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Bride of the Traitor: A Prophecy of Sisters Novel

Page 25

by Faiman, Hayley

  He releases me and I slip off of the bed to pull on my thin nightgown. Turning to him, I bite my bottom lip. “I have nothing else to wear, Elias.”

  His eyes travel down my length and his lips twitch at the sight of my nipples, clearly visible beneath the gown. He holds up his hand and turns his back to me. I watch as he walks over to a trunk and stands, holding a tunic in his hands.

  “It’s not as flattering as your dresses, but it will cover you.” He grins as he closes the distance between us.

  Reaching for the tunic, I pull it over my head, slipping my arms in and am I’m glad to see that it is long enough that it grazes the tops of my knees. Elias wraps his hands around my waist and tugs me against his chest.

  Tilting my head back, I look up into his eyes and let out a sigh as his gaze instantly turns indigo. He lowers his head and slides his lips across my own in a brush of a sweet kiss before he releases me.

  Without a word, he walks over to the tent entrance and pushes the flap back. I hear him call out a few orders and then within seconds, the tent fills with his men. They all watch me, worry clearly etched on their faces.

  “I’m okay.” I nod.

  “The women?” Rowan asks.

  My gaze flicks to Merek. His face is set hard, his hands balled into fists by his sides, he looks pale as if he’s going to be physically ill at any moment.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper. “I ran, the soldiers were on my heels. I tripped over men, but I’m not sure if they were yours or theirs. Then that horse appeared.” I turn my head to look back at Elias. “What the hell was that, anyway? Your horses fly here?”

  Elias’ lips twitch. “That was an Arion. It was sent by forces unknown. They don’t roam freely here, but they are known to appear from time to time. It is a flying horse with the ability to speak, either telepathically or from the mouth.”

  “He spoke telepathically and he was there at just the right time,” I murmur. Elias nods, his gaze flicking over to the others. “The man in my room told me that they were sent to rid the world of me, by goddesses. I don’t know who though and I don’t know where Aleida and Godiva are, I haven’t seen them in days.”

  Something flashes in Elias’ eyes at the same time I hear Merek growl. “You’ve done well, sweeting,” he murmurs, bringing me close to his side.

  His mouth touches the side of my head before he whispers to me, instructing me to go and lie down in the bed to rest.

  “I can’t rest, my girls. I need to go to them,” I state.

  There is a moment of silence before Elias lets out a sigh. “We need a plan,” he grunts. “We are almost finished here. If I leave, I need Merek to stay behind, make sure that we are victorious and that the castle is cleared and taken over completely,” he instructs.

  Merek growls, but doesn’t protest. His head jerks to the side and his eyes find mine before his lip snarls. I’m not sure if he’s really seeing me though, or thinking of Katrina. I like to think, hope even, that he is indeed thinking of Katrina and that he needs to rescue her.

  Rowan steps forward, his head held high, his gaze down his nose as he looks at Elias with steely determination. “I will do as you command, whatever you need from me, you have at your disposal.”

  Elias nods, just as we hear a loud neigh and women screaming. Merek is the first to turn and run. I hear him whisper Katrina’s name. My feet are rooted to the ground, just as Elias scoops me in his arms and carries me out of the tent.

  The Arion is there, front legs bent, head dipped and my three girls on his back. Merek reaches the side of the horse and without a single word, his hands wrap around Katrina’s waist before he yanks her off of the back of the horse.

  She’s crying, her cheeks stained with tears, her nightgown stained with dirt and what looks like possible blood. My eyes widen then drift to the other women. They look the same, their hair is a mess, their clothes soiled, and Jasmine is holding her arm funny.

  “Queen Sybilla, you’re okay,” Jasmine cries, her feet carrying her toward us.

  Elias sets me down on my feet and immediately, I wrap my arms around my friend. “I’ve been so worried,” I breathe against the side of her neck.

  Her entire body trembles as I pull her against me. “You need a doctor,” I mutter, even though I don’t want to let her go. She’s alive, she’s safe. She’s here with us.

