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The Perfect Holiday

Page 5

by David Horne

My lips were still tingling from the too brief kisses and I couldn’t help but grin as I met my brother’s knowing gaze.

  “I don’t know. I annoy him. I’m not really sure what’s going on.” Which wasn’t a lie. Logan did seem annoyed by me, but he also didn’t seem to mind it. So, I figured I’d keep pressing him to see how far I could go. I hadn’t expected him to kiss me in front of Carter. It was unexpected and it did things to my heart that I didn’t want to acknowledge.

  “I think he likes you. I’ve known Logan for a long time, and he doesn’t do PDA, Sawyer. Like… at all. I don’t think I’ve even seen him hold hands with whatever guy he was seeing and that was if he was seeing anyone at all.”

  I ignored the way my heart skipped a beat at hearing that from my brother. It shouldn’t matter to me that Logan kissed me publicly. I was not here to find a boyfriend. I was here for a family vacation and possibly some hot sex. This was not some sappy Christmas romance novel. There would be no falling in love in this story.

  “I think I freaked him out,” I grumbled, and Carter let out a grunt, affirming what I knew. “Should I tell him?” I asked and Carter let out a long sigh.

  “That’s your call to make. I know you’re just starting to get to know each other and telling him what happened might be a little too heavy for the getting to know you stage but if you see this going somewhere, you’ll have to tell him eventually.”

  “We’re just having fun,” I said, and Carter raised a brow as if he didn’t believe me. I wasn’t sure why he wouldn’t believe me. He knew better than anyone that I didn’t do serious relationships. He knew the why of it as well. What was it about Logan and me that made him think any differently?

  “I’m only going to say this once and then I’ll let it go, so hear me out okay?” I nodded and he continued. “You could do a lot worse than Logan. If I’m being honest, if I were into dudes, I’d have snatched him up years ago.”

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head and Carter laughed as he looked at me. “I’m just saying, he’s a catch. He’s a great guy and you’d be lucky to have his heart. I know your heart too Sawyer, and he’d be lucky to have yours too.”

  “Carter-” I began but he held up a hand, halting me from speaking further.

  “It was only my opinion. I respect whatever decision you make just- don’t hurt him, Okay?”

  I nodded and Carter sighed just as Logan and Kimberly returned. Logan held two cups in his hand, and he stared down at his shoes as he held one of the cups out to me. I glanced at Carter and found him grinning like a loon. I took the cup from Logan and lifted the lid. The smell of peppermint filled my nose and I groaned. I loved mint flavored anything. I took a sip of the coffee and my head fell back as the mixture of mocha and mint met my tongue.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  Logan’s cheeks flushed red as he mumbled, “You always taste like mint, and you have a cup holder full of them in your car.”

  I grinned as I stood and stepped into Logan’s space. I loved that I needed to look up at him to meet his eyes. I usually went for guys smaller than me. That could have a lot to do with me mostly being a top but for whatever reason, I liked that Sawyer was taller than me.

  “You like the way I taste?” I asked him, voice low and seductive so no one else could hear. His breath hitched and when his eyes met mine, I saw it. The interest, the want. My body instantly reacted as I stepped in closer. I almost pulled him down to take his luscious lips when Mom interrupted.

  “Well, it looks like the two of you are hitting it off well. Does it look that way to you honey?”

  I sighed heavily as my dad’s chuckle met my ears. “Sure looks like it to me.”

  Sawyer’s cheeks were bright red, but he didn’t step away from me as if he was ashamed of being caught and, fuck me, if that didn’t make him more attractive. Logan was comfortable in his sexuality and I loved that.

  “Mom don’t make it weird,” I said, and she shot me a smile that did not bode well for Logan and I. Mom was on a mission to get us together and she wouldn’t stop until she got her way.

  I glanced up at Logan and found him already looking at me. There was something behind his eyes that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it hadn’t been there before. It was a bit unnerving, but I didn’t let it show. There was definitely something happening here, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  The hostess at the terminal entrance came over the speaker and announced out section. I felt Sawyer tense next to me and watched as the color began to drain from his face.

