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Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  Otherwise don't show me even an ephemerally diminishing ray of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the Omnipotently dazzling fireball of Sun right infront of

  my clammily trembling skin,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except inexhaustibly galloping forward in the miraculous festoon of its insuperably optimistic enlightenment.

  Otherwise don't show me even a mercurially capricious droplet of it; but if you indeed dared to bring the torrentially blessing thunderbolt of rain right infront of my lifelessly amorphous and extinguishing countenance,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except letting each globule of unlimitedly unprecedented happiness; perpetuate an unsurpassable heaven of desire in every desolate corner of my soul.

  Otherwise don't show me even the most preposterously dying shadow it; but if you indeed dared to bring stupendously emollient land of paradise right in front of my deliriously disoriented mind,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except tirelessly fantasizing and burgeoning into the heavens

  of Omnipresently blessed freshness.


  And otherwise don't show me even the most distraughtly parsimonious trace of her; but if you indeed dared to bring her immortally sacred grace in front of my ardently thundering heart,

  Then be prepared; that I would do nothing else till the time I lived and on this entire Universe; except forever and ever and ever bonding with her sacrosanct spirit; fearlessly letting the beats in her chest unconquerably transcend over; every cranny of my mind; body and impoverished existence.


  The treacherously obsolete yesterday I had wholesomely forgotten; with even the most infinitesimal of its vapid impression dissolving into aisles of frigid nothingness,

  What was going to happen today I had not the tiniest of innuendo about; groping into the mercilessly coldblooded darkness when I pondered upon the same,

  Tomorrow was a tantalizing mirage; which kept eluding my invincible grasp more and more; as I tried to indefatigably snatch it,

  But nevertheless I was still the unparalleled king of the current moment; rejoicing in its untamed glory to the most unprecedented limits; letting its bountiful majesty take complete control of every of my beleaguered vein.

  The disastrously delirious yesterday had wholesomely evaporated from my life; with not even the most vehemently indignant of its maelstroms daring to come near me,

  What was going to happen today I had not the most ephemeral insinuation about; shattering into boundless fragments of meaninglessness when I tried to tirelessly envisage about the same,

  Tomorrow was a fathomlessly distant dream; about whose veritable reality I

  couldn't figure out head or spuriously withering tail,

  But nevertheless I was still the unassailable king of the current moment; letting its unsurpassable enchantment celestially descend upon even the most diminutive cranny of my mind; body and quavering soul.

  The truculently chauvinistic yesterday had completely deserted the chapter

  of my life; with not even the most evanescent of its jinxed beam; reminiscent in the whites of my eyes,

  What was going to happen today I had not the most capricious idea about; being banged like a haplessly disoriented coconut against the walls of diabolical hell; when I tried to flex my brain a trifle too much about it,

  Tomorrow seemed to stretch beyond the realms of my molecular imagination;

  with the fangs of viciously bellicose uncertainty perpetuating me from all sides,

  But nevertheless I was still the uninhibited king of the current moment; letting its pragmatically panoramic beauty; entirely become the royally seductive veil of my horrendously tyrannized existence.

  The baselessly crucifying yesterday had entirely abdicated my nimble presence; extinguishing into worthless horizons of irretrievably reproachful oblivion,

  What was going to happen today I had not the most mercurial of gut feeling

  about; being ruthlessly buried alive in coffins of intractable desperation; as I tried to valiantly decipher its ingredients of good and forlornly bad,

  Tomorrow had still marathon hours to take irrefutably unshakable control; with a zillion murderous barricades yet to overcome,

  But nevertheless I was still the limitless king of the current moment; letting its magnetically divine energy instill optimistically benign energy in my delinquent bones; to lead a countless more symbiotic lives.

  The morbidly penalizing yesterday seemed gone since times immemorial; with

  the first rays of Omnipotently brilliant dawn; transcending over even the most non-existent speck of the egregiously rampaging devil,

  What was going to happen today I had not the most ethereal of understanding

  about; being dissolved into mortuaries of hopeless insanity; when I tried to unambiguously picture the next hour from now,

  Tomorrow seemed like it would never come; with the deplorable conundrum of

  murderous manipulation and politics around me; engendering me to frenetically search for my every breath,

  But nevertheless I was still the inimitable king of the current moment; letting its philanthropically synergistic heavenliness; beautifully coalesce each of my senses with the mantra of wonderfully egalitarian mankind; with the spirit of the Ever-Pervading; Divine.



