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Solar Seduction

Page 2

by Jaden Sinclair

  Wrapping her up, Zane moved down to her feet, looking at them closer now since he had the time. Deep bruising had started in both. Clearly, this man didn’t want her to be able to walk for days.

  The urge to strip her down, look his fill upon her body, as he would if they were in the temple, hit him. He wanted to see his treasure, touch the silk and taste the pleasures that awaited him. He felt like he had been cheated, and in a way he had. Kalisha wasn’t able to walk or travel for a couple of days, and she sure as hell wouldn’t be able to lie on her back any time soon.

  On Mars, without the sun, the planet became very cold at night. The moment he had all the supplies lined up, things sorted out, Zane slipped out of his boots and crawled into the bed with Kalisha. He didn’t dare touch her, for he feared he wouldn’t be able to control himself or stop the urges he knew would come—urges he fought with now. He had to keep telling himself that now wasn’t the time. She wasn’t in any kind of shape to do anything.

  Just when he began to drift to sleep, the phone in his pocket began to vibrate, reminding him that he hadn’t taken it out yet or turned it off. Pulling it out, eyes still closed, he pressed the button and put it up to his ear. “Yeah?”

  “I have good news and bad news.” It was Kade. “Which would you like first?”

  “I thought you weren’t going to call me again until tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Well I thought I’d take a chance. Want the news?”

  “Give me the bad first.”

  “Okay, bad it is. Her father has put a hold of some kind on one Kalisha Sedgwick, forbidding anyone on Pluto to marry her without his permission. Penalties will follow the one who allows it to happen.”

  Zane sat up. “How the hell did he pull that off?

  “That is a very good question that no one can seem to answer for me. I did ask.”

  “So no one is allowed to marry her, or just us Pluto men?”

  “Us Pluto men.” Zane growled, rubbing his tired face.

  “But I also said I have good news. Ready for it?”

  “Hope like hell it will be damn good news then.”

  “I think you will like this. The officials informed him, when he was doing this crap, that a claim had already been made and acknowledged by them and the government. In fact, they have already accepted the special circumstances and have informed him that she is already married to a Pluto man.”

  Now Zane felt fully awake. “Holy shit!”

  “The news gets much better,” Kade snickered. “Seems our government officials don’t care for Sedgwick any more than we do. And since your request for his daughter was made off of Pluto, they are willing to accept an ‘over the phone’ test without any trouble.” Zane began to smile, and Kade went on. “Soooo, since you’ve already done all of what I’ve just told you, and they have accepted everything from you as well as sent me the official papers, all signed, you are without any kind of doubt free to place the marriage necklace around her neck. Sedgwick can’t do shit to stop it.”

  “Do you have any idea how happy this makes me?” Zane chuckled.

  “Well, guess that old Earth saying about having friends in high places is true, and don’t piss off a government that you want to back you up. I mean, these guys are willing to help you any way they can just to get back at the man for what he tried to do, and who knows what else he’s done. It has also slipped that Sedgwick did the same thing for a few of his buddies, and rumor has it that an open investigation will happen to find out just how many other girls have their points faked.”

  “This is great news.”

  “Good, yes, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have to watch our backs. This prick isn’t going to let her go that easy, man. We still have to find a way to get you off the planet before he figures out that you’re still on it.”

  “The sooner you help me with that the sooner I’ll be able to relax.”

  “So, when are you going to put it on her? I know you’re dying to.”

  “She’s not in the best condition, Kade, but don’t worry. She’ll have it around her neck by the time you pick us up.”

  “Ahh, that comes as no surprise.”

  “Sedgwick is now trying to shut down all transports onto and off of Mars. Sorsha’s father has made arrangements for us to get a shuttle to you, but it’s going to be a bit tricky, and it isn’t going to happen until after the storm. I think he’s going to get a shuttle off the planet tonight and wait out your storm on another. Once this storm is over, it’ll be there and you’ll have to move ass. Don’t think it’s going to take too long for Sedgwick to figure out you’re still there. So stay low. Like you, he won’t be able to go out in this shit until it’s over. That gives us a small edge against him.”

  A sharp pain suddenly hit the tip of his dick and moved upward. “Fuck!” He held his breath, waiting for it to end. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me it hurts this bad?”

  Kade laughed. “Because then I wouldn’t have the pleasure of hearing you bitch about it.”

  “You’re a dick,” Zane panted, sweat covering his forehead. Thankfully it didn’t last too long. “How’d Nichelle do?”

  “Great. Another girl.”

  Zane smiled and said, “That should keep Jovan busy.”

  “No shit.”

  “And Sorsha?” Right before he landed Zane got word that Sorsha was also expecting.

  “We’re about ready to head to the birthing unit. I’ll let you know what it is the moment I do, and I’ll keep you posted on the shuttle.”

  “I hope you have a girl also.”

  Girls on Pluto were considered rare and precious. With the female population so low they both hoped and feared having girls at the same time. The moment they came of age the males sought them out.

  “So do I. All right, I’m going to go. We’re just about to the birthing unit. Turn the phone off until after noon tomorrow, I’ll call you then.”

