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The Perfect Holiday

Page 6

by David Horne

  Carter glanced at our hands and he smiled softly before we moved toward the stairs. We found Mom and Dad waiting at the bottom and they too looked more refreshed than I’d ever seen them.

  “Good morning!” Mom said with a big smile. “I hope you kids are ready for an exciting day because we’re going scuba diving!” she announced.

  “Awesome,” Logan said, and I glanced up to see him smiling from ear to ear, clearly happy with the day’s plans.

  “But first we need to eat. I don’t know about you all but I’m starving.”

  Everyone’s stomachs seemed to agree at the same time as we made our way to the resort’s restaurant. It was just as beautiful as the rest of the resort. We were seated at a long rectangular table and I made sure to take the seat next to Logan. His lips twitched like he was fighting a smile and shook his head as he looked at Carter who had spoken.

  “Did you guys sleep well? The bed in our suite was so comfortable I almost didn’t want to get out of bed.”

  Kim hummed in agreement. “He isn’t lying, I literally had to push him on the floor and even then, he just laid there.”

  “The rug was comfortable too,” Carter said, and we all laughed in agreement.

  I’d had the best night’s sleep of my life and it could have had a lot to do with being cuddled by Logan. I wasn’t going to share that with the table though. I knew Mom was dead set on marrying us all off and I didn’t need her getting any more ideas in her head about what was happening between Logan and me. Hell, I didn’t know what was happening. He’d held my hand that morning and he wasn’t looking at Carter like he was the center of his world. And a part of me liked that he was no longer looking at my brother that way. I shouldn’t have cared. It shouldn’t have mattered, but it did. Because I knew what I wanted, I just wasn’t ready or willing to admit it.

  We ordered breakfast and I fought back a groan as I ate. The food on the island was fresh, delicious and seasoned to perfection. I’d traveled the world and had been to many places, eaten lots of food but this was by far my favorite.

  We ate our fill until our bellies were full. And I wasn’t sure if I could move, let alone go scuba diving. Mom must have the same thought because she patted her belly and said, “All right, Scuba diving is in two hours. That will give us enough time to work this food off. We’ll be meeting in the lobby so don’t go too far from the resort.”

  “We’re not children, Mom,” I grumbled, and she rolled her eyes.

  “Hmm, considering you still act like a child sometimes, you sure could have fooled me.” She winked before she and Dad stood and left the table.

  Carter and Logan chuckled at their retreating back and I rolled my eyes. I knew she didn’t mean anything by it. I could be a bit childish when I wanted to be. It was a part of the charm.

  “What are you guys bout to do for the next two hours?” I asked Carter but it was Kim who answered.


  Carter groaned and shook his head. “Seriously? We’re on an exotic island and you want to go shopping?”

  “Why not? I promised Mom and Stef, that I’d bring back souvenirs. You know Mom was already upset that I was missing Christmas and my sister would blow her lid if I didn’t bring her something back. You know how Stef gets.”

  Apparently, Carter did know how Stef could get because he got up and held his hand out to Kim. “Let’s go do some shopping.” She grinned up at him like he’d just told her he’d placed the sun in the sky just for her.

  I glanced over at Logan and found him staring at them. He looks resigned and I wasn’t sure if I liked that any more than the sad, puppy dog look. A man who knew he was defeated and had nothing to lose was something to be feared. Not that I believed Logan was any kind of trouble but something like that can cause a major shift in your brain. The question was; which way was Logan going to go?

  We ended up following Carter and Kimberly out to the service van to take us into town. If I’d have had it my way, we would have been in the hotel room all morning with me trying to convince Logan to let me watch him jerk off. It had been the worst kind of frustrating when I’d went to get the food and heard him moaning from the bathroom. I knew what those sounds had meant, and I’d been tempted to join him. I almost had and I knew that if I’d joined him, he wouldn’t have stopped me. He would have allowed me to touch his skin, explore his body once again. But I didn’t. I wanted the invitation. I wasn’t going to touch Logan Oliver until the words were coming out of his mouth that he wanted my hands on him.