  Turning my head, I look back to Elias. “They need healers. I think Jasmine has a broken arm,” I call out.

  Frederick calls out that he will bring the healer before I hear his boots crunch against the ground. “Are you okay?” I softly demand, looking back to Jasmine.

  She lifts her gaze to meet mine and she nods. “Aye, my arm is broken, but I am okay. My mistress is alive and well, that is all that I need to get me through the pain.” She grins.

  “You’re crazy.” I smile.


  The healer arrives, taking the women inside of my tent where we can guard the outside, and we do. Reluctantly, Merek releases Katrina to go and be checked by the healer for any injuries. He spits on the ground before marching toward me.

  “I claim her as my own,” he snaps.

  Arching a brow, I try to hide my twitching lips and I fail. “Do you now, cousin?” I ask.

  He snorts. “Sard duty. Katrina is mine,” he growls.

  “Sard duty? My, how things have changed.”

  “She was almost killed, nearly raped. So, yes, sard duty.”

  Lifting my hand, I clap his shoulder and give it a squeeze. “She is yours to claim, as long as the lady wishes it to be so. You have my permission and if all goes well, perhaps you can have this castle as a wedding gift, once we conquer it, of course.”

  “You jest.”

  I shake my head once. “I do not. Does the cousin to the king, his nearest relative, his brother in battle not deserve his own land, his own holdings, and a castle for his bride? I think that you have more than earned those things.”

  “If I choose to stay at your side, instead?”

  Smiling, I flex my fingers against his shoulder again. “No decisions must be made today, Merek. It is just an idea, a thought. Later we can work out details, just know that you have my consent to marry the maid, my full consent.”

  He nods, then lifts his gaze to the tent. He watches for a while and I know that he is deep in thought. Shaking his shoulder, I jerk my chin and tell him to gather the rest of the men.

  It is time to end this war and to do it swiftly. We have much bigger things to worry over, like the mention of goddesses and the fact that our witches have seemingly disappeared.

  “We need a plan,” I announce. “With the women here, we need to end this before they get wind of their arrival and before they can send mercenaries to our camp,” I state.

  Rowan’s gaze shifts to the tent, then back to us. “One of us should house a woman, separately. They need constant protection not only against the enemy, but the soldiers here have not felt a woman’s flesh in months,” he reminds, his voice low.

  Merek makes a noise in the back of his throat and I know that he’s thinking of Katrina. Though my men would never dare to touch my queen, I have no doubt that if they were desperate enough, if they thought that they could, at least one would try.

  “You’re right. There are only three that need to be worried over. Merek will take Katrina. Rowen, you take Ellyn and—”

  “I will take care of the wee Jasmine and tend to her injuries,” Asher announces.

  Glancing around, I nod. Now that the women and their protection is taken care of, it is time to devise a swift plan to take over Llyne. Arching a brow, I smirk as my eyes flick from one man to the next.

  “Are we ready to end this, for good?” I ask.

  “Gaining entrance is the hardest part,” Merek grunts.

  “The castle, then?”

  Frederick jerks his chin. “Take it, take ownership of it. Free the people suppressed by it’s leadership,” he growls.

  “Tonight then?”<
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  “A group of only twenty, the rest will wait for a warning,” I offer, my lips unable to keep from smiling at the idea of this plan. It is one we have strategized and utilized a dozen times, but it is still the most effective.

  “I will wait with the larger force for the warning,” Merek offers.

  I nod at his offer, it is a good one. Though I always like my cousin at my back, this time he needs to lead a troop of men himself. My eyes flick between my men. They are all worthy, every one of them has proven to be not only a good warrior, but a good leader as well.

  “Rowan and Asher, I want you here to guard the women. During this maneuver, I want them together in my tent, guarded by you personally. I also want you to pick a few other guards for the outside of the tent, trustworthy men,” I explain.

