Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 60

by Natalie Aejaz

  He glanced at the dance floor and then did a quick visual check of the surrounding area. All seemed fine, and his shift had just ended so the timing was perfect. He sent a message, asking the wolf to come to his office. He then sought out Freya. “I’m heading up to my office for a bit before going home.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at the dance floor. He followed her gaze to two young men who were eying up a group, the members of which glared back at them. They looked as if they were on the verge of creating a ruckus, but the elf was more than capable of handling it. “Good night, Junaid. See you tomorrow.”

  He went up to his office and had barely settled on the sofa when Shaun came in. “Thanks for coming,” Junaid told the shifter.

  “No problem. Angie and I were here tonight, anyway. She’s in the hotel spa, being pampered.”

  “Good for her. Fancy a drink?”

  “Beer would be great, thanks.” Junaid grabbed two beers from the fridge in the office corner and then placed them on the table. Shaun took one and leaned back, sipping as he stared at Junaid. “So…what is this about?”

  It was not often that Junaid called people for a drink, especially to his office. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”

  “What’s up?”

  “It’s the kind of information you’ll have access to.” Shaun owned his own property firm and had dealt with all sorts of finance firms during his career. He could access details on any investment worth knowing about. “I need to know the financial worth of an Association member.”

  Shaun released a low whistle. “Wow. You rarely ask for anything, and when you do, you go all out, don’t you? But go on. I’m listening. Who’s the member?”

  “My friend who came to the party last night—Ivy Smith...” Shaun’s lips curled up. “It’s nothing like that.”

  “Of course it isn’t, mate. Because none of us saw you stick your tongue down her throat at the party. But I didn’t realize she’s an Association member?”

  “Unfortunately, she is. And I need to know what her financial situation is.”

  Shaun frowned. “I don’t get it.”

  If he wanted help from Shaun, he would need to be as honest as he could. “The Association has a big hold over her and her mother. From what I know, it’s controlled their business for years. I reckon Ivy has no idea of what she’s worth, but if she knew how much money she had behind her, it might be the security she needs to get out.”

  “Bastards.” Shaun’s jaw tightened. “I understand, mate. I’ll get it done.”

  “Cheers, Shaun. I really appreciate it.”

  But the wolf was not done with the conversation as he leaned back in the chair. “So…what’s up with Ivy and you?”

  “Nothing. I’m just concerned for her.”

  “Of course you are. That’s why your eyes are flickering nonstop as you speak about her.”

  “I’m beginning to think it makes little difference how I feel about her.” He shrugged. “She’s been brought up in the Association. She’s spent her whole life being brainwashed against us.”

  Last night, when she called him, she had finally opened up to him—and she’d let go of her reserve at the party, even though she was surrounded by supernaturals. But this morning, she’d panicked at the thought of her mother finding out…gone back to being the old Ivy. He’d called her since then to check she was all right, and he’d only got a text message back asking him not to worry.

  “Let me tell you one thing,” Shaun said, “The first time Angie met me, she was shit scared because I’m a shifter. But when feelings get involved, people forget about stuff like that. And now she can’t get enough of my fangs and claws.” He grinned. “It took us time to get there, but when we did, everything that came before was worth it. Even going against the mob for her was nothing…I would have gone through much more to have what we do now.” A text came through on his phone, interrupting his words…words that had sparked a yearning inside Junaid. What Shaun and Angie had…was it a possibility for Ivy and him? “Speak of the devil. Her spa treatment’s over.” He downed the rest of the beer. “Think about what I said, Junaid, and see you soon.”

  After he left the office, Junaid leaned back against the sofa and closed his eyes, a smile on his face as he allowed himself a daydream where Ivy and he shared what Shaun and Angie did. That togetherness, the security of knowing they wanted each other and would be with each other. The commitment. It would take time, but he would break through Ivy’s reserve. Until then, just being with her was enough.

  When a call came through, it was from her. His smile widened as he picked it up…did she want to see him tonight? His lion growled in content at the thought she couldn’t keep away from him.

  “Hi, Junaid.” Her voice was small, putting his beast on edge. Had something else happened?

  “Are you all right, Ivy?”

  “Yes. I just need to talk to you about something. Is it possible we could meet?”

  “Sure. Where do you want to meet?”

  “Shall I come to your office tomorrow, at Phoenix? Say about 11?”

  “Yes. But are you sure everything’s all right? Can we meet now?”

  “Let’s talk tomorrow.”

  He knew better than to push her. “Sure. See you tomorrow.”

  He hung up the phone. It was like a fucking slap in the face, reminding him that things would always be like this between them. Respite would not last long before reality kicked in.

  Something was bothering her, but she’d raised those barriers again, refusing to let him in or be there for her.

  He locked his office before returning to the club. He stood at the upper landing, staring down at the dance floor where he had first seen her, laughing and dancing in that white veil as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  That was the real Ivy, but would she ever allow herself to emerge?

  THE NEXT MORNING, JUNAID REACHED the hotel early. After his reprimand during a previous visit, the receptionists no longer eyeballed him, behaving like professionals as he approached the reception.