  The field which uncontrollably cries while ploughing; can never evolve into majestically fructifying and ebulliently blissful crop,

  The sea which pathetically cries while undulating; can never evolve into fantastically vibrant and tantalizingly ecstatic adventure,

  The desert which discordantly cries while being heated; can never evolve into fathomlessly regale and timelessly seductive majesty,

  The cloud which hedonistically cries while showering rain; can never evolve into boundlessly enthralling and enchantingly heavenly freshness,

  The waterfall which insidiously cries while cascading on handsome rock; can never evolve into stupendously amiable and vividly mystical reinvigoration,

  The mountain which abhorrently cries while defending; can never evolve into symbiotically unflinching and peerlessly unassailable unity,

  The nightingale which fretfully cries while singing; can never evolve into timelessly ubiquitous and unequivocally resplendent melody,

  The artist who deplorably cries while sketching; can never evolve into spell bindingly refreshing and unsurpassably enamoring magnetism,

  The soldier who dolorously cries while fighting for his country; can never evolve into insuperably marvelous and blazingly fearless patriotism,

  The tree which dementedly cries while imparting exuberant breeze; can never evolve into magnificently euphoric and royally blossoming vivacity,

  The clown who preposterously cries while engendering the audience to laugh; can never evolve into bedazzlingly enviable and miraculously healing happiness,

  The lightening which uxoriously cries while uninhibitedly diffusing into an enigmatic river of brilliant white; can never evolve into compassionately effulgent and fierily charged electricity,

  The lion who capriciously cries while crunching the bones of his nimble prey; can never evolve into unfathomably bewitching and inimitably unconquerable kingliness,

  The dwelling which hedonistically cries while harboring its impeccable occupants; can never evolve into affably propitious and beautifully synergistic concord,

  The doctor who fecklessly cries while attending to his beleaguered patients; can never evolve into miraculously Omnipotent and blessedly efficacious healing,

  The hand which frigidly cries while working for quintessential livelihood; can never evolve into eternally pacifying and emolliently deserving perseverance,

  The lips which dismally
cry while unstoppably kissing; can never evolve into bounteously ingratiating and timelessly candle-lit sensuousness,?


  And the heart which sadistically cries while perpetually bonding its beats with the person it loved; can never evolve into immortally godly and rhapsodically triumphant life.



  With the very first crackle of every sensitively aristocratic dawn; the very first thing that the fathomless deserts ardently prayed for; was blisteringly unceasing Sunshine; all throughout the tenure of the gloriously intrepid day,

  With the very first rays of every ecstatically vibrant dawn; the very first thing that the gigantic mountains insatiably prayed for; was unflinchingly Herculean strength; all throughout the tenure of the blissfully harmonious day,

  With the very first shimmer of every resplendently beaming dawn; the very first thing that the boisterous bees tirelessly prayed for; was mischievously cavorting fields of scarlet roses; all throughout the tenure of the symbiotically enamoring day,

  With the very first unfurling of every euphorically heartening dawn; the very first thing that the uninhibited birds indefatigably prayed for; was boundless playgrounds of astoundingly crystalline sky; all throughout the tenure of the stupendously

  fragrant day,

  With the very first smile of every bewitchingly magnificent dawn; the very first thing that the frosty waters of the sea unrelentingly prayed for; was rhapsodically myseterious undulations; all throughout the tenure of the handsomely

  charismatic day,

  With the very first enlightening of every marvelously exotic dawn; the very first thing that the compassionately moistened leaves of the forest immutably prayed for; was enthrallingly timeless and vivacious adventure; all throughout the tenure of

  the unfathomably mesmerizing day,

  With the very first sparkle of every ebulliently innocuous dawn; the very first thing that the impeccably wailing infant inexorably prayed for; was divinely untainted milk of its mother; all throughout the tenure of the fantastically panoramic day,

  With the very first glimmer of every synergistically emollient dawn; the very first thing that the preposterously dilapidated dungeon uncontrollably prayed for; was thunderbolts of endlessly unparalleled light; all throughout the tenure of the celestially

  immaculate day,

  With the very first sprinkle of every beautifully embellished dawn; the very first thing that the penuriously beleaguered eyes unlimitedly prayed for; was tantalizingly heavenly paradise; all throughout the tenure of the eternally silken day,

  With the very first blessing of every wonderfully endowing dawn; the very first thing that the iridescently blooming nightingale unequivocally prayed for; was ubiquitously mollifying melody; all throughout the tenure of the majestically ingratiating day,

  With the very first perpetuation of every holistically Spartan dawn; the very first thing that the murderously starved ears irrevocably prayed for; was the voice of philanthropically egalitarian humanity; all throughout the tenure of the jubilantly dazzling day,