  They lift their chins, proud to serve as the Queen’s personal guard. As they very well should be. To guard their Queen and their future heir to the throne is a high honor. Shifting my gaze over to the Arion who still stands by, waiting for something, I lift my chin toward the beast.

  “You will be on standby, Arion. Any sign of distress, even a single moment, take the Queen and if possible, her women to safety.”

  “I will personally carry them to my home, which is guarded at the top of a mountain, impenetrable,” the beast explains.

  Nodding, I lower my voice. “I appreciate your help in this and I will owe you, mighty steed.”

  He jerks his head, his gaze finding mine and he dips his head. “I do this for the women, for the prophecy and for the good of this world. I am obliged, Your Highness, you owe me naught for my services.”

  “The women are taken care of, the troops to come in after the initial breach are taken care of. I want Henry, Lief, and Frederick to come with me, gather the best and fastest sixteen men to come with us. This will be done before the sun sets and rises on another day.”

  “It is said, it will be done, Your Highness,” Asher murmurs.

  “Gather the troops. Tell them what they need to know and naught more. Prepare the women. We do not sleep until Llyne is ours.”

  My men, all six of them lift their fists and roar at the same time the Arion neighs and jerks his head.

  “Elias,” Sybilla calls out from the tent.

  Turning my head, I look over my shoulder with my hand still suspended in the air. Her eyes focus on mine and she bites her bottom lip. “Ellyn has been stabbed,” she calls.

  Looking to her, I quickly close the distance between us. She steps to the side and allows me entrance into the tent. The women are gathered around the bed.

  Jasmine’s arm is now splinted and wrapped as she holds it against her body protectively. Katrina sits on the bed next to the other woman, holding her hand. She lifts her head and looks back at me. She shakes her head, lowering her gaze.

  “Tell me,” I grind out, keeping my voice low.

  “Look at me, Elias,” Sybilla softly demands.

  Turning my gaze to meet hers, I see the sadness swimming in her eyes. There is something very wrong, something that I do not want to hear, something that happens in war, but not to a good woman, not to the woman who would no doubt lay her life down for my Queen.

  “Your doctor says that she won’t make it,” Sybilla whispers. “The dagger was not just shoved into her side, but it was twisted. He has sewn her wound and given her something to help her sleep, but those bastards probably killed my friend,” she whimpers.

  Tears flow down her cheeks, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her against my chest. I lift one hand and place it on the side of her head, forcing her cheek against my torso. Her entire body shudders as she inhales a deep breath and attempts to calm herself.

  “It is up to the gods, sweeting. There is naught else that we can do. The healer has done what he can,” I whisper.

  “It’s not fair,” Sybilla whimpers, lifting her head from my chest to look up into my eyes.

  Using the back of my hand, I use my knuckles to wipe the tears from her cheeks, more flow and follow the same path, as if I’ve not wiped a single one away. My queen aches for her friend, and I imagine, I would feel much of the same if one of my men were taken from me.

  The wind begins to howl, the thunder rolls, but there is no lightning, there is only rain. So much rain pours down so quickly that I fear that this land could flood, and we’ll all be washed away.

  Returning my attention back to Sybilla, I refuse to think any more about what could happen and only hold her.

  “No, Sybilla. It isn’t fair, though I find that the fates never are,” I whisper.

  “They really aren’t,” she snaps, her lips trembling.

  Dropping my chin, I touch my mouth to her forehead and I inhale her scent as I close my eyes and just thank the gods that they protected her from the same fate as Ellyn.

  It is selfish of me to be thankful that she is not the one lying on her sickbed, but it does not stop me from being incredibly thankful that she stands in front of me, breathing, healthy, and carrying my heir.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Elias dresses, not just in his sexy tights and tunic, but he slips his chainmail shirt and skirt on. The sun is beginning to set, the excitement from the day causing me to feel exhausted.

  Katrina was led away from the tent a while ago by Merek, Ellyn was moved to a smaller bed away from our bed and that was cleaned up. Jasmine was taken away as well. Though, as Elias readies himself, I know that something is getting ready to happen.

