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Clumsy Calloway

Page 4

by Laurie Lochs

  But the point was the track was enormous. It was something out of a dream.

  "Calloway," Nathan said, crawling to my side. "Please pass me the green tree."

  "Do you need the pine or the almond?"

  "The pine, please. I'm trying to build a small forest."

  I giggled and handed Nathan the tree. He thanked me and returned to the other side of the room. Bringing my knees to my chest, I took a moment to survey the track. It was something out of a dream. We’d done amazing work. But I didn't want to leave little mode and return to the world of adults, not now. I was having too much fun. So I grabbed a handful of trees and joined Nathan on the other side of the room.

  "Do you mind if I help?" My voice was cautious. Nathan was clearly immersed in play. If he wanted to be alone, I didn't want to spoil his fun.

  Nathan burst into a grin. "Yes, Calloway. I'd love help. Look," he said, pointing to the small gaggle of trees. “I’m missing trees to make my forests. Could you fill in the blank spots?"

  I nodded adamantly. "I'd love to." I crawled to the spot he pointed to and deposited the trees there. I organized them and put a small log cabin in the middle. Then, I added a decorative lumberjack and a flannel shirt and beige khakis. When I finished, I took a step back to observe my handiwork. It was beautiful.

  "Guys," Jacob shouted from outside the door. "You have to see this."

  Nathan and I glanced at each other. We burst out of the playroom and into the hall.

  My jaw dropped when I saw it.

  Curving around the corner of the play room wall, the electric train set spanned into the hallway and stretched towards the second door. Jacob had set up little houses alongside the track to pretend it was a real train. On the front lines of the houses, little children and dogs were playing in the imaginary sunlight.

  Oh. My. God. He’d built an entire town.

  I crawled to Jacob and wrapped him in a soft hug. "You did an amazing job."

  Jacob grinned. "I couldn't have done it without your help. You did the work I didn't want to do in the playroom so I could extend the track."

  “You’re a true professional, Jacob. Maybe you should go into train design."

  We all shared a laugh. "The only train I need is right here. I never want to be a ‘real’ anything in my life."

  His words hit home. They made me think about the world of littles versus adulthood. The truth was I was more like Jacob than I thought. Though I intended to put my Spanish major to use, it was hard leaving the world of make-believe. Pretending was second nature to me and where I felt most comfortable. Why would I leave this universe to step foot into the adult world, and get some corporate job somewhere? I didn't care if I'd have time to be "little" on the weekend. I wanted to be little 24/7 like Jacob. If it meant staying on the ranch, then so be it.

  Nathan shared my pain. "I understand you, Jacob. But there's benefits to be had in the real world, too."

  Jacob bit his lip. “You’re an accountant. You make good money as it is."

  "Well, I'm not an accountant yet. I still have a long ways to go. I'm only doing my internship."

  Jacob nodded. "But don't you just want to be a little forever? Do you really want to have to grow up?"

  Nathan sighed. "For me, it's a mix of both worlds. I love pretending and playing dress-up, building with blocks, and creating train sets that go on forever. But when it's time to be grown-up, I like that too. I enjoy both in a different way."

  Jacob nodded. "I get that… But I just don't ever want to stopping little. I like staying in this mode."

  Throughout the conversation, Dennis had remained silent. I only noticed his presence when he suddenly open his mouth. "I don't want to grow up, either."

  My heart soared. So Jacob wasn't the only one who felt this way. Though I didn’t yet know it, the truth was that many boys wished to remain in little mode 24/7. They didn't want to step out of it. They didn't want a daddy to help them grow big and strong as much as one that would allow them to never grow up. It was fascinating to see there were littles who fell on both sides of the spectrum.

  I didn't know where I fell. I wanted to speak Spanish and put my degree to use, but it was tempting to stay in the land of pretend.

  Luckily, I didn't have to make that decision tonight. A moment later, our daddies appeared in the hallway.

  "You boys did an incredible job."

  "Thank you, daddy." Jacob rushed to Paul's side. "I'm so glad you like it."

