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Page 8

by Dave Blackwell

  The man pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to Marie.

  “Use mine. I have a whole ton of free minutes I never get to use.” The man said.

  “Are you sure.” Marie felt uncomfortable. “I don’t mind using a payphone.”

  “Don’t be silly, may as well use mine.” The man chuckled. “Just don’t call Australia!” He exclaimed.

  “Thank you.” Marie took the phone. “You are amazing.” She opened the flip phone and dialled a number. The phone rang for a few seconds before being answered.

  “Hey dad it’s me. Everything is ok so no panicking. I am at the hospital.” Marie tried to speak. “Calm down dad, Sophie is fine. I came here for work. Can you do me a huge favour.” Marie listened as her father spoke. “Can you take Sophie for her appointment? I will explain everything when you come over.” She sniffed, scratching her nose. “I love you dad. See you in a couple of hours.” Marie hung up the call and closed the phone.

  “All good?” The man asked.

  “Yes, all good.” Marie handed the phone back to the man who put it into his pocket. “Just trying to juggle.”

  “I know what it is like when you have kids.” The man smiled. “Here you go.” The man handed a plate of beans and hash browns to Marie. “That should keep her happy for a while.”

  “Thank you. I will be back to pay in a moment.” Marie said and went to walk away.

  “No need.” The man said. “Your police friend paid.”

  “Gregg?” Marie said. “Really?”

  “Yeah. He has a tab going for his team, they pop in every now and then.” The man said wiping his hands with a paper towel. “Told me to take care of the three of you.”

  “Ok that is great. Can I leave a tip?” Marie asked.

  “Not allowed to accept them I’m afraid. However, you are more than welcome to leave a donation in the jar at the end of the counter.” The man pointed to the large plastic jar chained to the counter, quarter filled with silver and copper coins.

  “Will do.” Marie nodded. “What is it for?”

  “It is for the cancer ward upstairs.” The man said. “They looked after my wife before she passed.”

  “I am sorry.” Marie said, cursing herself for asking. “I didn’t realise.”

  “It is fine.” The man said and shook his head. “It is all part of life. We had a great time together and she was content with leaving. Finally, had enough of my fussing.” The man laughed. “Better get that lady her second breakfast, she is looking at us.”

  Marie turned to see Anna eagerly looking up towards the counter.

  “I better. Thanks again.” Marie said and walked over to the table.

  Anna reached out and took the plate from Marie, placing it down on the empty plate which she had licked clean.

  “Hungry?” Marie asked. “Nearly took my hand off.”

  Sophie giggled.

  Anna looked at Marie and signed ‘thank you’.

  Marie chucked and smiled.

  “No problems. Enjoy and we will then go.” Marie said. “I need a shower.”

  Anna slowly ate her food, breaking up the hash browns with the fork and mixing them with the beans.

  Marie yawned and looked out of the window, groaning when the snow started to fall heavily.


  Anna woke in fright and suddenly jumped to her feet. The light blinded her, causing her to groan and cover her eyes, shielding them from the harsh light that broke through the trees. The gentle breeze against her face, the smell of hundreds of different flowers and trees. So strong it was overwhelming. The trees were so tall she could barely see the sky, branches thick with leaves. Beams of sunlight broke through the branches that swayed in the wind.

  She could feel the soft cool grass under her feet, digging her toes into the ground. The slight dampness refreshing her. She looked all around herself, nothing but trees and plants as far as she could see.

  She was wearing grey shorts which came down to her knees, a white t-shirt which was slightly too big for her. Her hair tied up at the back into a ponytail.

  A howl broke the silence.

  Anna gasped and looked towards the location of the howl, standing her ground and listening.

  The howl again, softer.

  Anna started to walk towards it, she picked up the pace before turning into a run.

  A smile broke out on her face as she ran as fast as she could, jumping over fallen trees and branches.

  Losing her balance, she tripped and fell, catching her knee on a jagged branch.

