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Body Switches

Page 16

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "Can she hear your thoughts?" Harith asked, when they reopened their eyes.

  "She did last time." Colin shrugged.

  The doorbell rang. Puzzled, Charlene went to open it – it was the gypsy-looking girl.

  "Hello there," she greeted with a grin, joining Harith and the kids on the floor. "What are you doing?"

  "We're trying to help Dad," Colin said. "He said we should call you. And that you can tell us the story of the man who came this morning. I don't like him."

  "Why not?" she asked, glancing at Harith.

  "Because I feel he threatens my family," Colin answered through clenched teeth.

  "Oh, no, he doesn't," the young witch assured. "He loves this family very much. He wants to be part of it – but he's too proud to ask for help."

  "But we already are a family," Hugh objected.

  "True," she said. "But you're not complete at this time. When Ciaran really calls me, things might change." Again, she glanced at Harith. "I want to hear it from him, you see."

  "Hear what?" Colin asked, puzzled.

  "That he has made up his mind."

  "Can't you tell her, Dad?" Colin demanded.

  "It's not me she wants to hear it from," Harith assured. "Sanjana, why don't you tell them the story of the witch who switched people's bodies against their will?"

  "Sa-man-tha!" Colin corrected bluntly. Harith shrugged while Charlene guffawed.

  Samantha giggled. "Actually, last time it was a wish for both of them. Except they realized they actually liked their own bodies after all. People should be very careful what they wish for, you know?"

  "Who were they?" Charlene voiced her curiosity faster than Harith. Samantha wasn't talking about the present body switch, so she'd obviously done it before.

  "A married woman and a gay young man who so wished to have a female body, but he couldn't afford the sex change," Samantha smiled. "As for the woman, she liked fantasizing about two men together, so I gave her a male body and a male lover so she could try it herself."

  "Oh, my!" Charlene couldn't believe her ears. "I guess that's not really a story for children."

  "I guess not." Samantha winked. "In this case, though, it wasn't a wish, so the spell will be dissolved when both parts tell me they want it dissolved."

  "I most certainly want it dissolved, I want my life back!" Harith said.

  "I know, Harith, you're not the one I worry about," she replied, rising. "I better go now. Let's hope he comes round soon."

  Charlene saw her to the door.

  "Why did she call you Harith, Dad?" Hugh asked.

  "Isn't that a baseball player's name?" Colin added.

  "Yes, someone who might teach your team one day if everything goes right," Harith answered. "Do you mind going to your room while I talk to your mom for a moment?"

  Colin sighed, but obeyed, followed by Hugh. Harith stood and followed them with his eyes as they dragged their feet up the stairs. Charlene stood next to him with her arms crossed on her chest, not trying to touch him for a change.

  "What do you think?" he asked, worried, when the kids were out of earshot.

  "I think if Keith does as he promised, tonight Ciaran will be driven over the edge and call Samantha," she said. "Hope your mother won't be too upset."

  "She's used to it. I'm her favorite son, but she knows I'm a little crazy," he said with a sheepish smile.

  She guffawed. "A little crazy? I don't think any mother can take a gay son well! She must be wonderful!"

  "She is," he said, thinking wistfully about his mom. "And she's grateful to Keith, because if I had gone back to India, I might have entered a hijra community and given up my manhood. But unlike the guy the witch mentioned, I've never wanted a female body."

  "But you like cocks," Charlene said with barely hidden mirth.

  "Absolutely. Well, now I'm tied to Keith's cock, but that's fine with me," he grinned. "I learned my lesson, and I won't cheat on him again!"

  "Tell you a secret," she whispered conspiratorially. "I also love cocks."

  "Really?" He pretended to be shocked. "Now hate me, please, because I suggested to Ciaran we ran away together. And I sucked his... well, my dick as well."

  "You didn't! You bastard!" She didn't know if she should laugh or be mad at him.

  "I did. I was upset. I'm sorry." He made his puppy eyes. It worked even with Ciaran's body.

  "Stop that!" She dismissed him with a smile and a shrug. "I better fix some dinner."

  "Want some help?"