  The shopping area of the city was busy with people who were on the island for holiday. Stores and carts lined the walkways with gorgeous, hand crafted items. I stopped at a stand where there was an array of crafted sunglasses in different colors. They were amazing. I purchased two pairs before I met Logan who was standing at another stand looking at some jewelry. He glanced up at me as I approached, and I placed the other pair of sunglasses on top of his head. He seemed surprised at first but then he thanked me softly before turning back to the owner of the stand. I stood by as he made his purchase and then it was my turn to be surprised when Logan took my hand and clasped the bracelet there.

  “Don’t think too much into it,” he mumbled as he blushed. I smiled and thought too much into it. He liked me and I had no doubts about that. But I also knew he was probably struggling with that revelation. He was coming to terms with my brother’s relationship and the fact they would never be. I knew that had to be tough on him. Add in the fact he’d slept with me, was attracted to me, and liked me. There was likely a lot going on in his head and I wasn’t going to make it worse for him by being a dick.

  Chapter Eleven


  I was buzzing with excitement as the van drove us to the cove where the scuba diving lessons were being held. I’d never been scuba diving, but it was something that had been on my bucket list for as long as I could remember and to be able to experience it on a Caribbean island was like a dream come true.

  “Someone’s excited,” Sawyer said from beside me before he placed a hand on my bouncing knee. I felt scorched at the touch of his hand on my bare skin. Something had clicked in me that morning before we’d gone down to breakfast. I couldn’t be for certain what it was, but I’d looked at Carter with Kimberly and the way he’d held her hand. It wasn’t just familiar it was gentle, like she was glass and he wanted to keep her from being shattered. It was gentle and loving and something in my head had said this is it. I knew he’d never be that way with me and for the first time in a long time, I knew that was okay.

  Then my hand was in Sawyer’s and nothing else mattered. It was the way being around him calmed me and put me at ease. He was annoying as hell but when he’d held my hand, it felt right. I didn’t want to think too much about it and just enjoy it. Then he had to go and buy me the sunglasses. The gesture shouldn’t have been that big of a deal but no one other than his parents and his brother had ever really given me anything just because they wanted to. Which was why I’d gotten him a matching bracelet. I’d said it wasn’t anything, but I’d wanted Sawyer to wear something that had come from me and I ignored the way my heart skipped a beat every time I looked over at him and found him fingering the bracelet and smiling at it.

  No, I couldn’t be catching feelings for Sawyer. I’d literally just accepted that I was going to let Carter go just that morning. To admit I was feeling something for his brother so soon after just seemed stupid and reckless. The Dallas brothers were trouble for my heart, and I wasn’t sure what to do about it.

  We arrived at the cove and my excitement spiked when I saw the instructor standing next to what looked to be scuba gear. Sheila had already explained we wouldn’t be doing any deep-sea diving but either way I was beyond excited.

  As we approached the instructor, I nearly swallowed my tongue. The guy was hot. As in, movie star hot. He was taller than me which said a lot because I was a tall guy. His skin was the color of caramel and had a beautiful natural glow. His hair was
pulled up into a bun on the top of his head and his hazel eyes seemed to sparkle like light reflecting off the water. He was insanely good looking and he was looking me over like he’d found his next snack.

  “Not a chance buddy,” I swore I heard Sawyer grumble, but I didn’t question it. I was too busy trying to remember how my legs worked. We stopped in front of the instructor who was still very much staring at me.

  “This should be interesting,” I heard Carter mumble and glanced at him to find him smirking at Kim who was nodding in agreement. I didn’t have time to assess what the hell they meant because the instructor began to speak and fuck me to the moon, he had a British accent

  “Hello everyone. My name is Kyro and I’ll be your instructor for today’s dive. My assistants Nico and James are waiting for us at the boat. But before we head down to the water, we need to go over the safety precautions. I should let it be known that I am certified in CPR so if anyone needs mouth to mouth, you’re safe with me.”

