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Bride of the Traitor: A Prophecy of Sisters Novel

Page 24

by Faiman, Hayley


  Wrapping the shawl around my shoulders, I stare toward the direction where Elias and his men rode away over two weeks ago. There has been a heaviness in the air since that night. Something shifted, but I can’t put my finger on it.

  I have no clue what could be happening, but my girls are on edge too. Jasmine keeps watching me, forcing me to eat and drink every five minutes as if I’m going to starve myself or this new apparent life growing inside of me.

  “Are you sensing something?” I finally ask her.

  She lifts her gaze to meet mine and I see something in her eyes. A question, a worry, it’s something and I can’t quite put my finger on it. She inhales a deep breath, her gaze flicking to Ellyn and Katrina in the corner lounging.

  “I am worried about you and the babe, and about Katrina. I can feel something, a doom that is heavy in the air. I’ve sought out the witches but they aren’t here,” she admits.

  My spine straightens and my eyes widen. “What? Where are they?” I demand.

  She shakes her head. “I know not, Your Majesty. All I know is that nobody has seen them, not a servant, nor a soldier.”

  My stomach twists and I place my palm against my belly, my eyes never leaving hers. “This cannot be good,” I snap.

  “No, it cannot.”

  “How far away is Elias and the rest of the men?”

  Jasmine presses her lips together and shakes her head once. “Too far. They are across the border, it would be lunacy to attempt to cross in order to get to them. There is no doubt that the war is underway now. The borders will be heavily guarded, but we do not know by whom.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  Her lips twitch into a small smile. She doesn’t know the word, but she gets my meaning and she nods once. “Yes, that is the long and short of it, Sybilla.”

  “What do we do?”

  “What can we do?”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, my gaze flicks from her to the other girls, then back to her again. “Send a missive?”

  “And if it is intercepted and the enemy knows that we are possibly unsafe?”


  Standing to my feet, I begin to pace. I can’t help myself. I can’t stop myself. Ellyn and Katrina notice it immediately, but I am too caught up in my own thoughts to attempt to explain things to them.

  “The prophecy, it doesn’t say what happens if we’re torn apart, if one of us dies, does it?” I ask.

  Jasmine shakes her head, rolling her lips together. “I do not know what it states, Your Highness, Sybilla.”

  “Your sisters are not here, yet. It cannot be fulfilled until they are in this world. It will come to fruition, Sybilla, you must have faith in our gods, in their carefully laid plans,” Katrina says, her lips trembling into a smile.

  She hasn’t been the same since the men left, either. I know that some of it is her deep-seated feelings for Merek and the way she struggles with them. I also think it is because of the heaviness that is surrounding us. I know that I cannot be the only one to feel it.

  “I felt one of my sisters arrive weeks ago. I don’t know where she is and Elias has promised to help find her, but not until the war is won.”

  Katrina’s eyes widen, then she shifts her gaze over to Ellyn’s. “What about the others?”

  “I don’t know,” I breathe. “I’m pregnant and I’m not sure what that means, but I know it has to play in with this whole thing. It happened pretty damn fast.”

  Katrina nods her head, Jasmine and Ellyn close around us and before I know what’s happening, they wrap their arms around me. “We will keep each other safe, Your Highness. We will be okay,” Jasmine rasps.

  My entire body shakes. I don’t know why I’m a quivering, trembling, crying mess, but maybe this is my pregnancy. God, wouldn’t that be awful?

  The wind begins to howl outside, and fat drops of rain fall. Pinching my eyes closed tightly, I wonder what the fuck is going on. My head spins, just as the wind does outside. Everything is a mess right now, even the fucking weather.

  “Let’s get you to bed, you need a rest,” Jasmine whispers.

  The three girls help me upstairs and into my private chamber. They help me out of my gown and leave me alone and in my nightgown. Climbing into bed, I pull the thick comforter over my body and try to get warm.

  I have been cold since Elias left, he was my warmth, my steady and I realize that although I hardly know him, I have become used to him.