  With the very first horizon of every optimistically vibrant dawn; the very first thing that the regally roaring lion rapaciously prayed for; was the inimitable armor of unassailable kinsmanship; all throughout the tenure of the splendidly eclectic day,

  With the very first spawning of every magnetically reinvigorating dawn; the very first thing that the bourgeoisie farmer infallibly prayed for; was the wholesome annihilation of even the most infinitesimal of parasite in his field; all throughout the tenure of the blessedly gregarious day,

  With the very first fulmination of every sensuously rejuvenating dawn; the very first thing that the pristine pearl irretrievably prayed for; was the invincibly amiable shelter of its oyster shell; all throughout the magically destined day,

  With the very first unraveling of every eloquently placating dawn; the very first thing that the altruistically fearless soldier unstoppably prayed for; was veritably scintillating victory; all throughout the tenure of the mystically exhilarating day,

  With the very first insinuation of every convivially embracing dawn; the very first thing that the holistically dancing fairies limitlessly prayed for; was insuperably beautiful concord; all throughout the tenure of the robustly redolent day,

  With the very first illumination of every miraculously ameliorating dawn; the very first thing that the diminutively hollow nostrils quintessentially prayed for; was a carpet of affably uninterrupted breath; all throughout the tenure of the propitiously

  artistic day,?


  ?And with the very first unveiling of every Omnipotently revolutionizing dawn; the very first thing that every beat of my impoverished heart perpetually prayed for; was the heaven of immortally unconquerable love; not only for the tenure of the flamboyantly triumphant day; but for an infinite more enlightening daylights; for an infinite more brilliantly enlightening lifetimes.



  You unnervingly proclaim yourself to be a timelessly unflinching devotee of the Omnipotently endowing Lord Almighty; one of the most profoundly dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your sincere devotion go; when you lambasted a volley of

  unsavory abuse upon the flagrantly crippled dog; who came infront of your uncontrollably speeding car from suddenly out of the blue; and out of wisps of sheer nothingness?


  You vociferously proclaim yourself to be a beautifully infallible devotee of the Unconquerably emollient Lord Almighty; one of the most ardently dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your limitless devotion go; when you ordered another of your fellow living kind to maniacally clean the dirt from your lividly grotesque floor; ignominiously lick his way till eternity; so that the interiors of your sanctimonious abode shone till infinite infinity?

  You unstoppably proclaim yourself to be an indomitably embracing devotee of

  the Perpetually Blazing Lord Almighty; one of the most unflinchingly dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your Herculean devotion go; when you indefatigably laughed the very last ribs of your body out; at witnessing the unfortunately lame man crawling at pace slower on earth; than the most parsimoniously measly white ant?

  You untiringly proclaim yourself to be a boundlessly committed devotee of

  the Omnipresently Effulgent Lord Almighty; one of the most altruistically dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your unbelievable devotion go; when you tirelessly washed

  each spuriously sulking bone of your persona with boundless gallons of impeccable milk; while the pricelessly new born infant cried loud and stringent in your ears?

  You inexhaustibly proclaim yourself to be an eternally passionate devotee of

  the Insuperably glorious Lord Almighty; one of the most symbiotically dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your fructifying devotion go; when you indiscriminately pulverized innumerable holistic living beings under the wheels of your royally crimson Mercedes; wholesomely drenched in the obnoxiously tawdry stench of blasphemous vixen and wine?

  You unlimitedly proclaim yourself to be an inseparably brilliant devotee of the Pristinely Unfettered Lord Almighty; one of the most unendingly dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your beautiful devotion go; when you acrimoniously ostracized people suffering from HIV/AIDS from the fabric of normal society; ran at a speed faster than white lightening; when you came to know that the person sitting next to you was afflicted with the ghastly disease?

  You ceaselessly proclaim yourself to be a cardinally inextricable devotee of the Bountifully blessing Lord Almighty; one of the most endlessly dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your triumphant devotion go; when you insanely divided

  and brutally
circumscribed the entire planet into corpses of caste; creed; religion and kind; the very same planet which the Creator had perennially created as a celestially united paradise?

  You inexorably proclaim yourself to be an unbelievably fervent devotee of the Spell bindingly proliferating Lord Almighty; one of the most innocuously dedicated of his countless disciples,

  Then where did all your earnest devotion go; when you criminally traded the

  sacrosanct skins of your mothers; daughters; sisters; fellow beings; just for the sake of treacherously asphyxiated and forlornly lifeless currency coins?

  You insurmountably proclaim yourself to be an unshakably inimitable devotee

  of the Omnisciently ubiquitous Lord Almighty; one of the most undeterringly dedicated of his countless disciples,


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