  Anna yelped out and grabbed her knee, hissing through the pain. Blood began to trickle from between her fingers. Removing her hand, she looked at the deep gash on her knee and whimpered quietly. She wiped her hands on the grass, slowly getting to her feet and limping slightly.

  The sun reflected off the lake and blinded her, she shielded her eyes in discomfort.

  The small lake was surrounded by long grass and trees. At the centre of the lake was a small blue wooden rowing boat, worn from years of use and damage. A fallen tree lay half submerged in the water in front of Anna.

  A whine came from across the lake.

  She looked up and squinted, trying to focus.

  An albino Alsatian sat by the lake, water dripping from its mouth and its tongue hanging out. Its head was tilted as it looked at Anna in curiosity with its light pink eyes.

  The dog leaned forward, lapping at the water and at the same time its eyes fixed on Anna.

  Anna walked up to the fallen tree and leaned against it, looking at the dog. She raised her bloodied hand and waved.

  The dog barked.

  Anna smiled.

  She felt something brush past her ear, tickling her. The blue butterfly hovered in front of her face, she could feel the gentle breeze from its beating wings. She slowly held out her hand, watching as it landed on her index finger and its wings coming to a stop.

  She looked closer at its metallic wings, she could see her reflection in them.

  The dog barked and Anna looked up.

  She gasped at the site of the lake, thousands of butterflies were circling the lake. So many different colours, different sizes. The hum of the beating wings becoming louder and louder until the noise became too much for her. The butterfly on her hand flew away as she brought her hands to her ears, shielding them from the growing noise which had become a continuous howl. She looked for the dog which had now gone and a sense of panic crept in.

  Suddenly the noise came to complete stop and something grabbed her by the back of the neck, the grip was cold, wet and rough. After a few seconds she was lifted off the ground, the grip tightening and hurting her.

  Pushing and kicking she broke free, falling to the ground and turning around to face what had grabbed her.

  Martin was completely naked, his body pale and wet. His face an expression of fear and pain, his mouth open in a silent scream. His eyes were glazed over, light grey and lifeless.

  As he stepped forward and reached out for Anna, the incision on chest began to open.

  Anna whimpered, moving away but the tree prevented her from escaping.

  With a gurgling moan he reached down, his hand outstretched as he leaned over and the incision on his abdomen opened, spilling bloody intestines splattering to the floor with a wet plop. Blood poured from the wound, running down his navel and down his legs.

  Anna screamed in terror as blood splattered her legs, she got to her hands and crawled away as fast as she could. She leaped to her feet and broke into a run towards the forest away from the lake, running as fast as she could and not looking back.

  Anna stopped when she could no longer run, breathing heavily, her lungs burning as she looked around frantically for the man.

  She was alone and safe.

  She dropped to her knees panting and trying to calm herself, her heart thumping in her chest and her head pulsating.

  A blue butterfly landed on her hand startling her, she held her breath and looked at i
t. It looked directly at Anna before flying away towards a large tree. Anna slowly got to her feet and noticed the swarm of butterflies sitting on what looked like a log, the wings moving slowly in unison like a thick blanket in the wind.

  She walked over to them, kneeling she carefully put her hand above them, feeling the gentle hum coming from them. She noticed something underneath, something that stood out. She moved closer, trying not to disturb the butterflies but something moved to cause them to fly away. They flew towards Anna’s face causing her to cover her eyes in a panic and after a few seconds she opened them.

  She began to scream.

  The albino Alsatian was laid in front of her, the fur and skin from its body had been torn away. The dog was still alive, gently convulsing and whining. The fear and agony in its eyes as it looked up at Anna.

  Anna screamed as she got to her feet and slowly stepped away from the dog.

  Anna was still screaming when Marie ran into the room, flinging open the door which crashed into the wall waking Sophie. Marie paused in the doorway, looking around the room. She was wearing grey boxers and a black sports bra.

  She looked at Sophie who was looking at Anna, trashing around in her bed trying to get the duvet off her which had wrapped around her, restricting her. She was screaming and sobbing.

