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Page 22

by A L Carter

  Chapter 27

  The wake

  Three days before Derwyn sets out on his mission, things had been particularly gloomy around the store lately since the death of the three men. Reg suggested that they have a wake in their honour. Everyone agreed thinking that it would be wrong to continue punishing themselves forever and if anything their tragic death meant that life was for living. They all got busy preparing the food and there was plenty of booze now so they could really have a blowout. Unable to wait any longer they started at five o'clock and hitting the booze hard, it was probably the first time they had really let loose, since the supply run.

  Two hours into the wake they had got the karaoke machine working and they were all taking turns at having ago. It went down a storm and the booze kept flowing. Sid sat there feeling remarkably pissed which was unusual as he considered himself a hardened drinker. He even warmed to Malcolm chatting with him and actually finding him quite a funny guy. He even applauded him when he did a pretty good attempt at a boy named Sue by Johnny Cash. Dawn and Mandy did a hilarious rendition of it's raining men with Reg jigging around the two women comically. But Sid thought it was time to upstage them all when it was his turn. He chose I will survive by Gloria Gaynor. Enthusiastically launching himself into the song and dancing, which was something he could never remember doing even in his younger days. He threw himself into the part with a passion and suddenly realised that he was stripping off. With no complaints from the audience only encouragement, even Mandy who was wolf whistling. He felt himself getting hard as he stripped down to his white y-fronts. More whistles and cheers with the women cheering and pointing at his boner clearly visible through his pants. When the number finished he continued his provocative dance as Trisha and Lucy launched into their rendition off I'm horny horny horny. They too stripping down to their underwear and then everyone got up to do it, dancing often removing items of clothing in the spirit of things. Sid was even sure he saw a flash of black bra from Mandy but then his head began to spin and he retreated to his chair. He sat there staring into space with a stupid grin on his face before things suddenly turned grey and eventually faded into nothing.

  Reg had returned to his seat and sat triumphantly sipping on a fine whiskey, a fine whiskey that he had left un-drugged. He allowed a sly grin to show on his face, his plan had come to full fruition. It had been a long time in the making gaining everyone's total and unreserved trust even the ignorant oaf Sidney who he despised for his low intelligence. His grin widened as more of the group gave in the full effects of the drug he had given them all, returning to their chairs or just laying down where they stood. During the scavenging, he had been fortunate enough to obtain some Benzodiazepine. Of course, this is more commonly known by the brand name Rohypnol which is medically used for insomnia and sleep disorders. But it is more commonly known for its use in date rape. It could and did induce sleep but it's more interesting was its ability to bring on a sedative-hypnotic state. Meaning that they could be woken, and be easy to manipulate, unable to resist. The effect could last for hours especially because none of them had any tolerance for the drug. He also had enough to prolong the state for several days. He looked at the scrumptious sluts that now awaited him at every whim. Remembering the conversation with Sid, when he had told Sid he was incapable of sex due to an accident in his twenties which left him impotent. He laughed out loud at the thought but nobody was with it enough to notice or indeed care. Being anything but impotent, in fact, he was a satyr having the ability to ejaculate multiple times without stopping and performing for hours. So this had been absolute torture for him having to go so long without having sex, he would have frequent visits to the toilet to relieve himself. But this never really satisfied him as being with a woman. He had had this gift or curse which at times it was both since puberty. In fact, he had been committed in his teens by his parents who were disgusted by his behaviour, unable to control himself he would masturbate in front of friends, family, neighbours and at school. Eventually, in his twenties, he was released from the institution with his condition seemingly under control with the help from medication and therapy. But he had used the time there wisely obtaining a degree in psychology. Another ability he had was his intelligence his IQ was 190 and he had an uncanny ability to learn things fast. But his main interest was always people, not that he particularly liked them. But he did like to control them particularly women so he could have sex with them. He was never considered a handsome man and women never looked at him that way or approached him. So he sometimes paid for sex but they would often complain that he hurt them. Not just with his sex but when they wanted to stop because they were sore, he then would get violent, punching, biting and pinching them. Local prostitutes were afraid of him and would avoid him. Several times they had complained to their pimps and they would come for him. But that was another thing about him; he had great rages, maybe due to high testosterone or his constant state of frustration. The result of these visits was that pimps would end up in the hospital badly beaten by him, and eventually, they would be no more visits. He would stop using prostitutes and started kidnapping women. He chose homeless types ones that wouldn't be as missed. For a start, he would keep them for several days before releasing them. But this wasn't enough for him he needed more so he kept them much longer, months even years. Some died from his attentions, his rages or they committed suicide. But he never got caught, always covering his tracks and being smart. He thought about the women he now had. This time he had to be careful and keep them alive because he may not be able to replace them.

  Chapter 28

  Max and Marie return home

  They had woken up earlier about six, breakfasted and checked over the new vehicles. Went through the supplies they had packed and all was present and correct. There was still some room left so Max added two tents, sleeping bags and bedrolls. He had found time to read through the rest of the books last night, and was now more knowledgeable in many more subjects. This new gift still amazed him along with the confidence he felt in his ability to perform these new skills. The book on sailing though had got him thinking though that maybe they were doing the wrong thing by going back to the farm.