  "Sure. By the way, never tell Ciaran you told me about the blow job. He'd go ballistic knowing you gave away his secret."

  "I won't," Harith promised. "But what about you, will you keep it to the grave?"

  "I'll have to if I want to keep this marriage going..."

  "Do you?"

  "Do you want a divorce from hunky Keith?"

  "Hey, that's my husband, hands off!"

  She grinned at him as they started on the dinner preparations and he understood the joke.

  "You're wicked," he grumbled. But he also thought Charlene was nice and they could really become friends. Unlike her husband, she was much more fun to be around.


  Ciaran was a little nervous when he lay down next to Keith. Well, Keith knew he wasn't Harith, so hopefully he'd keep his hands to himself... not! As soon as they settled under the sheets, before switching off the light, Keith's arms wrapped around him.

  Ciaran stiffened and turned his head to look at him. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm not Harith!"

  "But you do have Harith's body," Keith replied, kissing his shoulder. "Don't worry, it won't hurt, he's used to it."

  "But I don't want you to touch me!" Ciaran protested. "I don't care if it's his body, just take your hands off!"

  "Hush!" Keith said. "There's Harith's mother beyond that door."

  "And you want to have sex with me with Harith's mother so close?" Ciaran whined.

  Keith grinned. "Why not? She's used to it. Harith is very sexually active, albeit in a passive position. We do it every night, but you've kept me at bay for a week."

  "I'm not Harith!" he exploded before Keith put a hand on his mouth. Again he had spoken too loud.

  "Do you want her to figure out what's going on?" Keith asked innocently.

  Ciaran's eyes filled with tears, and since Keith's hand was still on his mouth, he shook his head. Keith let him go and he gasped for breath.

  "Please, Keith, don't do this," he begged, as Keith was still holding him. He was so terrified he didn't think he could use Harith's muscles to free himself. Besides, a fight would definitely call Rekha in the room.

  Keith stared at him, serious. "I'll leave you alone tonight," he said. "But not tomorrow." He let him go and turned his back on him, switching off the light.

  Ciaran relaxed and breathed deeply, trying to control his racing heart. Safe for now. But if he didn't switch back, Keith would fuck him. Oh, shit.

  Ciaran curled up to sleep, but it wasn't a peaceful night. He often awoke under the impression that Keith was touching him only to hear him breathe peacefully nearby. He couldn't remember his dreams and woke up more tired than when he'd gone to bed. Keith was already up, so he went to the kitchen, where he also found Rekha.

  "Morning," he said grumpily. "Namaste."

  "Greeting your mom with a Namaste sounds corny even to me," Keith scolded. Then he turned to Rekha. "I'm sorry, Aunty, obviously the nine-to-five job has upset your son more than he's ready to admit."

  "I will help you make everything right," Rekha replied with a smile as Ciaran stared puzzled at both of them. "You chant the Gayatri Mantra this morning, Beta. It will help." She nodded at a startled Ciaran.

  Keith handed him a cup of coffee. "I'm taking your mother for a ride – she needs a few things. As you look so tired, we'll let you rest. And you can do that mantra in peace, I'm sure it will help. See you later."

  Still speechless with surprise, Ciaran glanced at Rekha who nodded wi
th a grin, putting down her empty mug of tea. He followed them with his eyes and started sipping his coffee when he heard the front door bang closed. Okay, Keith had left him alone. He was supposed to call Samantha and put everything straight. But how?

  He had no idea of what mantra he was supposed to say, but he doubted a Hindi mantra could summon an extraterrestrial witch. "Extraterrestrial" and "witch" didn't go together well either, but then, sci-fi and fantasy were closely related, weren't they?

  Bullshit. This was real life, not a cross-genre story. What was he waiting for? What was he afraid of? What did he really want?

  Holding his mug with both hands, Ciaran went to sit on the couch, pondering. "Samantha?" he called tentatively. She must be a telepath – now, witches and telepathy made sense or...?

  "Yes?" Her sudden appearance startled him. He gaped at her. "What?" she asked, amused.

  "How did you...?"

  "You don't believe in fairies, thus I had to convince you I'm real..." She winked with a grin.

