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Solar Seduction

Page 3

by Jaden Sinclair

  The finger inside her moved in and out slowly. Every so often he would wiggle it and she’d fist both hands into his shirt at the shoulders. Hell, she didn’t even realize that she had been holding him until then.

  “This is so not a good idea,” she panted. The fear that someone might come, stop all of this, and a fight breaking out filled her mind. The visions in her head refused to let her relax to enjoy his touch and what he was doing to her.

  She didn’t understand what was happening. They didn’t know each other, so why would she let him do this to her. Are you letting him, or is he just doing it?

  She tried to think, tried to understand what was happening, but her brain just refused to focus. At the moment it felt as if he was winding her up tight and at any moment she would pop like a balloon.

  “If we were at home, you would be strapped down for the test,” he murmured and skimmed his lips back up between her breasts to her throat. “And I would be able to taste all of your pleasures.”

  Kalisha whimpered at that. He let her hair go and she just slumped against his shoulder. Still he didn’t touch any of the wounds on her back, but that hand which had been holding her hair now slid into her jeans as well, cupping the bare flesh of her ass. Again she jumped at the contact.

  “Give me the pleasure, Mala,” he seemed to purr against her ear. “Let me witness the first of many that my hand will give to you.”

  Another finger joined the one already stroking her, and the tempo of those strokes picked up. He moved them faster in and out of her, thumb teasing the tiny nub of her clit. Breathing became a pant, she held onto his shirt so tightly that her hands started to hurt, and even more shocking was that he now rubbed another finger at the entrance of her ass. She shook her head no at him and tried to move her hips away from the finger from behind, but couldn’t.

  “Come, Mala,” he purred again. “Don’t hold back.”

  And like a tidal wave it all came crashing around her. The finger behind her entered, a hard push from the two fingers with a firm pressure on her clit, and Kalisha came apart. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t even move. She shook in his arms, the pleasure gripping her so tight she feared she might die from it all. But before she could come down from the high, the drug kicked in and she slumped in his arms, fingers still inside her body.

  * * * *

  Zane stayed put, working to get his breathing under control, and to will the throbbing dick between his legs to calm down. It wouldn’t. He hadn’t planned on doing this with her in the state that she was in, however, when the sheet dropped to her lap all of his willpower went right out the door. He had to taste her, had to touch and feel her. If they were back home he would’ve been able to do it all, except for joining with her.

  Damn if she didn’t feel good in his arms, and fuck him he wanted to keep his fingers inside her, but knew he really needed to put her back into bed to rest. With ease and a low groan, he removed his fingers from her body and his hands from her jeans. He didn’t bother with fixing her jeans, he just placed her back on the bed, on her belly and covered her up as best as he could. Sitting back, he watched her sleep for a few moments before turning away to change his clothing. Shameful as it was to admit, he had come in his jeans, thanks to feeling her warm climax. With a grin, he dug into the bag for extra clothes. Finally, he had his feelings back and it all had to do with the most precious thing ever. Kalisha!

  When he was changed, he started to make himself something to eat. After that, he sat back and simply watched her sleep. It’s strange how much pleasure he got just from the simple act of watching her sleep.

  * * * *

  Kalisha woke with a jerk. Pushing herself up, and wincing as she did so, she dropped back down. Her back reminded her once more what had happened. She looked around, saw she was alone, and slowly this time sat up with the sheet tightly held up to her chin. The state of her jeans reminded her also just what had happened she assumed hours ago. Quickly she fixed her jeans and belt, feeling heat spread across her face once more.

  That, without any doubt at all, was the first time any man touched her like that and had her climaxing. Just the memory alone had her clit waking up and throbbing for attention once more.

  Shaking her head she looked around the tent once more, not sure what she should do. Her stomach chose that time to grumble for food and her bladder also piped in for its amount of attention. She spotted a little flap that was opened over on the other side of the tent. When the wind outside blew it shifted the tent enough that she was able to see a portable potty hidden in its own little room. With a small sigh, Kalisha dropped the sheet and crawled on her hands and knees over to it. Zipping the flaps closed she did her business and crawled right back over to the bed. She had just pulled the sheet back up to her chest when Zane came in from the main doorway.

  “You’re awake,” he said, shaking sand from his head. “How do you feel?”

  “Hungry,” she answered, heat once more rising into her cheeks.

  “Not surprised,” he said as he went to the small stove and put two thin strips of what looked like logs into it and lit it. “You’ve been asleep almost a full day.”


  He glanced over his shoulder at her. “The storm outside is in what I think is the final stage. Shouldn’t be too much longer now before we can leave.”

  “I don’t think I want any more of your special broth,” she mumbled to herself.

  He smiled at her and stopped what he was doing to give her his full attention. “From the looks of things, I think you haven’t really slept much in days. Your body needed it, and I didn’t give you that much in the broth to knock you out for that long.”

  “So I guess it shows then?” she asked. He frowned and she rolled her eyes. “That I haven’t’ slept much or been on the run for a few days.”

  “A little.” He turned back to the stove and placed two pans on top.

