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Alexander: Prince (Members From Money Book 14)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “Concert?” The king looked at his daughter-in-law quizzically. He had seen her pictures in the various newspapers and she seemed to make news wherever she went. She was beautiful and very giving and he loved her like his own daughter.

  “The people of Costa Land have been in bondage and fear for a very long time. They are wary even now. I have spoken to quite a few of them and they keep remembering how hard it was for them when you were not here,” she said, looking at her father-in-law. “They need something to replace that fear, a good memory and what better than a concert. We have the connection. Mark Seville is the biggest song writer in the world just now and he has a lot of connections. He is friends with Diana Rowe. He mainly writes songs for her and there are several other artists who would come to do a concert for us without charging. We could put them up and show them the Costa hospitality and make a day of it. A fair during the day and the concert at night.” Her eyes sparkled as she thought of it. She had gotten so accustomed to dressing up for dinner that she did not mind her personal maid picking out clothes for her. She was wearing a blush pink silk blouse with a burgundy pants and had pearls in her lobes. She wore her crown when she stepped out of the palace but refused to wear it when she was indoors.

  “I think it is a brilliant idea.” Amelia looked at the effervescent girl fondly. “When do you think?”

  “The first Saturday in April.”

  “You are going to be able to arrange all that?” her husband asked, looking at her uncertainly.

  “No, darling.” She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “We have a network of wives who thrive on these things. I will just call Leesa and Kelly and they will put the word out.” She looked at the king. “What do you say, Father?”

  “Go ahead, my dear.”


  “I don’t know what made me think this was going to be easy,” Debbie moaned as she slipped on her powder blue nightgown one night a week later as she got ready for bed. They had been especially busy for the past week, traveling to Europe to tour and going to the company in the states to deal with some things. She had been leaving most of the arrangements on Leesa and the others and she felt guilty. The people were feverish with excitement about the all day entertainment and were in a frenzy making sure the place was clean and the flowers panted and the trees trimmed. It was going to be held outdoors in the park so tents were rented and the park was being cleaned up and prepared.

  “It’s going okay, stop worrying,” her husband reassured her as he climbed into the bed next to her. “The venue is being prepared, the artists are booked, and there will be food enough to feed several armies. I would like the attention of my wife now if you don’t mind.” He pulled her beneath him and pushed the hair out of her face. They had been so busy for the past few weeks that they had barely had time to make love more than a few quick strokes before going off to sleep. “I want to romance my wife the proper way.”

  “I am sorry, baby,” she murmured, feeling his erection against the thinness of her nightgown. “I have every intention of making up for it.” She pushed her fingers through his thick dark hair and pulled his face down. His lips met hers and clung, one hand reaching down to pull up her nightgown. He had not bothered to put any clothes on and Debbie relished the feel of his taut muscular body against hers. He eased away and pulled the nightgown over her head before climbing back over her. His erect penis nestled between the folds of her vagina and sent shock waves through her body! His lips feathered over her forehead and drifted down to her nose and her cheek and then her lips where he teased the soft flesh before going down to the hollow in her neck. Debbie arched her body in anticipation as his mouth went to her breast. His tongue found one tight nipple and played with it, torturing her with the slowness of the movement before grazing it with his teeth. She moaned and gripped his hair as her body vibrated against his. He pulled the bud into his mouth and sucked on it pulling the heat from her until she thought she would die of the need. His fingers found her opening and dipped inside reaching further in to thrust into her loving the slick sound of her wetness against his fingers. Debbie moved restlessly beneath him as he left her nipple and drifted down to her flat stomach, his tongue finding the small dent of her belly button before going down to meet his fingers. He replaced them with his tongue driving deep inside her and holding her hips still as he thrust into her rapidly. Debbie cried out, her fingers gripping the sheets as wave after wave of pleasure flooding her helpless body. “Alex! Oh, God! Alex please I can’t-” She broke off as the orgasm tumbled into her causing her to call his name out over and over again! He did not stop until she was finished and then he came up and over her, entering her with his rigid penis, his dark face intense as he looked down at her. She was crying but she did not care! He bent and captured a tear running down her cheek, his expression tender. “I love you,” she whispered shakily as she clasped her hands around his neck.

  “I know,” he said tenderly. “I love you too.” He lifted her legs around his waist and drove deep into her sending her off again as he flooded her with his powerful orgasm!


  Princess Debbie bent to tie the little girl’s sneakers not caring if her blue and white cotton skirt got messed up in the grass. The day for the fair and concert dawned bright, a typically beautiful spring day. Her mother came running over bowing to the prince and princess, her eyes downcast. “I am sorry, Your Majesties,” she murmured.

  “It’s quite all right,” Debbie told the woman. “What’s her name?”


  “She is adorable.”

  “Thank you, Princess,” the woman said with a smile.”

  “I can never get used to that,” Debbie said as Alexander took her hand and they went on their way.