  “How can I help you?” asked the brunette.

  “I’m expecting a client—Ivy...”

  She nodded. “Of course. I’ll send her straight in when she arrives.”

  More expensive artworks had been added to the collection in the corridor, and inside his office, there was now a top of the range coffee maker, and an ergonomic chair replaced the one that had been there the last time he was here. Apparently, Blade and Shaun wanted to give the hotel an extra edge over the competition. Good for them.

  He pulled out his laptop and began to work, but it wasn’t long before he pulled up the details of the Association booking. The date of Ivy’s marriage ceremony was not far away…

  I need to get through to her…make her see she’s making a mistake.

  If only she could look past his nature long enough to trust him.

  Damn, he didn’t need any commitment from her, even though he meant what he said in the hotel room. He loved her, but he’d be happy if she just gave them half a chance.

  There was a knock at the door and his heart went into overdrive, jumping all over the place while his lion shifted inside him.

  “Come in,” he called out.

  She entered, dressed in a black skirt that reached her ankles and a short sleeve green blouse, her hair tied up. Those green eyes flitted here and there, everywhere but at him. Even in that conservative get-up she looked so damn appealing that he instantly wanted her. But she was here to talk. Her stiff expression was enough indication of that.

  But damn, he couldn’t stand this distance between them. Just one kiss...he strode over to her and pulled her to him, slanting his lips over hers. She instantly responded, kissing him back as her arms went around his neck. As she palmed the sides of his neck, her thumbs played with his ear lobes, stroking them.

  They had seen each other just yesterday morning, yet… “Ivy…I’ve missed you…”

ache that had plagued him since yesterday intensified as he passionately kissed her. Every muscle in his body fired up, the need to be with her surging through him…

  Damn, this human would be the death of him.

  He pressed her up against the wall, his body against hers so there was no space between them. Now her hands went to his hair, trailing through it and applying pressure to his head so his lips molded even harder against hers. Her hips pulsed against his, her core demanding to be closer. He released her blouse from her skirt waistband and then pulled open the buttons.

  We were supposed to talk.

  But instead his mouth moved down her neck, caressing the softness at the base of her throat. For a moment, he wanted to mark her there, so no other shifter would ever come near her…but he resisted the temptation and traveled down, pressing his mouth against those soft mounds. When he sucked her nipple through the lace of her bra, she whimpered at the contact. “Shaun,” she whimpered. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Finally, those damn words, telling him she actually bloody felt something for him.

  He wanted nothing more than to finish this, but he was done with the uncertainty. It was driving him over the edge…not knowing where he stood with her. He stepped back and buttoned up her blouse. She frowned, confused by his reaction. “Junaid?”

  He placed both his hands on the wall, on either side of her head, and stared into her eyes. “Ivy. I need more. I want us to be together.”

  “I know. And that’s what I came to talk to you about.” Her face was no longer tense with passion; instead, a mask covered it.

  Don’t say it…please don’t…

  But whatever it was, he needed to hear it. He needed to know, one way or the other. He took another step back. “Go on. Talk.”

  “I know that the last time we met, we had a special time…and what we have…it goes beyond sex, but—” Her bottom lip trembled, and she cast her gaze to the bloody floor. No, today wasn’t the time for that shit.

  “Ivy. Look at me.”

  She looked up, wiping away the dampness from her eyes. “You don’t understand how it is, Junaid. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”

  “Yes, I don’t understand why you’re so adamant on marrying someone you’re not happy with…someone who you’ll never be yourself with…”

  “I need the security.” A retort came to his lips, but he bit it back, allowing her to continue. “When father died, mother and I were left exposed. We didn’t have the position in the Association that we do now. Father had been a member, yes, but not particularly committed. Not committed enough for the Association to spend its resources on protecting us.” And because of Harrison’s background, there must have been enough criminals wanting to get back at Ivy and her mother for one thing or another… “Mother got herself into a state because of the fear and made sure I knew of the danger we were in. I was only twelve at the time, and let’s just say, I used to spend nights awake.” As she spoke, her eyes went blank, as if she was talking about someone else. “I’d spend nights under the stairway, awake and trembling, frightened. Sometimes, I’d hide under my bed and other times, mother forced me to sleep in the same bed as her. Those nights were the worst. Listening to her crying and praying all night in fear. As soon as she fell asleep, I would creep away and climb under my bed. I wouldn’t sleep there, either, but at least I’d be away from her fear.” He tried to imagine himself in the place of a child, waiting for killers and rapists to burst through the door, with nobody but a petrified mother to turn to. And he began to understand…why it was so important to her to be secure… “With every sound, I would think a group of men might crash through the door, just as mother had told me they would…and do horrible things to me. I—”

  When her voice broke into sobs, he took her in his embrace, kissing the top of her head. “I didn’t realize, Ivy.”

