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Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh


  The water when imprisoned within the crystalline walls of mock glass; profusely abused you for mischievously toying and consuming it,

  However the same imparted unprecedented showers of untamed exhilaration; as you left it to cascade freely from the slopes of the mesmerizing Himalayas.

  The birds when imprisoned within diabolical bars of circus cage; wept a thousand tears; fervently missing their counterparts soaring merrily amidst the clouds,

  However the same inundated your mundane ears with unfathomable melody; as you left them to flap fabulously under the golden carpet of free Sunshine.

  The creepers when imprisoned in sleazily artificial pots; cursed you every unveiling second for painstakingly strangulating their immaculate breath; exposing them to your worthless society,

  However the same triggered fireballs of unsurpassable passion in your every night; as you left them to wander rampantly in the mystically moonlit forests.

  The lips when imprisoned by your sonorous demeanor and clenched teeth; pugnaciously rebelled you to the point of despicable extinction,

  However when the same blossomed into all the smiles of your celestial life; as you left them to naturally stretch beyond the summits of the gorgeous valley.

  The horse when imprisoned in an everlasting myriad of buckles and straddle; insidiously neighed you the cry of a ghastly death,

  However the same transported you to help when you were dying; as you left it to thunderously? philander through the honey coated pathways of the hills.

  The lid when imprisoned by your irrevocable stubbornness; pledged to make you relinquish your sight; the moments you desired it the most,

  However the same won you the ultimate love of your life; as you left it to flirtatiously wink; as Omnipotent light filtered harmoniously from the skies.

  The? dreams when imprisoned by your mantras of manipulative commercialism; irrefutably decided to devastate you for murdering their heavenly aura with barbaric malice,

  However the same made you the most richest entity on this colossal Universe; as you left them to unrelentingly unleash till times beyond absolute eternity.

  The slave when imprisoned within the heinous walls of your lecherous society; ardently prayed to poison your breath; as he polished the floors of your mansion with

  his tongue while you luxuriously slept,

  However the same was the sole warrior who defended you from the most inconspicuous of evil in air; when you left him to explore a fantastically beautiful world of his own.

  And the heart when imprisoned in chains of the conventional planet; cast a spell upon all tangible existing to metamorphose them into brutally squashed stones,

  However the same blessed you with an infinite lives beyond the most wildest of your imagination; as you left it to throb for the purpose it was created; for the purpose it wanted to wholesomely love and embrace.




  It was an everlasting business; in which there was not the slightest of obnoxiously adulterated give and take; in which every organism forever philandered on tantalizingly heavenly cloud nine,

  It was an enchanting business; in which there was not the slightest of? diabolically cold-blooded barbarism; in which the fireball of unassailable truth transcended even the most infinitesimal iota of frigid insanity around,

  It was a sensuous business; in which there was not the slightest of disdainful rebuke; in which all that existed was the virtue of altruistic benevolence; for centuries unprecedented,

  It was an indomitable business; in which there was not the slightest gutter of slavering fear; in which perennially floated the paradise of unfathomably

  untainted desire,

  It was an unflinching business; in which there was not the slightest of commercial deliriousness; in which the mantra of impeccable symbiotism was the sole messiah to enlighten disastrously beleaguered lives,

  It was a unceasing business; in which there was not the slightest insinuation of maliciously devilish loss; in which the fragrance of togetherness compassionately bonded one and all; in the religion of mankind holistically alike,

  It was a voluptuous business; in which there was not the slightest innuendo of brutally pulverizing monotony; in which only the magnanimously tranquil mists of prosperity descended upon every living being and its kin,

  It was an enamoring business; in which there was not the slightest cranny of desperately embroiled politics; in which the eternal gardens of innocuously bountiful frolic sprouted on every conceivable portion of lackadaisical soil,

  It was a perpetual business; in which there was not the slightest wail of the indiscriminately rampaging devil; in which the birds of exuberantly unfettered

  freedom uninhibitedly soared in pristinely golden sky,

  It was an ardent business; in which there was not the slightest of vindictive loophole; in which every ingredient of contumacious retribution was replaced by the sky of spell bindingly burgeoning peace,