  Ciaran opened his mouth and closed it. He gulped, unsure of what to say next, and put down his mug as the blast of adrenaline had worked better than caffeine.

  She clasped her hand behind her back, swinging like a little girl waiting for a treat. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

  "Ah, er... how about... um... can you please switch us back?" He stood to face her, feeling uncomfortable even if he was slightly taller.

  "Mm, maybe," she said.

  "You want to hear it from both of us?"

  "I already heard from Harith. What I haven't figured out is... have you made up your mind?"

  "What do you mean?" he protested. "I never wanted to be in somebody else's body in the first place!"

  "I know, but I thought both you and Harith needed a lesson to appreciate what you had. Have you learned that lesson? Are you aware now of how lucky you are to have a family like yours, children and wife alike?"

  Ciaran stared at her in disbelief. So that was what it was all about? His indecision? Harith's quickie? A lesson from a twenty-something who was a real witch and could switch bodies at will?

  He gulped again, trying to slow his heart, opening and closing his fists. Not that he wanted to hit her, but he did feel like screaming in frustration. Which would probably make things worse, he figured.

  "Ciaran, I can read your mind," she warned with a mischievous smile. "So tell me, what do you feel for Charlene? You still see her like a sister? How did you feel yesterday when you talked to her?"

  Ciaran averted his eyes, embarrassed. "I miss her," he admitted. "But it's not true that I forgot how to be happy! I told her I only needed time..."

  "And was a week enough?" she insisted, staring at him with her sky-blue eyes.

  He sighed. Was it? This all felt so surreal...

  "I have an alternative, you know?" She stepped closer and winked. "Want to hear it?"

  "Uh... yeah." He was wary, though.

  She giggled. "Do I scare you?"

  "No. Just say the alternative so I can make an informed choice."

  "Okay!" She clapped her hands once and took a deep breath. "So, would you rather come with me to Silvery Earth? It might have been created by a child with a wild imagination and an overdramatic story sense, but it's not just for kids. You can find your lost and regretted innocence. But you must leave everything behind – including Colin and Hugh."

  He stared at her, incredulous. "And how would that work for Harith?"

  She shrugged. "You switch back and then you vanish from your family's life with your own body. It might be tricky to implant a false memory in them – but it can work."

  "A false memory?"

  "Of course, we'll have to fake your death. How else can you hope to escape this world?" She grinned. "You won't die, though – you'll become immortal."

  "A vampire?"

  "No!" She chuckled. "Your body will just freeze as it is now."

  Ciaran exhaled, nonplussed. "You should have offered this when I was younger," he grumbled.

  She shrugged again. "Sorry, it took me some time to find you among the billions who walk this world. So, what's your choice? Remember it's final."

  The alternative wasn't very appealing. He didn't want to lose his family. Not even Charlene. He glanced at the brunette in front of him – she couldn't compare. Suddenly he longed for Charlene's body. If it was the witch's influence, he couldn't tell. And he didn't care. He had made up his mind.

  "I want to go back to my body, my family and my life!"

  "You better sit down then. Your head is going to spin," Samantha warned, amused.

  "Why, you're doing it right now?"

  "You want me to wait for tonight?" she teased. "Before or after Keith fucks you?"

  "No! No, please, do it now!" he said, plopping seated as his knees gave way under him. "But what about Harith, will he be all right?"

  She smiled. "I think he will."


  Harith was grumpy when he woke up in Ciaran's body once again. "I guess Keith failed," he muttered to Charlene, who sighed. The children were in their room and they were still in the kitchen, lingering after breakfast. "Why is your husband so stubborn?"

  "He's Irish," she said with a shrug. "Perks and disadvantages of marrying someone from another culture. I'm sure you could say a lot about us Americans and our differences. And India is even more different than Europe."

  "True." Harith sighed. He stood to put the empty mug in the sink and his head spun. He shook it, closing his eyes, as his knees gave way under him. He fell... onto the couch. Surprised, he opened his eyes and saw his own apartment, his own body. He rushed to the bathroom to make sure – yes, that was his face! He was back!

  "Whoot!" he screamed, exhilarated. He went back to the living room, looking for Ciaran's cell phone. He called his own number, and Charlene picked up. "Charlene, how is he?" he asked, excited. "I'm back in my body – is he okay?"