  “I owe you one.”

  “You owe me many.”

  Hanging up, Zane sighed. Without a doubt he could finish this torture to his body, but only to a point that is. She was in no condition for him to do more than place the necklace upon her and kiss her—maybe. With the condition she was in there was no way in hell he could lie with her, and that meant more pain for him.

  “This still sucks,” he groaned, rolling over to his side, facing her. He had her on her belly, still in her jeans.

  Zane reached out, touched the parts of her back that weren’t hurt. He moved the tips of his fingers down, over the curve of her denim clad ass where he cupped her and groaned again. His cock was nothing more than hard steel between his legs. Pounding, urgent, pain and need all wrapped up in one very tight little package.

  Lowering his head to the top of hers, smelling the faint scent of her shampoo, he sighed. “Ah Galisha, how you test me.”

  With a kiss on the top of her head, and snuggling to her side, careful of her back, Zane closed his eyes with the hope of getting some rest. His body demanded it and he wasn’t going to fight it. If she woke in the morning, he knew there would be some explaining for sure, not to mention treating her back and figuring out the best way to place the necklace on her. Right now the damn thing irritated him immensely. He wanted it off, about as badly as he wanted inside her body, and he knew only one of those things were going to happen in the next few hours. Too bad it was going to be the first.

  Chapter Two

  Kalisha woke to a throbbing pain in her feet and a raw pounding on her back. Slowly, she opened her eyes, worked to focus them and frowned at what she saw. Not a wall but a flapping wall. Moving slightly, she discovered she was laying on an air mattress. Her shirt was gone, but her jeans were still on and a thin sheet covered her body. Holding the sheet close to her breasts, Kalisha worked at sitting up and found she really couldn’t do it.

  “Let me help you.” A male voice and strong, gentle hands gripped her arms, helping her to sit up.

  Turquoise-green eyes were the very first th
ing she saw. Angelic eyes that instantly put her at ease and made her feel safe and cared for. Shoulder length blond hair, cut around his face, and feathered back accented his strong face. His jaw was square, his nose was straight and, surprisingly, his skin was tan, not pale. She couldn’t tell exactly how tall he might be, but she knew that the men from Pluto were very big. This guy definitely was from Pluto.

  “Who are you?” Kalisha rasped out. She looked around and said, “Where am I?”

  “We’re still on Mars, in the deep part of the desert in a tent,” he answered. “There’s a storm outside. We’re waiting it out and then a shuttle should come to pick us up. My name is Zane. Zane Dill.”

  “Why are we in a tent?” She took the cup he handed her and sipped at the warm meaty tasting broth.

  “Because we’re hiding,” he smiled.

  He turned from her and began digging in a bag. Kalisha stared at her drink for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and speaking again. “You want to bring him down also.”

  Zane stopped what he was doing to look back at her. In his hands he had a jar with something blue in it along with water and some cloths. He moved back to her, went around to her backside and parted his legs around her.

  “I want to stop him, yes.” He pushed her hair aside and a cool wet cloth touched her back. Kalisha flinched at the contact. “But I mostly want to stop him from hurting you further.”

  She hissed when something warm touched her back. “What the hell is that?”

  “Something to keep the wounds from getting infected until I can get you medical attention,” he said. “And so far it’s doing the job perfectly. How’s your pain level?”

  “Why would we go back to Pluto?”

  “Who said we’re going to Pluto?”

  “Then where are you taking me?”

  He chuckled. “You sure do have a lot of questions, and no answers.”

  She sighed. “I hurt everywhere.”

  “Not shocking,” She jumped again when more of whatever it was he put on her back touched her skin. “Drink the broth. It’ll help.”

  “You drugging me or something?”

  “Something like that. It has pain medicine mixed in it. It will help with the pain and let you rest comfortably.”

  “What makes you think I want to sleep anymore? And where are we going?”

  “Sleep is always best when one is injured, and we are going to Jupiter, once the storm is done. Now drink.”

  She drank while he tended to her back. At the same time, he finished as she drank the last drop.

  He took the cup, the rest of the things and moved away from her. He went back to the bags and her eyes moved around the tent. She had to admit she was very impressed with the size of the tent and how much space they had. A small heater sat at the far end, giving off a fair amount of heat into the space considering its size. Two large bags sat next to it, and on the other side was a small cooker with two pans resting on the burners. She could smell food cooking but she wasn’t hungry. What she was starting to feel was a bit sleepy. Looking around again as he brought out a bottle of something and moved to the stove, she noticed that there was only one bed inside, and she was sitting on it. One thought hit her then.

  “Where are you sleeping if there is just one bed?”

  “Next to you.” He had her full attention, while he was removing things from the bag. “In case you’re wondering. It gets cold here at night and I don’t want to run the heater too much, which could give our location away. Body heat is best for staying warm.”

  “You’re going to have the test preformed, aren’t you?” The question made him stop packing things back into the bag. “Men like you don’t help girls like me without a reason.”

  “What if I’m a helpful kind of guy?”

