscar's face broke into an expression of understanding. Without pausing a moment, he scooped me into his arms and held me firm. He caressed my hair, whispering sweet words into my ear. Then, he gripped my chin and brought it to his own.

  "You're such a brave boy for telling me that. I know it took a lot."

  "Thank you, daddy. I hope you don't think I'm a pansy too."

  "Not a chance in hell, sweet boy. If anything, you're brave for saying those words aloud."

  I nodded. I was going to thank him again but, without warning, he slammed his lips on mine and kissed me. Electricity jolted across my body. I let myself get lost in the kiss, returning it with everything I had. My fingers gripped his hair, seeking warmth and friction I didn't know I needed until that very moment.

  "I'm so proud of you, sweet boy. Proud to be your daddy."

  “T-Thank you, daddy,” I stammered.

  A second later, Oscar ran his hand down my leg and unlaced my shoe.

  Oh fuck. This is part where he sees the damage firsthand.

  Chapter 8


  After untying his laces, I slipped Calloway's shoe off and cast it aside. I rubbed my fingers over his flesh, massaging his foot and taking it in my palm. Then, I leaned down and brought my lips to his foot, planting a soft kiss on the flesh. His body tensed as I kissed him. When I finished, I ran my hands up his leg and gripped his thigh. Calloway moaned softly, allowing me to kiss him and make him whole.

  ”I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable, sweet boy. It's my gift to you."

  Calloway nodded. His eyes were closed. He looked like a sleeping angel.

  He's your sleeping angel. You have the power to heal this for him and dispel the shame.

  "There is no shame here, boy. You told me your story. I’ll accept you for who you are from now on."

  Calloway nodded. His leg twitched in my palm. Rubbing my hands over the soft light hair, I brought it to my mouth again and planted a second kiss on it. I drug my lips across the skin, letting my mouth coat the entirety of his flesh. When I finished, I brought my mouth back down to his feet and placed his big toe in my mouth.

  Calloway jerked awake. "No, daddy. You don't have to do that."

  “It's my treat, sweet boy. Just sit back and feel my tongue on your feet."

  "It's… It's so gross, daddy. I don't want you to get dirt in your mouth."

  "It's not the dirt I'm worried about. I'm more concerned you'll have this imaginary scar the rest of your life. If I can help you get rid of it, I'll make it my goal to do so. I'll start with kissing your feet."

  Calloway bit his lip. He didn't know what to say. So without speaking, I returned his toe to my mouth and flicked my tongue over the tip. I submerged the toe my mouth, running my lips over it and getting every taste from the flesh. I trailed the line of his toenail, mapping its course with my mouth. I was the Christopher Columbus of big toes. I was discovering an entirely new world that, unknown to me, had existed since the dawn of time.

  I was just the first man to “lay claim" to it. Calloway's foot was mine.

  "Oh daddy,” Calloway moaned. “It feels so good."

  "Do you like that, sweet boy?"

  Calloway nodded. "It's… It's making me hard."

  I trailed the path up his leg. I squeezed his cock through his khakis. Calloway moaned and sought friction against my grip. He thrust lightly into my palm, trying to put out the flame between his legs.

  "It's making me pre-come, daddy."

  "Yes, baby boy. Daddy’s so happy you like his gift."

  Kneading Calloway's tummy like bread, I brought my lips to his flesh and lifted his shirt. After flicking my tongue over his pale hairless flesh, I kissed his bellybutton and left my mark on his tiny happy trail. Calloway moaned and thrust into my mouth, seeking release. But I wasn't going to take him here. This was a gesture of love, not passion. We'd save our passion for the bedroom. This was to make him feel more confident.

  "Suck me, daddy." His voice was soft and breathless.

  "No, sweet angel." I pulled his shirt back down and looked him in the eye. “We're not going to do that in the woods our first day in Neverland. Let's wait two or three days, sweet boy."

  Calloway sighed. "I understand, daddy. You just made me so excited, that's all."