  “Are you scared of flying?” I asked him and he gave a small nod.

  “Um, this is my first time flying,” he admitted quietly. I’d been on plenty of planes, so my fear of flying had been shaken out of me years ago. To see him so shaken was precious and I knew just what to do. So, I reached out for his hand and linked his fingers with mine. Logan looked down at our clasped hands and his brows furrowed.

  “Your seat is next to mine. So, if things get to be a little too much, you can always hold my hand.” He stared into my eyes for a long time before he nodded and as we boarded the plane and found our seats, he never let go.

  When the pilot announced it was time for takeoff, his hand tightened in mine and I knew a simple squeeze of my hand wouldn’t distract him. So, I leaned over and took his mouth in a deep kiss. Logan gasped but that gasp turned into a low groan before his hand cupped the back of my head and he returned the kiss. Our tongues danced and the taste of mocha and mint passed between us. I could have kissed him for hours. But then the pilot was announcing it was safe to remove our seatbelts and I ended the kiss.

  Logan was breathing heavily, and his eyes were filled with heat. He looked ready to devour me and I was more than ready for him to do it. But we were on a plane and I didn’t really much feel like being arrested.

  “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” I asked and he frowned. I nodded toward the window and he looked out. His eyes widened as he looked out at the clouds and the endless sky. It was beautiful.

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” Logan whispered before he turned to me with a wide grin on his face. He looked mesmerized and it was the most adorable thing I’d ever seen. I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted it so damn badly my lips were tingling with need for it. Logan Oliver was snaking his way inside of me and he wasn’t even trying. I didn’t do love. I didn’t do relationships but every second he flashed that beautiful smile at me was starting to make me rethink things. Logan could be the final nail to shatter my already splintered heart and as he looked back out the window, he tightened his hold on my hand, and my heart gave a bit a squeeze as well. He was breaking me down and I found that I didn’t mind.

  Chapter Nine


  The trip was long. With layovers and delays by the time we reached our destination, I was exhausted. When we’d landed, I’d woke up to Sawyer’s head laying on my shoulder. Soft little snores escaped him, and I grinned as I looked down at him. He was quite adorable when his mouth wasn’t running. As I looked down at him, I thought about what Kimberly had said to me at the coffee stand.

  “Did I say something wrong?” I was mostly talking to myself but was glad when Kimberly answered.

  “No, it’s just that-” she paused as she glanced over to where Carter was speaking with his brother. They looked deep in conversation and it made me wonder what in the hell I’d done to trigger it.

  “Sawyer has been through a lot,” she continued. “We all have our demons and he’s fought his for a long time. It’s not my story to tell but what I will say is, if you feel something for him, something real, don’t give up on him.”

  I stared at her blankly before I choked out, “We’re just having fun.”

  She raised a brow at me, and a smirk appeared on her face, telling me she didn’t believe me. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I believed myself. The man got under my skin and it was odd to realize that I liked him there. I didn’t think Sawyer and I would be anything serio
us, but I was starting to think we could be… something.

  The plane jolted as we landed, and I tightened my grip on the arm rest until the shaking ended and the plane came to a halt. I sighed in relief as the pilot came over the speaker, announcing our arrival and welcoming us to the beautiful island of St. Lucia. It was night out so there wasn’t much to see but I was growing increasingly excited to see what the morning would bring.

  I was about to shake Sawyer awake when soft, plump lips met my neck. My eyes slid closed as Sawyer placed tiny kisses up my neck until he reached my ear.

  “I almost forgot how much of a good pillow you are,” he whispered as his hand moved up my thigh. “After you made me come harder than I ever have in my life, I couldn’t help but fall asleep on your chest. I’d been wrecked,” his hand crept higher and squeezed. I grunted and he chuckled in my ear. “I hope you got some rest, Logan because I’m ready for a repeat.”

  “What are you guys doing lagging around. It’s time to leave. You can grope each other later,” Sheila announced rather loudly. My face heated and Sawyer laughed before pressing a kiss to my cheek and undoing his seat belt.

  “Come on baby, we have a room to check into.”