  “I’ve been around long enough to know the difference. You guys don’t go around Earth girls unless there’s a match of some kind. Besides, I could feel it you know.” He stilled, frowning at her. She shrugged her shoulders. “Not like it wasn’t obvious. How long have you not been able to have sex?”

  “It’s been a very long time.”

  “So this little wait then is going to really drive you nuts, huh?”

  He moved close, hunched over in front of her. “What makes you think I have to wait?”

  “I know the rules. You have to take me to Pluto and perform some kind of test. He’s not going to let you have me, you know,” she stated. His response was to raise one eyebrow. “He’s done something to stop all Pluto men from trying to marry me, or whatever it is you guys call it. I’m off limits, so to say.”

  “Rules are meant to be bent or broken.”

  “Not this one.”

  “Even this one.” His hands went up to his neck and the silver choker he had on came off. Her mouth went dry watching. She was powerless to move or speak when he reached out and placed it around her neck. “The Government has already recognized my pain and the test has been acknowledged. So I guess this time the rules have been bent—for us.”

  Panic set in. She reached up with both hands, forgetting the sheet covering her naked breasts, as she tried to pull off the necklace. “No!” She shook her head. “You don’t want to do this. My father will have you killed.” He didn’t say a thing or move. “Please, take this off.”

  “It doesn’t come off.”

  Kalisha’s heart started to race with a combination of fear and something else as she stared into the intense darkness of his perfect eyes staring right at her. She shivered when his eyes darkened, yet brightened at the same time.

  “What do you mean it doesn’t come off? It has to come off!” She pulled at it but it wouldn’t come off.

  Fear wrapped its ugly hands around her and held her tight. She knew what her father was capable of doing. Not only had she seen it but she’d also felt it firsthand. She tried with all her might to pull off the necklace, to find the latch, but she found nothing. Not even when she tried to look down at it just to see if there was a way to remove it that she was missing.

  A quick glance up at him and she stopped all movement. He became still as a statue and for the life of her she didn’t understand why—until she felt the chill upon her body. The sheet she had been holding up to her chest now rested on her lap, thanks to her futile efforts to remove the necklace.

  Heat raced up her neck to her cheeks and quickly she moved to snatch it back up, only to stop when he also grabbed the sheet, holding it in mid-air. The air in the tent seemed to thicken. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, and he kept his eyes on her. His expression alone had her shaking, her nipples peaking to hard, tiny points. She couldn’t move, could barely breathe and she grew fearful of what he might do. After all, her experience with men pretty much didn’t exist, thanks to what her father did to her last boyfriend.

  One tug from him and the sheet slipped from her fingers. Instinct had her crossing both arms over her breasts. He scooted closer then reached for her. Kalisha couldn’t move or protest. Hot hands touched her jean clad hips and with a sharp jerk she found herself in his lap, both of his hands firmly in place over her rear. She took a couple of deep, ragged breaths in an effort to take air into her lungs but being so close to him, his shirt rasping over her now very sensitive nipples, she found breathing very difficult.

  He didn’t touch her back when he shifted just enough so he held her with one hand. The other moved up to the back of her neck. The heat that came off him should have burned her right on the spot but didn’t. He rubbed tense muscles in her neck, leaned closer and Kalisha could no longer keep her eyes open.

  Firm lips grazed her throat, a wet, hot tongue touched right before those lips pressed a light kiss to a spot that had her shivering in his arms. She felt him fist her hair and pull at her head, making it go backwards to give him full access to her throat. Somehow, he managed to hold her close like that. The hand that had been on her rear moved between their bodies and closed around one breast. That contact had her gasping and stiffening in
his arms. He still kissed her throat and with the other hand squeezed the mound he’d cupped.

  A brush of his thumb on her nipple, and his hand moved down between both breasts, over her belly and right to the top of her belt and jeans. Again, Kalisha stiffened in his arms and this time tried to pull away when he yanked on the belt, then worked on undoing her jeans.

  Still holding her hair, Zane pulled her back even more and his mouth trailed a hot, sinful trail down to her breast. He licked the nipple right before sucking it into the hot depths of his mouth as his hand slid into her jeans, cupping her.

  “You’re—you’re not supposed to do this,” she stuttered.

  “This would’ve been my test at the temple,” he mumbled against her breast. A finger slipped inside her and she just about came off his lap in shock. “The urge to feel you is too powerful to ignore.”

  Oh, the sensations he brought out in her, the new and amazing feelings. Nothing from her past boyfriend ever had her feeling like this, but then again he’d never seduced her like this. Hell, come to think about it, they really didn’t get too far. He was just putting his dick into her when her father arrived. The question of whether she was still a virgin or not still hung over her head, unanswered. She recalled some pain, but she wasn’t sure if he’d entered all the way into her or not.

  Sure her father thought that she’d had sex that night, since he caught her in the back seat of her boyfriend’s car with her pants down. Her father wouldn’t believe her when she told him that she didn’t know, that they’d started but hadn’t finished. It didn’t matter to him. He’d beat the hell out of her, anyway. She never knew what he did to the guy she was with. After that beating her mother took her and left, and even to this day her father refused to listen to the truth about what happened.


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