  “You were made to be a princess,” he told her gently as they walked over to the pavilion where the other members of the club and their wives were sitting with the king and queen. Her family had also come over from last night and were having the time of their lives.

  She left her husband’s side and went to be with the other wives as they milled around with the children and the rest of the locals. “Darling, there you are!” Leesa said with a smile. “We were wondering if we should allow the children to go on the rides so soon after eating.”

  “I am sure they will be okay.” Debbie looked around at the various activities and smiled. “They are having fun, aren’t they?”

  “Even mine who thought they were too big for the swings and go karts are having a ball. You should make this an annual do,” Leesa told her.

  “I intend to.”


  The king and queen along with the prince and princess of Costa Land sat on the raised dais where the artists were performing. Both Amelia and Debbie had chosen to wear royal blue dresses. Debbie’s dress was deceptively simple with a scalloped neck and short skirt while Amelia’s gown was ankle length with a bow at the waist. Both women had upswept hair dos and their crowns on their heads. The king and prince were wearing black tuxedoes. The press was out in full force and had flown from all over to world to record this amazing and momentous event in the country’s history. The day had gone very well with the people enjoying themselves immensely. There was a frenzy of excitement as the various international artists made their appearances. Prince Alexander reached out to take his wife’s hand as shouts were heard as soon as the singing ceased. They were on their way to building back their beautiful country!

  There was dancing after and Debbie rested her head onto her husband’s shoulder in contentment. It was almost eleven but almost everyone including the children were still lingering, reluctant for the day to end. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,” Prince Alexander murmured as they circled the red carpet that had been set down for the dancers.

  Debbie lifted her head and looked up at him, the love shining in her dark brown eyes. “I am not the type to ever give up and I knew that I would hold out for something wonderful. I had no idea
it would be something out of this world. You came into my life and I will always be grateful for the impact you have made on me. I love you so much, Alexander, that it frightens me sometimes the depth of what I feel for you.”

  He raised trembling hands to cup her cheeks and stared down at her. “I will always be here for you. I promise you that the love I feel for you and the passion will never die, no matter what.”

  She wrapped her hands around his neck and brought his head down taking his lips with hers in a kiss that left them both trembling!

  The end.

  Alexei, Her Russian Billionaire

  She wants a family. He's not so sure... Can they make it work?

  A super hot romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club. Features a free bonus book.

  Things are looking up for Maya.

  Her photography career is going from strength to strength, she’s left an abusive relationship, and she’s ready to make the best out of her future.

  One of her favorite places to go is the art gallery, but new gallery owner Alexei Petrov decides to get rid of her favorite picture.

  When she confronts him, they find themselves drawn to each other, and soon things heat up between the two.

  Maya feels it’s true love blooming.

  But when she confides in him that she’s looking for marriage and family, he starts pulling away.

  Will they manage to confront Alexei's past of painful relationships and work things out?

  And what happens when another admirer of Maya's decides he’s not ready to give up on her?

  Find out in this thrilling yet heartwarming romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you’ll want your very own Russian billionaire.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 1

  Maya Featherstone settled back in the armchair and cupped her freezing hands around her mug. She took a sip and closed her eyes in content.

  "That's delicious." She sagged further into her chair. "God, I needed that."

  "Same here." Jenny Rogers put more sugar into her cappuccino and stirred. "That was a hard shoot. That wind was punishing."

  "Tell me about it. I could hardly keep myself upright." Maya sipped at her hot chocolate before reaching for a marshmallow and dunking it. She took a big bite out of it. "The models did well considering they were in tiny trunks."

  That was the problem with being a model. When you worked a seasonal shoot, modeling clothes for a particular season, it had to be done the season before. So the swimsuits the models had been wearing were for the summer collection but it was late February and the weather was biting cold with a strong, sharp wind. A couple of the models had complained about it, which Maya would have taken exception to, but this time she couldn't blame them. As the photographer she had to grace the same conditions, albeit with more clothes on and she often got to stay dry, and she managed to cope.

  This time, however, barely anyone managed to cope. Even Jenny, who worked in the makeup department in the trailer, had said it was freezing.

  But it was over now and they were in their favorite coffee shop, taking a moment to warm up before they headed home. They were now off for the next three days unless something last minute came up. With their irregular hours, both would either be on regular shoots or getting ready for fashion shows so it was nice to spend time together.

  Maya was certainly looking forward to it.

  She sighed and dunked the rest of the marshmallow.

  "I still wonder how I got into this." She spoke around a mouthful of marshmallow. "I can't stand some of those divas."

  Jenny laughed.

  "There weren't that many divas there today. Male models don't strop as much as the women do."

  "I'm glad in that weather it was just the men." Maya rolled her eyes. "The amount of testosterone that was hanging around would have had the female models swooning."

