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Page 9

by Dave Blackwell

  Anna closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, moaning as her head tipped back.

  Sophie tried to hold onto Anna as she fell, but she was too heavy for her and she fell with her, landing heavily on the ground next to her.

  “Anna?” She got to her knees, wiping her nose with her bloody hand and sniffing. “Anna?!” She panicked, getting hold of Anna by the shoulders and shaking her.

  Anna began to convulse and groan.

  “Anna?!” Sophie screamed.

  Anna sighed and became still.


  The screams and cries of Men, women and children.

  The angry voices of many men overlapping each other.

  Gunshots filling the air.

  Anna was blinded, her ears ringing and the smoke from burning bodies and gunpowder making her choke. She could feel the blood running down the back of her throat and the strong metallic taste in her mouth.

  She tried to scream but nothing came out. She was trapped, something weighing her down and she couldn’t move.

  Opening her eyes and fighting to breathe, Anna looked up at a white ceiling. Her heart pounding in her chest as she took in each breath slowly.

  “Are you okay young lady?” The voice broke the silence.

  Anna sat up, realising she was back at the house where she had been found.

  “Are you hurt?” The lady asked.

  Catherine sat on the stairs in her white dressing gown, her hair wet from the bath.

  “Not speaking?” Catherine smiled.

  Anna got to her feet slowly and looked around cautiously.

  “Sica.” She mumbled.

  “What’s that?” Catherine got up from the stairs, holding onto the banister as she steadied herself. “What did you say?” Catherine asked. “My hearing isn’t what it used to be.”

  Anna backed away fearfully.

  “I am not going to hurt you.” Catherine said. “I promise.” She held out her hand. “If anything, I want to help.”

  “Sica.” Anna whispered, her voice trembling.

  “I don’t understand.” Catherine sighed. “Let me help you.”

  Anna looked at Catherine.

  “Are you hungry?” Catherine asked. “I was just about to do myself a snack. Would you like to join me?” She smiled reassuringly.

  Anna looked around and then slowly approached Catherine, holding out her hand. Hesitating, she slowly lifted her hand.

  “My name is Catherine.” Catherine said softly. “What is yours?” She asked.

  Anna shook her head in confusion.

  “Not to worry. It will come to you in time.” She smiled. “Let’s go.”

  Catherine gently took her hand and led Anna into the kitchen.

  Anna sat at the table, looking down at the cupboard where she had hidden before. The fear slowly started to build in her. Her gaze was broken by Catherine placing a small white bowl of baked beans down in front of her, followed by a slice of thick bread on the side.

  Anna looked down at it, watching the steam rise and tickle her eyes. Leaning over the bowl, she deeply breathed in the strong tomato aroma.

  Catherine sat down opposite her.

  “Homemade baked beans.” She said with a smile. “They are tasty.”

  Anna picked up the bread and dipped it into the centre of the bowl and then blew it before taking a bite. She moaned and smiled, chewing the bread fast.

  “Gather you are enjoying that?” Catherine chuckled when Anna nodded. “Take your time.”

  Anna slowed down, after every bite she dipped the bread into the sauce.

  “Feel like talking?” Catherine asked.

  Anna shook her head.

  “Don’t worry. I can be like that sometimes.” Catherine sighed. “What are we going to do with you?” Catherine whispered to herself.

  Anna finished the bread and looked around uncomfortably. She had an uneasy feeling, fear and confusion.

  “What’s wrong?” Catherine said noticing a change in the girl. “Are the beans not nice?” She asked.

  “Sica.” Anna said and stood up. “Sica.” She whispered.

  The back door flew open, smashing against the wall.

  Catherine got to her feet and stepped back as Anna began screaming.

  A man walked into the kitchen, tall and muscular with his face covered by a dirty rag, showing only his eyes. He wore a black beanie cap, a dirty white shirt, tattered grey trousers and an overcoat down to his ankles, worn and damaged at the base. He had black muddy boots in which were heavily worn.

  “What do you want!?” Catherine shouted. “Get out!” She howled.

  The man pulled a revolver from his pocket and aimed it at Catherine.