  I grinned. "I understand. You made me excited too. Look," I whispered, directing his hand to my cock. Callow's jaw dropped when he felt it. "You've made daddy hard."

  "Oh my God." Calloway ran his fingers over the bulge. "I've never felt it so hard, daddy."

  "It's because healing you made me feel exceptionally excited. You make my heart happy and my cock hard. I like you so much, baby boy."

  "I like you too, daddy." With these words, Calloway rushed forward and planted a frantic kiss on my mouth. Gripping his hair, I forced my tongue between his lips and ran them over his teeth, claiming his mouth as my own. I held his leg down hard with my hand, not letting it move. He was mine. I didn't care what had happened in the past. I was taking his fears from him and bringing the boy back to life.

  When we parted, I helped him up and buttoned his khakis. "Let's join your friends on the trail. I'm sure they’re waiting."

  Calloway grinned bashfully. "Yes. They're waiting to call me a pansy at the base of the tree."

  "If they do that, I'll give them a stern talking to. I’ll let them know that's a sensitive issue. You’re not going to get teased about this ever again."

  "Thank you so much, daddy. You're my protector."

  I nodded and led him back to the trail. "That's what daddies do."

  But when we reached the tree, I froze in place. Jacob's body was lying flat and crooked on the ground.

  Had he fallen from the tree?

  Chapter 9


  Black dots encroached into my vision as I saw Jacob's body twitching on the ground. All at once, the memories of falling headfirst from the tree flashed across my mind. If Jacob fell, he was doomed. He’d never walk again.

  “Jacob,” I cried, rushing to his side. I shook his lifeless body and tried to will him back to life. "Jacob, please be okay.”

  A second later, Jacob's eyes shot open. He burst into laughter. "Did I trick you?"

  All at once, my compassion transformed into sheer rage. Red swum before my eyes. I wanted to shake Jacob and asked him why the hell he thought that would be a funny joke. But Daddy Oscar suddenly gripped my shoulder firm, urging me to think it through. I glanced at him. He didn't have to say a word. He was reminding me that Jacob had no idea of my past and didn’t know he’d offended me.

  This would be a teaching moment very soon. But now was not the time to confront him.

  "Very funny, Jacob."

  Daddy Oscar's voice was authoritative. He helped Jacob up and we went back onto the trail. Dennis joined us from behind a tree. He'd been going pee, squirting the little tree and claiming it as his own.

  Dennis grinned the second he saw us. "Did Jacob scare you after you guys were making out?"

  "We weren’t making out."

  “Uhm,” Jacob said with a grin, “yes you were. I saw you.”

  I frowned. Why did they think it was okay to spy? If this is what Neverland would be like, I wasn't so sure I wanted to stay.

  All at once, Daddy Oscar gripped both boys' arms and stopped them in th
e middle of the path. He found a toppled-over log and led us to it. He sat us down.

  "Boys," he began, clasping his hands between his legs. "I'm going to say something very serious. I hope you'll pay attention to me."

  Dennis and Jacob's eyes opened wide. "What is it?"

  "This isn’t my story to tell, sweet boys. But when Calloway was little, something happened to him. He doesn't like joking about trees."

  My heart raced. But Oscar reached over and grip my hand tight.

  "Does that make sense, boys?"

  Dennis and Jacob's facial expressions had changed completely. "Yes," Dennis said. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

  I bit my lip. "It's no problem. I should have said something sooner. I'm sorry."

  Jacob gulped. He looked nervous.

  Fuck. This definitely isn’t the impression I want to make on my two new friends.

  "Look, it's not serious. It's just that I get a little nervous sometimes. I don't want to stop your fun. It's just that… I don't want you to do it around me."

  Jacob and Dennis nodded adamantly. "We understand. We’ll respect your boundaries. We're so glad you're our friend."

  We held hands and walked back to the trail. 10 minutes later, we met up with Nathan, Brent, and the rest of the daddies. They were sitting on the top of the mountain unpacking their lunch.

