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Accidental Makeovers

Page 16

by Carol Maloney Scott

  I was thinking it could have something to do with Eric, but I get that vibe from Jennifer.

  Plus how could she possibly know anything about our relationship? Unless he’s lying to me, and everyone does know, but they’re not letting on.

  I turn my attention back to my job. The one I have been dying to do for years, and get lost in eyeshadow palettes, blush and various lip glosses, stains, etc. Linda is an alert pupil and her face is a blank canvas. My dream is coming true.

  Suck it, Amy.


  I tell myself that I’m not sneaking around, but did I not turn my back and duck while walking past All Tressed Up?

  I’m even on the opposite side of the street, and I’m still worried that I’ll be spotted. I should have just asked Bianca to meet me somewhere outside of Washington Hill, but she doesn’t have unlimited time for lunch, and the last thing I want to do is set a precedent of special treatment for her. Jennifer won’t tolerate it, and Bianca will suffer.

  So we’re meeting at The Hill Cafe, a couple of blocks from the salon. If Bianca is out to lunch, it’s unlikely any of the others would be out at the same time.

  I’m being ridiculous anyway. Jennifer already knows about us, Gloria is a sweetheart, and Amy...

  Amy is just unpleasant no matter what. Bianca doesn’t know that the last three women we’ve hired to work there have quit because of her.

  I grab a table inside because…well, it is a little windy after all. The waiter drops off the menus and takes my drink order. Water for both of us. I am not going to sit here and drink wine with Bianca during the work day. That could be dangerous.

  As I glance at the menu, I can’t help but think of Saturday night. We weren’t drunk. I am not going to blame alcohol.

  No, it was instant chemistry. I felt it the first day we met, at lunch. I didn’t have to ask her to dinner, and I didn’t plan on bringing her home. I just wanted to spend more time in her edgy, intoxicating presence.

  I’ve dated outside my social circle in the past, but it was truly a letdown. But Bianca is different. She’s not just fling material. She has so much…substance. So much unexplored…

  “Oh, hello. You made it.” I stand up as she sits down.

  She leans in and says, “I promise I’ll keep my hands off you in public, but I want you to know it’s not easy. I am making a supreme sacrifice.”

  She whispers the last part and I loosen my collar.

  “Well, thank goodness. I thought you were going to waltz in here and attack me like some trollop.”

  “Trollop? You’re funny. You are just saying that to be funny, right? You don’t actually talk like that much of an uptight—”

  “Of course not. I’m a cool guy.”

  We both start laughing, and she begins telling me about her morning and her first client. The waiter interrupts and we order salads.

  “It sounds like you’re off to a great start. Has everyone been friendly at the salon? I hope Jennifer hasn’t been giving you a hard time.”

  “She’s tough, but I can handle her.”

  “I bet you can. You’re a tough girl.”

  She pauses as if she has something to say, then looks down at her ringing phone in her purse.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I need to take this call. It’s my mother and she’s picking my son up for me today.”

  “Of course, go ahead.”

  I gesture for her to take her call, and distract myself with my own phone. I always have a bunch of messages.

  The child. I keep forgetting that part. I put it out of my mind. We’ve just met and who knows if this is going anywhere. And the little boy has a father, and what seems to be a large extended family. They don’t need involvement from me.

  Bianca puts her phone back in her purse and says, “My mother has to meet some potential wedding clients this afternoon, and she’ll have to drop Mick by the salon on her way. It won’t be until close to my normal quitting time. Do you think that will be okay?”

  She bites her lip. Her red, plump…oh, she asked a question.

  “I don’t see why not. I’m sure all the ladies would love to meet the baby. Well, at least Gloria would.”

  She smiles. “Yeah, I don’t get many maternal vibes from the rest of them.” She thanks the waiter, who has just brought our food. “Amy is especially icy. Or maybe she’s just hard to read.”

  I intently focus on pouring the dressing on my salad and mixing it just right.