  She cried, soft, against his chest as her arms went around him. “You have no idea how it was, being so scared and alone. We only felt safe after John gave us his protection and the Association’s support. Once that happened, we could sleep without fear of being raped and murdered.” He couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for a twelve-year-old to go through all that shit. His lion roared at her pain, even as he made an effort control his voice, murmuring support against her ear, allowing her to stay still for as long as she needed. Eventually, she stepped back, taking that warmth with her as she wiped her eyes. “I can’t turn my back on the Association and risk ending up in that place again. I know there are problems with the organization, but if I leave, I will be unprotected and alone. Even mother might disinherit me.”

  She would do that to her own daughter? For a fucked up organization?

  “I’m here.” He silently cried out for her to accept him. “You’ll never be alone…you’ll have me.”

  “For how long? Saying you love someone is easy. But we only met a few weeks ago, so how can I trust you to be there?” She shook her head. “The truth is, I can’t. But the Association will always be there for me…I can’t risk that for the sake of someone I hardly know.”

  “Ivy…” He didn’t finish, because what could he say to convince her? She was right…they hardly knew each other, and after what she’d been through, expecting her to give up a secure future for him was a big ask.

  “And we both know what the situation is between supernaturals and humans. How can I leave the Association and come to you, when tomorrow, your kind might turn against me?”

  “They wouldn’t touch you.”

  “You can speak for every single one of them, can you?” When he didn’t respond, “We’re both adults, Junaid. We know what the score is. If things ever kick off between supernaturals and humans, it will be even more difficult for us to be together…and if it didn’t work out, I’d be out on my own with not even a dime to my name. At least, this way, there’s no chance of me being left alone and with nothing. Eventually, I will inherit dad’s property, and I’ll be able to look after myself.”

  Money had never mattered to Junaid, and now he wished it had. If he’d invested like Blade and the others, he would have owned more than his apartment…the way things were now, he had little to offer Ivy. But he had plenty of money to invest, and all he needed was time… “What if I can ensure a financially secure future for you—”

  “I don’t want anything from anyone else. I only want my rightful inheritance. And I want to feel safe…something I will never feel with you. When I was a child, I used to shiver thinking humans might come through the door. I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m scared of supernaturals coming after me. The only way I can be sure I won’t have to face that is if I keep my position within the Association—”

  I’ve lost her.

  He turned around and slammed his hand on the table, staring down at the wood.

  And then the pressure pounded inside his head, warning him that the beast wanted to emerge. No. He didn’t need to remind her of what he was, not when his nature kept him apart. But his lion wouldn’t be subdued, and his voice came out as a deep growl. “You are mine, Ivy.”

  “I have made my decision.” Her words came out on a sob. “I’m really sorry, Junaid…you’ve no idea of how I wish things could have been different...that we could have been together…”

  When the door handle clicked, indicating she was about to open it and walk out, leaving him forever, something inside him took over. Before he could stop himself, he turned to her. With a shifter’s strength, he took her by the shoulder with one hand and pressed her against the wall as he locked the door with the other.

  “Junaid,” she whimpered. When he glanced at the hand on her shoulder, her eyes followed. His fingernails were now claws. He should let her go before the image of his beast was imprinted on her mind…but frustration raged inside him, taking his head to a place where he didn’t give a damn anymore.

  All he knew was that he wanted this woman before him.

  “Ivy…” His voice was d
angerously deep. “I need you.”

  Her gaze landed on his mouth, and her eyes widened. Fuck, his fangs.

  She pressed her hands against his chest, but he didn’t budge. He took both her wrists in his hand and pressed them above her, and with the other, he took her waist and brought her against him. Madness overtook him as he kissed her, careful not to hurt her with his fangs. And when he trailed his tongue along her bottom lip, she arched against him, a small murmur leaving her mouth. He bit her bottom lip with a fang, soft, and she gasped. “Junaid…”

  And then she kissed him with a hunger that matched his own. When he felt her soft lips moving against his, his lion took over. He should let her go. She was right; with that organization, at least she would be safe. But damn it, he just couldn’t. He had to be with her.

  He clawed at her blouse buttons with one hand as he pulled her skirt up with the other. Her fingers went to his shirt, her own behavior almost animal-like as she pulled at the material until the buttons were forced open. And then her hands were all over his bare skin, moving down toward his trouser waistband to open his fly.

  Keeping one hand on her breast he moved the other to between her legs. When he trailed a claw along the inside of her thigh, she whimpered against his mouth. She enjoyed his touch, even when the beast was with him…

  The knowledge made him bolder, and he dragged his claw higher, using it to slice through her panties. At the tearing sound, she moaned, loud. “Junaid…”

  He shifted his lips from her mouth and took them down to her exposed breast. Keeping one hand on her other breast, he sucked her nipple before scraping it with his fang. She enjoyed that, too, her hands going to his head and pressing him tighter against her breast. He lifted his face to glance into her hooded eyes as he edged his knee between her legs, pressing them apart. When he placed the tip of his cock against her entrance, her lips parted in anticipation, back arching. He pressed into her, filling her. As he pulled out and pushed back in, hard, she gasped.

  Both his hands were on her breasts as he shoved into her. Her head fell back against the wall as her fingers went inside his shirt to grip his bare shoulders. Her nails bit into him, and she cried out with each thrust, her hips rocking as she demanded more. “Junaid. Harder.”


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