  The turkey sandwiches and carrot sticks they’d packed this morning looked delicious.

  "Daddy," I whispered, "you think we could share a sandwich just us two?"

  Daddy Oscar grinned. "Of course, sweet angel. We each get a sandwich to call our own."

  Warmth trickled through me. This was the best news ever. My two friends weren't upset with me for showing them I was uncomfortable. And, I’d be able to share a sandwich with daddy. If this wasn't the most perfect date, I didn't know what was.

  With the Montana sun bathing the forest in milky light, we dug into our sandwiches. The turkey on French bread lit up parts of my taste buds I didn't even know existed. It was like I was sitting in a New York deli and with my daddy all at once. I wanted to sit and eat this sandwich forever just so I could experience this feeling again and again.

  Halfway through lunch, I glanced over and, to my surprise, saw the most insane thing I'd ever seen in my entire life. Next to a giant boulder, Jacob was on his knees, bobbing his head over his daddy's cock. He swallowed the length of Daddy Paul's cock, taking it down his throat. With his free hand, he cupped Paul's balls and massaged them. He was giving his daddy a blow job in the middle of the woods.

  "Daddy, look." I pointed to Jacob and Daddy Paul. Oscar grinned.

  "Is that getting you excited, sweet boy?"

  "A little, daddy." I squeezed my legs together and scooted closer to Oscar. He draped his arm around my neck and slid his other hand into my lap. He kissed my cheek and fondled me.

  "Does it make you tingle?"

  "Yes, daddy. It makes me light up with fire inside."

  I wished Daddy Oscar would take me right then and there. With the sunlight washing over us, I wanted him to pin me against the ground and spread my cheeks. His tongue flitting over my hard cock head would be everything and more.

  Suddenly, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Tonight."

  The word sent a chill down my spine.


  We'd fuck tonight.

  Chapter 10


  Raindrops pelted my cheekbones as we reached the base of the trail. I glanced at the sky, only to be greeted by yet another drop. I shook my head in disbelief. The storm had come out of nowhere. Thank God we'd decided to head back just in time.

  "It's raining, daddy. I'm going to get wet."

  Nathan's sweet voice triggered his daddy’s compassion. "Cover your hair with my backpack, little one. It’ll keep you safe and dry."

  Nathan did as told and covered his precious hair with the backpack.

  I glanced at Calloway. He was lost in space, staring at the black thunder sky. I threaded my fingers through his and brought his hand to my lips. After depositing a quick kiss on his flesh, I turned his chin towards mine and kissed him there too.

  "You're such a brave boy. You did such a good job with your friends this afternoon."

  Calloway blushed. "I'm so happy they weren't upset. Thank you for sticking up for me, daddy."

  "It's what daddies do, little one. Even when people don't mean any harm, they can still hurt."

  He nodded. “Thank you.”

  After we threw the backpacks in the back seat, we filed into the Jeep and took off towards home. When we pulled up into the driveway, rain was crashing down from the sky. A bolt of lightning shot down straight above where we were hiking just earlier that morning. I glanced at Calloway. My heart swelled knowing he was safe and sound.

  "Ready, boys?" Daddy Paul's voice was loud and booming.

  “Ready!" everyone shouted in unison.

  "One, two, three."

  On three, Dennis and Jacob darted out of the Jeep and sprinted towards the ranch. Calloway burst into laughter and took off behind them. He didn't care he was getting soaking wet. My boy lived for the rain.

  Or maybe he just wanted to get wet.

  I grabbed the backpacks from the trunk and hurried in after Joe, Paul, and Brent. When we reach the inside, Brent passed out a giant stack of towels and we dried off. I pulled Calloway onto my lap and dried his hair. To my shock, when I finished, it was sticking up in every direction like he'd just touched a electric conductor you see at science museums.

  "Oh boy. We've got some brush work to do."

  Calloway giggled. "You mean… Like brushing my hair?"

