The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1)

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The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1) Page 13

by JA Low

  I decide to send him an email instead, and it bounces back.

  Luca has blocked me.




  My phone beeps and a message from Lilly pops up.

  Lilly: Please stop calling me. You were nothing more than a holiday fling.

  Lilly’s words stab me in the heart. No, she…

  I try to call her, but she hangs up on me.

  Lilly: If you don’t stop harassing me, I will get a restraining order.

  Wait! What?

  I let the phone fall from my fingers. What just happened? Does she really mean it?

  “I’ve brought ice-cream and The Notebook to help you get through your heartbreak.” Natalia walks in, takes one look at me and stills. “What happened?”

  “Lilly and I are well and truly over.”

  Natalie’s eyes widen in surprise. “No, I don’t believe it.”

  Picking up my phone, I hand it to my sister, and she reads Lilly’s text messages. “Oh, Luca, I’m so sorry.” Pity falls across her face. “I thought she was the one.”

  “So did I.” Anger bubbles to the surface. “Fuck this! I’m not going to stay home and wallow over a woman who doesn’t want me. Let’s go out.”

  “You sure?” My sister doesn’t look convinced at my newfound willingness to socialize.

  “Yes. Between the drama with Rachele and Lilly, I’m done with relationships.”

  “Look, I’m all for blowing off steam, brother, but—”

  “No buts, Natalia.” Determination takes over my words when I state, “I’m going to go out tonight, and I’m going to have some fun.”

  “Fine,” she says, with a roll of her eyes.

  My head hurts. I think I’m going to be sick.

  Why did Natalia let me party so hard last night?

  Why is my arm dead?

  I try to move It, but it doesn’t budge.

  What the? Cracking my eyes open, I see red hair fanned out across my arm. My heart rate accelerates dramatically. Who the hell is this? She rolls over, and an unfamiliar face comes into view as well as a naked breast.


  Pulling my arm out from underneath the stranger quietly and carefully, I jump out of bed hoping not to wake her.

  What the hell did I do last night?

  The hot water slides over my aching body as the night’s events come back into my mind slowly.

  Lots to drink.

  Partying with my friends.

  Loads of beautiful women in the VIP section.

  Images of lips on mine.

  The feeling of being invincible running through my body.

  Clothes being shed.

  Pushing her warm body up against a wall.

  My head hangs in shame. Why?

  A hand comes to rest on my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts, and it makes me flinch. The gorgeous redhead is now naked and in the shower with me.

  “You ready for round two, big boy.” My dick deflates instantly.

  “I’m sorry. I… I think you should go.”

  Her face drops. “Are you sure?” She attempts to reach for my dick, but I stop her.


  “Fine. It was fun. Call me if you’re ever in the mood again.” She exists the shower in a flurry of excitement and leaves.

  Like hell, I’m going to call her.

  What the hell have you done, Luca?

  Walking out of my bedroom dressed for the day, I find my brother sitting in my lounge room sipping on an espresso.

  “There’s one on the table for you. Thought you might need one after last night.” Raising a brow at me, he’s not looking all that impressed.

  “Thanks.” I take a sip and sigh. This is exactly what I needed to make me feel human again.

  “Cute girl.” Internally, I groan at his observation.

  “Don’t want to talk about it.” Sulking, I take a seat on the sofa.

  “Fine. Just wanted to check you still want to employ Lilly Simpson, after…”

  Hearing her name makes my heart ache and not in a good way. If I’m honest, I feel so much guilt about hooking up with someone last night, but Lilly has made it perfectly clear on multiple occasions she doesn’t want to be with me. Guess I was too thick, or too in love to get it.

  “What? No. Why would I do that?”

  “Because she broke your heart, brother.” Giorgio raises his brow at me.

  “I’m adult enough to know she’s a brilliant doctor, and having her expertise working with the charity will be beneficial to the underprivileged.”

  “Noble.” My brother smirks at me.

  “I’ll get over it.”

  “We can send her to the other side of the world if that helps.” Giorgio grins. “She’d still be helping, and you wouldn’t have to be reminded of the woman who’s broken your heart.”

  “As long as it’s somewhere safe.” For even thinking that way, I feel instantly like a dick. “Just because we aren’t together anymore doesn’t mean I wish her anything but the best.”

  “I’ll make sure she is safe, brother.” Giorgio nods.



  It took me a while to come to terms that Luca has blocked me on everything. Thankfully, not Google, but from what I saw on there, I wish I was blocked there too. There are recent images of him on nights out with his friends with gorgeous women hanging off his arm. He looks like he’s having the time of his life.

  Maybe it’s for the best.

  The rose-colored glasses of our relationship seem to have fallen off, and I guess we weren’t meant to be. I mean, come on, he’s a prince, and I’m a doctor, we could never work. I’d probably pick up the wrong fork and embarrass him with my inadequacies.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving already.” Lauren cuddles me.