  The Jade Mountain Resort was the most beautiful place I’d ever seen in my entire life. I was sure my jaw hit the floor when we arrived in the van. I was certain I was drooling as we entered and made our way to reception. Everything was so open. Even at night, you could see the massive mountains in the distance. It was stunning.

  “Sawyer, you and Logan will be in the Star Sanctuary with Carter and Kim. Daddy and I will be over in Moon Sanctuary. Your rooms are next to each other so coordinate with each other so you can get around together. Better safe than sorry.”

  She handed us each our room keys as concierge arrived to show us to our suites. I was trembling as we made our way upstairs. I’d never been to a place this nice and it was honestly blowing my mind. I was almost too scared to touch anything.

  We were shown to our rooms and as soon as we entered, I felt all of the air leaving my lungs. Right in front of me was the clearest view of the ocean. There was an infinity pool built right into the room with a glass guard. A small living area was to the left of the pool where you could sit and enjoy the view. A king-sized bed sat along the wall and it looked so lush that I knew I’d be sleeping well. That’s when I paused. There was only one bed, and the love seat in the living area didn’t look like it was a pull out.

  “Sheila…” I groaned. I was almost certain that she knew these suites only had one bed. Granted is was king sized but I knew that wouldn’t keep Sawyer from making his way to my side of the bed, or vice versa. I was fooling myself if I thought we weren’t going to do some damage in that bed. The man riled me up like no one else ever has and I had a full week with him in this room and in that bed.

  “Damn, this is gorgeous,” Sawyer said as he rolled our suitcases inside. He stopped beside the bed and gave it a glance before he smirked at me over his shoulder. “Would you look at that, one bed.”

  I rolled my eyes and moved toward the pool to get a better look at the ocean. It was beautiful and I couldn’t wait to see it when the sun came up.

  “We should order room service before it gets too late. I’m starving,” he said before flopping down on the bed. The rooms had no phones and we’d been given a small remote like device that alerted the staff. Sawyer found the kitchen menu and scanned it before he handed it to me. I scanned the menu and my mouth salivated at the choices. It was almost impossible to pick but then I remembered I had a week and half to try a little of everything.

  Sawyer hit the button on the device and not even five minutes later, a staff member came to take our orders.

  “You want first shower?” Sawyer asked before a smirk appeared. “Or we could just share. Conserve water and all of that.” He was challenging me, and I wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.

  I pulled my shirt over my head and let it drop to the floor. Sawyer’s eyes smoldered as they roamed over my bare chest and abs. His tongue swept across his bottom lip and his cheeks flushes as I pulled at the button on my jeans.

  “Slow,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I didn’t get to watch last time.”

  My skin flushed but I did as he asked. I slowly lowered my jeans, revealing tight briefs. Sawyer groaned as I kicked out of my jeans and stood there in nothing but my underwear.

  I sauntered over to him and his nostrils flared as I grew closer.

  “Take em off for me, baby. Come on,” he said, almost desperately.

  I smiled to myself and began to slowly lower my briefs. Sawyer’s eyes watched me hungrily as I revealed inch by tiny inch of skin. I allowed the base of my cock to appear and he groaned deep in his throat. He palmed at his crotch and I knew he was hard for me. It was only then did I step away.

  Sawyer’s eyes shot from my dick and up to my eyes where he was met with a grin. “I’ve got first shower,” I said before I turned to walk toward the bathroom.

  “You fucking tease,” he groaned and I chuckled before I locked myself in the bathroom.

  My little strip tease had left me hard as a rock. The water was nice and hot as his pounded over my skin. I grabbed the complimentary bottle of conditioner and poured a decent amount in my hand before wrapping it around my aching cock. I groaned as I squeezed the base and began a slow stroke up and down my shaft. It felt so good I had to brace my free hand against the wall.

  My imagination conjured up thoughts of Sawyer on his knees for me, taking my thick cock into his mouth and sucking. I groaned at the image and tightened my fist to match what his mouth felt like. I twisted my fist at the head and imagined it was his tongue. I grunted as fire began to build at the base of my spine. I was incredibly turned on and knew I wouldn’t last long. So, I sped up the fantasy. But this time it was with Sawyer behind me. His hard chest pressed to my back as he slid inside of me, his hand wrapped around my cock as he jerked me while pounding my ass.