  I nodded. He was so funny.

  "Exactly, boy."

  "Why? Do I look silly, daddy?"

  "The silliest boy in the world." I pressed my lips against his. Calloway moaned and rubbed his body against my hand. His cock was rock hard and throbbing into my jeans.

  "I need to come tonight, daddy. It's going to hurt otherwise."

  "Yes, sweet boy. Just wait until daddy says it's okay. You need to learn patience."

  Calloway sighed. "I don't want blue balls while I'm playing with my friends."

  "Stop testing me, boy. You'll get your release. One thing at a time."

  For dinner, Brent and I whipped up a delicious eggplant chicken parm with roasted potatoes and fresh spinach salad on the side. We dug in, savoring every bite. After dinner, Daddy Paul pulled out an enormous cake from the fridge and brought it to the table.

  In the middle of the chocolate frosting sat the number 25.

  "Happy birthday, Jacob!” Daddy Paul exclaimed.

  Everyone at the table burst into applause but Calloway and I. My jaw dropped. I stared at Calloway. Why hadn’t we known it was Jacob's birthday?

  "Thank you, daddy." Jacob's eyes glistened as he ogled the cake. "I might be 25 but… Inside, I'm no older than 3."

  Everyone burst into laughter. "Here's the first big slice of chocolate fudge brownie cake for my little boy."

  Jacob giggled and dug into his cake. Daddy Paul dished out the rest and handed us the slices. I brushed aside the fact that I had no idea it was Jacob's birthday and dug in. It was delicious.

  After cake, Daddy Paul pulled out an enormous package. Jacob's jaw rocketed to the floor.

  "Is that what I think it is?"

  "Yes, sweet boy. I got it just for you."

  Jacob's eyes glazed over with excitement. Furiously, he tore into the wrapping paper and threw it to the ground. When he finished unwrapping, he opened the giant box.

  It was a brand-new electric train set that looked freaking huge.

  Daddy Paul sat next to Jacob and wrapped his arm around his neck. "Would you like to play with your new toy with the other boys, sweetie?"

  "Yes, daddy. That would be the best thing ever."

  Jacob glanced at Dennis, Nathan, and Calloway. He grinned and took off to the playroom. The rest of the boys squealed and sprinted after him. When t
hey'd left, Daddy Paul invited me for a beer with the rest of the daddies.

  We sat in the living room, watching the torrential rain storm outside.

  "Oscar," Paul said after a while. "I heard Calloway had a hard limit come up while playing today."

  My heart quickened. "Yes. It made him feel uncomfortable."

  "Is this what you were discussing yesterday?"

  I sipped my beer and nodded. "It was his big secret. He finally got the courage to tell me today. I wouldn't exactly say it was his choice, though. He was forced to do it by unforeseen circumstances. But I'm so happy he told me."

  Paul burst into a grin. "That's incredible to hear. That makes me so happy knowing he had the courage to open up."

  Yeah, I wanted to say, because your boy was being an insensitive prick. But I kept my mouth shut.

  When we finished talking, the rain had turned into a drizzle. We went to meet the boys in the playroom. To our shock, they'd built the electric train set while we’d been enjoying our beer. The train spanned the entire hallway. It even went up the stairs to the second story.

  "You boys did an incredible job. This is the best trained work I've seen in my life.”

  Calloway blushed. “Thank you, daddy. I’m so happy in Neverland.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. He thought this was as good as it got.

  Little did he know what I had in store.

  Chapter 11


  I slid the silver metal track into the system and popped it into place. My heart soared with pride. I couldn't remember the last time I’d gotten so immersed with play. One second, it had been dinner time, and I’d been sitting with Daddy Oscar and going over the day. The next, I'd been spending the entire night building a track that stretched all the way from the play room to the hall. If we didn't stop, it’d reach the stairs. Of course, we'd need to get some big blocks or boards to span the staircase. Cardboard boxes might do, if we fashioned them just right.


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