Book Read Free

The Sweet Road Back

Page 12

by Jacki Kelly

  “You don’t have a million dollars.” Melissa laughed.

  “I’d borrow it from you.”

  The waiter arrived to take Melissa’s drink order.

  “You’re really going to do the gallery thing, huh?”

  “Yes, I am. Since I’ve finally made the decision, I feel like a free bird.” She threw her arms in the air. “I might teach another semester until I’ve got all the details worked out, but I’m excited.”

  Pam rested her chin in the palm of her hand and stared at the ketchup bottle positioned in the middle of the table. “Pretty soon I’m going to find my way too. I think as soon as I get away from all the reminders around here, I’ll be able to put my life back together.” She spoke without breaking eye contact with the condiments.

  The hurt in her eyes was hard to accept. Melissa tried to manage the excitement bubbling inside. She wanted to run through all the details about the gallery and the artists she’d talked to, but the hollowed out shell of what used to be her best friend needed her attention.

  “I’m going with you to Philly. To help you find a place,” Melissa offered, hoping to provide some assurance.

  “How are you going to leave your classes? You’ve got to work.”

  Melissa dismissed the comment by waving her hand. “I only plan to be at the university one more semester anyway. What are they going to do, deny me tenure?”

  “I love the idea.” Pam’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.”

  “I’ll always be here for you.” Melissa released her hand and picked up the menu. “Let’s order some lunch. I haven’t eaten much today and I’m starving.”

  Melissa signaled the server and they placed their order.

  By the time they finished eating and walked out of the restaurant, Pam was back to her old self again. Her laughter came easily.

  “You know what we need to do?”

  “No, what?”

  “We need to spend a day in Napa. I want to make sure I have a nice supply of all my favorite wines to take to Philly. I get cranky without my favorite beverage. Plus, we can have a fun weekend. Let’s invite Asa and Dakota too.” The giddy tone to her voice sounded like the vivacious Pam she knew.

  “I love the idea. Set it up, I’m there.”

  After returning from lunch with Pam, Melissa flopped into the chair behind her desk. With her last class of the day over, all she needed to do was complete the mid-term exam questions and then she’d call it a day. At four in the afternoon, she was ready to go home and make some calls to some more artists, complete the business plan and sketches. Working well into the night was starting to catch up to her.

  Sleeping with Darius on the road was like going to bed with a band of unruly distractions, each demanding a time in the spotlight. He’d only been gone a week and already it seemed like months. Talking two and three times a day just wasn’t the same as having him at home.

  Melissa tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Wake up, sleepy head.” A familiar voice interrupted her with her mouth wide open.

  Melissa snapped her lips together and looked at the entrance to her office.

  “Rob, what are you doing here?” She jumped out of the chair. He was dressed in jeans and a button-down white shirt, which accentuated his dark tan. With his dark hair and eyes, he could almost pass for ‘a brother’.

  “I had some business to finish up here at the university and I wanted to see some of my colleagues before I leave town. So, you know I had to stop by and see you.”

  “Leaving town? Where are you going?” She took a step closer to him. “Come on in and take a seat. Just excuse the clutter. You know what it’s like in the middle of the semester.” She pushed papers aside to make the desk more presentable.

  “How about you walk with me down to the Coffee Shack? You look like you could use a change of scenery and I need to walk.” Rob rubbed his hands together.

  “What a good idea. I might as well call it a day. I was falling asleep. A walk will rejuvenate me.” She grabbed her purse and briefcase. He waited while she locked the door.

  The campus was nearly deserted. A few students mingled near the quadrangle, but she didn’t recognize any of them. Melissa picked up her pace when a stiff breeze blew between the buildings.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how cold it is in San Francisco in the spring,” she said.

  “Yes, you will. Give yourself a few more years.”

  They managed to find a small table in the back of the coffee shop. Melissa rushed to grab chairs relinquished by two women, each with a baby stroller.

  “What are you doing on campus?” Melissa asked as soon as they were seated.

  “Since my divorce is final, I needed to change my beneficiary statement and distributions on file. I didn’t accumulate much during my short time at the school, but you know I’m a stickler for details. Also, I felt really bad about what happened in Maui and I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to cause you and Darius any trouble.”

  She blew into her cup before taking a sip. “You didn’t need to come down here just to apologize. Darius was just a little off. We’ve been going through a rough patch, and I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of our mess. Darius didn’t mean to take his frustration out on you.”

  “I feel like I put you in an impossible position.”

  She waved her hand. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” She reached across the table and squeezed his palm, hoping to reassure him.

  He took a deep breath. “Good.” He tasted his coffee. “I also wanted to tell you I’m moving to Baltimore. I’m doing my residency at John Hopkins.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  He shook his head and grinned. “Nope. I’m dead serious. Since I’m making the career switch, I decided to go all out. The change of pace will do me good.” He took another sip. “How about you? Have you made any decisions regarding your career? The last time we talked you were in a quandary.”