  I miss him and it is more than when he left after the wedding and I was scared and in a new place. This time I miss him because I love him, because I miss him—the man.

  Closing my eyes, I envision him standing next to me, his scarred eye, his messy hair, his cute tights, his sexy as shit chest on display. Letting out a sigh, I fall asleep.

  Chapter Thirty


  My eyes open, my heart races. What I don’t do is move. I can feel someone watching me. Shifting my gaze from side-to-side, I bite the inside of my cheek as I try to figure out what in the fuck is going on.

  I hear something and that’s when my instincts take over. Sitting straight up, I turn to see a man standing at my closed door. He has something in his hand, the moonlight catches it and it almost glitters.

  A small knife.

  “Who are you? What do you want, here?” I demand.

  I try to keep my voice from shaking, but I’m not sure that it happens. He takes another step toward me, his knife in hand with each menacing step he takes. His eyes are black, wild, and not full of glitter like Elias’.

  I shimmy the comforter off, knowing that if I get wrapped up in that heavy thing, I’m as good as dead.

  “It’s time for you to meet your gods, Your Majesty,” he growls, his voice full of hate and acid.

  Shifting my gaze behind him, I wonder how he even got in here. The castle has been under heavy guard, as are the outskirts. It shouldn’t be penetrable. Gulping, I shift my legs so that they’re hanging over the side of the bed.

  “Who sent you?” I demand.

  He grins, his free hand going to his crotch. Gross. “I’ve been sent to rid the world of your life, of the prophecy, for if it goes unfulfilled, the goddesses will be free to take over this world and it will be a spectacular sight,” he says.

  I’ve never heard that part of the prophecy before and I wonder if Elias knows it. My thoughts drift to Aleida and Godiva, where the hell are those witches?

  “He will have your head for this,” I warn.

  I don’t even know if Elias takes people’s heads, but it sounded good. The man flinches and it’s then that I know Elias does indeed take heads. A couple months ago, I may have tried to talk him out of that if I’d have known, now I’m using it to my advantage.

  Standing to my feet, I curse the fact that I’m barefoot, braless and in a very thin nightgown. The man’s gaze flicks to my breasts and I know that he can see my nipples through my gown.

  Bending my knees in a small crouch, I try to fake him out and move my upper body left while my feet take me right. I know it’s a terrible idea as soon as I begin, but I’m not about to just lie down and let this guy rape and murder me, no way in fuck.

  He catches me around the waist, but I don’t allow him to subdue me easily. I wiggle, I shift, I fight and I can’t help but feel victorious as soon as I hear the metal of his knife bounce against the stone floor.

  “By gods bones, woman,” he grunts.

  He wraps his arms around me, holding them to my sides, but he leaves his balls vulnerable. Without a thought, I bare my teeth as soon as he tries to lower his head. Lifting my knee, with all of my strength I get him right in the junk.

  His eyes widen and he stumbles backward. I take that opportunity to run toward the door. Flinging it open, I don’t look one way or another, I keep my head down and I run. I hear men shouting and I hope and I pray that my girls are okay.

  My feet carry me as swiftly as they can down the stairs and toward the castle’s f
ront door. I trip over something as soon as I try to step outside. I don’t look down, because I know without a doubt that something was a body.

  “Get her,” a rough voice shouts from behind me.

  “You let her go?” another voice shouts from my side.

  I keep running, though not very far or very fast. They are gaining on me quickly, their loud boots drawing nearer and nearer. I can practically feel them breathing down my neck when a whoosh of air stops me in my tracks.

  A beautiful white horse appears out of nowhere. “On. I take you to our King,” he says.

  The. Horse. Says.

  I look over my shoulder and notice that the men have not stopped in their advance. “On, now,” he says, again.

  Without thinking, I run up to the horse’s side. It’s huge, at least twice as big as Lightning. He lets out a neigh and kneels down to allow me access to his back. “Just climb on and hold on to my mane,” he instructs.