  “Amy is…a bit…prickly. But she’s okay. She’s a good hairdresser and has a loyal following. Many of the most private, reserved clients like her.”

  “That explains why her client was napping in the chair today. Very reserved.”

  I laugh and spear a big piece of lettuce, tomato and crouton.

  Placing my fork down, I lean in and say, “Bianca, you know I am going to make this public soon, right?”

  I motion between us and hope she is still interested in ‘this.’ She doesn’t need to know I told Jennifer. That will complicate things and dredge up the past. It’s best this way for now, but I don’t want her to think she’s my dirty little secret, either.

  She looks flustered and says, “Yes, I know. I’m not anxious about it. I just started at the salon. We can keep it our little secret. For a while. It’s kind of sexy, don’t you think?”

  I smile and grab her free hand, squeezing it, then softly rubbing…

  Oh, hell. Amy’s at the door. Can’t she fly her broom out of the neighborhood for lunch?


  Lunch with Eric was fun, but felt a little rushed. I can’t wait until Thursday night when we can go out together without worrying about time limits.

  I’m a bit concerned about this party. I didn’t want to ask a lot of questions, but it sounds like it is work related for him, and that makes me apprehensive. I have no idea what to wear. I need to remember to ask Mom what she thinks.

  Mom…thank God for her. When I told her Max couldn’t watch Mick Thursday night, she jumped on it without hesitation. I’m not sure if that’s because she wants more time with her grandson, or she’s hoping another man snatches me up and helps me to get over Max.

  As if that’s a problem. Sometimes you’re getting over someone long before you end the relationship. With Max and me, it was a slow erosion, ending in a huge explosion.

  Now that I’m back at the salon, I’m all set for my meeting with Hyacinth, the cosmetics rep from Concrete Jungle. I almost have to pinch myself—I can’t believe my luck. I never thought the day would come that I would meet someone from my favorite makeup line, and I’m the one who is in charge of buying!

  I am tidying up my work space, more out of nervous energy than need, when I hear Jennifer greeting someone. I look up. There she is. Wow, she’s so chic.

  As they approach me, I take in Hyacinth’s professionalism and style. Her flawless, caramel colored skin is accented by her soft brown hair with the perfect highlights. The combination of her coloring and her sculpted cheekbones, almond shaped eyes and full lips are stunning. She’s wearing what must be a designer suit in a deep plum, which matches her lip gloss. Wow.

  I recover from my fan girl worship in enough time to shake her hand, as Jennifer introduces us. She runs off, back to her office. Honestly I don’t know what she does in there all day.

  “Bianca. What a gorgeous name. It’s great to meet you.”

  She holds my hand and makes intent eye contact.

  “Same here…and your name is also beautiful. Very unique.”

  “Yes, well Mama is an original. Daddy wanted to name me Laverne, after his mother. Thankfully my mother is the stronger willed one in that relationship.”

  She smiles and her teeth are huge, straight and white.

  I stop staring and offer her a place to put down her makeup kit, which I am practically salivating over. Just thinking about seeing all that gorgeous color…

  “So you just started here. That’s so exciting.” She begins opening her trunks and set
ting up various jars, bottles, and containers of glamour.

  “Yes, it’s a dream come true for me. I love it so far.”

  Hyacinth purses her lips and looks over her shoulder before speaking. “You can be straight with me. This isn’t exactly the coziest working environment, but it’s a good start. Just remember you work for them now, but some day you’ll want to work for yourself.”

  We sit down at the consultation desk in my work area, and Jennifer reappears with a coffee for our guest. She didn’t ask me if I wanted anything, but I’m wired enough.

  “Thanks, Jen.”

  I wait until Jen retreats and say, “I can’t even imagine having my own business doing makeup. I wouldn’t even know where to find clients.”

  “We can chat more about that later, but there are so many ways. You should join some Facebook groups and start putting together a portfolio. Bid on some independent gigs.”