  "Do you think we’re doing the right thing going by going back," he asked.

  "What do you mean?" Marie replied.

  "Well you gave me the sailing book, maybe there's somewhere better," he suggested.

  "Oh yes I did didn't I, well it was a thought for the future that if things don't work out then maybe we could sail away," she informed.

  He thought about this and he felt that overwhelming feeling of peace wash over him, having only experienced this after a rage before and never on its own. It would be nice just to escape to some secluded island which maybe had no infected and only friendly people. He felt a poke in the ribs which brought him around.

  "What," he jumped.

  "You were away with the fairies for a minute there," she said.

  "Sorry I couldn't help it," he explained.

  "So what were you thinking," she asked.

  "That maybe we should forget the farm and just go, find somewhere remote maybe where there are no zombies," he replied.

  "Maybe you right but a part of me still wants to give the farm ago, I mean it been fairly zombie free on the farm," she suggested.

  "Yeah I suppose so and now we have better weapons," he agreed.

  "Exactly and if we went somewhere else it could be worse," she pointed out.

  "Okay let’s give it another go and get back to the farm," the decision was made but at the back of his mind, he felt it could be a mistake.

  They were ready to leave now, Dinah rode with Marie and Max was solo. As they both left the compound they hadn't said it but they both felt the same feeling of loss at leaving the humble defender. It was true that it wasn't a patch on their new Panthers but it had served them well and was sorry to leave it behind.

  Marie followed behind Max who knew the route far better than her and also having his
uncanny ability to divert from the route when necessary without losing his way. They were making good time and were already three-quarters of the way home. The Panthers were a good choice, agile and powerful and being armoured meant that they were able to slam through groups of zombies without incident. The onboard radios were also useful and were able to maintain easy communication with each other. She thought back to his earlier comments about getting away and finding somewhere different, maybe she was wrong to persuade him to go back. Maybe she should radio him now, but she didn't and trying to tell herself that everything would be alright. She then recognized the country roads that would soon lead them through Ravenstone village. Yes, they could give it a go first then decide off it's worth staying and felt better about it now. They were in Ravenstone village now and Max came on the radio.

  "Don't worry but I want to make a stop at that place we saw on the way through," he warned.

  "Oh no not the house of horrors," she said with shock.

  "Yes well pub anyway," he corrected.

  "Why the hell do you want to stop there, I for one don't want to end up on one of them spikes," she informed.

  "We’ll be fine I have a good feeling about this," he revealed.

  She looked at the radio, was he going crazy, information overload or something. He pulled into the pub car park past the bodies and heads on spikes and stopped next to the white van. Marie parked her Panther next to his, seeing the van up close she noticed that it looked like the stickering had been removed. There were also bloody smears and handprints along its sides.

  Max exited the vehicle; Marie was already doing the same and indeed was tooling up as it were. She slung a Warhammer over her back and grabbed a combat shotgun, her belt already carried a Glock and ammo pouches. He himself also had two Glocks on his belt and ammo pouches and throwing knives about his person. Scanning the area there was no sign of danger and the only zombies were the dead ones on spikes. Not feeling the need for more weapons he locked the Panther.

  "Aren't you getting a big gun," Marie said looking at him incredulously.

  "Nah we’re fine to bring Dinah," he instructed casually.

  Her eyes went wide with frustration but let the dog out to join them nonetheless. She then followed him through a gate and round the back.

  Marie sniffed the air smelling something above the stench of the dead, "No I can't be can it."

  "Yes, its chips and if I'm not mistaken sausages," he confirmed.

  Dinah's ears pricked up while doing her own investigations seemed to agree. Max then confidently stepped up to the door and gave a solid knock.

  Inside the pub, Jones and Jenkins were enjoying their lunchtime meal of sausage and chips and bottled real ale which was currently running dangerously low. Then suddenly they both heard a loud firm knock from the rear door for the whole time they had been here they had never been disturbed, not once, their gruesome deterrence appearing to have worked.

  "That's unusual Jones," Jenkins exclaimed.

  "We had better go and see sir," Jones said picking up a shotgun on the way, this they had managed to scavenge from a local farm.

  They were soon at the rear reception area, Jenkins going through the first door to the main door. Looking through the spy hole he could see a huge man maybe six five in height broad and heavily muscular. The man was dressed in black military fatigues with two Glocks visible on his belt. He should be highly intimidating but there was something calm and peaceful about the young man’s eyes. He stood aside so Jones could have a look.

  "What do you want," Jones demanded.

  "Oh er... hi erm," the replied as if unsure of an answer.

  "What kind of an answer is that," Jones pointed out.

  "Excuse me I was just a little caught off guard there, we're just here to introduce ourselves really, we are based at a farm a few miles away and were passing by after a supply run." He explained better this time.

  "You look military," Jenkins asked.

  "No we're not military just survivors," he offered.

  "You said we, how many are you talking?" Jones demanded.

  "Just three," he declared.

  "Let's see you all then," Jones continued.