  “You knew this was coming.” The man said with a thick cockney accent. “You were warned.” He snarled.

  Turning the gun onto Anna who had stopped screaming, he looked at Catherine and then back to Anna.

  “Bitch.” He snapped and pulled the trigger. Anna screamed and closed her eyes, the blast from the revolver deafened her.

  “Anna?!” Marie’s voice in the darkness. “Anna are you ok?” Marie said calmly, shaking Anna by the shoulders.

  Sophie stood by the table where Anna had collapsed, blood on her hand and under her nose.

  Anna opened her eyes and looked at Marie, panting slowly and confused.

  “Are you ok?” Marie asked as Anna sat up, getting her bearings. “Anna?”

  Anna smiled and nodded. Marie helped her up and sat her in a chair, kneeling in front of her. She pulled off her fleece jacket and laid it on the floor. She wore a white sports top, blue jeans and white trainers.

  “What happened?” Marie asked Anna, she looked at Sophie who stood behind her and put her finger to her lips, shushing her.

  “Anna?” Marie said her tone becoming concerned.

  Sophie sat in the chair next to Anna and tapped Marie on the arm.

  “I had a nosebleed when I was cutting the bread.” Sophie signed. “Anna saw the blood and fainted.”

  Anna watched as Sophie signed and lipread her words, she found herself understanding.

  “She fainted?” Marie signed and spoke. “Are you okay?” She said looking at Sophie’s nose.

  “Fine.” Sophie said with a smile. “Had them much worse.” Sophie explained.

  Marie shook her head and sighed.

  “You don’t like blood?” Marie said to Anna.

  Anna flinched and shook her head.

  “Only left you for five minutes.” She said and rubbed her face. “You scared the hell out of me. Are you hurt?” Marie said checking over Anna who got hold of her hands and shook her head.

  “No pain or dizziness?” Marie asked.

  Anna shook her head.

  “She is fine.” Sophie signed. “She didn’t hit her head.” Sophie sighed and shook her hands. “She fell towards me and we went down together.”

  “Are you sure you are okay?” Marie was concerned about Sophie. “Do you need to go for a check-up?”

  “No!” Sophie exclaimed. “No hospital today please.” She begged.

  “Promise me if you feel ill, you will tell me.” Marie was serious. “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Sophie leaned forward and hugged Marie. “Stop fussing.”

  Marie chuckled.

  “Marie.” Anna whispered.

  “What?” Marie asked, not sure if she heard her correctly. “Did you say Marie?”

  Anna nodded and then looked at Sophie.

  “Sophie.” She said.

  Sophie tapped Marie on the shoulder.

  “She said my name!” Sophie signed, amazement on her face.

  “Mine too.” Marie replied.

  Anna smiled.

  “Right you two.” Marie signed and spoke. “Busy morning, so I need you to both go up and get dressed. I need to make a couple of phone calls and then I will do breakfast.” She explained. “Deal?”

  They both nodded.

  “Sophie could you show Anna wh
ere everything is in the bathroom and sort some clothes?” Marie asked Sophie who smiled and nodded. “I will take you both shopping later to get Anna some clothes and we can have dinner if the weather behaves.”

  “Okay Marie.” Sophie nodded.

  “Is that okay with you Anna?” Marie said to Anna who smiled and nodded. “Great. I will come up and get you after my call, please be quiet.” Marie looked at Sophie. “Especially you.” She pointed and poked her tongue out.

  Sophie stood up and got hold of Anna by the hand, leading her away. Marie listened as they both ran up the stairs, Sophie giggling loudly.

  Pulling her mobile from her pocket she placed it on the table, scrolling through a list of contacts. Pressing a button, she put the mobile onto the speaker and listened as the phone line started ringing.

  After a few seconds the call was answered.

  “Hello Marie.” Gregg replied mid-yawn. “Sorry, how are you?” He asked.

  “Hi. Sorry if I woke you. You asked me to call you.” Marie said. “Any news?” She asked.

  “Nothing, still no luck with tracking down anyone. Everything as it was yesterday.” He sighed. “What about you?”

