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Teresa: Everybody Loves Large Chests (Vol.5)

Page 29

by Neven Iliev

“So? You’d grow a new one.”

  “That’s not the point! Look, I need a wet, squirming hole to satisfy me. Like that silky one between your tight ass-cheeks.”

  “No way! I can’t possibly agree to something embarrassing like that!”

  “Oh? Not even if the boss was the one asking?”

  “Th-th-the Master? … W-well… It’s not like I’d have a choice…” she dodged the question.

  “I bet you’d like it. I know your type. You’re all shy and reserved but one dick up the ass and your inner slut takes over right away!”

  “Th-that’s not the case! Like, at all!”

  “Stop it,” Boxxy finally stepped in.

  The shapeshifter sighed inwardly. Ever since it had gotten the Soul Link Skill, the telepathic link between itself and its minions had undergone a change, an evolution of sorts. Where before it could only converse with each demon individually, right now they could all communicate with each other at the same time. Initially, this seemed like a good thing since it allowed for a more efficient exchange of information between itself and its minions. However, these ongoing, pointless arguments over who was sticking their genitals where had steadily thinned its patience.

  Still, it had to agree with what Arms initially said. The cocky, know-it-all Snack hadn’t acted like herself at all as of late, which could be a problem further down the line. After all, a succubus without confidence was like a treasure chest without any actual treasure.

  “Snack, tell me why you’ve been acting so strange the past week,” it commanded.

  Xera didn’t want to answer that question. Even if her pride as a demoness had long ago been shattered and dragged through the mud (along with her face,) her pride as ‘Boxxy’s favorite Snack’ wouldn’t let her admit her feelings of inferiority so easily. Unfortunately for her, keeping quiet was no longer an option as the contract did not allow her to subvert a direct order. Therefore, she took this chance to pour out all of her grievances.

  “It is because you no longer wish to feast on me, Master. That red buffoon tries, but my body and soul will not feel satisfied unless my one and only Master thoroughly abuses and punishes me on a regular basis. I want- no, need to be torn limb from limb, completely dominated, and absolutely ravaged in every sense of the word by my Master, or I’ll just waste away into nothingness!”

  “So it was about your perversions after all?”

  “Of course, Master! I am your personal hopelessly perverted slut, after all!” she proudly admitted.

  Normally, the monster would instantly reject her depraved propositions, but for once it gave the matter some thought. Even if its minions were bound by contract, it was important to keep them well-motivated. That way they were more likely to go that extra step and take initiative in regards to fulfilling Boxxy’s will without being expressly ordered to do so. Fizzy was a lot like that too, which was partly why it agreed to her selfish request regarding that tiny woman named Jessie. However, that succubus had a more troublesome and inherently rebellious personality. Even Claws and Arms were straightforward by comparison. By that logic, it seemed fitting that acquiring her personal investment in Boxxy’s schemes would require some… special attention.

  “Fine, I’ll add more snack time to my schedule,” it decided.

  “R-REALLY?!” Xera shouted into its mind.

  “Yes, really. I have been running out of ideas for shapeshifting practice anyway.”

  There was quite a way to go before it reached Level 15 of the Shapeshift Skill, which was a necessary step towards its next Rank Up. Besides, Boxxy wasn’t particularly against the idea of intercourse – it just didn’t have the biological drive to partake in the exhausting act. It had no qualms about performing it on the regular if it would serve a practical purpose by motivating its familiar. That way it was more of a chore than a pointless waste of time and energy. Last but not least, it was a chance to savor Snack’s nostalgic and unique flavor every now and then. Doing so might help alleviate the issue of Ambrosia’s food being far too tasty, on top of deriving some personal enjoyment.

  In short, it had something to gain and nothing to lose. It didn’t even need to set aside time for the act. Boxxy was always decent at multitasking, so it was confident it could plough Snack’s insides while focusing its attention elsewhere. In fact, given her twisted personality, the succubus would probably get off harder if she knew she was being screwed as an after-thought.

  “Alright! I’m gonna get completely violated! Who’s gonna get Boxxy’d?! That’s right – this slut! Go Xera! Go Xera! Go Xera! Go Xera!”