  “As a matter of fact, I have. After a lot of thinking and soul-searching, I’ve decided I’m going to start painting again, and I’m opening a gallery. I want to display new and upcoming artists along with some of my own pieces. I think I’ve even identified a location.” She knew she sounded like an excited child. But every time she talked about the idea, the reality became more concrete. Her life had purpose now, and she didn’t have to worry about living Darius’s dream. For the first time in a long time, she felt equal to him in some way. She wasn’t just living off him. They were both following their creative passions. And it had nothing to do with how much money he had or how little she made. Her chest filled with joy. She couldn’t wait to share this new life with him.

  “Great, Melissa. Your eyes are sparkling. Which means you’re doing the right thing,” he said.

  “I think so.”

  He put his cup on the table and stood. “I better get going. I’m catching the red-eye out tonight and I have a few more loose ends to tidy up.”

  Melissa stood and embraced him. Another friend was abandoning her. With Darius touring and Pam moving away, who would she pal-around with? She pushed those thoughts aside. Somehow, she’d manage. Life would be so busy when the gallery opened, she wouldn’t have much time for socializing, anyway. “Take care of yourself, Rob.”

  “If you’re ever in Baltimore, give me a call.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Count on it.” She waved as he made his way to the exit.

  Chapter Twenty

  Darius glanced at the clock on the side of the hotel bed. From the stream of sunlight filtering into the living area of his suite, it promised to be a beautiful day. So far, the tour hadn’t produced any surprises. Dan deserved a pat on the back for planning so well. The routine of being on the road fueled his creative juices. Five songs for his next album were done, and the collaboration with Son of Summer was inked.

  He reached for the phone and dialed Melissa. The next best thing to having her in the bed b
eside him in the morning was talking to her early, before he started his day.

  She picked up on the first ring. “Good morning, Darius.” Her voice sounded heavy with sleep but happy.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  She laughed. The soft chuckled only made him miss her more. “Nobody else calls this early. Besides, you call every day at the same time.”

  “I booked my flight. I should be there next Wednesday by the time you get home from school.”

  “Umm. I can’t wait. Even though you’ve only been gone a few weeks, it feels like three months. What city are you in tonight? I’ve lost track.”

  “Atlanta. We’re working our way down the east coast, then back up. After a short break, we’ll finish in Philadelphia. But I don’t want to talk about the tour. Tell me what’s happening with the gallery.

  “If everything stays on track, I should sign the lease later this month. It has an option for purchase, so the deal is even sweeter. I have talked with Vincent Michaels and he has agreed to show his work at my opening. Isn’t that great? Everyone’s been trying to get him, but he likes the idea of helping a local artist.” The enthusiasm in her voice made him smile.

  “You sound like you are about to burst with joy.”

  “I am. You and I are doing great, the gallery is coming along. What more could I want? If I don’t get up and start my day, I’m going to be in trouble. But come May, all of this will be history,” she said. “Besides, isn’t Sunny Kincaid getting ready to air? I know you don’t want to miss it.”

  “You’re more important than any show, and don’t ever forget that. I’ve got a surprise planned for you when I get home.”

  “Can’t wait. You know I love surprises.”

  “Why don’t you meet me in Philly for the show? We can have a celebration.”

  She hesitated. “I don’t think I can. I’m moving full-steam ahead with gallery stuff. I think I can have it opened in a few months and I don’t want to jeopardize the start up. You understand, don’t you?”

  He hid his disappointment as she blew a kiss before disconnecting the call.

  The gallery wasn’t even opened yet and already she was changing. Putting him second. He reached for the television remote. With three long days at home, they would have plenty of time to organize their schedules. A trip to her favorite bed & breakfast, the one she loved in the hill country, was already reserved. They would have the whole place to themselves.

  The television picture came into full view just as Sunny positioned herself on the plush sofa. Her bright yellow dress was a stark contrast against the purple velour. She smiled at the studio audience and pumped her right fist into the air.

  Darius climbed out of bed and made his way to the stocked mini bar. Instead of the 5-Hour Energy, he removed a bottle of water. Melissa would appreciate the healthier choice.

  “Boy, do I have new news for you today. We’ll discuss what’s going on with my favorite reality show, Beverly Hills Madams. Did you all see the cat fight last night? But the biggest scoop is the upcoming divorce of Darius B. I didn’t even know he was married. Stay tuned and we’ll be discussing all that and a whole lot more after the commercial break.”

  Darius rushed back to the bedroom to stare at the television. He shook his head to clear away the sleep still clogging his ears. “What the…” he turned the volume up on the set and moved to the foot of the bed to wait for the show to come back on.

  A series of commercials glued him to the flat screen. With each advertisement, his heart slapped against his chest.

  He pulled his hand down his face. Maybe he’d misunderstood. After so many nights of loud music pounding in his ears, he couldn’t be sure. Was this one of Dan’s stunts? Maybe the time had come to break their contract. The antics were becoming ridiculous.

  When the show returned, Sunny spent a lot of time talking about what the celebrities wore to a gala, and some reality show about women who were trying to become famous.