  "Bumped his head on the kitchen sink, but he's fine." Charlene seemed to be laughing and crying at the same time. "Thank you, Samantha!"

  "Can you put him through?" Harith insisted.

  "Hang on."

  Harith waited, pacing the small living room.

  "Harith, damn you, did you have to stand at that moment?" Ciaran complained.

  "I thought you had failed," Harith replied. "I didn't know you were doing it!"

  "Keith took your mother out and I called Samantha. She told me to sit down, and I asked her about you but she said you'd be fine. Of course, you were seated, damn her!"

  Harith laughed out loud. "I guess she gave you a final punishment for waiting so long," he said. "Well, when you can, bring me back my phone, unless you want me to walk all the way there!"

  "You've done it before," Ciaran sounded sarcastic now.

  "I actually ran all the way the first time," Harith admitted. "Why don't you do it this time? It would keep you fit."

  "Harith, fuck off. Oh, and be ready for tonight – Keith won't hold back."

  Harith chuckled. "I'm totally ready, Ciaran, don't worry. I'm looking forward to it. I'll be in all day when you want to drop the phone."

  "I'll come after Mass." Ciaran hung up. Harith switched on the stereo and started dancing through the apartment, then crashed on the couch with a sigh of relief.

  As soon as Keith walked in, Harith's heart started beating faster and he brightened, jumping to his feet. But his mother was also present, so he put his hands behind his back and grabbed his own wrist, squeezing tight to stop the temptation to throw his arms around both of them.

  They stared at him a little puzzled. His mother walked to him and touched his forehead, worried. "Are you all right, Beta?"

  He quickly answered in Hindi, glancing at Keith's reaction and barely containing the exhilaration when he saw Keith grin in understanding.

  His mother turned to look at Keith, surprised. "He is healed!"

  "Indeed." Keith sank his hands in his pockets, likely for the same reason Harith had
blocked his behind his back. "The mantra you suggested performed a miracle, Aunty."

  "You should have been able to suggest it yourself," she chided.

  "I'm sorry, it's just slipped my mind. Harith was so... weird, I guess I couldn't really think properly. Trust me, you don't want to spend a week with Icy Harith."

  "Icy Harith?" Harith winced. Must have been Ciaran's refusal to be intimate with Keith. "Is he worse than Vain Harith?"

  "Much worse," Keith assured with a smile.

  "What have you two been up to?" Rekha asked, crossing her arms on her bosoms. Her eyes went back and forth between the two of them, but she wasn't angry.

  "The seven-years crisis," Keith said. "We say that after seven years most couples have problems and need to overcome their greatest challenge."

  "Why seven years, why not nine or ten?" Harith asked, thinking about Ciaran.

  "Well, sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less," Keith replied. "I think we'll end up sailing smoothly through the ordeal, now... What do you say?"

  Harith lost himself in Keith's brown eyes. He so wanted to rush to him and hold him tight... "I love you, Keith. You are my husband and my life."

  Keith moved one step forward, then stopped, glancing at Harith's mother.

  "Mummyji, will you excuse us?" Harith asked, unable to take his eyes off of Keith. "I need a moment with mere dilbar."

  She smiled and nodded. "I will prepare some food," she said, heading for the kitchen.

  Harith pursed his lower lip and then slowly smiled. He sprinted into the bedroom, followed closely by Keith. They fell on the bed together and their mouths sought each other as their arms squeezed the other's body, hands exploring.

  "Oh, God, I missed you!" Keith gasped for breath and kissed Harith's neck, sending shivers down his spine.

  "Missed you too, chikna," Harith whispered, out of breath. "Let's get my mother out of the way. And you're not going to work tomorrow."

  Keith pulled back. "Says who?" He frowned, but his eyes were still smiling.

  "I do, Doctor. You'll be too tired to go to work tomorrow."

  "Is that a promise?"

  Harith nodded slowly, caressing Keith's face.

  "And can you hold it until your mother is gone?" Keith teased.

  "Try me," Harith replied before pulling him down to kiss him passionately.


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