  As for the succubus, she was practically bursting with anticipation as she cheered herself on while spinning around in the air.

  “I can w-w-watch, right Master?” asked Claws timidly.

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “Yessss! I mean, uh, I am grateful for this opportunity, my Master.”

  As expected, pleasing the stalker was much simpler than dealing with Snack. After all, pandering to her voyeuristic desires required zero effort beyond saying ‘yes’ every now and then. Her drive to contribute as much as possible while being as little of a burden to Boxxy was also commendable. It was the sort of hard-working attitude that all professionals should aspire to. If only the last of the shapeshifter’s familiar was as easy to appease.

  “Oh! Then can I- Actually, no, never mind.”

  Kora was going to ask about joining in on the romp, but changed her mind mid-sentence. The fiend almost forgot that her Master was definitely not the submissive type, and she didn’t particularly enjoy being on the receiving end of ass-poundings.

  “You sure?” inquired Boxxy.

  “Yes. Very.”


  “Oh-hoh-hoh-ho!” Xera laughed in an exaggerated manner. “What’s the matter, blockhead? The big bad cock-on-legs feeling intimidated? Feeling… scared?!”

  “Of course not. I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Kora blatantly deflected.

  “Come on. I have a feeling you’ll like being filled to the brim for a change.”

  “I would not!”

  “Reporting that Koralenteprix is clearly lying through her teeth while shaking in her boots,” Drea interjected.

  “Why you little-! Get down here and say it to my face! I’ll show you a thing or two about being filled up!”

  “You’ll have to catch me first, flatfoot!” she answered bitingly.

  “I’ll pass on that as well,” Xera chirped. “I have to keep myself, mmmmm, tight and juicy for Master’s big, hard-”

  “Cut the idle chatter,” Boxxy shut them up once more. “Snack, I think I see some lights to the southwest. Can you see what it is?”

  The demonic trio sharpened their focus as they forged ahead through the pitch-black forest. They were headed to the Empire’s staging camp which reportedly sprang up literally overnight. One of the Republic’s guerilla units spotted it from a distance and reported its location via Comm-crystal, but the enemy’s tight perimeter kept them from getting a closer look. The Imperials were clearly hiding something, but the 2nd Legion was wary of sending their own people on such a dangerous scouting mission. Having their troops captured and interrogated was too big of a risk. That was why they footed the bill to have the Sandman uncover the invaders’ plans and, if possible, sabotage them.

  “I’ve spotted the enemy camp, Master,” Xera reported. “They’re about one and a half kilometers to our left.”

  The monstrous group altered its path as the succubus directed and slowed their pace to a crawl. Kora had no difficulty keeping up now, but was told to maintain the generous distance between herself and the rest. After all, Boxxy could use Stealth, Drea had the superior Stalk Skill, and Xera could rely on Invisibility and her swift wings to avoid detection. The fiend, on the other hand, had neither the Skills nor the inclination for such things.

  Boxxy and its two other familiars silently approached the camp until they reached a large clearing. The base was at its
center, but every pine tree in a fifty meter radius was gouged out of the ground. Not even stumps remained. What seemed to be a wide path was on the opposite side of the camp. However, upon closer inspection it was clear that it was more accurate to call it a highway. The Empire hadn’t just navigated the terrain, but had completely flattened it. While it wasn’t a paved road, the incredibly wide trail they left in their wake made it remarkably easy for land vehicles to ferry troops and supplies.

  The shapeshifter’s mission had nothing to do with roads, though. Its business was with the war camp itself, but its perimeter was more secure than it anticipated. For starters, the Imperial forces had several fifteen-man units patrolling the area. Every soldier had some form of illumination on them – from simple lanterns to floating orbs of magical light. To make matters worse, all of them were on high alert, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice despite the ungodly late hour.