  "Okay I'm Max and this is Marie," he replied.

  A young short athletically built young woman stepped in front of the spy hole, "Hi there."

  "Who's the third?" Jenkins pursued.

  Moments passed then a hairy ginger face appeared sporting fangs big ears and apparently a broad grin. Both Jenkins and Jones took turns to look before bursting out with laughter.

  Twenty minutes later he, Marie and Dinah was sitting in the pub with their new friends eating freshly made fried sausage and chips. Even Dinah had been well catered for and was sitting content at their feet. They were also enjoying a nice refreshing lager along with their meal.

  "We didn't mean you to go to all this trouble for us we only meant to introduce ourselves," Max apologised.

  "No that's fine, you seem like decent people a commodity not so easy to find in these strange new times," Jenkins said.

  "Anyway we couldn't turn down the little dog and incidentally we were cooking her favourite food,” Jones added.

  "Well it's really nice of you both, but you've reminded me on how much I miss chips," Marie thanked them.

  They all laughed at her comment and agreed that you can't beat chips. When their plates were empty Jones quickly brought in chocolate fudge Sundaes for everyone, which Marie was also very pleased with. When they had finished they got up to leave feeling they had overstayed their welcome but the two men would hear nothing of the sort and encouraged them to stay. They were encouraged to tell their stories so they could get to know them better, which they did however a slightly condensed version. After this they got to hear the gentlemen's story, revealing that they were indeed coppers or at least used to be. They were both great characters and were fun to be around with their witty banter. Time passed and drinks were plied until Max realised it was early evening, he strangely still felt sober even though he hadn't had a proper drink since he couldn't remember. But Marie had already passed out on the comfy bench seat. However, he was told not to worry there was a bed here for them both and they could stay as long as they liked. Max was impressed with the two coppers and he somehow knew that they were totally trustworthy. Later that evening Jones brought out several bottles of single malt whiskey and he noticed a few glances between the two men. Max seemed to pick up on the meaning of this meant that he was worthy and that he was highly honoured.

  Jones offered a blanket for Marie as she now seemed in deep sleep, which Max covered her with. The three men then retired to the other end of the pub to give her some peace and quiet. So they all sat savouring the fine liquor and enjoying each other’s company.

  "So what are your plans for the future Max," Jenkins asked.

  "Well the general idea is to try and make a go of it at the farm, improve defences and plant some crops," he explained.

  "Sounds a nice idea if you’re left alone," Jones interjected.

  Max raised an eyebrow, “If we're left alone."

  "I guess you don't know about the areas 'Boss'," Jenkins added.

  "Boss," Max said with a puzzled expression on his face.

  "Yeah a man called Mick now runs the area with his now expanded gang of thugs," Jones informed.

  "Before the infection happened he was a well-known gang leader then, mainly drug dealing and extortion," Jenkins added.

  "Ah the gang that forced you from the station, but aren't we out of his area," Max reasoned.

  "Not necessarily, we keep out of the patrol areas but you drove straight up one of their main reconnaissance routes I just hope you went unnoticed," Jenkins said with concern.

  "But if you do decide to go back I would recommend extreme caution especially with the military vehicles you have as they are something they would definitely want to take from you," Jones warned.

  "Look you three have really grown on us in a short
space of time and you’re welcome to stay with us," Jenkins said with sincerity while looking towards his partner.

  "Yeah it surprises me to say it but I've already grown fond of you all especially the small one with teeth," Jones added with a wide smile.

  Max felt a bit overwhelmed and was unsure of what to say, “Well okay thanks I'll talk to Marie about it tomorrow."

  Jones opened the bottle and topped up their glasses, “Okay drinking time then."

  Hours later it was around one in the morning and Jenkins had passed out hours ago and was snoring in his chair head tipped back with his mouth wide open. They had been hitting the whisky hard and even Jones felt himself fading. He looked at the young man incredulously who just smiled back at him. The man was a prodigy with no apparent ill effects of the night’s libations, His eyes still friendly but sharp and clear, with maybe a touch of humour in them but not mocking him. Jones mind puzzled this over, it didn't make any sense he had never seen anyone drink like that and seem apparently unaffected. To look at him lad must have led a very healthy lifestyle both in what he ate and drank as well as living in the gym for years on end. Undoubtedly there was something strange going on with the lad but at the same time, he knew he could completely trust him. How he knew this he had no idea, maybe he just had cabin fever at being just in Jenkins company for so long. Then Jones did something he hadn't done in a long while and passed out.

  Max looked on at the two ex-coppers both sprawled back snoring and maybe drooling a little. They were both good men inviting them into their home in these strange times. He felt a little guilty especially about Jones, knowing that a little friendly drinking competition had been going on between them. His inability to get completely drunk was probably down to his rapid healing ability and it felt like cheating. But lets it, face Jones would have beat him hands down hours ago if not for this. He thought about what they had said earlier and they seemed genuinely concerned for their safety, but he also now protective towards these men. Also having a feeling that something would soon change and put even their little paradise at threat, and he didn't necessarily think it would be to do with this Mick and his thugs.


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