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Alexander: Prince (Members From Money Book 14)

Page 14

by Katie Dowe

  So far, after nearly a month in the city, it was working. And being a billionaire with the money to burn had those who wanted some of it coming out of the woodwork.

  "I should think everyone knows about you." Ivan chuckled. He eased his large frame onto the couch and stretched his legs. "It was a good idea moving to America. Once you get a foot in the door here, you're in."

  "You could say that." Alexei sighed and sat back, rubbing at his eyes. He was exhausted but he needed to see this through. "But we mustn't slip. If we want to be successful here we're going to need to work hard to stay here."

  That and mingle as much as he could. As his friend and co-partner, Ivan was better at that. With his six-four height, muscular build from his martial arts training, and his bright white smile, people flocked around him, the women draping off his arms. Alexei had women coming his way but he didn't like big extravagant parties. It was the one thing about his job that he hated. But he needed to get his name out there and keep it there so it had to be done. Even then he had slipped off after twenty minutes to hide in his office.

  "I'm not that stupid." Ivan chuckled. "I know that." Then his laughter died away and he surveyed Alexei thoughtfully. "But there's something else, isn't there?"

  They had been best friends for years. Ivan knew when something was nagging Alexei. Alexei pressed save on his work and closed his laptop lid. If he didn't he was going to be gravitating back to the email he had just received from his lawyer. And it didn't help his mood at all.

  "Hans has just emailed me. Katya's lawyers have contacted him again."

  "Again? What does she want now?"

  "What do you think? Money."

  Ivan frowned.

  "I thought that was all sorted. You guys divorced four years ago."

  That meant nothing. Katya Serova was money-hungry, something Alexei hadn't seen when they were married. But now he was seeing it. She kept trying to get money off him even though the pre-nuptial agreement said she would only get a certain amount if they divorced. Alexei had a feeling Katya was trying to find a loophole in the pre-nuptial but she hadn't found it yet.

  However this had been dragging on for four years, even after the settlement and the divorce. And Alexei was getting fed up with it.

  "She's claiming I made more money she didn't know about when we were married and wants her cut."

  "But the pre-nup would prevent that, surely?"

  "I thought so."

  "But it's been four years. Can't she let go?"

  "Of my money? No." Alexei shook his head and rested his head against the headrest of his chair. "I think she's just doing this because I caught her having sex with my brother. She's trying to make me out to be the bad guy when I never cheated on her."

  His family still hadn't forgiven him for divorcing Katya, who had fooled all of them and they were still fooled. Once Katya realized she wasn't going to get Alexei back she had started to draw out legal proceedings to get as much money as she could. That was another reason Alexei had wanted to move to America; Katya and his family weren't there.

  "Don't beat yourself up about it." Ivan assured him. "Hans is good. He'll have her walking away with nothing again." He sat forward and shook his head. "She should've got nothing the first time around."

  "If I hadn't put the pre-nuptial in with something, she would've made it worse."

  "What's worse than this?"

  Good point. Alexei didn't want to dwell more on his ex-wife. He stood and stretched.

  "I'll be glad she'll be out of my life for good soon."

  "Hopefully." Ivan paused. "So, what are you going to do with that exhibition you were unsure about near the back of the gallery? That's what you originally came up here for, right?"

  "Right." Alexei sighed. "I'm still unsure of it so let's just get rid of it. Not many people were paying attention to it while we were down there. It's not going to bring the money in."

  "No problem." Ivan stood. "I'll get right on it."

  He always did.


  Maya kept her camera to her eye as she moved around the blonde model leaning against the tree, the wind threatening to knock her over. It went down the collar of her windbreaker but she ignored it. Mostly.

  "Try another pose, Sasha." She shouted over the wind. "Good. That's it." She snapped a few frames. "Look another way now. Fantastic."

  She snapped a few more and lowered the camera and checked the amount of frames. Not as many as the other models but Sasha Lucie was one of the best and Maya didn't need to shoot as many frames with her as with the others. Sasha was a delight to work with.

  "Good job, Sasha." She called.

  Sasha relaxed and pushed off the tree, wobbling a little in her heels as the wind threatened to knock her off her feet.

  "Is that it now, Maya?" She asked, coming towards Maya as one of the runners came hurrying over with her coat, which Sasha immediately shrugged into.

  "Sure is." Maya grinned and air-kissed Sasha, receiving it back. "Thanks, honey. That was brilliant."

  "Anything for you, Maya. Even in this weather." Sasha bunched up into her coat. "I'll hang around in case you need me. I'll be with Jenny."

  "No problem."

  Sasha shivered as she walked away.

  "Let's hope Barbados doesn't have the same wind factor, eh?" She called over her shoulder.

  Maya laughed. In a week they were heading over to Barbados for a special shoot for a commercial. Maya had been chosen to take the stills and Jenny was doing the makeup for the models involved. Maya had been to Barbados before and was looking forward to going again; it was a place she would never get tired of.

  But she had to get through three more photo shoots in the city before that would be happening. Now catalogs were going to be put into print in the next few weeks, Maya was busier than ever trying to follow what the clients wanted and what she wanted in the time allowed.