  Even if one were to slip past their vigilance, they’d still have to contend with the numerous ramparts, lookout towers, and wooden walls surrounding the camp itself. The Empire had no shortage of timber to work with, and had made full use of it to fortify their position. They even took precautions against long-distance observation of their base. Immediately beyond the inner perimeter was an enormous Prismatic Dome. This illusion Spell created an opaque bubble that prevented anyone on the outside from seeing in. Prismatic Domes were usually only big enough to hide a small team or maybe a single house. Creating one that stupidly big would have taken hundreds of Level 40 or higher Wizards working together through the Synchronous Chanting Skill, which was entirely within the Imperial army’s capabilities.

  The Republic scouts that first saw the camp had already reported these security measures. However, the base was much closer to New Whitehall than it should have been. Either the local scouts had mistaken its relative position by twenty-seven kilometers, or the Empire had moved their base forward that much in just one day. One was unlikely and the other improbable, but both explanations were possible. Boxxy was inclined to believe the latter since the ground the patrols treaded on seemed relatively untrampled.

  The shapeshifter started getting personally invested in this mission. It was deeply curious how the Empire had managed to make so much progress in so little time. The most likely explanation was that they used an enormous amount of manpower. This being the army, they certainly had plenty of strong hands available for such a task. However, forcing soldiers to flatten ground, unroot trees, and construct defenses would leave them exhausted and vulnerable to enemy attack. The Empire wasn’t stupid enough to take such a huge risk against the Republic without having some kind of secret weapon on their side.

  The opportunistic scumbag that it was, Boxxy was very eager to steal said secret weapon for itself if at all possible.

  First, it had to get past the security perimeter. The Prismatic Dome was hardly an obstacle in that regard. Though the wall of ever-shifting colors blocked sight and sound, people and objects could pass through it unhindered. Furthermore, the audio-visual interference worked both ways which was why the perimeter was established outside of it. It was also why Boxxy didn’t need to worry about anyone on the inside spotting its approach. In other words, it only had to think about bypassing the lookouts and patrols.

  That was easier said than done. The sentry units kept a distance of at least ten meters between themselves and the tree line. If they were stupid enough to venture into the woods, Boxxy could have ambushed someone and taken their place. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Any attempt to assault a patrol would be immediately spotted, resulting in a lethal response from the twelve-thousand-strong Imperial army inside the illusory bubble. Attempting to sneak past those patrols was just as likely to end badly. The area was so well-lit and had so many eyes on it that no amount of Stealth would help.

  “Claws,” it called out, “can you slip inside without alerting anyone?”

  However, the arachnid demon’s superior Stalk Skill was different. It not only muffled sounds better than Stealth, but also camouflaged the body to a certain extent.

  “I don’t think so, Master,” the stalker replied. “I can get past the patrols, but those palisades most likely have magical alarms on them.”

  “They do?”

  “The Empire is quite zealous when it comes to their walls, Master. If they went so far as to put up that Prismatic Dome there’s no doubt in my mind they put up other countermeasures. Usually, it’s a combination of Detect Intruder, Alarm, and Counter-Scrying.”

  “Right, of course.”

  Boxxy was subtly reminded of the city of Erosa. More specifically, the anti-infiltration magic they put on their walls following the Calamity of Monotal. Anyone who tried to climb over them would trigger an audible and visible alarm. Back then it bypassed those security measures by making use of an underground tunnel, but it couldn’t use that method here. Digging took a lot of time, not to mention the Empire might have someone monitoring the ground for suspicious activity.

  So if under wasn’t an option, then how about over?

  “Alright, I have an idea,” Boxxy decided. “Snack – go straight up and gain as much altitude as you can. Make extra sure the enemy doesn’t spot you.”

  “As you will it, so it shall be.”

  Following her needlessly theatrical response, Xera cloaked herself with Invisibility and quickly ascended in a spiral pattern.

  “Claws, you’re with me. Arms, rendezvous at my position.”


  “Just come where I am, stupid.”

  “Oh! Sure, boss!”

  Boxxy and Drea retreated back into the forest and met up with Kora, who easily found them thanks to their telepathic link. They proceeded a bit further into the woods until reaching a recently vacated bear den. It wasn’t so much a cave as a large hole in the ground, but it would provide sufficient cover for the upcoming operation.