  “Okay, everyone. This is hot new news. A few days ago I asked my viewers to find out if Darius B had a girlfriend. Well.” She smacked her lips. “Thanks to your help we found out he’s married. And, just a month ago, his wife filed for divorce.” She leaned closer to the camera and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Remember I told you all I was at his show a few weeks back? Well, it looks like while he is on the road, she ran off and filed for divorce. How many of you knew he was even married?” A few audience members clapped. “I know, right. If he kept his marriage so quiet, what else will we be finding out about him in the next few days?” She gave the camera a big grin like she’d just discovered weapons of mass destruction. “We even have a picture of his wife with her new man, looking quite loving.” Two pictures flashed on the screen. The top one showed Melissa seated at a small table, holding hands with Rob. The second one showed the two of them hugging.

  Darius inched closer to the television to stare at the photographs. The sound on the television faded into one long garbled sound that wrapped around his heart and squeezed the life out of him.

  “She’s very attractive, right? With the long lashes and those good pouty lips. And check out those expensive Ferragamo boots. I hope the new man can afford to keep her in the style she must be accustomed to. He must have big bank too.” Sunny nodded. “She didn’t waste any time replacing Darius. The new man is good-looking, but he’s no Darius. Well, since Darius is going to be single again, we’ll have to keep an eye on him. This might get very interesting.” She wrung her hands like a witch casting a spell over a boiling cauldron. “When we come back, we’ll discuss some hot summer trends. Stay tuned.” She smiled unaware that the earth had stopped spinning.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Darius sat still as a statue. Every muscle in his body coiled, bracing for a mile-high drop onto cement. Each brain cell pinged for attention. He stormed into the living area, tugging at the neck of his T-shirt to get more cool air to his burning skin. The confined space of the room wasn’t large enough. He cut a wide path, including the bedroom, as he tried to digest what he’d just heard. This was not happening. Not to him. Not now. Not with Melissa. This was someone else’s bad dream. His ears roared with panic.

  The story had to be false. There was no way this could be his life. Maybe this was Dan’s idea of garnering the attention of the press. But why would Melissa agree to these types of antics? What about the pictures? They looked real.

  His cell phone rang. He darted back into the bedroom and picked it up. His mother’s number appeared on the display. She watched Sunny Kincaid more religiously than him, so he ignored the call. He had no answers for her.

  The pounding on the door roused him back to reality.

  “Darius, are you in there? Let me in,” Dan called.

  Darius snatched open the door and glared at Dan. “What the hell have you done this time? You’ve gone too fucking far,” he yelled.

  Dan threw up his hands. “I certainly didn’t put out this trash. Why the hell didn’t you tell me you were getting divorced? Instead of letting a big mouth gossip break the news, I should have done it. I could have used a tidbit like that to our advantage.”

  Darius choked back the vile response swelling in this throat while clenching his fists. His fingers grew numb but he couldn’t release them. “Advantage. Are you outta you mind? This shit has no advantages. This is my life. This is real.” He fell on the sofa and turned his attention to the ceiling. His hands covered his face. “What the hell is going on?” he muttered.

  “You mean to tell me you didn’t know anything about this? I thought Melissa was on the up and up, a good one.”

  The muscles in his stomach ground to a hard knot. This announcement was as surprising to him as it was to the people seated in the audience. Was this how his father felt when he finally found out about his mother’s betrayal?

  He couldn’t trust the words to come out coherent, so he only shook his head.

  “What do you want me to do?” Dan balanced on the
edge of the chair across from him and steadied his gaze on Darius. “Have you called Melissa to get to the bottom of this? Maybe the whole story was fabricated. You know how the tabloids operate.”

  “You’re right. Let me call her. Stay here.” Darius picked up his cell phone, carried it into the bedroom, and closed the door. Even before he dialed the number, his heart told him the story was true. The smiles, the tender words, all had been a farce. And like his father, the one person he trusted the most had betrayed him.

  He pressed Melissa’s contact button and held his breath. She answered the phone with the same enthusiasm as always.


  “Darius, what’s up? Is everything okay? You sound funny.”

  “I just watched the show.” He tried to control the anger in his voice.

  “Okay, I know. You always watch. But I need to get ready to get out of here. What’s up?”

  He cleared his throat. “You filed for divorce?” Anger burned a hole in his stomach. The line was quiet for several moments too long. Her silence was the admission he’d hoped against. He closed his eyes to digest the information. Red flashes of light popped behind his lids. He fell against the bed.

  “Darius, it’s not what you think.” She was talking fast now as if by hurrying to explain she could soothe everything and stop their world from spinning off track. “I went to see a lawyer at the first of the year. I thought we were through, but I never signed the papers. I swear to you…”

  He pulled his hand down his face, to stop the explosion in his head. “So, it’s true, Melissa?” He wanted to sit up and rant, but his body refused to cooperate.

  “Darius, it’s not what you think. Let me explain.”

  “Don’t you think you should have explained before you decided to see a lawyer? At the very least right after your visit. Isn’t that what most people do? Before I made a complete fool of myself. I’m running around thinking we’re in this great relationship and making plans for us and you’re taking legal action against me. I guess it’s just a coincidence she happened to have a picture of you and Rob hugging.”


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