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Feeling White

Page 31

by Charlotte E Hart

  Chapter 14


  T he ache in my knees is unbelievable. We are not on the same bike as the last one as apparently this one is faster. Well it might be, but it definitely isn’t more comfortable, and why he needs a faster bike is beyond me. When I suggested going to Mum’s on the bike, it was mainly for my dad’s benefit. He loves anything with two wheels, although I do have to admit I still love the feeling of being wrapped around him and the vision of him at nine in the morning, head to toe in bike leathers was well worth the effort of waking up as he pressed the buzzer repeatedly.

  Why haven’t I given him a key yet?

  Where he’d been and what time he’d left this morning was unknown, but his glorious smile on seeing me had completely smashed any concerns I had about him meeting my parents.

  Gripping around him tighter as I think of his playful banter this morning, I shift about, trying to get comfy again. He seems to be in an extraordinarily good mood and I sigh contentedly as he reaches back and squeezes my thigh, then indicates into a service station looming on the horizon. Oh, thank god!

  Seconds after he’s found somewhere to pull up, I leap off the bloody thing and stretch every limb in an effort to bring some blood back to varying extremities. Thankfully, given it’s the middle of December, it’s actually a very sunny day so I unzip my jacket and remove my helmet to get some fresh air around me as he climbs off.

  “You okay?” he asks, clasping my hand and leading us into the building.

  “Just a bit tense, I guess. Seriously, that is not a comfortable bike in the slightest,” I reply as I point back at the dark grey whatever it is. “What is it anyway?”

  “Triumph, and I don’t remember saying that being with me would be comfortable in any way, shape or form. Perhaps I should teach you to ride one, and then you could choose your own comfort. Until then, you’ll have to deal with what you’re given, Miss Scott. You appear to handle other painful situations effectively enough,” he replies with a wink as he saunters through the sliding doors, swats me hard on the arse and heads for Starbucks, looking ridiculously sexy with that stupid helmet hair.

  How he manages to make it look all sexy bad boy is a complete mystery. I so want him right now. It makes me wonder if there’s a convenient room available at that hotel next door, then I notice the time. Balls, it’ll have to wait till later. My groin screams at me in protest and pouts at seeing my parents instead of ravishing the man beside me, but tough.

  “Actually, there might be something you could teach me,” I ask casually. He orders some coffees and waves the change away when the guy offers it to him as he gestures over to a table by the window.

  “Really? I like the sound of that. Anything to have you doing my bidding has to be of the utmost importance.” I giggle as I slap at his arm playfully and gaze across at him.

  “Well it doesn’t have to be you, but I really want someone to teach me some stronger self defence moves. When that happened on Monday, it just reminded me how useless I am in a struggle. He completely overpowered me and anything could have…” I shudder at the thought of what could have been and look down at the table. His growl makes me lift my head back up instantly.

  “He won’t hurt you anymore. I think more self defence is an excellent idea. However, if I taught you, would you use those moves to repel me as well?” he says with an amused grin. I love him all the more for trying to dismiss the subject and keep the atmosphere light, but it does beg the question of what actually happened to the man. The last I saw, he was barely breathing. What happened after we left that night? I didn’t want to know before, perhaps because I didn’t care or perhaps because I just didn’t want to think about it, but now, now I feel like I need to know for my own peace of mind. The bastard should obviously have been castrated, but I wouldn’t like to think of him being dead. Someone must have taken him to hospital or something and I remind myself to ask Alex about it at another time. Today is not the day for it and I bring my thoughts back to the present and the lovely man in front of me, who may also be the most confusing individual I have ever met. What were we talking about? Oh yes, defence moves.

  “And when would I need to use them on you, Mr. White?”

  “Well, with my aggressive preferences, who knows? To be honest, I’m not sure I like the thought of being on the receiving end of my own handiwork very much. I quite like being able to overpower you,” he says as kisses me chastely and then looks across at a group of men that have gathered around his bike with a curl of his lip. “But I can teach you viciousness if that’s what you want. You will just have to promise me not to use it against me when I’m being a bastard.”