  Marie walked over to the bed and calmly untangled the bedclothes. She then sat down on the edge of Anna’s bed and gently took hold of her, rubbing the side of her face.

  “It’s a dream Anna.” She said softly. “Wake up.”

  Anna’s eyes shot open, perspiration trickled down her face and soaking the t-shirt. Her eyes wide open and her lips trembling. She looked at Sophie who was sitting up looking at her and confused, then she looked to Marie and burst into tears. She grabbed hold of Marie and sobbed, hyperventilating she struggled to breathe between the racking sobs.

  Marie waved to get Sophie's attention.

  “What?” Sophie signed.

  “Can you get some water for Anna please.” Marie awkwardly signed, facing Sophie so she could lipread.

  “Ok.” Sophie said and yawned deeply. She got up from her bed quickly.

  “Calm down.” Marie whispered. “It was just a bad dream.” She reassured her.

  “Sunka.” Anna whispered.

  Marie froze.

  “Sunka.” Anna said louder, her breathing beginning to calm down. She broke away from Marie, wiping her face with her t-shirt.

  “What did you say?” Marie asked.

  “Ska sunka.” Anna whispered.

  Sophie walked into the room and handed a glass of water to Anna who smiled and took it, greedily downing the contents.

  Marie tapped Sophie on the hand, who sat down next to the bed.

  “She spoke.” Marie signed, not using her voice. “She said something.”

  Sophie looked at Anna, smiled and looked at Marie.

  “What?” Sophie asked.

  “I don’t know.” Marie replied. “It didn’t make sense.”

  “Ask her.” Sophie said.

  “What did you say Anna?” Marie asked softly. “Can you repeat it?”

  Anna went to speak and hesitated.

  “Do you remember?” Marie asked.

  Anna shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, sadness on her face.

  “It’s ok.” Marie rubbed her leg comforting her. “It doesn’t matter.” She smiled.

  Sophie pointed to blood on the sheets.

  “Have you hurt yourself Anna?” Marie asked with worry.

  Anna handed the empty glass to Marie and pulled the sheet back to reveal her bloody knee.

  “Oh, how did you do that?” Marie exclaimed. “Never mind let’s get that cleaned up and covered. Come on.” Marie got up and held her hand out for Anna.

  Anna looked at Sophie who smiled and indicated her to follow.

  “Her bed is wet.” Sophie signed. “Let her share my bed tonight.” Sophie said and yawned.

  “Ok.” Marie nodded.

  Sophie went back to her bed and groaned, she pulled the covers over herself and yawned loudly.

  Marie left the room with Anna limping behind.

  The bathroom was in the middle of Sophie and Marie’s bedrooms. Marie had it extended so she could get a large bath installed which was sideways by the blinded window and had not yet been installed. In the corner was a walk-in shower with a curved glass door. In the other corner was a lavatory. All in cream ceramic and matching, the wash basin by the wall was in pure white with a silver cabinet above and below it. All four walls were white tiled, next to the shower was a full-length mirror which ran from top to bottom. The floor was stripped down to the floorboards, the ceiling painted white with several spotlights.

  Anna sat on a towel on the edge of the bath whilst Marie was cleaning the blood from her knee. She had a white wet flannel which had turned pink.

  “How did you do this?” Marie asked, examining the deep gash on Anna’s knee.

  Anna shook her head.

  “Maybe you hit it on the bed when you had the nightmare.” Marie said. “Do you remember the nightmare?” She asked.

  Anna shook her head, looking at the cut on her knee.

  “Ok.” Marie yawned. “Let’s get you a plaster.” Marie stood up and walked to the cabinet, searching around.

  “Where are they?” Marie muttered to herself. “I am always losing stuff.” She complained and after a few seconds. “Found it.” She closed the cabinet and walked back to the bath, stopping when Anna raised her hand and pointed at Marie’s abdomen.

  “What?” Marie said unsurely. “What is it?”