  "This is the best train set I've seen in my life, sweet one. You're such a smart boy."

  My insides turned all warm and fuzzy. It felt like I was going to melt into a puddle and seep into the floor.

  Daddy Oscar walked to my side and sat me on his knee. I grinned foolishly, staring into his wide eyes. In his presence, I forgot the entire conversation I'd been having with the other littles.

  Suddenly, Daddy Oscar leaned next to my ear and whispered, “You want to sleep in daddy's room tonight?”

  My heart raced. I stared into his eyes, searching for a hint of deceit or malice. When I saw none, I blurted out “Yes, Daddy! I need to sleep in your big bed!”

  There was a time for play and a time for making love.

  This was that time.

  Chapter 12


  Running my fingers over Calloway's soft shirt, I pulled it over his head and threw it to the ground. I grabbed his teddy bear onesie from the top drawer of the dresser and slid it over his body. When I finished, I sat him on my lap and kissed him.

  "You're such a sweet, considerate boy. Daddy likes you so much."

  Calloway's cheeks flushed. "Thank you, daddy."

  "Was it fun to play with your friends?"

  "Yes, daddy. We made the biggest train set ever. I was so lost in play I forgot what time it was."

  I laughed. "It's easy to forget where you are when you're having fun. Did you do a good job sharing, sweet boy?"

  "I tried my best. But it was really difficult. Especially when we were deciding who would build the fire station. I wanted to be the one to put the red cars next to the garage. Dennis got there before me. But we’re still friends."

  I smiled. "That's a good boy. Sometimes, the best gift you can give others is to not be selfish."

  "I agree, daddy. Thank you for teaching me about life."

  I ran my fingers over his shoulders. The soft pajamas hugged his body nicely. I massaged his neck, sinking my thumbs in his flesh. Calloway shifted in my lap. He let out a soft moan. I continued massaging him, probing his skin and kneading the tension. The boy relaxed in my arms, letting out soft sighs that let me know he was enjoying it.

  He was thoroughly in little mode.

  "I like your fingers so much, daddy."

  "Do you like daddy's fingers on your neck?"

  "Yes, daddy. They make me feel warm inside."

  "What about your back?" I move my hands to his lower back.

  Calloway giggled. "They make me tickle."

  "What about… Here, baby?"

  Calloway gasped. “That’s… Best of all, daddy."

  I ran my fingers up and down his ass. Calloway moaned and clenched. I probed him through his onesie, giving him the gift of friction between his cheeks. He clenched his cheeks against my finger, desperately attempting to penetrate himself with my index. I switched to my middle finger and trailed the way from his crack to his balls. To my surprise, the boy was completely hard.

  "Did that make baby excited?"

  Calloway nodded. "Yes." His voice was no more than a whisper.

  I removed my hand and brought it to his mouth. Calloway flicked his tongue over the tip before taking it in. He gently nibbled my flesh with his teeth. Suddenly, he bit down hard, and I quickly removed my finger and gave him a prompt smack on the ass.

  "Ouch, daddy. You hurt my boy hole."

  “Did I make it sting?"

  “Yes, daddy. It hurt real bad."

  I grinned. That was one way to teach him a lesson. "You
can't clampdown on my finger like that, sweet one. You're going to bite it off."

  Calloway giggled. I lifted him from my lap and brought him to the bed. Spreading the sheets before him, I deposited him on the mattress and hunched over his body, probing his flesh with my hands.

  "Will you let daddy massage you on the bed?"

  "Yes, please. I need on your hands on my body."

  That was all I needed to begin massaging his tummy. Digging my palms in his flesh, Calloway moaned and squirmed. I tickled under his armpits and he squealed, burying himself in his arms.

  "It's tickles so much, daddy."

  "Just wait until you see what I have in store."

  Calloway's eyes shot open. I removed my hands and unzipped my shorts. Then, I pulled them to my thighs and gripped my cock.

  "You ready for daddy, baby boy?”

  Calloway licked his lips. His eyes sparkled. “I’m so ready for daddy tonight.”