  “My mother runs a catering business and she’s lined me up to do some wedding parties.”

  She touches my arm and leans forward. “That’s a nice start, but you want modeling shots, commercials, Sports Illustrated covers, movies.”

  Is she insane?

  “Wow, those are some lofty goals. Wouldn’t know where to start. Well, actually I guess you just told me what to do, but I don’t know. It feels…”

  “Too ambitious? Are you married, Bianca?”

  She glances at the pictures on my desk and continues, after I shake my head.

  “And you are the mama of this precious little one?” Now I’m nodding. “Well, then I’m telling you—there is no such thing as too much ambition.”

  She glances at her phone and says, “I’m a little pressed for time today, but we need to talk more. Next time I come for a sales call, we’ll do lunch. And you can fill me in on your experiences here. Oh, and when you start your portfolio, don’t use these old bitches you’re making up in this place. I’m sure you have some equally beautiful girlfriends. Use them. Get creative. You’ll see that I’m right.”

  I stare at her and decide that I am going to let this go for now. If I get any more overwhelmed my head is going to pop.

  “Oh, and call me Cin. All my friends do.”



  I’m beginning to get excited about tomorrow night. The party is being held at a private club downtown, and apparently it’s one the Alexanders also belong to. I wish Raven was back in town, but I’m sure Eric will do everything he can to make me feel comfortable.

  And it’s not like I’m an idiot. I can talk about intelligent things.

  After Cin left yesterday afternoon, I was pumped up and high on color, glitter and shine. Jennifer informed me that I had a last minute client coming in. Apparently Linda Grimes was flashing her new face all over town last night and one of her friends called to see if I could ‘squeeze her in.’

  I smiled at that because my calendar is certainly not filled up, but then I remembered that my mother was bringing Mick to the shop and dropping him off. I texted her to make sure it wasn’t going to be too early. The last thing I needed was my toddler running around the salon on my second day of work.

  Mom said she was coming around four, so that was plenty of time to work with Linda’s friend.

  Alice is a little younger than Linda. She told me they’re neighbors. Alice’s husband is a lawyer and she is an English professor. Therefore we spent a good deal of time talking about my name.

  “Did your mother name you Bianca because of Shakespeare, or did she just find it in a baby book?” She giggled and I liked her right away. I didn’t get the feeling she was talking down to me.

  “Actually, yes. She loves Shakespeare.”

  We went on to discuss the catering business and my family’s history. I felt comfortable with Alice, and she seemed fascinated by my life. She wasn’t as interested in telling me what she wanted done to her face as Linda was.

  “Just work your magic.”

  Alice had good skin and few wrinkles. I’m guessing she’s about my mother’s age. Layered chestnut hair frames her slender face, and her eyes are deep brown, with lids that disappear when she opens her eyes. Max has similar eyes.

  We were happily chatting away, and the time melted as I applied blush, mascara, two different eyeliners, lip liner, gloss, lipstick, and eyeshadow in four colors.

  Yes, I gave her the works, but the beauty of it is that she didn’t look heavily made up. Just chic and ready for anything.

  As she was looking in the mirror and admiring my handiwork, the front door bell tinkled and in walked my mom and Mick.

  “Mama!” Mick came running to me before my mother could stop him. I was hoping Jennifer was in the middle of whatever she does in her office and would stay in there for a while.

  Gloria immediately came over to see my baby and meet my mother. They were chatting and then Alice jumped up to join the conversation.

  “Oh, this is the little guy. So nice to meet you, Sharon. Your daughter is a miracle worker. I can’t wait to get home and show off my new look. However, my husband has a late meeting downtown, so I might get some girls together for a night out.”

  As Mom got acquainted with Alice and Gloria, I made sure Mick didn’t get into anything.

  But I turned my head for a second and he was over at Amy’s station. She had just finished a client’s haircut, and was directing Stephanie to sweep up the hair. Stephanie looked like she wanted to shove the broom up Amy’s ass, but she began sweeping.