  It was a record-breaking business; in which there was not the slightest of decrepit stinginess; in which the dimensions of convivially insuperable mankind loomed

  larger than every construable object on this planet,

  It was an undefeatable business; in which there were not the slightest of inexplicably terrorized tears; in which timelessly fructified the aisles of redolent beauty

  and endlessly serene desire,

  It was an ecstatic business; in which there was not the slightest of desolately dilapidated boredom or meaninglessness; in which the stars of unbelievably

  mesmerizing enthrallment twinkled for infinite more births yet to unveil,

  It was a magnetic business; in which there was not the slightest of? bizarrely besmirching dereliction; in which inimitably towering precipices of; profoundly

  artistic sensuousness and glorious success,

  It was a resplendent business; in which there was not the slightest of miserable animosity; in which every breathing organism wonderfully blossomed amidst

  castles of majestically tireless unity,

  It was a triumphant business; in which there were not the slightest pendulums of rancid up's and downs; in which the only path that miraculously evolved in front

  of everyone's eyes; was the one which celestially led to the Omnipotent Divine,

  It was a philanthropic business; in which there was the not the slightest trace of hedonistic savagery; in which the voice that wafted from the innermost core of

  the innocently thundering heart; epitomized a brand new chapter of ebullient existence,

  It was a royal business; in which there was not the slightest of invidiously deteriorating lies; in which the rays of? brilliantly Omnipresent truth; disseminated from the whites of every immaculately wandering eye,

  And how insatiably I wished every unraveling instant of the effulgent day and exhilarating night that each breath of mother earth was inexhaustibly embellished

  by it; every other business and manipulatively besieged entity on this boundless Universe adopted it; be blessed forever by the pricelessly immortal business of love.


  There were times when I held dogmatically back? my sleep; even though my disastrously beleaguered eyes felt like forever popping out of their brutally tyrannized sockets,

  There were times when I irretrievably held back my smiles; even though the corners of my lips miserably ached to profoundly blossom; till times beyond majestically glorious eternity,

  There were times when I irrevocably held back my hunger; even though the thunderously hedonistic reverberations in my stomach; woke even the most truculent of demons in the cosmos; from aisles of deep siesta,

  There were times when I stubbornly held back my triumph; even though the Sun of blistering success; came on my doorstep to uninhibitedly kiss my impoverished feet,

  There were times when I torturously held back my creativity; even though unsurpa
ssable cloudbursts of blissfully fructifying fantasy; royally sprouted from

  every conceivable cranny of my mind,

  There were times when I uncaringly held back my tears; even though countless mirrors of hapless desperation shattered to horrendously maiming nothingness; inside

  the dormitories of my weeping soul,

  There were times when I resolutely held back my yawns; even though the insurmountably unceasing bedspreads of laziness; slowly and slowly lulled each of my senses into a soporific lullaby,

  There were times when I devoutly held back my aspirations; even though the rhapsodically ebullient fireball of optimistic dynamism; wholesomely circumscribed every ingredient of my effervescent blood,

  There were times when I fanatically held back my bravado; even though the winds of unflinching fearlessness; indefatigably perpetuated me to fight for justice till the very last bone down my spine thrived,

  There were times when I deliriously held back my frolic; even though the impeccably mischievous child in me; torturously asphyxiated to a prematurely decrepit end,

  There were times when I barbarously held back my desires; even though the titillations of insatiable sensuality in the pores of my skin were more poignantly unconquerable; than streaks of regally white lightening in scarlet sky,

  There were times when I ungainly held back my philosophies; even though the unprecedented urge to disseminate the essence of gloriously unfettered mankind; spawned like an insuperable fortress in every comprehensible cranny of my countenance,

  There were times when I baselessly held back my dreams; even though the caverns of unfathomably effulgent excitement; timelessly burgeoned in every rivulet of crimson blood; that ecstatically encircled my brain,

  There were times when I nonsensically held back my freedom; even though every dormitory of my mind; body and victorious soul; wanted to timelessly kiss the ultimate apogees of tranquilly coruscated paradise,

  There were times when I immutably held back my poetry; even though the profoundly illuminated lanterns of bountiful sensitivity; caressed a miraculously new

  high in the fabric of my life,


  There were times when I bigotedly held back my fists; even though the urge to defend myself against the treacherously rapacious and indiscriminately marauding

  monsters; rose beyond the heavens in my diminutively nimble body,

  There were times when I intransigently held back my melody; even though the uncurbed desire to effusively blend with the colors of panoramic nature; passionately drifted from each word that I spoke,

  There were times when I intractably held back my breath; even though the invaluable instinct of sustaining life; tempestuously pounded like the entire force on this earth; upon my despairingly aggrieved and strangulated lungs,

  But at no time of my parsimoniously truncated life could I ever hold back the beats of my endlessly fervent heart; could I ever hold back the wave of unshakable romance that it perennially culminated into; could I ever dream of holding back my immortal love for you and only you; O! Pricelessly divine beloved.