  His eyes lingered on me when he said that last part and I felt my cheeks heat before I blinked and looked away. Sawyer grunted next to me and then his fingers were linked with mine. I stared down at our linked fingers and then to Sawyer who was glaring at Kyro as if daring him to say something. I frowned and looked at Kyro who was smirking. That smirk did not say good things and I had a feeling that scuba diving wasn’t as good as an idea as I thought it would be.

  Kyro went over the safety instructions and then we signed a waiver stating he’d given us our safety lesson. When he got to me, he stood a little too close as I signed my name on the tablet. He smelled of coconut and vanilla. It was intoxicating.

  “I’ll make sure to stay close once we get in the water. Wouldn’t want these big muscles to make you sink too low below the water. Then I’d have to save you. Pity.” He winked before he moved on to Sawyer who seemed ready to murder Kyro.

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose because of course this is when a hot scuba instructor is interested in me. If I’d come here alone, I would have been all over him in a heartbeat, but Sawyer was there looking like a pit bull and I didn’t even care about the hot instructor because all I wanted to do was kiss the pout off his face. He was jealous. Jealous of Kyro. That shouldn’t make me smile but I’d never had anyone be jealous over me. Yes, it was a bit unexpected. I thought Sawyer and I were just having fun. Maybe that’s what it was. Maybe he just didn’t want Kyro stepping in the way of his fun. That made more sense than anything.

  We made our way to the fitting rooms and changed into our scuba gear. When I emerged, Kyro was waiting across from my room with a plastic covered snorkel in his hand. His eyes roamed my entire body before I watched his eyes heat.

  “Suits you well,” he said as he sauntered over me. His eyes really were some of the most beautiful ones I’d ever seen, and they seemed to swirl as he stared into my eyes. He placed the snorkel in my hands, and I felt the heat from his skin. I took a step away because Sawyers smiling face popped up in my head and I didn’t like the guilty feeling that settled in my gut. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was single. I had every right to flirt with this guy if I wanted. But he wasn’t who I wanted flirting with me. He didn’t place butterflies in my stomach every time he smiled at me. No, that was fucking Sawyer Dallas.

  I let out a loud sigh and shook my head in disbelief. I liked the dickhead. Which meant I had to nip this thing with Kyro in the bud before it escalated.

  “I think I need to say something just so we’re clear on a few things,” I said and Kyro gave a small nod for me to continue. “You’re hot as fuck and any other day I would have been all over you but today isn’t any other day. The guy who was standing next to me, he… he’s sort of… it’s complicated. But I’m not looking for anything.”

  Kyro looked at me for a long time before he stepped away with a nod. “Understood. I figured considering the guy looked ready to murder me. I was going to press until one of you said otherwise. He already warned me that he’d chop my balls off if I tried anything, but I guess I needed to hear it from you since you’re the one I’m interested in.”

  I blinked rapidly as my brain tried to process what he’d just said. “Sawyer threatened you?” I asked and Kyro nodded with a smirk.

  “Whatever is you think is complicated, I’m thinking it’s not as complicated as you may think. That man is into you and he’s into you, hard. So, if things feel complicated, maybe you two should uncomplicate them.”

  He then turned and left the dressing room and I followed him out. Sawyer was waiting at the bottom of the steps and I paused to take in his toned frame in his scuba gear. I could see every inch and curve of his toned body. He looked so damn good that I almost said fuck the scuba lesson. I wanted to drag him back into the dressing room and pull the suit from his body with my teeth. The man got me going more than anyone else ever had. There was no way we were going to make it through this trip without tearing each other’s clothes off. I wanted him and I was done denying myself.

  Sawyer glared at Kyro as he descended the steps and I smiled as I stopped in front of Sawyer. His eyes met mine and he took in my smiling face before he frowned.