  Heaving myself forward, I positioned my cock on the boy’s lips. His eyes fluttered as he darted his tongue along the tip. Then, I grabbed his hair and forced the cock down his mouth. Calloway moaned and began to rub himself over his onesie.

  I swatted his hand away. "Focus on my cock, boy. Then, you'll get your release."

  Calloway moaned. He couldn't speak. My shaft was too far in his throat for him to have any words.

  I inched forward and shoved my length down his throat. My balls slapped against his chin. Calloway moaned and pleased me. He took it all the way to the back of his throat until my orgasm raced through me. All at once, it crashed into me, shooting come down the boy's throat. I moaned, gripping his hair to make sure he swallowed every drop. When he finished, I pulled him to my face and kissed him.

  "You're such a wonderful boy. You make daddy so happy."

  Calloway giggled. "I swallowed daddy’s yummy load."

  "Yes, sweet boy. Now, let's peel off your onesie and get you ready for bed."

  Calloway's jaw dropped. "Wait… For bed?"

  "Yes, sweet boy. I'm depriving you of your release until later."

  "Did I do something wrong?" Calloway's voice was wrought with anxiety.

  "No, baby boy. You're just so special. I don't want to ruin this night."

  Calloway bit his lip. But he nodded, showing me he understood. I tucked him in my arm and flipped the lights off. Then, I kissed him passionately before we slipped into sleep.

  But his cock kept throbbing against me the entire night.

  Chapter 13


  "Oh my God. I'm going to have an orgasm."

  I glanced at Dennis and burst into laughter. He was so silly. Who got an orgasm from eating pancakes? I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten an orgasm in my life.

  No thanks to Daddy Oscar. Why the hell did he need to deprive me last night?

  I sighed loudly and took another bite of pancakes. Just when I thought I'd finally be able to get penetrated in Neverland, Daddy Oscar threw me a curve ball and neglected to provide the one thing I needed. The thing my body craved more than life itself. Bringing me to the brink, bursting at the seams. But Daddy Oscar was more interested in depriving me.

  I had a serious case of blue balls.

  "Something wrong, Calloway?" Daddy Oscar's voice was teasing.

  I groaned. "Not at all, daddy. I'm just enjoying my pancakes."

  "Good boy. Put some maple syrup on. It's nice and warm."

  Daddy Oscar passed me the maple syrup and I poured it onto the pancakes. Then, Oscar put a slice of butter on the stack and let it melt down the sides. My tummy rumbled as the warm body butter trickled over the edge of the pancakes and seeped onto the plate.

  One, two, three. Here comes the airplane.

  After breakfast, Daddy Oscar led me to the career center. To my surprise, Nathan and Dennis were already sitting in the chairs, getting to work. I couldn't believe my eyes.

  "What are you doing here, Nathan?"

  Nathan whipped around to face me. He immediately brought his finger to his mouth and shushed me. My heart quivered. Why was he being so mean?

  But then he turned his computer to the right, flipped off the mic, and whispered, "I'm on a conference call. I’m so sorry, Calloway. I'll be with you in one second."

  My jaw dropped. “Oh God. I totally forgot."

  Daddy Oscar gave my hand a gentle squeeze. No doubt he was reminding me that this was the career center. The one place in the entire ranch where you could come to focus on big boy stuff. Immediately, the conversation I'd had with my friends yesterday flashed back in my mind. Nathan was the one little who took active joy in furthering his career. But I didn't know where I belonged.

  Luckily, I didn't have to make that decision on my own. Because a moment later, Oscar took my hand and led me to a computer on the other side of the room. He flicked on the screen. At once, the Windows 10 logo flashed in front of my eyes.

  "Boy," he said, "I have a surprise. I think you’ll like it."

  My heart murmured. "What is it, daddy?"

  "This is something I’ve thought long and hard about. It was one of the reasons I decided to come to the ranch with you."

  I nodded slowly. God knew what he was trying to say.