  This was what she thrived on. Those three days she had taken off were what she had needed before a rush like this.

  Maya reached the tent where the technical equipment was set up. They were in Central Park and where they were shooting was in the middle of a wind tunnel; it whipped right through and dropped the warmer temperature down several notches. It was also not helpful with the paperwork they had to bring around as it decided it was going to go on an adventure of its own, so the creative director Howie had set up the tent, which was more like a gazebo than a tent.

  At least it was a little warmer in there with the heater.

  Howie was at the laptop when Maya ducked inside and took out her memory card from the camera.

  "Here we go, Howie. That's Sasha done."

  "Thanks, Maya."

  Howie slotted the card into his laptop and Maya leaned over his shoulder as they surveyed Sasha's shots. There was a few where it was clear she was struggling but the model had pulled it off easily. She had some beautiful shots. Howie nodded approvingly.

  "That's good. How many more have we got now?"

  "Just two." Maya adjusted her wool cap. She kept her hair short for simplicity and on days like this she was glad. "Do you want to head out and check them?"

  "In a minute. Let me get these saved."

  "Sure thing."

  Maya found a free memory card in her bag and was busy putting it into her camera as she came out the tent. With her head lowered she didn't see Jonny Widecombe until she ran into him.

  "Hey, Maya."

  Maya blinked as she stared up at him.

  "Jonny? What are you still doing here? I thought you had a show tonight."

  "I've got a bit of time before I need to leave." Jonny gave her a charming smile. "Have you thought about my offer?"

  Maya sighed heavily. The boy didn't give up. He had tried texting and calling her the day before to ask but Maya had ignored him. If he knew about her he knew she wouldn't give him an affirmative answer. He was handsome, true, with his swimmer-like body, blond locks curling around his neck and bright blue eyes, all f
inished off with a surfer's tan from his childhood in California, but Maya couldn't see the attraction. She wasn't a fan of the surfer boys and she wasn't attracted to blond-haired boys.

  She just wasn't attracted to boys full-stop.

  Then she realized that Jonny was still holding onto her arms. Maya stepped back out of reach and his hands dropped.

  "Jonny, you know the rules. I don't date the models."

  Jonny's forehead creased in a frown.

  "Why not? I'm not like Ash. I would never hit a woman."

  Maya flinched. It had been a long time ago but even now Ash's name made her feel the terror she had experienced from the last time Ash had used his fists on her. That time had put her in hospital with broken ribs and a broken eye-socket. She didn't tell people about it but it was known in the modeling world what she had experienced. Most of the people she worked with knew not to bring it up but there was always one person who either didn't know or wanted to hurt her.

  She wondered which one Jonny was. He clearly wanted to date her but he wasn't getting it into his head.

  "It's perfectly clear that I don't date someone in the modeling industry." Maya said stiffly. "That's asking for trouble."

  Jonny's smile disappeared. He gave an annoyed snort.

  "You know, you should consider yourself lucky I'm asking you out at all." He sneered. "You should be flattered someone like me thinks you're still attractive at your age."

  Maya blinked. Where had that come from? The switch had flipped incredibly fast. Jonny seemed so normal.

  "I beg your pardon?" She gathered her senses and felt the anger rising, adopting the voice she used when one of her models was pushing her patience when she was shooting them. "Would you like to repeat that again?"

  Whenever she used her 'big boss voice' as others called it, they knew when there was trouble. Jonny obviously knew it as well because he backed off pretty quickly.


  "Good." Maya jabbed a finger at him. "Because I've said no and that is my answer. Take it and go. Now. I want you off the set right now."


  "Do you want me to call security? Because I will."

  They didn't have security but Howie had a personal bodyguard, a big bruiser called Steve. He was like a teddy bear but when he was working that man was not someone to mess with. Jonny's face paled and he hurried away, almost knocking into Jenny as she crossed from the makeup trailer. She frowned at Maya.

  "What was that about?"

  "Jonny was pushing it." Maya wiped the sweat off her forehead. Even with the cold she was sweating like a pig under her hat and jacket. Her t-shirt was stuck to her back. "He's going too far."

  "Speak to Caroline tomorrow about it."

  "I plan to."

  Jenny nodded. Then she looked over Maya's shoulder and frowned.

  "Hey, isn't that the painting you like coming out of the gallery?"

  There was a reason she liked this part of Central Park and it was because of the art gallery. It was small and quaint but there was a particular painting right at the back that Maya adored. It was one of those you could look at for hours and feel yourself calming. Maya hadn't understood the way a painting made you feel until it happened to her. Whenever she felt down and it was within reason she would go into the gallery and sit in front of the painting, just looking at it.

  Jenny teased her about it but Maya didn't care. And the staff didn't find it strange, either. They were all on first name terms and Maya had even taken photos for them for their website and posters so she brought work in for them.

  Maya turned and saw that Jenny was right. Her painting was being carried out of the front door to a waiting van. It wasn't even wrapped up. Maya stared. She couldn't believe it.

  "What do you think is happening?" Jenny asked.

  "No idea." Maya passed her camera over. "I'll be five minutes."