  Oh right, well that really fills me with confidence. I’d never thought of him being that aggressive with me. The thought has me strangely aroused and I lick my lips as I watch his agitated face. Clearly his precious bike is rather important to him and I’m slowly becoming amused by the thought of him going all primal on the poor guys around it. I may have been shocked and somewhat appalled the last time I saw it, but for some reason I’m now eagerly awaiting its next arrival. Is that strange? Probably is… I think I might need to see someone about this because surely that can’t be normal. To want him aggressive with me is bad enough; to want to watch him aggressive with someone else is possibly psychotic or something. So screwed.

  “Go show me some belligerence, Mr. White. It’s really quite erotic,” I say smugly. His head swings back to me and the laughter that erupts has me beaming with delight at him.

  “Still full of surprises, Miss Scott. I thought you didn’t care that much for my temper?” he says as he jumps down from his stool, and I notice that one of the unfortunate idiots has decided to get on his bike. Oh dear. “Wait here and be good.”

  “As if I’m ever anything else,” I say in mock shock, picking up my drink and watching him leave.

  As soon as he steps foot outside the door, one of the lads looks up and they all burst into fits of hysterics at the poor guy sat on the bike. Sadly, this only fuels the guy into becoming even more of an idiot by remaining on the bike. I shake my head as the others back away slightly on Alex’s approach. God, he’s beautiful. Even the way he moves has me panting with lust or something and I can’t quite believe I’m getting horny at the thought of him becoming angry. His frown is now firmly planted across his forehead and the scowl that’s gracing his mouth is really quite disturbing. The guy has obviously decided to continue with his stupid behaviour, regardless of the owner’s proximity, and is apparently even having an argument with Alex now. Well, it’s a one-sided argument, with small guy talking and Alex becoming more and more furious. I can see it now as his face becomes less expressive and his demeanour changes to one of impatience, body completely still, muscles tense. Primed would be the word. It makes me realise that although I may not understand his mind completely, if at all, I do understand his body with more clarity than I’d given myself credit for. Perhaps I should try and read him like that more often.

  One of the lads in the group takes a step toward Alex aggressively and I almost jump off my chair to get help as I start to realise what’s unfolding in front of me, then decide to sit tight and see what happens next. I’m rewarded by watching Alex turn on the young lad with frightening speed, not giving him a chance to move any further. He stumbles backward from the unexpected move and lands on his backside, which causes the rest of the group to jeer and shout at the guy on the floor. Guy on the bike has begun to look a little less sure of himself as Alex turns back to him and says something. I clearly can’t hear it but I watch the colour drain out of the guy’s face as he gingerly gets off and backs away with his hands in the air. Obviously whatever it was that Alex said has had the desired effect because the entire group then seems to apologize to him and move away. I swear one of them even bows in apparent shame and trips over his own feet. Mr gorgeous man turns and walks back towards me with a smile and a wink so of course my thighs clamp together again at this weird attraction I hav
e to his more feral side.

  Sitting down opposite me, he finishes his coffee as if nothing has happened and I shake my head at him with a giggle. “So commanding, Mr. White. I think one of the little ones actually wet his pants.” He chuckles and looks at his watch.

  “We should go. I don’t want to get you there late.” I smirk at him and raise my brow.

  “You’ll take on ten guys but you’re worried about my parents?” I reply with amusement. “Mr. White, are you a little nervous about meeting my dad?”

  “This is probably one of the most important meetings of my life, Elizabeth. So to answer your question, yes, I am a little.” His face shows me how serious he is, and as he lifts his hand to the back of his neck, I realise just how much he’s worried about it. My heart melts for him and I lean across and kiss him on the nose.

  “Don’t be silly, Alex. They’re just people and they’ll love you just like I do. Do you think I’d take you if I didn’t think you were worth it? Just be yourself and everything will be fine,” I reply as I jump down and reach for my jacket. He frowns and carries our helmets out behind me.