  "The fact that Neverland Hills has a beautiful career center where you can further your life goals is one of the key selling points of the ranch. Never in a million years would I have brought you to the middle of rural Montana to isolate or prevent you from furthering your career. This is the best of both worlds. You have amazing resources that will help you in every way."

  I bit my lip. Didn't Daddy Oscar know that I wanted to be a little forever?

  Or… Maybe you don't. Maybe Nathan is onto something. There's a time to be little and big. You get to decide the boundaries. But you shouldn't write off one world altogether.

  "But…" I was lost for words. "What career will I do?"

  Oscar grinned. "Boy, I've set you up with a company that teaches English languages to foreign students abroad. You’re fluent in Spanish. This is the perfect opportunity to put your skills to use. Besides me, there's not anyone at this entire ranch who speaks Spanish. You're going to lose your language skills if you don't practice them every single day.”

  “How do you know, daddy?”

  “I know firsthand, boy. When I came back from my foreign exchange program in Venezuela, I didn't have any friends to practice with. In Venezuela, I lived in a small seaside town and always got the chance to converse with fishermen and tradesman in the middle of the day. Even when I left the university where I studied to take lunch at a local restaurant, I had the chance to speak with the shop owners and even converse with cooks. They taught me not just Spanish but how to cook delicious food. In turn, my Spanish improved at the speed of light. They helped me more than a book ever could. The program I'm enrolling you in will grant you the opportunity to speak with language learners around the world. You get paid by tutoring them in English. In exchange, you speak to them in Spanish."

  My jaw dropped. “You’ll really do this for me?"

  "Yes, sweet boy. It's the best gift your daddy could give. I'd hate to see you lose all the knowledge you gained at university simply because there's no one around to practice with."

  My body was all warm and bubbly. All at once, I wanted to rush towards Daddy Oscar and plant a big kiss on his lips. This was the best gift ever. The way Daddy Oscar put it, it didn't sound like I'd be losing the "little" side of me at all. If anything, it sounded like fun, almost like I was playing but in the land of grown-ups. I liked speaking Spanish. I liked working with people. I didn't need to be unfaithful to the part of me that loved little things at all.

  "I'm excited, daddy. My heart is beating so fast."

  Daddy Oscar grinned. "I thought you'd have that psycho-physiological reaction, sweet boy. Why don't you run upstairs and grab your favorite dress shirt and pants? That way, you won't have to pretend you're being a little when you're in this business setting."

  I nodded quickly. "That sounds like a great idea, daddy. Thank you."

  I leapt up from the chair and ran out of the room. I sprinted through the hallways until I reached my door. When inside, I shed my onesie and quickly changed into professional clothes. An ironed T-shirt and pressed khakis would work in lieu of a suit and tie, which I didn’t have at the ranch.

  I took a quick peek in the mirror. Yes, this was the perfect outfit to start my professional life.

  I darted out of the room and raced to the staircase. Yet I took one quick step and immediately felt the world fly out from under me. The next thing I knew, I was crashing down the 30 step flight of stairs and crashing into the basement walls. I cried out, but before my voice could escape my lips, the world turned to black.

  Chapter 14


  I took a peek at the clock and bit my lip. It’d been 15 minutes since Calloway went to his room. Had the boy snuck in without my knowing? Was he planning to surprise me? Was he tricking me?

  A million thoughts raced through my mind and I could isolate none of them. But the steady pressure in my gut let me know something was wrong.

  "Joe," I said, signaling Daddy Joe on the other side of the room. "I'm going to head out. I'm worried something's happened to Calloway."

  An expression of confusion flashed across Joe’s face. "I'll keep your tabs open when you get back."

  I thanked Daddy Joe, pushed in the desk chair, and walked into the main lobby. Where was Calloway? Suddenly, the thought burst across my mind that the boy had gotten distracted somehow. I racked my brain, trying to think of what it could be. Did Jacob meet him halfway to his room and invite him to the playroom? Or did another one of the daddies such as Brent intercept Calloway in the hall and tell him he needed to pick up the electric train from last night?


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