  I have spent the past couple of weeks in Italy learning everything about the charity I’ll be serving. I’ve been back home in Scotland for a week to pack up and say goodbye before I start my job in Bangladesh. I’m so excited to be heading somewhere that’s different to my current life, I’m ready to dive into the rich culture and be totally out of my comfort zone. I want to work in a place that really needs me.

  “I know,” I murmur while wrapping my arms around her tightly.

  “I feel like I’ve just gotten you back, and now you’re leaving again.”

  “It’s only a three-month contract. And then who knows? I might be somewhere closer next time.”

  “I hope so. Can you put your name down for something at least in Europe? I could convince Alistair to go there. I don’t think he wants to do another twenty-hour flight anytime soon.”

  “I promise, I’ll try for somewhere a little closer.”

  “I don’t want to say goodbye.” Lauren sobs.

  “Me, either.”

  Three Months Later

  Bangladesh—what an amazing experience. The sights and sounds, even the smells, have seeped into my bones in such a short time. I really loved it.

  What I realized during my time here is where I want to specialize. I want more to do with women’s health and especially human trafficking. I was really exposed to that seedy underground world while in Bangladesh. Refugees being taken advantage of because they don’t have any papers, so therefore, they don’t have a voice. Women thinking they are being employed as a domestic service but end up in prostitution. And, of course, birth control is non-existent in these underdeveloped nations.

  So now my contract is up, I asked if they would consider transferring me somewhere where I’ll be able to help vulnerable women. And that’s how I find myself in Brindisi, in Southern Italy. It’s a large port town in the Mediterranean. It’s also a major portal for human trafficking because of its close proximity to Albania, which is the gateway for Eastern Europe where the majority of the girls come from.

  I’m excited to be closer to home for the next six months.



Months Later

  “Oh my God, the Prince is coming.” Bernadette grabs me, shaking me with excitement.

  “Who?” I’m distracted writing up a report for my department head.

  “Prince Luca. That man is so delicious.”

  My stomach sinks right out of me.

  Luca? Luca is coming here?


  “Now, Lilly. You have to come and see for yourself. The prince is literally the most gorgeous man in the entire world.” I can see it on her face how excited she is to meet Luca. I don’t need to know how good looking he is, or how he smells, or the way he fills out his expensive suits because I have been trying to forget, but not doing a great job of it.

  “I have to finish this. I’ll be out in five.”

  Bernadette rolls her eyes but runs out the door.

  I don’t want to see him.

  He has made it abundantly clear he wants nothing to do with me, so I’ll give him his wish and hide away out here.

  “There she is,” my boss, Ronaldo, states from behind me. “Our best doctor in the clinic, Lilly Simpson. She’s been the biggest godsend. She’ll be sadly missed when she leaves us next week to work in Albania.” I can hear the warmth in Ronaldo’s voice, and it’s nice to know how much I’m appreciated.

  Turning around in my chair, I pause when I see who he’s standing with.

  Shit! I thought time apart would turn him into something unappealing. Unfortunately, it looks like time has made him even more handsome if that’s even possible. He looks broader too.

  “Lilly, this is His Royal Highness Luca Fiorenzo,” Ronaldo announces proudly.

  Standing, I bow my head ever so slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.” Not entirely sure what the protocol is here, so I go for it. Those chocolate eyes turn almost black as they stare at me. His clean-shaven square jaw is tense—actually his whole body seems awfully tense—and the silence between us turns more and more awkward.

  “May I talk to Miss Simpson for a moment.” Luca looks back at Ronaldo.

  “Oh, yes, of course. I’ll just be outside.” My boss’s eyes widen as he hastily retreats through the door. Once he’s gone, I sit in my chair and return to what I’m doing on the computer. I can feel rage radiating off him from behind me. Well, screw him, I say.

  “You have nothing to say for yourself?” I start hitting random keys on my keyboard with no idea what I’m actually doing, my mind is so focused on the man behind me.

  “Me?” His voice raises.

  My swivel chair turns so I can look at him.

  Luca’s face looks like thunder, his nostrils are flaring, and feet are planted wide apart—he could not look any angrier if he tried.

  “Yes, you. The one who blocked me completely out of the blue.”

  Those dark chocolate eyes narrow in on me. “Out of the blue?” He looks confused by my statement as his head flicks back. “You’re the one who messaged and told me you would call the police if I ever contacted you again.”

  Wait! What?

  “Are you high?” Standing, I’m whispering my question.

  “Are you crazy?” He learns forward while glaring at me and frowning.

  “Why the hell would I tell you I’d call the police if you ever contacted me again? I tried to call you to…” I trail off while shaking my head, never mind, the reason why doesn’t matter right now, “… to check in. I wanted to be friends after everything that happened.”

  “Friends?” He begins pacing the room, running his hand through his lush black hair. He smells so good. Damn him. Urgh. “You wanted to be friends with me?”

  Okay, the way he’s saying ‘friends’ indicates it’s something negative.

  “You texted me. I called you, then you sent me this…” Pulling out his phone, he hands it to me. Our hands touch, and we both feel the zap. Quickly, we move our hands away from each other.