  “Eventful. Anna was fine yesterday, had an early night last night and she woke late screaming the house down.” Marie said. “Managed to cut her knee in the process, but she spoke. Didn’t understand the language so may need a specialist. She however did this morning say Sophie and my name.

  “That is good. At least we know she can speak. What triggered that?” Gregg asked.

  “Sophie had a nose bleed and seems Anna doesn’t do blood and fainted. After she came around from the faint, she said Sophie’s name followed by mine.”

  “Wow that is great.” Gregg coughed and sneezed. “Sorry. Got a cold.”

  “You are always getting them. You need to stop with the energy drinks and fags.” Marie scolded him. “You may live longer.” She teased.

  “Very funny.” He said in sarcasm.

  “Spoke to Valerie yesterday and told her you are calling her this morning. Explained the situation and she is granting you temporary guardianship of Anna until we find Mrs Wilson or the Browns.” Gregg said, his breathing heavy. “We are arranging an interview with Anna in the next couple of days with myself and Valerie.” Gregg explained. “Sorry I need to shoot.” Gregg said urgently.

  “Ok speak soon.” Marie hung up the call and scrolled through the contacts again.

  “Deep breath Marie.” She said to herself. “Don’t let the bitch get to you.”

  Marie pressed the call button and listened as the line rang.

  The call was answered after a minute.

  “Who is calling please?” The voice demanded.

  “Hello, Valerie, it is me.” Marie said.

  “Me who?” Valerie replied. “I do not recognise you.”

  Marie held her middle finger up to the phone and pulled a frustrated face.

  “Marie.” She responded. “Gregg said he spoke to you.”

  “Ah Marie.” Valerie laughed at the end. “Sorry about that I have a new mobile. I must learn how to put numbers into it. So, what is the update with young Anne?” Valerie asked.

  “It’s Anna and all good. She has spoken so we now know she can speak, but only our names currently. She had nightmares last night, so I will have to keep an eye on her and maybe get her referred to paediatric psychiatric.” Marie yawned and scratched her head.

  “Poor little mite.” Valerie responded. “Well I am unable to get back to London with the current weather situation.

  Marie punched the air in celebration.

  “Hopefully it will clear in a day or two and we can have this meeting with the police. Do you need anything in terms of Anne’s arrangements with you?” Valerie said.

  “It is Anna.” Marie said in frustration. “And no, I have everything from when the other girl was supposed to stay. Going shopping today to sort out some clothing as she is borrowing from Sophie.”

  “And how is Sophie?” Valerie asked. Marie could hear her writing notes.

  “Sophie is great, hospital visits all going well, and speech therapy is good.” Marie explained. “She even said a couple of words which was amazing.”

  “Bless her.” Valerie paused. “Well I have to go. You have numbers if you need anything.”

  Before Marie could respond, Valerie hung up the call.

  “Goodbye to you too.” Marie scoffed. “Crazy bitch.” She said bitterly.

  Anna stood by the bath looking at her reflection in the mirror that started to steam up from the walk-in shower.

  Sophie walked in holding a large towel and some clothes folded up. She placed them over the bath and pulled a small notebook from her pocket.

  “Okay?” She wrote and then pointed to the towel and clothes.

  Anna nodded.

  “Need anything?” Sophie wrote.

  Anna shook her head and then took hold of Sophie’s hand, examining it. She then looked at Sophie in confusion.

  “What?” Sophie wrote.

  Anna drew her finger over Sophies, indicating where she had hurt herself.

  “Our secret.” Sophie wrote and nodded.

  Anna nodded.

  “We will look after you.” Sophie wrote.

  Anna had tears in her eyes, she leaned forward and got hold of Sophie, hugging her. Sophie giggled.

  “Everything okay?” Marie asked, standing in the doorway. Anna broke away and indicated to Sophie she was there.

  “What?” Sophie signed to Marie.

  “Everything okay?” Marie replied. “Did you find her clothes and towels?” She signed and then noticed them on the side of the bath.

  “Yes.” Sophie replied. “What is the plan today?” She asked.