  She sat there watching him. When done, he handed her a cup that had some strange looking chunks of what she guessed to be meat in a soup. She hesitated taking it from him.

  “It’s not drugged this time.” He smiled. “Promise.”

  “What is it?” she asked, looking down at the cup.

  “We call it, Tok. It’s a meat substance that will help give you energy. Soon we’ll need to pack up and move fast.”

  “In the storm?”

  He shook his head. “No. I’m not going to take you out in this stuff and chance your wounds getting infected. We’ll stay put until the storm is over.”

  She ate. He cleaned up, and after it was all done, the uncomfortable silence filled the space. Zane sat on the ground across from her, just staring, which had her squirming. And since she was not one good with silence, Kalisha thought of something to say.

  “So what do you do?” she asked, making sure the sheet was covering her good.

  “I make wine,” he answered. “I work for Jovan Maki.”

  “His wine is a big thing on Earth.”

  Zane nodded. “And on Pluto as well.”

  “So what’s on Jupiter? I’ve never heard of anyone going there.”

  “Jupiter is sort of off limits to Earth officials.” He brought one leg up and leaned back with an arm draped over the knee. The move had her eyes going right to his crotch, where she got a nice eye full of swollen flesh. “It belongs to Pluto only.”

  “Why?” Forcing her eyes back up to his face she took a deep breath, hoping to clear her head and calm her racing heart.

  “Well for one, not many on Earth can settle there. Most of the planet is uninhabitable.”

  “Then why are you taking me there? I’ll die.”

  He smiled. “You won’t die. We have processors, plants that have made small sectors breathable. We did this after we started marrying Earth women. But the location of these spots is a well-kept secret and private. You have to have special permission to even enter the atmosphere. Then,
if you’re lucky to get that far, other permissions from land owners to land. Sort of what you all call having connections.”

  “And you have a connection?”

  “I do. One that will let us stay until you are healed and it’s safe to go back to Pluto. He is also letting us stay for part of our honeymoon.”

  The mention of their honeymoon had her reaching up and touching the necklace as well as a slight humming starting between her legs. She didn’t know if she liked it or not, being married to him without any kind of say. It must’ve also shown on her face. Zane moved, scooted up to her and touched her face.

  “It will be all right. I promise you. You are safe with me.”

  “Not one of us is safe, not as long as we stay on this damn planet.” He leaned in, and on instinct she leaned back. “What are you doing?”

  Zane smiled big. “I thought I might kiss you.”


  “Because that is what one does, when they are married.”

  “Yeah, but I’m still not sure—” He cut her off by kissing her.

  The kiss stole her breath. Kalisha couldn’t stop from closing her eyes or from leaning into the kiss. Zane’s hands went up to her face, holding her head, kissing her even deeper. His tongue touched her lips and she gasped. That gave him the opening to slip his tongue into her mouth, and tangle with hers. She jumped and he moaned.

  Going on her own instinct, the sheet dropped again and she also reached up, touching his face then moving her hands into his hair. Zane moaned again and before she knew it she was once more on his lap. His hands left her face and were now on her ass, holding her tight against him. She could feel the hardness of his erection and her body quickly came alive for him.

  “Wait, wait!” she breathed, pulling away from him. “We can’t do this.”

  “Why, Mala,” his mouth left a burning trail from her chin down to her throat. One hand came up and closed around her breast. His mouth kept going down and he gave the nipple a lick. “Why must we wait when we both want each other?”

  She couldn’t think of a good enough answer to really give him. Just like she couldn’t think to tell him to stop when he started to pull on her jeans and they began to slide down her legs along with her panties.

  Blinking several times and trying to catch her breath, Zane put her back on the bed and his lips kept trailing down her body. Before she even knew it his head was between her legs and his mouth was kissing at the inside of her thigh, moving closer to her throbbing sex.

  “Oh, God!” she groaned the second he kissed her pussy.

  Wet, hot tongue touched her, parted the folds of her and touched her clit. She jumped at his touch. He moaned, and then he really started to lick her. Kalisha began to pant with each lick, each suck he gave her. She also fought hard to hold herself up and not lay down on her injured back. It was hard to stay up when she wanted to just lie down and let him devour her.

  He sucked hard on her clit and she cried out. When he slid two fingers deep inside she just about lost it. In and out he moved those fingers, pulling and sucking on her clit. He wound her up once more and this time she didn’t know if she would be able to handle it. That first orgasm seemed like it was just a small taste of what he could do. It happened to be the very first time she ever had a climax with a guy.

  “Shit, shit, shit!” she started to pant as well as squirm on the bedding.

  His response—he moved those fingers even faster into her and really sucked on her clit. That was all it took. She screamed out her release, bucking against his mouth and fingers. The orgasm rippled through her fast and hard, and if he didn’t quickly sit up and catch her she might’ve falling down on her back. With his fingers still deep inside, moving slowly to finish the ride, Zane held her tight against his chest. He was also breathing hard and fast and she could still feel the hardness against her.

  He lay down on his back, keeping her close. When finally his fingers left her body she shivered at the loss but her body still hummed with life.

  “Why’d you do that?” she finally asked, rising up to look at him. She pushed back the fact that she was now naked on top of his chest.