  Anna looked up at Marie and then down at the scar on Marie’s abdomen, similar a caesarean scar. Anna trailed her finger across the scar and looked at Marie, her expression was sad.

  “You want to know what that is?” Marie asked reluctantly.

  Anna nodded.

  Marie kneeled and removed the plaster from the packet.

  “It happened a few years ago.” Marie said. “When I worked in the police, someone shot me.” Marie’s voice faltered. She placed the plaster on Anna’s knee. “I was very sick for a while, but I am ok now.” She said smiling.

  And leaned forward and put her arms around Marie, hugging her tightly.

  “Wow that is a hug.” Marie laughed. “That is a great hug.” She said softly.

  Anna let go and smiled, followed but a loud yawn.

  “You look like how I feel!” Marie said. “Sophie said you can share with her tonight. Is that ok?” Marie asked.

  Anna nodded.

  “You are safe now.” Marie held onto Anna’s hand. “I promise nothing bad will happen to you.” Marie whispered.

  Anna nodded with a smile.

  “Let’s get some sleep and tomorrow will be a better day.” Marie said as Anna jumped off the edge of the bath and walked to the door, she stopped in the doorway and signed ‘thank you’ to Marie.

  “It’s ok.” Marie smiled softly. “Get to bed.”

  Anna left the bathroom and Marie listened as she made her way into the bedroom.

  Marie’s hand went to her abdomen, shaking as she gently touched the scar. She shivered and got to her feet, walking over to the basin she ran the cold tap and splashed water on her face.

  “Stop it.” She scolded herself. “Don’t do this.” She shuddered.

  Sophie sat at the breakfast bar, sipping at a glass of milk and writing in her notebook. She didn’t notice when Anna walked into the kitchen, slowly looking around.

  The breakfast bar was at the centre of the room with four stalls around it. Behind it in front of the Window was a steel sink and draining board, clean and polished. Next to the sink was a door leading outside, and in the corner a washing machine and dryer. A large pine cabinet stood next to them with various notes and calendars stuck to it. A large refrigerator stood next to the cabinet in bright red, retro American design with a large silver handle.

  On the opposite side of the kitchen was a long bl
ack granite worktop with cupboards above and below in pine. Against the wall opposite the window was a double cooker in black, above it a silver extractor hood. The floor was polished wood, the walls half tiled in grey and painted white above. Spotlights hung from the artexed ceiling.

  Anna sat down at the breakfast bar, causing Sophie to jump in fright.

  Sophie giggled and smiled, turning a page in her book.

  “Good morning.” She wrote.

  Anna read the note and smiled.

  “How are you?” Sophie wrote.

  Anna nodded and looked around as if she was looking for someone.

  “Marie has gone to the shop.” Sophie Wrote. “Back soon.” She wrote underneath.

  Anna nodded and lipped her lips.

  “Hungry?” Sophie wrote in capitals

  Sophie sighed and nodded.

  “What do you want?” Sophie wrote.

  Anna looked around the kitchen and then looked at Sophie, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Marie is getting milk. Do you want bread?” Sophie wrote and smiled.

  Anna nodded.

  “Butter?” Sophie wrote while standing up.

  Anna smiled and nodded.

  Sophie got up and walked to the worktop where a cutting board and bread knife was laid out and an uncut loaf in a bag. Taking the loaf from the bag, she put it on the board and picked up the knife.

  Anna watched her with curiosity, watching as Sophie lined up the knife and cut into the bread.

  Sophie yelped out in pain and dropped the knife, which landed heavily on the floor. She held her hand jumping up and down on the spot groaning.

  Anna jumped to her feet and ran to Sophie, holding her by the shoulders to calm her and looking at her hand. Sophie removed her hand to reveal her bloody fingers, she had cut her index and middle finger deeply. Blood oozed from the cuts, dripping to the floor.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” Sophie moaned.

  Anna covered Sophie's fingers with her hand and looked at her, smiling.

  “Kola.” She said softly.

  “Cold!” Sophie said and shivered. “Cold hands.” Her voice strained.


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