  With her attitude, you would think Amy would have the most skill with brooms of anyone in this salon.

  Mick was babbling something at Amy, who said, “Oh yes, your mommy should be watching you.”

  “Sorry, my mom was just dropping him off. I’ll be going now.” I picked him up and placed him firmly on my hip.

  Amy looked at the clock on her work station and sighed, “Well, I guess you don’t have many clients yet, so leaving early isn’t a big deal.”

  I was going to respond with an equally snotty remark, but that’s not going to help me.

  “Good night, Amy.”

  Mick waved bye-bye because he has no idea when someone is the spawn of Satan.

  Mom had to run, and it sounded like Alice asked her to join her and her friends later. I don’t know if Mom would do that, but I wish she would. I’ll be home with Mick tonight, and I feel increasingly guilty about her lack of social life.

  Gloria’s late afternoon color appointment came in, and Alice was off as well.

  I thought about knocking on the office door to say goodbye to Jennifer, but I wasn’t in the mood for any more negativity and distasteful looks directed at my beautiful child.

  I was grateful for Gloria, who ran over to say good bye to Mick, holding his little hand and tickling him.

  “He’s adorable.” She leaned in and whispered, “Don’t let the others get you down. They’re just jealous that their lady parts are going to dry up and fall out, before they can trick a man into tolerating their attitudes long enough to reproduce.”

  I smiled, thanked her and gathered up my stuff. Mick was yelling ‘bye-bye’ all the way out to the sidewalk.

  I picked him up again and shifted his weight onto one hip, as I attempted to keep my purse and the diaper bag on the other shoulder. Then I realized I should have gotten my keys out when I was still inside.

  “Can I help you, Miss?”

  I looked up and Eric was standing over me, smiling.

  “Oh, hi. I didn’t know you were coming back to the salon this afternoon.”

  “Jennifer called and said she wanted me to go over some numbers.”

  He hesitated and I began to wonder if ‘numbers’ is a code word for something else she was asking him to ‘go over.’

  “Anyhow, here I am, and I was hoping to see you before you left. I forgot the little guy was coming to the salon today.”

  How could he forget? I had told him at lunch, a few hours before.

  Eric co
ntinued to stare at Mick as if he wasn’t sure what to do about his presence.

  At first, that set off warning bells in my head. Not every guy can date a mother, and not everyone likes kids. It occurred to me that this has never been an issue for me because when Max and I broke up previously I didn’t have Mick, so I didn’t care if any of the guys I hooked up with had a family inclination.

  I broke the silence and said, “Well, have a good meeting with Jennifer. We’re going home to—”

  “Bun-Bun, Mama!”

  “What is he saying?”

  “He’s talking about the bunny my grandmother brought for him. Great gift, right? Now I have a bunny to take care of.”

  Great job, Bianca. Now he was thinking you’re like a cross between the old woman who lived in a shoe and one of the girls on the teen mom reality show.

  “A bunny? Like an actual living rabbit?”

  He looked towards the salon, and I remembered that we were standing in view of its occupants, should they choose to concern themselves with the happenings on the sidewalk. Knowing Amy, her nose was probably glued to the window as she pretended to straighten up the magazines.

  “It’s cute, but it’s another job for…never mind. So the party tomorrow? Am I meeting you?”

  “I’d love to come pick you up, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure, I’ll text you my address. You missed meeting my mother today.”

  Now he was thinking that this is like high school dating. Most men in their thirties don’t have to meet mothers when they pick a date up at her home.

  “I look forward to it.”

  For a split second I thought he was going to lean in and give me a kiss, but he would have had to get close to Mick, who would have either pushed him away, pulled his hair or giggled. That’s what he does when Max kisses…kissed…me.

  I busied myself with digging out my keys, and Eric sprang forward to help. Presumably having a task made him feel less awkward.


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