  I asked him before he left for this war if they fought at night and he explained to me that they didn’t. There wasn’t enough light. I get that, it’s not like they have city lights here in this world. There isn’t any electricity and when it’s night outside, it’s pitch black.

  “Are you going to tell me where you’re going?” I ask as I lean back against the wooden headboard of the bed and watch him.

  He lifts his gaze, his eyes finding mine and his eyes search my own. I don’t know what he’s looking for, but he must find it because he nods once and closes the distance between us.

  “I’m leading a group into the castle to take over from the inside. Their defenses are weak, most of their troops have abandoned them. They are ailing, they are losing and I am going to end this here and now. I need to get you somewhere safe and I will not compromise you a moment longer than I have to,” he explains.

  I shiver as I look up at him. This all feels very, scary. I’m not sure how else to describe it, but I’m terrified. This isn’t like our wars, there are no tanks in their war, there are no strategic plans and technological weapons that can hit a target from miles away. He has to go inside and fight with his hands, with swords and shit. I am not okay with this.

  “You’re the King, can’t you stay here with me?” I urge.

  His lips twitch into a small smile. “Fear cannot rule us, Sybilla. I see that you have let emotion fill you. You mustn’t. Fear cannot guide, only hinder a person. I have done this countless times, and I will live this night to do it again. You will stay here under guard, with your women,” he explains.

  Lifting my hand, I cup his cheek, feeling his beard beneath my fingertips. I want to feel the hair over my entire body, rough and soft all at the same time. Elias smiles, as though he can read my thoughts, which if I’m honest, he probably can.

  “Come back to me, My King,” I whisper.

  He moves the fingers touching his lips to my palm, then to the inside of my wrist. “The gods will not take me this eve, my sweeting. I will return to you, I will see my son enter this earth and I will plant a daughter inside of you, shortly after.”

  “You have a lot of plans,” I breathe.

  “I have a lot of life left to live, my bride.” He grins.

  “I’ll wait for you,” I whisper.

  Elias closes the distance between us, touching his mouth to mine. “You will go to Arion if something happens. He will see you and your women to safety, understand me?”

I exhale. “I understand, Elias.”

  He lifts his hand, wrapping his warm fingers around the back of my neck, his fingers twisting in my hair before he grips me. “You will be safe, Sybilla,” he grinds out.

  I don’t know if he’s trying to convince me, or himself, but I think it could be a bit of both. Nodding, I lean forward and press my mouth against his, parting my lips.

  I let out a moan as his tongue fills my mouth and our gentle beginnings of a kiss turn into a heated moment, only pausing when we hear a few men clearing their throats.

  Elias grunts, shifting his hips so that I can feel his hard length against my belly. I press my lips together, trying to suppress my smile. His fingers flex in my hair and against my neck as I watch his glittering black eyes slowly turn into their usual steel-blue color.

  Elias turns to look over his shoulder. “Are the men ready?” he grunts. Merek’s smile is wide as he dips his chin. “Good, we leave immediately.”

  I’m being pulled into a hard embrace as I watch Katrina being pulled into Merek’s arms as well. His mouth shifts to her cheek, then her ear, and I watch as he whispers something to her, whatever it is causes her entire body to tremble.

  I smirk at the sight, then lift my eyes to look up at Elias. He winks. “Seems my cousin has decided to take a wife after this war is won,” he whispers.

  “Has he?” I ask.

  He grins, leaning forward, his nose slides alongside my own. “He has. He’s claimed the girl. Seems as though Katrina has made an impression on our Merek. I’m more than happy to approve of their union.”

  “How wonderful,” I breathe.

  Elias brushes his mouth against mine swiftly, then takes a step back, pausing to reach forward, he places his palm against my belly. “Our babe fares well?” he asks.

  Covering his palm with mine, I nod my head. “Yes, the baby is good, My King. Now, hurry so you can come back to me,” I whisper.


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