  “What’s got you smiling?” he growled, and I only shook my head and leaned in to take his mouth in a kiss. Sawyer sucked in a sharp breath but then he sighed and kissed me back. His fingers found their way into my hair and he gripped me tight as he took my mouth as if he owned it.

  I nipped at his bottom lip before I ended the kiss and pressed my forehead to his. “We need to stop before I pop a boner and I don’t know about you but I really rather your mom not see me with a boner.”

  Sawyer chuckled and gave me one last quick kiss before he sighed and stepped away. He took my hand and laced our fingers together before we met everyone down at the boat. I caught Carter’s eyes and he was smiling like he was the happiest man in the world as he took in me and his brother and I realized then that Carter did want me with Sawyer. I tightened my grip on Sawyers hand. Days ago, I would have been feeling heartbroken. But right then, it just felt right. I glanced at Sawyer who was smiling smugly at Kyro and I shook my head. This was all so crazy. I didn’t know where this was headed but I was going to enjoy the ride while I could. I just needed to remind my heart to stay out of it. Sawyer had the power to crush me and I couldn’t do that to myself. Not again.

  We loaded the boat and rode to the cove where the lessons were happening. Sawyer held my hand the entire ride as we took in the view. It was amazing. I never thought I’d be the type to want to travel. But after this trip, I was thinking that maybe I needed to make time to do things like this more often. Sure, med school was about to suck up most of my time and money, but I’d definitely have to find a way to take trips. It was relaxing and I swore I could feel all my stress and worries leaving me with each minute we spent on the island.

  We got to the cove and my breath caught at the beauty of it all. It was insane just how beautiful the world was and this little cove was one of the most beautiful things I’d seen. At least that’s what I thought until we’d actually gotten in the water and began our lesson.

  My chest felt full as I looked down at the water and watched all of the tropical fish swimming beneath me. If it weren’t for the snorkel in my mouth I would have smiled as I watched all of the different colors moving around me. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever experienced.

  When the dive was over, I laid out on the boat and stared up at the sky with a huge smile on my face. I felt someone lay next to me and then I felt his hand in mine and my smile grew.

  “You look happy,” Sawyer said, and I turned my head to find him already staring back at me. He was honestly the most beautiful man I’d ever seen in my life. I’d thought the same thing when I’d first seen him. Sure, I noticed his similarities to Carter, but it was more than that. It was just Sawyer.

  I rolled slightly and gave him a quick kiss before rolling back onto my back. “I am,” I replied. “That was amazing.” Sawyer didn’
t reply and I glanced at him again and found that he too was smiling.

  “Yeah, it was.” His grip tightened in mine and we just laid there like that until everyone else finished their dive.

  By the time we made it back to the island, everyone was talking animatedly about all they’d seen. We all seemed to be in good spirits. Everyone but Sawyer. He was staring out into the distance as if lost in thought. And when I took his hand again there was a look in his eyes that I couldn’t decipher. There was definitely confusion and a little bit of worry but there was something else. But I didn’t have time to worry about it. He kissed my hand before he placed our joined hands on his knee and glanced out at the water again.

  We got undressed and piled back into the van to head back to the hotel restaurant for lunch. We reached the doors and Sawyer paused before we entered. He turned me to him, and he studied my face before he shook his head and sighed.

  “I’m feeling a little more tired than I expected. I’m going to head upstairs and take a nap.”

  I frowned and cupped his face in my hands. Sawyer groaned and leaned his cheek into my touch. “Are you feeling okay?” I asked and I could hear the concern in my voice and was sure Sawyer did too because his eyes turned soft before he kissed my palm.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m fine. Just tired. Go, enjoy lunch and I’ll see you when you get back to the room.”

  My heart skipped a beat at the endearment. I brushed my thumb across the apple of his cheek before dropping my hand. “Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll bring something up for you.”


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