  I’m in a complete daze and feel as though everything is moving in slow motion. I climb onto him bareback, and then I reach forward and grip his beautiful white mane and hold on, my chest pressed against the back of his neck.

  The beautiful huge horse lets out another loud neigh, lifting his front legs he begins to run and then something unbelievable happens. Something so outside the realm of my imagination that I can do nothing but scream as soon as it happens.

  This horse extends his fucking wings and catapults into the air. It flies. I’m in the goddamn air on the back of a horse. Gripping him tighter, I hold on for dear life as he gracefully glides forward. His wings flap as my entire body begins to tremble.

  I’m scared, I’m in shock and in awe, but beyond that, completely speechless. Pressing my cheek against his soft mane, I start to cry. This gorgeous creature just saved my life.

  “Hold on, Your Highness, I deliver you to the king shortly,” he says.

  I don't know if he’s actually saying the words or speaking in my mind, but it’s so unfathomable, so magical that all I can do is swallow thickly. With my eyes open, I watch as the sun rises high in the sky just before the horse glides down and lands gently.

  “By the gods,” a voice hisses.

  The horse’s front legs bend and he lowers his head to the ground. Lifting my head, releasing my death grip on his mane, I come face-to-face with my King, with Elias. He’s surrounded by his soldiers, and by his closest men.

  He doesn’t say a single word. I watch as his jaw clenches and his entire body jerks before he stomps toward me. Then he cups my cheeks in his hands. “By the gods, what’s happened?” he demands.

  “I woke up. I felt someone watching me. A stranger was in my room with a knife,” I whisper.

  He closes his eyes for a beat before he swoops me into his arms and without a single word, he marches me toward a tent. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I bury my face against his neck and I inhale his scent.

  It’s been two weeks and somehow, he smells better in this dirty camp, in the middle of war than he ever has. Once we’re in his quarters, he lowers me on to what I assume is his bed. It’s covered in thick woolen, scratchy comforters, but I don’t care.

  Elias sinks to his knees in front of me. “Tell me everything,” he softly demands.

  I tell him in detail everything that’s just happened, including tripping over a few bodies. “So, my protection could all be gone?” he asks.

  I shake my head, then lift a shoulder. “I didn’t see who they were, I was just running,” I admit. “The girls are still there,” I whisper.

  He presses his lips together, his hands cupping my face. His thumbs swipe the falling tears from my cheeks as his now indigo eyes search my own.

  “You did the right thing, Sybilla,” he whispers. “You and my heir are the most important treasures in this kingdom.”

  Lifting my hands, I wrap my fingers around his wrists. “The girls are important, don’t say that,” I softly say.

  He smirks. “To me? They matter naught. You are what is important to me, My Queen.”

  Without another word, he leans forward and touches his mouth to mine. His tongue slips inside and he tastes me, his tongue begins to stroke mine in slow soothing movements. My body almost erupts with a warming need that seems to come from nowhere.

  Ripping my mouth from his, I shimmy the gown down my shoulders, letting it fall to my hips.

  “Sybilla,” he groans. “You’ve just been through something traumatic,” he whispers, licking his lips as he stares at my taut pebbled nipples.

  “Elias,” I call softly. His gaze flicks up to meet mine and I know that he is conflicted, but I’m not. “I need you, my king. I need you right now. I need to feel you inside of me.”

  The dam of his control breaks, instantly. He slowly stands, jerking his chin toward the pillow and I push the rest of the gown off of me before I climb over to those pillows, my back resting against the short headboard. He removes his clothes, I watch as he bares himself to me, every square inch.

  “Spread your legs. Show me what I own, what’s mine,” he roughly demands.

  Any other modern woman would probably fight his words, but not me, I know that what he’s about to give me is going to be a gorgeous and generous gift and I am so ready and willing to take that gift, right now.


  I watch as a flush breaks out over her entire body beneath my admiration, my appreciation of the way she opens for me is beyond compare. Crawling on to the woolen bedding, I fit myself between her spread thighs.