  “Why did you make me bring you on a bike? Nothing could be worse than seeing your daughter arrive on the back of one of these,” he mumbles as we get on.

  “Actually, Dad has a real thing for speed. He’s the one who taught me to drive. He loves bikes so I thought it might make you feel a little bit more comfortable. Now grow a pair, Mr. White and get your playful side back again. I need all the amusement you can manage for today,” I say as I reach forward and knock his visor down. He shakes his head at me and pulls away.

  “You will definitely pay for that comment later, Miss Scott,” comes growling through my helmet and I giggle and grab on as he picks up speed, approaching the motorway. I know I will and frankly I can’t wait, but at the moment, I need to concentrate on Mum and making sure that she knows how much I love her. Alex can just get on with being what he is. He’ll be fine. He pulls my hands tighter around him and leans forward. I shift my feet to find a better position and then squeeze tighter.

  Oh shit, here we go.


  Nearly an hour later, we’re pulling up outside my family home and I jump off before he’s even stopped the bike. The door opens as the engine shuts off and dad walks out, smiling quietly with open arms. I launch myself into them and hug him as tight as I can. I can’t even begin to contain my tears. I thought I’d be in control but one look at his face and I’m in bits. Really strong, Beth. Well done!

  Eventually, after much head stroking and sniffing, he releases me and stands me back to look at me as he always does.

  “Always knew you had some of your old man’s need for speed in you, Bethy.” His gaze lands on Alex as he removes his helmet and walks across to us. “So this is him then, the chess player?” he says as he gives Alex an extended once over with an expressionless face and straightens his shoulders. Apparently he’s going to play killer dad for a laugh. My dad couldn’t be less of a killer if he tried. I somehow have my doubts about the man he’s approaching though.

  “Yes, Dad. Alex White, meet my dad, Alan Scott,” I say as I watch Alex extend his hand. He might be nervous but he’s not showing it if he is. He’s in full-on charm mode. His body is soft and relaxed with a hint of don’t piss me off. It reminds me of the first time I saw him work his boardroom - in control but not needing to assert it.

  “Nice to meet you, Sir.” My dad’s eyes narrow as he shakes his hand and holds on a bit too long. Sir is not a word I ever expected to hear coming from Alex and I smile at the vision of it. It doesn’t sit comfortably on his tongue at all but I love him for trying.

  “Are you competent on that thing, son?” Dad asks as he nods at the bike. “Daytona 675, isn’t it?” Alex immediately looks impressed and smirks a little.

  “Yes, very competent, Sir and you’re correct. It’s one of my favourites.” Dad starts making his way over and Alex gives me a small smile as he follows him. My eyes follow his backside as I lick my lips. So not the right place or time to be thinking about sex.

  “Right, I’m making tea. Is Mum in yet or is she still at the bakery?” I call over to them.

  “She’ll be here in about twenty minutes, love,” Dad shouts back as he holds his hand out to Alex for the keys and waves me off. Well that’s Dad and Alex sorted.

  I wander into the house and down the hall to the kitchen, hanging my jacket and helmet up on the way. Still sniffing back my tears a little, I put the kettle on the aga and look around the kitchen with fond memories, remembering Belle and I doing our homework on the vast pine table and eating bacon sandwiches.

  The kettle boils until it screams at me and I fill two cups with tea and pour water into the cafetiere. It’s not a machine but it is real coffee at least and it’s the best I can do for him at the moment. I take my tea and walk straight out of the back door to go to my favourite place in the world - the summerhouse. When I reach it, I notice that the swinging seat is out and almost burst into tears again. Mum loves that seat. It’s probably why Dad’s dragged the old thing out again. She spent the entire summer sitting out here when her hair started falling out last time. I swallow some tea and sit gently onto it to try to sort my head out. I cannot go bursting into tears when she gets here. I don’t know what I’m going to do but I just need her to know that I love her and that I’m here if she needs me.

  “There you are,” Alex says as he strides up the garden path, looking a little perturbed with a mug of coffee. “I think your dad’s taking my bike out in a minute.” I burst out laughing and stare at him.