  The end product of indiscriminatingly venomous war; was the gruesome

  coffin of baselessly decrepit and rotting; prejudice,

  The end product of abjectly hypochondriacal insanity; was the forlornly malevolent dungeon of unceremoniously dilapidated and treacherously obnoxious; manipulation,

  The end product of monotonously decrepit commercialism; was the desolate

  web of abhorrently disdainful and lethally tyrannizing; regret,

  The end product of sinfully dastardly lies; was the fiendish gallows of disparagingly derogatory and nonchalantly ridiculing; poverty,

  The end product of indolently ignoramus illiteracy; was the pernicious well of devastatingly prurient and ignominiously lambasting; unemployment,

  The end product of devilishly irrational obsession; was the sinister gutter of hopelessly debilitating and disgustingly horrendous; emptiness,

  The end product of uncontrollably stinking expletives; was the pugnacious

  battlefield of truculently terrorizing and nastily demonic; hatred,

  The end product of salaciously whipping politics; was the hapless tornado of

  vindictively orphaned and traumatically feckless; decay,

  The end product of bizarrely delirious ghettoizm; was a shriveling civilization of unsolicitedly profane and remorsefully recoiling; fear,

  The end product of unreasonably oozing wounds; was a cadaverous spirit of

  disparagingly deteriorating and gorily grotesque; extinction,

  The end product of brutally excoriating injustice; was an annihilating avalanche of torridly impotent and parasitically ominous; retribution,

  The end product of lecherously unwarranted sleep; was a bawdily amorphous vacuum of maniacally decimating and forlornly weeping; frustration,

  The end product of ludicrously slavering cowardice; was an acrimonious pig stalk of worthlessly snarling and everlastingly lifeless; shit,

  The end product of invidiously maiming betrayal; was a convoluted whisker of

  inconspicuously erratic and listlessly evaporating; nothingness,

  The end product of atrociously murdering disrespect; were the ridiculous

  crutches of insipidly detrimental and rebelliously ballistic; self affliction,

  The end product of heartlessly hedonistic massacring; was the satanically

  thrashing curtain of horrifically depriving and endlessly egregious; hell,

  The end product of barbarously knifing atheism; was the merciless gallows of

  inevitably flagrant and inexhaustibly cold-blooded death,

  The end product of sinfully incarcerating bachelorhood; was the jinxed corpse of indefatigably hurting and limitlessly penalizing; loneliness,

  But "Immortal Love" had not the tiniest of aftermath; as it kept perpetually

  proliferating into paradise of unassailably heavenly togetherness and eternally compassionate humanity for infinite more births yet to unveil; and had not the slightest of end or meaningless end-product.



  Otherwise don't show me even an infinitesimal fraction of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the redolently scarlet rose right infront of my disastrously famished nose,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except inhaling its stupendously perennial and everlastingly mesmerizing fragrance.

  Otherwise don't show me even a fugitively distorted shadow of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the intrepidly peerless ocean right infront of my devastatingly monotonous bones,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except euphorically swimming in its rhapsodically untamed and timelessly ebullient waves.

  Otherwise don't show me even an ethereally oblivious iota of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the impeccably resplendent moon right infront of lugubriously prejudiced eyes,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except insatiably absorbing its magically Omnipotent softness; unrelentingly dreaming in its sacrosanct shimmer till times beyond eternal eternity.

  Otherwise don't show me even a transiently feckless fraction of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the unbelievably ecstatic clouds right in front of my brutally lambasted and truculently tortured skin,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except indefatigably wandering in a civilization of unceasingly exhilarating seduction; in a township of tantalizing igniting lust.

  Otherwise don't show me even an evanescently infidel glimpse of it; but if you indeed dared to bring perpetually caring motherhood right infront of my despairingly wailing and staggeringly derelict senses,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived
and on this entire Universe; except bountifully reviving my deplorably estranged childhood; in

  its unassailably Godly lap.

  Otherwise don't show me even an insipidly obfuscated trace of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the mischievously sun soaked meadow right infront of my relentlessly fidgeting feet,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except uninhibitedly cavorting in its ingratiatingly glimmering and golden dewdrop grass.


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