  Lifting my hand, I press my palm against her chest to feel her heartbeat. She is real. She is breathing. She is alive. Wrapping my fingers behind her knees, I tug her down so that her head lands softly against the pillow.

  Dipping my chin, I look down into those golden flaked eyes that I have fallen in love with. The idea of love is absurd, but it fills me every time I even think about this woman.

  “Elias,” she breathes as she lifts her hand and cups my bearded cheek.

  “I almost lost you,” I admit.

  The words come out shakier than I intend. Emotion overwhelms me as I think about what could have befallen her just moments ago. Shifting forward, I lift one hand and wrap my fingers around the short headboard as I align my cock with her entrance.

  “I’m right here,” she breathes, lifting her hips to attempt to take me inside of her.

  “You are, aren’t you?” I ask as I sink inside of her warm and waiting body.

  She’s ready for me, more than I thought possible with little preparation. She must be feeling as I am, needing to prove to the gods that she lives. My free hand, I wrap around the outside of her thigh as I bury myself completely inside of her warm center.

  Sybilla’s hands slide from my cheeks to cup the sides of my neck. Her thumbs trace my jawline as I pull out, then sink back inside. My gaze stays focused on hers, watching as her eyes dance with each stroke of my cock.

  “You will never leave my side again, sweeting,” I murmur through my clenched jaw. “Never again.”

  My eyes stay connected to hers, I’m unable to look away, too enamored by my wife, too afraid that if I do, she will disappear from beneath me.

  My hips continue to move, I grind down against her sweet nub on each downstroke, watching as her lips part in awe and she exhales each and every time.

  My movements speed up, as I try to control my breathing, try to control my body, but I am on the edge, just seconds from losing the thin grasp that I hold. Sybilla’s fingers dig into my neck as she grips me, her eyes sliding closed as her queynte flutters around my cock.

  “Yes,” she breathes. “I’m coming.”

  “Who am I, who do you come for?” I demand, my voice booming louder than I intend.

  Her eyes open slightly and she looks up at me through her lashes. Her entire body trembles, I feel her thigh shake beneath my grip. My fingers flex, holding her tighter, no doubt bruising her delicate flesh.

  “I’m coming for you, My King, my love,” she

  “Gods,” I curse right before I bury myself inside of her and roar with my own release.

  My entire body trembles, my cock emptying as if it is the first time I’ve lain with a woman. The force so strong, my hips jerk with each twitch of my seed’s release. My arm shakes as I hold on to the back of the bed, dropping my face, I touch my mouth to hers.

  “I love you, My Queen,” I breathe.

  She gasps at the same time, something happens. Our bodies lift from the bed, we float, my cock still buried inside of her, I look down to see that we are at least two feet from the bed, suspended in the air.

  “What is happening?” she cries, her hands wrapping around my shoulders at the same time her legs circle my waist and grip me tightly.

  “Magic, Sybilla.”

  “But what? Where?”

  My lips turn up. “Love, sweeting,” I breathe. I slant my head and touch my lips to hers. “Love,” I repeat before I slide my tongue inside of her warm and waiting mouth.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Once we float back down to the bed, I try my hardest not to freak the fuck out, but I pretty much fail. I’m shaky and scared, we floated, like in the air, like something otherworldly. Then it hits me and I realize that I am in another world.

  Elias wraps his arms around my naked body and pulls me against his chest, his lips touching the side of my head while he whispers sweet words to calm me down. It works, eventually, though I’m not sure how much my frazzled mind can take at this point.

  “Get dressed, the men will want to talk about what happened at the castle,” he murmurs against my temple.

  Pressing my lips together, I turn my head and touch his jaw with my mouth. “I’m scared that the girls aren’t safe,” I whisper.

  He grunts, his arms flexing around me. “We will soon find out.”

  “What about the war?”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll leave Merek here to lead the continuing battle. It will not be much longer, we are forcing their hand. Their numbers dwindle, their men are retreating by the dozens, every day. We will be victorious, sweeting.”


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