  “Because I wanted to.” He brushed hair from her eyes. “I love hearing your pleasure. It gives me pleasure arousing you.”

  His hardness pressed against her belly. Kalisha looked down at him. “And what about you?”

  “I hurt.” That had her looking back up at him. “I won’t lie to you. It has been a very long time since I’ve been with a woman or had an erection. They hurt like hell, but I’ll put up with it until you’ve healed.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair.”

  “What would you suggest I do? Masturbation only makes it worse, not better.”

  “Really?” she had to touch him. Being so long without doing natural or normal things she found that she wanted to experience a few things. Rising up enough to move her hands, Kalisha ran one down his chest, which was still covered, and she touched him. He hissed. “Did I hurt you?” she quickly asked.

  “No,” he started panting again. “I’m on edge.”

  “Does that mean that if I really touch you, then you might cum?”

  He chuckled. “I see the spark in your eyes, Mala. And yes, if you touch me I will cum for sure.”

  She had to do it. Why, she had no clue. Even though they didn’t know each other at all, were hiding in a tent under a big sand storm, and she was healing thanks to her father, Kalisha wanted to see what a man looked like, undressed. Her one and only boyfriend hadn’t really take his clothes off, and neither had she. That still didn’t mean that he hadn’t touched her, or that they hadn’t tried to have sex. But to be able to see a man, one that clearly had a ton of muscles on his body, was too good to pass up.

  “If I asked you to take your clothes off, would you?” she asked. “I’ve never really seen a man naked before.”

  “If you want me naked, then naked I shall be.” He sat up, keeping her on his lap. Their eyes locked and he reached up over his head for his shirt, pulling it up over his head. A little squirming and his shoes were gone as well. The next thing he did was reach between them and unsnap his pants, then he twisted left and right, pulling them down his hips, then his legs and off. “There.”

  “Wow,” she gasped, looking down at his chest as he once more laid down.

  Zane was a brick of muscles. She touched his chest, watching her hands as she moved them all over, grazing nipples that were stiff. He touched her legs, but didn’t move those hands up further. Fascination with his body over took any discomfort she might’ve had. She even forgot that she was naked as well.

  When her hands reached his waistline, she used his body for a bit of leverage and moved herself down. He spread his legs for her and when she got between them she was now level with his cock, which was hard, thick, and long. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared at it, wondering what it would feel like inside her. Would it give her as much pleasure as what his hand had given her? Would it hurt? Her memory once more brought out that first time with the boyfriend in the back seat. He’d put his own cock into her, and it was starting to hurt when they were interrupted. Would she feel the same kind of pain? Or did her ex take care of that? Man I wish I knew for certain if I’m still a damn virgin or not!

  She took hold of him. Closed one hand as much around the base of his cock as she could and he hissed. Looking up, Zane had his eyes closed, back arched up some and was breathing a bit faster. It fascinated her how just a simple touch like this could affect him so. But then again, he seemed to be able to do the same thing to her. When he touched her she just melted into him.

  Watching him, Kalisha moved her hand slowly up, then down. His nose even flared as she moved it. Saying nothing, she kept moving it and started to go a bit faster. However, her playtime didn’t last for very long. Zane opened his eyes, moved her hand away, grabbed his shirt and groaned. She watched him cum right before her eyes into his shirt.

  “Shit,” he pan
ted. “I told you it would be fast.” He moved his own hand with the shirt a few more times then stopped.

  Biting her lip, Kalisha moved his hand and shirt away then slid back up his body. “I have to say, I kind of liked watching that.” He blushed. “Like the blushing, also.” A few seconds went by and she widened her eyes and looked down at him. “You’re hard again!”

  “Yep. Told you masturbation doesn’t do much for me right now.”

  Unable to really control herself, she straddled his hips and rested her chin on his chest. For a bit of meanness she also moved her own hips, just enough to rub against his hardness. Zane hissed.

  “Don’t start teasing me, Mala. I won’t be able to control myself and might end up taking you right here.”

  “Might not be such a bad idea.” This time his eyes widened and she felt heat rise to her own cheeks. “But I must at least warn you, I’m not really sure if I’m still a virgin or not.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She bit her lip, not sure how to really tell him. “Well, um I had one boyfriend a long time ago, and we sort of messed around. We didn’t do as much as what we’re doing now, but he did start to, um, you know.”

  “I think I’ve got the idea.”

  “Well, anyway, we were starting it and all, but my father sort of came along and stopped us. So I’m not really sure if he went all the way in or not.”

  “Ah, I think I understand what you’re saying. Not to worry. Even if you have been with another man, being with a Pluto man is like being a virgin. So either way, our first time, I will go very slow and be as gentle as I can with you.”

  “So it doesn’t bother you that I might’ve been with another guy?”

  “The only thing that would bother me is if you reject me now. That will kill me.”

  She couldn’t help it and smiled at him. “So when would you like to finish this then?”

  He groaned, “As much as I would love to do it now, I can wait until you are healed completely.”

  “That long, huh. Wow, you do have control. I’m a bit impressed, but I might have to test that control just a bit.”


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