  I gasped as I fucked into my fist and groaned as my orgasm hit. My toes curled and my neck arched as I shot my load all over my fist. I grunted as I pulled every drop from my body and only then did I stop. My breathing was harsh as I tried to get it under control. Only when I heard the knock at the door did I quickly wash up. I toweled off and grabbed one of the lush looking robes from the closet and put it on before I left the bathroom.

  Sawyer was laying out the utensils and grinned as I approached the table.

  “Ya know, I could have helped you with that and it would have been so much better.”

  “Shut up,” I groaned as I sat down. I knew I was blushing, but I ignored it. I was starving and my food looked delicious. I took a bite and moaned as an explosion of flavors met my tongue.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” I groaned. The room was silent, and I opened my eyes to find Sawyer looking at me like he wanted to eat me instead of his food.

  “You’re trouble,” he finally said before he took a bite of his fish. He didn’t look at me again for the rest of the night. And when he disappeared into the bathroom, I pretended not to hear him moaning my name as he came.

  Chapter Ten


  The sunlight was what woke me the next morning and not the six-foot-two-inch man wrapped around me. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around Logan. I thought our night together had been a one-time thing when he’d wrapped his arms around me as we fell asleep. I’d figured he was a post-sex cuddler. I didn’t mind it then and I didn’t mind it now but I needed to hit the toilet.

  I kissed the top of his dark hair before I slid out from under him. He groaned and buried his face in my pillow. He was too fucking precious, and I wanted to devour him whole. After his little strip tease the night before and hearing him get himself off, I’d ended up coming so hard that I called out his name. I wasn’t ashamed of it. Logan turned me on, there was no point in hiding it.

  I did my business and went to check my phone. I had a text from Mom, telling us to me
et her and Dad downstairs for breakfast in the next hour. It was still pretty early, and I didn’t want to wake Logan. So, I turned on the coffee maker and brewed a pot before making a mug to my liking and moving over to the railing to look out at the view. It was breathtaking. The sun sparkled off the bluest water I’d ever seen. The mountains in the distance were expansive and covered in green. I’d never seen anything more beautiful.

  Then Logan groaned and I looked over my shoulder to find him sitting up with his hair a mess and him rubbing the sleep from my eyes and I was corrected. There was nothing more beautiful in this this world than a sleepy Logan Oliver.

  “I made coffee,” I said and gestured toward the machine. “Mom says we’re meeting downstairs for breakfast.”

  Sawyer mutter a “cool” before he climbed out of bed and moved toward the machine to make him a cup. I watched as he added his fixings and grinned when I found he liked his coffee sweet just as I liked mine.

  He joined me at the banister, and he gasped as he looked out at the ocean. His eyes were bright with wonder and I was once again corrected. There was nothing more beautiful than seeing Logan like this.

  “This is incredible,” he whispered in awe. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to pay your parents back for this.”

  I chuckled and looked out with him. “Don’t let Mom hear you say that, or she might blow her lid. She doesn’t do this kind of stuff in need of pay back. She invited you because she sees you as family. Just tell her you love her, thank her for the trip, and have a good time. I promise you that will be enough for her.”

  Sawyer sighed and nodded his agreement. We stared out at the view for a little while longer before we moved back inside and got dressed for the day. I texted Carter, who was ready to go, and we met them in the hall. They both look well slept and refreshed and took in their linked fingers. I glanced at Logan who’d glanced at their hands but the pain in his eyes didn’t appear. He looked resigned and then he smiled and asked them how they slept. There was nothing fake in that smile and I was a bit shaken at the quick change in him. Even when Carter smiled at him, I didn’t see that lovesick look pass over Logan’s face. I had no idea what was happening, but something had shifted in Logan over the past few days and I wondered if it was something I should ask him about or just let it go. But when he slid his hand in mine and clasped our fingers together, I decided to let it go, for now anyway.


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