  That was another thing Maya had a rule on; focus on the job first, flirt later. She had no problem with any of the models hooking up but not while they were working on her time. That had come after Maya had caught a couple having sex in their dressing room when the female model was late to her set. Maya had a set of rules that didn't seem unfair to her and most of the people she worked with went along with them, even the more difficult models, and this one got added right to the top along with timing and no backchat.

  Sometimes, however, Maya felt like a schoolteacher. And compared to the eighteen and nineteen-year-olds, she felt old. She was approaching thirty in July and the realization was slowly dawning on her.

  "You stand those people because you're one of the best photographers we've got in the city..."

  "Not just the city." Maya reminded her. "The world."

  "Whatever, Big Head." Jenny batted this away. "Plus the models love you. Make the most of it while you can."

  "I plan to."

  Photography at this level was very good pay. Maya could easily retire in ten years if she wanted to. But she loved photography and wouldn't change it for the world. The locations were incredible, the people she worked with were great and even the hectic schedule she got around fashion week was worth it. Photography was her life.

  For now. There was only one thing that could top it and that was a family. But Maya was single and had been for a while. She wasn't prepared to be a single mother but nobody seemed to be the perfect choice for her.

  That would certainly round things off nicely for her.

  Jenny sipped her coffee and let out a sigh.

  "Well, I can say we had some good eye-candy. I know the models are supposed to be good-looking!"

  She fanned her face. Maya laughed.

  "What is it with you and models? How many have you gone through now?"

  "I've only been out with two and the last one was two years ago." Jenny shook her head. "You make it sound like I make a habit of it."

  But she certainly got a lot of them flirting with her. Jenny was beautiful. Petite, long blonde hair and wide purple eyes, she was like a little doll. She was tough as well and nobody messed with her at their peril.

  "Besides, models always flirt with me." Jenny grinned. "They flirt with you as well. I think they think they'll get special treatment from you."

  "No chance." Maya snorted. "But one did give me his cell phone number as he was leaving and suggested that I give him a call sometime to set up a date."

  "Really? Wow! Which one was it?"

  "Jonny Widecombe."

  That was brazen. Maya always made it clear that she was off-limits. That didn't stop the flirting, however. Most of it was harmless and Maya was happy with that. It was when it went too far or they tried asking her out that she put her foot down.

  "Jonny Widecombe?" Jenny looked like she was about to swoon. "Oh, he's gorgeous. You should do it."

  "Jenny, you know my rule. I don't date the models."

  That had come after Maya started dating a model when she first started out as a photographer and things had been volatile. Maya had almost lost her job and the model eventually lost his agency and sponsorship after he hit her one too many times. There was no chance of Maya doing the same thing again.

  Once bitten, twice shy. And Jenny knew that. She had been the one to pick up the pieces.

  "Fair enough." Jenny grinned. "But would you mind if I took a swing at him?"

  Maya laughed for it.

  "Go for it if you like boys. He's just turned twenty."

  "What?" Jenny shrieked. She nearly dropped her mug and put it down hurriedly. "He told me he was twenty-eight."

  "I think we would've noticed him around long ago. We know all the models."

  "How did you find out?"

>   Maya grinned.

  "I'd been talking to his agent Caroline and she warned that he often tried to pass as over the drink limit but he wasn't so he was not allowed any alcohol."

  "That would explain why Tracy wouldn't give him any champagne." Jenny shook her head. "What does Caroline say about it?"

  "She says it gets him into trouble and she's always telling him to stop it. But his response was he does it so he can pick up women. Most women won't date a twenty-year-old."

  "He'll get into trouble one day doing that."

  "I know." Maya sighed and sipped her drink. "Plus you wouldn't want to date a boy when you can have a man."

  Jenny grunted. She crossed her legs and grinned.

  "And as we get older we can't afford to be picky about our partners. Especially you."

  "Jenny, you're only a year younger than me." Maya laughed. "And we're not old."

  "But you're thirty next birthday. Soon you won't be able to have children."

  Here it came. Another talk about babies. Jenny wanted children as well but hers wasn't as deep-seated a need as Maya's. Maya sighed.

  "Leave off. I've got another ten years at least. I don't have to worry just yet."

  "Are you sure?"


  Why did that not sound as convincing as Maya wanted it to be?


  Ivan Mikhailov stood at the window and looked down into the main gallery, watching the people milling around and admiring the pieces. The place was packed, almost so they could barely move. But the champagne was flowing and people were laughing.

  "It's looking great out there, Alexei." He turned away from the window to face the man behind the desk, tapping away at his laptop. "You did a good job rounding everyone up."

  Alexei Petrov chuckled and looked up at his friend.

  "I hardly rounded them up, Ivan. I just put my name on the invitations and sent them out to people who would make the place look good. Since they're here they obviously know about me."

  That was, they loved art. The New York City elite certainly loved their art. Alexei had made the right choice in choosing the art and fashion world as the way to make money. With the two modeling agencies he had started up, one in America and one in Russia, and the art galleries he had sprung up all over the world, Alexei knew what he needed and what was wanted for the people he was trying to impress.


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