  “You are joking? He hasn’t been on one for years.” The sound of the engine roars to life in the background and I smile at the thought of my dad revving the engine. Regardless of my fear of the machines prior to Alex, Dad has always been an advocate of speed. I think that’s how he wooed Mum all those years ago.

  “He really is taking it, isn’t he?”

  “Looks like it. He’ll be fine and your precious bike is in safe hands. He used to race,” I reply as I pat the seat at the side of me. He looks at it warily and I can’t contain my amusement. “Scared, Mr. White?”

  “Very, Miss Scott. Is it safe?” I giggle at him as he sits gingerly at the side of me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  We sit in silence for a while and swing backward and forward, listening to the birds while I think about Mum and what’s to come. She suddenly appears at the backdoor and I catch her looking out at us with a smile. I squeeze his hand and nod toward the door. An instant Alexander White award-winning smile is plastered across his face as he pulls me up and marches me toward her. I watch as she melts at the vision of him and practically throws herself out of the door to greet him. Well, that’s Alex and Mum sorted as well.

  The blush that stains her cheeks as she pulls him into a hug is overwhelmingly sweet and I roll my eyes at Alex in full on panty combusting mode. Honestly, the man could make the sodding angels weep. He’s even pretending he’s actually enjoying the hug. I seriously doubt that he is. He certainly didn’t like it from his own aunt, so it’s unlikely he’s happy about my mother being so touchy feely with him. Which is a point… Did he ever talk to Mrs Peters about his sister and when they were going to meet? Yet another thing I need to ask him about. I assume that Evelyn will be at Conner’s party, given that she works for him, and that’s tomorrow night. He must be thinking about it. Is he okay about it? I’m a shit girlfriend. Why have I not thought about this before now? Rubbish, Beth, just bloody crap!

  When my dear mum eventually unwraps her slightly too clingy hands from him, she stands back and gives him the once over with a remarkably disarming grin.

  “Well, you’re certainly a big boy, aren’t you? First rate, darling. I would say he’s quite the catch. If I was twenty years younger, I’d-”

  I cut her off rapidly, knowing exactly what’s about to leave her mouth as his expression turns to one of intrigue. “Mum, please!” Alex chuckles beside me as
she turns to me and air kisses me on both sides.

  “Bethy, please don’t go all frigid on me. The man’s an Adonis. Is Belle’s as attractive? I knew you’d both find good ones in the end. You see, Alex, it’s in the genes. We positively drive back unsuitability. One can’t make great babies without the correct gene pool,” she says as she links arms with him and heads them down the hall. His brow rises at her as she beams up at him. She may be ill but it obviously isn’t stopping her going straight in for the kill. I was so hoping this wouldn’t happen, “How many children would you like?”

  Oh. My. God!

  “Mum, you are absolutely not getting an answer to that question,” I cut in as I hurry to catch up with them before she forces him to speak. However, it does get me thinking. Does he even want children? I suppose he might not, given his childhood. It reminds me that this whole scenario must be really quite strange for him so I gaze across at him. Thankfully, he’s got a warm face on as if he’s enjoying my mortification. Bastard.

  “Bethy, I just want to know the truth. We all know I may not have that long and I want to know that he’s the right one. I will not beat about the bush with my questions any longer, young lady. Time is of the essence,” she says as she looks directly at him.

  Well holy shit, I so didn’t see that coming.

  It makes my heart break and my breath halt at the same time as I stare at her dumbfounded as to what I’m supposed to say in return. My eyes flick to Alex, who is refusing to look away from my mum but has somehow managed to hold his enigmatic mask without flinching. “Well, Alex, are you the one who will make my daughter happy?” Astonishingly, he doesn’t miss a beat as his smile widens at her.

  “If you think it acceptable, Mrs Scott, I would be honoured to make your daughter very happy for the rest of her life,” he replies confidently as he turns toward me. “Should she want that from me, of course. I think I have made my intentions reasonably clear to her.”


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