  Chapter 2

  Alexei stood at the window and saw the female photographer hurry across the park and onto the sidewalk. He had been watching her for a while now, observing her as she snapped away with her camera at the models in flashy outfits standing in poses he didn't think existed. She was professional and quick, laughing and joking with everyone around her. A few times he had caught a glimpse of her smile and he had been drawn in.

  He had only gone to the window to have a break from his work, which seemed to have stalled. And now Alexei had got distracted with the photo shoot in Central Park and the petite photographer. He couldn't tell what she was really like from a distance and her body was covered up with a woolly hat and windbreaker but Alexei couldn't take his eyes off her.

  There had been a moment when a young model wearing a black leather jacket and jeans had approached her and then for a moment the woman had stiffened. Alexei had wondered what was going on. Was he an ex-boyfriend? Was he a threat? For some reason he felt his chest tightening.

  This was bad if he was feeling emotions for a woman he had never met.

  It was when she started running across to his gallery that Alexei left the window. She was coming here? What for? Trying to not look excited, Alexei made his way downstairs and across the gallery floor. He could see the woman arguing with one of the removal men, her words coming across to him through the open door.

  "Why are you getting rid of this piece? And without a cover? That's just nuts."

  "Nothing to do with me, lady. I just get paid to move things."

  But she was clearly not taking that for an answer.

  "Who said you could move that without so much as a by your leave?" She demanded.

  Alexei stood in the doorway and crossed his arms.

  "I can."

  The woman spun around. Up close Alexei was taken aback. She was lovely. Petite, black hair poking out from under her hat, lovely slim legs and smooth dark brown skin like mahogany. Her eyes were the color of dark chocolate and she had long eyelashes, a pert nose and the loveliest mouth Alexei had ever seen.

  He felt his body waking up but he pushed these thoughts away. Now was not the time. And in his slacks his thoughts would be obvious. He ignored his body demanding that he got up close and personal and focused on her face, trying not to look at her mouth.

  "You're the woman taking pictures in the park, aren't you?"

  The woman blinked. She had been staring at him with her mouth open, her eyes wide, as if she was just as stunned with him as he was with her. Asking her that seemed to knock her out of her trance.

  "I am." Her eyes narrowed. "How did you know?"

  "I've been watching you from my window. You're good."

  Was she blushing? Now she looked flustered. Alexei could see the removal men watching them and beckoned her inside.

  "Come on in out of the wind. If you need to talk, you can speak to me in here."

  She came with him without objection. Alexei gave the removal men a glare and shut the door. Then he turned to the woman, who had taken off her hat and was looking flustered. Her hair was cut short in a pixie style, slightly sticking up in different directions. She looked cute like that.

  "Look, I know you're busy but..."

  "What's your name?"

  Her voice trailed off as she looked stunned at the sudden question.


  "What's your name?"

  For a moment she looked like she had forgotten her own name. But she gathered her thoughts and swallowed.

  "Maya. Maya Featherstone."

  Maya. Nice name. Alexei held out a hand.

  "It's a pleasure, Maya."

  He shook the hand Maya gave him, almost in stunned amazement. Warmth touched his hand and zinged up his arm. Alexei had to brace himself at the sudden surge of lust that ran through his body. He had no idea what was happening; he had never been attracted to a woman as fast as this. Even his ex-wife hadn't created this reaction within moments of meeting. There was something about Maya Featherstone that Alexei found himself craving.

  Was this a good sign? Alexei didn't know.

nbsp; He coughed and carried on, dropping Maya's hand when he realized he was still holding it as he stared at her.

  "I'm Alexei Petrov. I've just bought the gallery."

  "You're the new owner?"

  "I am." Alexei tried to keep himself calm. He didn't want to start acting like a preening peacock in front of this woman; he had a feeling it wouldn't impress her at all. "Are you having a problem?"

  It was then Maya seemed to remember what she was there for.

  "You could say that. Why are you taking out that painting?"

  Alexei glanced towards the van, which was being closed up and the removal men were getting in.

  "It's not as popular as the other pieces in here and I thought it was best to get rid of it. It won't be destroyed but it doesn't have a home here."

  "Get rid of it?" Maya looked outraged at this. "But it's a beautiful painting. I think it's the best of the lot."

  Alexei frowned. She seemed to strongly think that but he didn't recognize her. And he knew all of the people who came in there.

  "I've never seen you here before."

  "I've never seen you here before but that doesn't mean anything." Maya shot back. "Whenever I can I come in and just look at it. It's my favorite artwork."

  Alexei could well believe it with the anger simmering just below the surface. He wished he could help out but he wasn't going to put up a painting he didn't really like and wasn't much liked by the other people who came in, just to satisfy one woman.

  Even if that woman had gorgeous legs and a mouth to die for. Alexei had a feeling if he saw the rest of her body he would have his lust in overdrive. The thoughts of what she had underneath her windbreaker were going wild.

  "Well, I'm sorry, Maya, but I can't keep it here just because you like it. It's not popular and the patrons who come in here are all I care about." He frowned. "Why are you getting so worked up over a painting?"


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