  Looking down at the last text message I sent him, I read it.

  Lilly: Please stop calling me. You were nothing more than a holiday fling.

  Then, there was a phone call.

  Lilly: If you don’t stop harassing me, I will get a restraining order.

  What in the hell?

  “I didn’t send you this stuff.” What’s this? I shake my head in disbelief.

  “Evidence says otherwise, Lilly.” The way he says my name it’s with pure disgust.

  “When did I supposedly send this?”

  “The date’s there…” He points to his phone.

  I scroll up a little and look at the date.



  No, he wouldn’t be that cruel, surely?

  Realization sets in.

  “That motherfucking little bastard.” Standing abruptly, I hand Luca his phone. I want to punch something.

  Oh God, my chest is becoming tight.

  I can’t breathe.

  I can’t damn-well breathe.

  “Lilly. Lilly… are you okay?” Panic crosses Luca’s face as I start shaking my head rapidly.

  “I…” pulling in shallow rapid breaths, “… can’t…” more hyperventilation, “… breathe.” My eyes widen as the panic attack takes over my entire body.

  You need to calm down, Lilly.

  Calm the fuck down.

  “Here…” Luca grabs a paper bag and places it over my mouth. I breathe a couple of times, then sit on my seat and slump forward.

  Luca crouches between my legs. “Are you okay now?”

  Shaking my head, I take a deep breath in, then out and repeat it a few times to calm myself.

  “The night that message was sent, Rob showed up at my door.”

  Luca looks taken aback, his hand reaches out and grips the arm of my chair tightly.

  “We had an argument. He said some hurtful things, and I ended up in tears in my bathroom. When I came out, he was on my phone, but he told me was just looking at the time.” Luca looks up at me. “I think he wrote those messages.” A tear falls down my cheek. That bastard ruined what might have been my happily ever after. “After he left, I tried to call you. I realized…” Shaking my head, it doesn’t matter now.

  “You realized what?” Luca asks.

  “It’s too late now.” Another tear falls down my cheek.

  “Tell me…” Luca reaches out and wipes the tear away from my cheek with his thumb.

  “It won’t change anything.”

  “You don’t know that,” he says almost on a whisper as he stands.

  “Are you happy, Luca?” So I can look at him properly, I also stand.

  “I don’t know.” He rakes his hand through his hair, his head shakes slowly.

  “Before today… were you happy?”

  “I thought I was, but…”

  Shaking my head, I state, “I could never regret you, Luca.”

  “Lilly…” I see the pain etched across his features.

  “My life is here helping people… your life is there helping people.”

  The door to the room opens and in walks a beautiful younger woman. She looks familiar with her long black hair and chocolate eyes. “We have to go.” Those chocolate eyes are jumping between the two of us, and they are full of concern.

  “I hope that has cleared things up, Your Highness.” Trying to be professional, even though I know I look anything but, Luca looks at me, and I notice the anguish behind his eyes.

  “Luca, we have to go.” The woman’s a little more forceful this time.

  Luca turns on his heels and rushes out the door.

  The woman frowns, then turns and follows after him.



  “Are you okay after seeing her again?” Natalia asks as we take the car back to Rome.

  Lilly didn’t message me. Rob did. Her damn ex.

  Lilly was alone with her ex, and he made her cry.

  Fuck! I should’ve been there. I should have protected her from him like I promised her I would.

  That little fucker

  He fucked with what Lilly and I had. He couldn’t cope with the fact she didn’t want him, that she wanted someone else, so he made it so she couldn’t have me either.

  “Fuck.” Punching the seat in front of me, I breathe heavily through my nose.

  “Luca!” Natalia screams, her eyes widening at my angry outburst.

  “Lilly didn’t send the messages, Nat.”

  My sister shakes her head, a little confused over my train of thought.

  “Who… sent it, then?” I hear the hesitation in her voice. I am sure she thinks I’m losing it.

  “Her ex was there the night they were sent to me. That’s why she didn’t pick up my first phone calls. She said they had gotten into a fight. He made her cry, and she went to the bathroom. Upon her return, she noticed him playing with her phone, but Lilly had no idea he’d sent anything.”

  “Oh, Luca…” Natalia reaches out and grabs my hand.

  “She said she tried to call me after he left. That she wanted to tell me something, but then…”

  Fuck! I punch the seat again.

  “Luca, calm down,” my sister chastises me.

  “I blocked Lilly, then fucked someone else when she was at home waiting for me to call her back, hoping that I still felt the same way as her.” My eyes close as I try to reign in my anger. “She still loved me, Natalia. I know that’s what she was calling to tell me. Now I have fucked it the hell up. I’ve fucked up so much.” Damn my fucking ego right to hell.

  “No, her ex fucked you both over. This isn’t your fault,” she tries to reassure me.

  “We’d be together now if…”

  “I know.” Natalie’s squeezes my hand. “You can’t change the past, brother, but you can rewrite the future.”

  Damn, when did my sister get so wise?

  “She told me her life is here, and mine is there.”


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