  “Arms, you’re the anchor. You have permission to engage the enemy should they find you, but otherwise you’re going to stay right here unless I say otherwise.”

  “Ugh, guard duty again,” Kora groaned.

  Leaving the disgruntled fiend at the entrance, Boxxy went inside the den followed closely by Drea. It was quite cramped and barely tall enough to let both of them stand.

  “What now, Mas… ter?”

  The spider-demon was taken slightly by surprise when said master began quickly and efficiently undoing its Sandman disguise. Not only did it stow away the cloak, mask, and gauntlets obscuring its figure, but it even reverted back to its base hylt creeper form. It turned its faceless, elongated head towards the suddenly embarrassed Stalker, staring at her through the yellow spheres that served as its natural eyes.

  “Claws, come here and hug me.”

  “… Wut?”

  “Come on, tight as you can. That’s an order, not a request.”

  “But- But- But- Err! I’m not q-q-q-quite ready for- Kya!”

  Despite her weak protests, Drea’s body moved against her will as she walked over to where her Master waited for her. Her clawed, carapace-covered arms wrapped themselves around the creature's shoulders, putting the two of them quite literally spider-face-to-non-face. The scythe-tipped appendages on her back closed in from either side pulling their bodies even closer together while making sure they didn’t dig into Boxxy’s back.

  “Alright, this is good,” Boxxy stated flatly.

  It said some other things, but the stalker could no longer hear its voice, mental or otherwise. Her current situation was far more intense than anything she had been through before, so her mind almost immediately went pink and fuzzy. Even if she was an accomplished killer and an efficient assassin, she was still a total rookie when it came to matters of intimacy. At first, she assumed that the weird attraction she felt towards her Master was merely a side-effect of meeting the star of the Boxxy Show, and that it would wane with time.

  However, her current circumstances made her rapidly reco
nsider that position.

  For one thing, having their (technically) naked bodies rub against each other like this sent unexpected shivers of excitement up and down her spine. If that wasn’t enough stimulation for her, Boxxy also wrapped its gangly arms around her lower back and pressed its forehead against hers while whispering something. Drea had no idea what it said as the tight embrace alone was powerful enough to make her non-existent heart explode. In some corner of her racing mind, she managed to offer a brief thanks to Jordan for her summoning contract. There was no way an inherently shy creature like her could muster the courage to do something this daring otherwise.

  Of course, this wasn’t the demon’s first physical contact with her Master. There was that one time Boxxy sampled one of her legs to test her flavor before immediately spitting it out in disgust. Its reaction at the time hurt Drea somewhat even if she knew it was coming. Her present feelings were completely removed from this past interaction. If she could compress her emotions into something halfway comprehensible, it would be in the shape of a single word: ‘Tasty.’


  Just as her head was about to fill up with pink thoughts, her ears caught a somewhat audible word from Boxxy’s true voice. Before she could ponder its meaning, she was overcome with the unmistakable feeling of her surroundings warping and twisting around her. This was then immediately followed by the sensation of falling.

  “Huh? Wha-?!”

  Having finally torn her attention from the monster’s featureless face, she glanced at the direction gravity was pulling them towards. Her compound eyes seemed ready to pop out of her face amidst the realization that she and Boxxy were currently plummeting towards the ground like a pair of rocks. The emotionally overloaded Stalker momentarily panicked and ended up clinging even harder to her Master without realizing it.

  “Claws!” it addressed her sternly.

  “Ack! Yes, Master!?”

  “You’re to infiltrate the south end of the compound, I’ll go in through the north.”


  The Stalker looked to the ground once more and realized that the Empire’s camp was directly beneath them. The gears in her head clicked together as she realized that Boxxy had used Transfamiliar to trade places with the group’s only flier. It also explained why the monster ordered Drea to embrace it like that. After all, even if it was possible to bring along an additional person with the Transfamiliar Spell, the passenger could lose a limb or two unless they clung very tightly to the caster. Drea was slightly disappointed when she realized that the whole ordeal was nothing but a means to an end. She really should have known better, all things considered.


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