  “Well it has stopped snowing.” Marie smiled and sighed in relief. “So, I was thinking shopping, lunch and then pop to my fathers?” She suggested.

  “Perfect.” Sophie said and looked at Anna.

  “Is that ok with you Anna?” Marie asked.

  Anna smiled and nodded.

  “Good. Have a shower and then when you are ready, we will leave. Also need to do some food shopping.” Marie groaned. “Not enough time in the day.” Marie shook her head and walked away.

  Sophie turned to Anna.

  “Hurry.” Sophie whispered.

  Sophie smiled and left the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind her.

  Anna looked in the mirror and something caught her eye causing her to startle and turn around in panic, she looked around frantically and then back to the mirror. Slowly she walked up to it and hesitated before wiping the condensation away. She could see herself and her surroundings, nothing more.

  “Anna.” She whispered and smiled. Removing her clothes and dropping them to the floor, she got into the shower.

  Sophie walked into the kitchen to find Marie sitting at the table, a mug of black coffee steaming in front of her.

  “I need a quick talk.” Marie signed, her face serious.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Sophie replied, her face sad.

  Marie shook her head.

  “No, you have done nothing wrong.” She pointed to the chair. “Sit down please.”

  Sophie sat down.

  “You have been amazing.” Marie said. “You are just brilliant, and you know I appreciate your help.”

  Sophie sighed in relief and smiled.

  “Why did you think you were in trouble?” Marie was curious.

  “Because Anna fainted.” Sophie said. “It was my fault.”

  “No. It wasn’t.” Marie took hold of Sophie’s hand. “She has had a bad twenty-four hours. I think a whole combination of things caused her to faint.” Marie explained. “And the blood.” Marie cringed. “I hate blood too.”

  Sophie giggled.

  “Is your nose ok?” Marie asked.

  “It is fine.” Sophie replied. “Was only a little one.”

  “Good. Let me know if you have any more please.” Mar
ie asked.

  “Okay.” Sophie responded. “What did you want to talk about?” She asked.

  “As you know her situation is very serious. She is staying with us for a while, so if anything happens or if she tells you something. I need you to tell me.” Marie explained. “No matter how small.” She paused. “Do you understand?”

  “I promise.” Sophie said.

  “Good.” Marie said. “Go see how Anna is and we will head out.” Marie stood up.

  Sophie got up and walked over to Marie, grabbing hold of her and hugging her.

  “Thank you.” Marie said with a smile.

  The two girls stood by the red jeep in the snow, Anna with her back to the door, looking up at the falling snow. Sophie wore a thick white puffer jacket with pink gloves and pink bobble hat. Anna had a fleece jacket and a black beanie hat which was too big for her, and blue gloves.

  Sophie nudged her and looked up, sticking out her tongue and catching the snow on her tongue. Anna giggled and copied her.

  Marie carefully walked down the path, her feet slipping in the snow and ice.

  “Ready to go?” Marie said. “Hoping the roads are ok.” She also signed awkwardly, afraid she would slip.

  Sophie waved to get Marie’s attention.

  “What?” Marie asked.

  “Forgotten something?” She said, pointing to her pocket.

  “My phone.” Marie realised. “Shit.”

  Sophie giggled and pretended to tell her off.

  “Sorry.” Marie apologised. “Back in a minute. The door is open.” Marie walked away slowly.

  Sophie tapped Anna and pointed to the jeep, opening the door.

  Anna nodded and Sophie climbed into the jeep and just as Anna was getting in, something caught her eye.

  Anna closed the jeep door and walked away, Sophie knocked on the window, unable to open the door due to the child locks being engaged.

  Anna looked at Sophie in the jeep and put her finger to her lips and smiled. She walked to the side of the road and bent down, pulling off her gloves.

  A dead fox lay in the snow, a puddle of blood around its mouth and its stomach had split open. A tear ran down her face when she put her hand on its fur, feeling the coldness.

  Looking up and down the street to check she was alone, she closed her eyes and groaned, breathing deeply.

  She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears, becoming louder and louder. Whispers at the back of her mind, something scratching to get out.


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